A Future From Hell

By Shinedownlover560

57.1K 1.3K 263

When Goku died of the Heart Virus, his only daughter, Rosamoona, was only one. Six months later, the Androids... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty *Bonus Chapter!!!*
Chapter Thirty-One
Back From the Future

Chapter Twenty-Six

1.5K 35 14
By Shinedownlover560

I paced the room, trying to stay calm. Today was the day of the Cell Games, and I had a knot in my stomach the size of a basketball.

"Trunks, honey, calm down. Everything's going to be okay," Mom told me.

I sighed, but continued pacing, a habbit I picked up from Moon. I had a bad feeling that I couldn't shake. Is this how she felt before I left?

Thinking of her causes me to sigh yet again. I missed her so much. And I couldn't wait to get back to her.

"Trunks," Mom said again, placing a hand on arm. I stopped pacing and looked up at her. I could see the worry in her eyes, but she was doing her damned near hardest to get rid of it. She was trying to stay  strong.

"I'm sorry," I tell her.

"It's alright. I know you're nervous, but please stop pacing. You're making me nervous too. Well, more so then I already am."

I laugh slightly. "You're always telling that to Moon. She never listens though."

She laughs with me. "No, I wouldn't expect her to."

We stand in a comfortable silence for a few minutes. When I glance at the clock, I sigh for what seems like the millionth time.

"Come on," I say to Mom, taking her hand.

"Wait..." she replied, quickly leaving the room. She came back with Baby Me in her arms. "Okay, now lets go."

I nod, transporting us to Moon's house. Mom and was staying there with Chi-Chi during the games. Chi-Chi jumped a little when we got there.

"Oh, it's you," she said.

I shrugged. "Who did you expect?"

"Honestly, I don't know."

"Hey, Trunks! Bulma!" Goku calls. Looking over at him, I see Gohan behind him. Moon was awake in his arms. She looked scared.

"Hey you guys," I reply.

"Are you ready for today?"

"Goku, I'm nervous as hell," I tell him honestly.

"Yea dad, I don't see how you're so calm," Gohan agrees. Moon silently nods.

Goku just smiles at us. "Don't worry. Everything is gonna be fine."

"You better be right," Chi-Chi warns, shaking a wooden spoon at him. "I want both of you back to me after this is all over."

Raising his free hand, Goku flashed us the smile Mom always told us about. "We will Chi-Chi. I promise."

Chi-Chi seemed satisfied with that answer. "Good. Now, promise me that Gohan won't be fighting." Oh shit.

"Yea, um, about that..."

"He won't be fighting, will he?" She asked, getting mad. Shit.

Goku laughed nervously and handed Moon to Mom.

"Well, would you look at that! Time to go! Bye Chi-Chi! Bye Bulma! Bye Mooney!" He said, placing a hand on Gohan's shoulder. They both vanished. 

"Goku!" Chi-Chi yelled, thought she knew he was long gone. "I don't want our son fighting in this! Do you hear me!?" She turned around to face me. "You better pass that on to him!"

I raised my hands. "I will," I said before transporting to the Lookout where the other were waiting.

"Chi-Chi didn't give you a hard time, did she?" Goku asked. I shook my head.

"Nah. I'm used to it by now."

"Trunks, what is my mom like in your time?" Gohan asked.

"Pretty much the same as she is here. Except she isn't as obsessed with studying and education as she is here."

"Yea, she is pretty obsessed," he agreed, laughing slightly. "What about Rosa? What she like?"

I smile. "She's the most amazing person I know. She's a great fighter and she isn't afraid of telling you what she thinks."

Goku laughs. "Yea, that sounds like Mooney. Well, except the fighting part. She's just a little too young, but I'll take your word for it."

My smile widens and I nod.

"Trunks, do you miss her?" Gohan questions.

"Every second," I reply.

"Then why didn't you let her come with you?"

I sigh. "I've asked myself that countless times in the past two weeks. The only answer I get is that I thought I was protecting her, but..." I trail off, sighing. "I shouldn't have left her alone to deal with the Androids."

"Hey, don't worry. I'm sure she knew you meant well," Krillin says.

"Krillin's right," Goku said. "Now, lets get going. We don't want to be late."

