Percy meets The Mortal Instru...

By enostervy

225K 5.4K 1.7K

This is a crossover between Percy Jackson and The Mortal Instruments WARNING there may be spoilers. POV stan... More

Percy meets The Mortal Instruments
Chapter 1 Clary POV An Unusual Encounter
Chapter 2 Annabeth's POV A Strange Couple of Mortals
Chapter 3 Percy POV The Most Unlikely Friend
Chapter 4 Isabelle's POV What a Day
Chapter 5 Percy's POV Shadowhunters?!!!!!!
Chapter 6 Magnus's POV Disaster and An Allie
Chapter 7 Isabelle's POV Isabelle's Peril
Chapter 8 Jace's POV Danger In Our Midst
Chapter 9 Annabeth's POV Wise Girl Has No Words
Chapter 10 Nyx's POV An Unusual Turn of Events
Chapter 11 Maryse POV I'm Scared for Isabelle
Chapter 12 Clary's POV A New Dangerous Game
Chapter 13 Gaia's POV Sebastian's First Capture
Chapter 15 Alec's POV Alec's Shock
Chapter 16 Clary's POV A Full Dose of Adventure
Chapter 17 Annabeth's POV Into Monster Woods We Go
Chapter 18 Nico's POV The Reunion
Chapter 19 Percy's POV Ugh Meetings.
Chapter 20 Percy's POV We save a little girl
Chapter 21 Percy POV We fall into the Dark
Chapter 22 Nico's POV The Lost Family
Chapter 23 Nico's POV The Discovery
Chapter 24 Clary's POV Monsters, again....
Chapter 25 Jace POV Annabeth's concerns
Chapter 26 Clary's POV We return home (or close enough)
Chapter 27 Percy's POV The Last Battle (Hopefully)
End? (AN) and Poll
OC's ? And ANs
Poll Results!

Chapter 14 Nico POV Disaster Lurks

4.4K 126 17
By enostervy

Chapter 14 Nico POV




“Who is that?”


“Is she an enemy?”


Shouts filled the air. And after about five minutes of nonstop campers yelling questions. I yelled. “Shut up!”


The yelling stopped. “This is Nyx the primordial goddess of the night. And this is Isabelle Lightwood.” I said gesturing to the Goddess and Shadowhunter beside me.


Then out of the crowd of Demigods came Leo. Who ran forward, and hugged me.


“Um…. Leo thats enough hugging.”


“Oh sorry dude, but where were you? I tried Iris messaging you, and when you didn't respond we were all worried about you.” He said gesturing to our friends. Jason, Piper, Hazel, and  Frank.


“Where’s Percy and Annabeth?” I asked.


“They haven't arrived at camp this year yet.” Chiron said. Walking past the Demigods who moved out of the way, not wanting to be stepped on by a centaur.


“Wait-You mean Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase? Isabelle said.


“You know Percy and Annabeth?” I asked. looking at my new friend with a shocked expression.


“Yes I think I do,  if we’re talking about the same people.” She replied.

“Why don’t you three come into the Big House and explain. Why there’s a Shadowhunter with you. And why Nyx is with you.

We followed Chiron down to the Big House.


----------Time skip Half an hour later. Nico had finished explaining everything to Chiron----------


----------Isabelle’s POV---------


“I see….” Said Chiron after Nico explained everything that happened, and after a minute or so of thinking he said. “Isabelle we should get you home. And when you get there, please tell Percy and Annabeth that we could use their help planning strategies for the upcoming battle.

“I’m very sorry Chiron……. But I wont be going home quite yet, somehow Sebastian is involved in this, and that means that the shadowhunters are now involved in this war.” I replied

“She’s right you know.” A feminine voice said.


Turning towards the door  I saw a tall, slim girl, with short frizzy red hair, bright green eyes, and a smile on her face.


“Rachel!” Nico said.


“Hey everybody!” She said waving, walking over to the ping pong table we were all sitting at, and sitting down in the chair beside Chiron.


“Who are you?” I asked.


“Oh hi. We haven't met yet have we…... I’m Rachel Elizabeth Dare, The current Oracle of Delphi.” She said. Making the peace sign with her fingers.


“I’m Isa-”

“I know who you are.” she said. Interrupting me. “I've known about you shadowhunters for years, but you always seem so secretive that I’ve never actually talked to a Shadowhunter before.“

What’s the Oracle of Delphi?” I asked.

“I’ll tell you latter.” She said. “Right now we should tell your family that you're safe, and get in touch with Percy and Annabeth.”

“I’ll Iris message them.” Nico said getting up and walking over to the fountain in the corner of the room. Throwing in a golden coin into the mist getting sprayed up by the fountain, he said. “Oh Iris goddess of the rainbow, show me Percy Jackson, and Annabeth Chase.”

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