Nodding, the seven of us take off in the direction of the arena. When we get there, I find that Father has already arrived, and the "World Champ" has already challenged Cell. That fight doesn't last long, and as Mr. Satan is flung into the mountain side, Krillin leans in and whispers, "Is it just me, or were you actually rooting for Cell in that one?" I roll my eyes as Goku steps into the arena.

That fight is more evenly matched and lasts longer. It was also very impressive. Both Cell and Goku are far stronger then any of us thought.

After a couple minutes, they break apart, standing about twenty feet from each other. Silence fills the  air. Both Cell and Goku had a smile on their face.

"Well, that was an interesting warm-up," Cell said, stunning Mr. Satan and the T.V. crew.

"It looks like they're ready to get down to it for real," Krillin said. I nod.

Suddenly, Goku's Ki took off like a missile. After a couple of seconds, there was a huge surge of energy that sent dust flying in all directions. The wind swept the T.V. crew and Mr. Satan off their feet. Screams escape their lips as the wind blew them back a hundred feet or so. They all stand up though, unharmed.

This is amazing! I think. I had no idea Goku was this powerful!

 When Goku was finally done, he was glowing gold. Cell seemed impressed. 

"My turn," he said.

A bright, purple light erupted from Cell as he flexed his muscles. His Ki also took off to ungodly heights. When he was done, he sent off an energy wave that moved us all back a few inches. 

"This is it. They're both at full power," Tien said.

Goku walked towards Cell, smiling. Was he really enjoying this that much?

"You're move," Cell told Goku, matching his smile.

"Right," Goku replied, punching Cell in the gut. He straightened out of the punch. Cell smirked, only slightly winded.

"Nice shot," he said.


Still smirking, Cell launched a fury of attacks at Goku. After a few minutes, he started to pull a few tricks. At one point he made three clones. The four Cell's each took up a corner of the ring while Goku stood in the middle. They all went for him at once, but he was able to beat the clones with ease.

After a few more stolen techniques, Cell and Goku landed apart from each other. Suddenly, Cell's energy started to flow towards his hands.

"Kaaaaaaaaa-Meeeeeeee," Cell started.

"No! You can't put that much energy into the Kamehameha! It's too dangerous!" Goku yelled at Cell.

"Haaaaaaaaa-Meeeeeeeee," he continued. "HAAAAAAAAAAA!" As Cell concluded, he thrust his hands forward. A bright ball of energy shot at Goku. The amount of power in that thing was amazing!

"Hey Cell! Up here!" Goku called, having jumped into the sky. Cell curved the blast to make it follow Goku. At seemingly the last minute, Goku used Instant Transmission and reappeared behind Cell, kicking him in the side and sending him across the arena.

"T-t-that was a little close, d-d-don't you think, Goku?" Krillin stuttered. But the Saiyan didn't answer. He simply continued to stare at Cell.

"How? How did you escape the blast?" Cell asked.

"I guess it was luck," Goku replied.

"Yes, you're very lucky. Now, explain how you were able to dodge the blast."

Goku smirked. "It's a new trick. Instant Transmission."

"Instant, eh? Well, that sounds useful."

"Yeah, it is. You know, that Kamehameha Wave could have destroyed the entire Earth if I hadn't redirected it."

 Cell smirked and crosses his arms. "Yeah? Well I knew you would do something heroic and save it." God, was it just me, or did he sound like 18 when he said that?

"Oh, so you were counting on me?"

Cell looked disgusted. "I don't care one little bit about this pathetic little planet, nor it's it's equally pathetic occupants. I'm only keeping it around so there's some one left to kill."

As he finished the sentence, Cell flew at Goku, elbowing him in the side. Goku went to punch him, only to get an After Image. As the fight continued, it was clear now that Cell had the upper hand.

"Where did he go?" Yamacha asked. Cell had disappeared and we couldn't see him anywhere. He was that fast.

"Am I too fast for you, Goku?" Cell asked, suddenly behind him.

Goku turned around, shocked and irritated. The fight started up again, but it was clear that Goku was on the losing end this time around.

Come on Goku! You can't let Cell win! I thought. You're our only chance at winning!

The two continue to move around the arena faster then we could keep up. The more I watched, the more my head started spinning. But I couldn't look away. It was like a train wreak. You just had to keep watching.

After a little bit, the camera man loses sight of them. Suddenly, Mr. Satan calls out, "There! They're over there! They're hiding in that broken part of the arena! They're using some sorta trick! When I get back into the ring, I can promise you that I won't use tricks like this!"

Krillin and I face-palm. "Is this guy serious?" Krillin asks. I simply shake my head. I don't think anybody could answer that.

Suddenly, booms are heard over head. When we all look up, we can finally see Cell and Goku. The fight has really heated up now.

Cell and Goku throw punch after punch, and kick after kick, but neither of them seem to be landing anything on one another. That is until Cell surrounds Goku with clones again. Cell hits his opponent in the chest, sending him flying down to the ring. Right before Goku hits the bottom, he shoots to the side. Cell quickly rushes over to him and delivers a series of rapid blows to the body, causing Goku to almost fall out of the ring.

"Hang on, Dad," Gohan says.

After taking a few more hits, Goku finally lands a kick on Cell's shoulder, which almost sends him out of the ring. He slides to a stop and  phases out, appearing behind Goku. They both throw a few more hits and take off back into the sky.

"What are they saying?" Yamacha asks. I shake my head. I can't tell.

"Hey! Get away from the ring! Now!" Goku suddenly calls down to us. We then notice Cell powering up and energy blast. But it was too late for us to move. Cell fires the blast and the entire arena is gone. 16 was able to rush over to humans and save them. Once more Cell and Goku start fighting. But this time it seems as though they're evenly matched.

When the two break apart, Goku takes off up into the sky.

"Kaaaaaaaaaaa-Meeeeeeeeee," he starts.

"What the hell is he doing!?" Tien exclaims. "He can't fire a Kamehameha that powerful at the Earth!"

Cell started laughing. "You're bluffing, Goku! I know you wouldn't dare fire a Kamehameha from there!"

But nevertheless, he continues. "Haaaaaaaaaaa-Meeeeeeeeee." Just before he finishes, he uses Instant Transmission and appears below Cell. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Letting the blast go, it hits Cell full on. When the smoke and light dies down, only Cell's bottom half remained.

Tien and Yamacha start celebrating, but I knew better. And so did Krillin. Just as he shouts a warning to Goku, Cell jumps back to his feet and regenerates himself, leaving almost everybody surprised. Stretching his muscles, Cell and Goku exchanged a few words before resuming the fight, but it was clear that Cell was going to win.

After some time, they stop fighting and try to catch their breaths. This was not looking good for Goku. Cell gives a whole little speech about how the next fight will be Goku's last, and none of us expect what happens next.

Smirking, Goku powers down. "You're right, Cell. I don't have it in me to continue. You win. I give up."

Shock sweeps through every single one of us, Cell included. What the hell was he doing?!

"I give up, Cell. But don't think for a minute that this fight is over," Goku continued.

"What are you talking about, Goku?" Cell questioned.

"I'm talking about the person who is going to defeat you," he answered.

Cell burst out laughing. "Well, who would that be? Trunks? Vegeta? Piccolo? Ha, don't make me laugh."

"So, you don't mind who I pick to fight next, do you?"

Scowling, Cell asked, "You're not actually intending to go through with this, are you?''

"Yea, it sounds crazy, but the person I'm about to name is a lot stronger then I am."

"Stop waisting my time and tell me!" Cell growled.

"Alright then," Goku replied, turning to face us. "It's time for you to take my place, Gohan."

What!? Gohan!? Is he crazy!? I think.

Goku flies up to his son, and, after giving him a pep talk, Gohan agree's to fight Cell. Gohan flew down to where Cell had landed.

"Hey, Krillin, do yo have any more Senzu beans?" Goku asked.

"Um, yeah," Krillin said, digging one out and giving it to him.

"Thanks." Looking down at Cell, Goku called, "Cell, here, eat this." And with that, he threw it to him.

"Goku! What the hell!?" I asked. 

"It wouldn't be fair if Cell wasn't at his full strength."

My jaw hit the ground. "Not fair? Not fair? Who gives a fuck if it's not fair! It's Cell for god's sake!"

Laughing, Cell quickly swallowed the bean, returning him to full strength. He looks back down at Gohan, waiting for the boy to show him his power. Gohan didn't keep him waiting. He quickly powered up, stunning everybody except for Goku. When he was done, he looked directly at Cell and said, "Alright Cell. I'm ready."

Cell smirked and launched a fury of attacks on Gohan, which he easily dodged. After a few minutes though, Cell was able to gain the upper had. He punched Gohan in the face, chest and gut multiple times before kicking him into the ground.

"No... Gohan," I mumbled. I couldn't stand to watch him die, but I couldn't make myself move either. It was killing me.

"Goku, your son is gonna die!'' Krillin exclaimed. But Goku didn't seem to care about what he just said. He simply kept smiling down at Gohan, waiting for him to get up. When he did, there wasn't a scratch on him. Only a tiny trickle of blood sweeping out of the corner of his mouth.

Wiping it away with a smirk, Gohan walked back over to in front of Cell. They started fighting again, but it was different then when Goku and Cell were fighting. This time, Cell seemed to use more energy blasts instead of hand-to-hand combat. 

Cell threw blast after blast after blast at Gohan, yet he never hit him once. Cell must have gotten tired of Ki blasts, for he started punching and kicking at Gohan. As they kept at it, Cell clearly gained the upper hand. He sent Gohan flying into a mountain side with a strong Ki blast.

"No! Gohan! He's dead, Goku! He's dead!" Piccolo yelled. No, he was wrong. I could still sense his energy. Gohan was alive.

"Well, it looks as though I've won. Now, are you going to fight me or not?" Cell stated.

"Nope. Why don't you take a look behind you?" Goku told him.

Cell growled, but did as told. A bright blue light came from the pile of boulders as Gohan emerged. Walking up to Cell, Gohan started talking. About what, we didn't know. They were talking too quietly. Suddenly, though, Cell burst out laughing. He then proceeds to attack Gohan. At one point, he had him trapped underfoot.

"Shit, Gohan," I say. Krillin agrees with me, for he turns to say something to Goku, but I don't know what.

After stepping on him a few times, Cell picks Gohan up and starts to beat him effortlessly. Throwing him into a boulder, Cell doesn't hesitate to charge him. As the two continue to fight, Gohan is able to land a few good hits on Cell. But it's still not the fight that Cell wanted.

Firing a bright red beam at Gohan, Cell starts to say something about getting him to unleash his full power. He fires a few more before running at Gohan. He catches him and wraps both arms around the eleven-year-old's body, crushing him.

"I'm tired of sitting here! I'm helping Gohan!" Piccolo yells at Goku.

"No! You can't. You just wait. Gohan will kill Cell," Goku replied.

"He doesn't think about fighting like you do, Goku! Right now he's wondering why his father is letting him die!" He counters. That finally seems to open Goku's eyes.

"Krillin, quick! Throw me a Senzu bean!"

"Yeah!" Krillin says, reaching into his pocket to pull them out. 

Cell drops Gohan and quickly flies up to us. Grabbing the bad from Krillin, he flies back down to where Gohan lay.

"Dammit!" I exclaim. Suddenly, Android 16 leaps at Cell and wraps his arms around him as Cell had just done to Gohan.

16 reviles to us that he intends on self-destructing so Cell will die. But his attempt fails. That's when Krillin decides to inform him that his bomb was removed when Mom and Grandpa where fixing him up.

With 16 distracted by the news, Cell breaks free and and blasts the Android to pieces. Gasps of surprise and outrage echoed around me. Cell was enjoying this. He kicked 16's head over to where Mr. Satan and the camera crew were at, scaring the shit out of them.

Still not happy with Gohan, Cell turns back towards us, pointing to each one of us in turn. Then he does the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life. He gives birth.

Seven bright blue little Cell's come from his tail. They look up at their father, then at us. Smiling, they attack.

Like children, they taunt us, dodging our every attack. A couple times I was able to hit one, but it never did any damage.

"We need to protect Goku! He's still worn out from his fight with Cell!" Piccolo tells me. Together, we charge a Mini Cell that was attacking Goku. Fighting it off the best we can, we land in front of him, forming a shield.

"Thanks you guys," he says.

"No problem Goku." I reply.

We continue fighting them, and we seem to be doing pretty good. Then the shit starts to hit the fan. We suddenly can't hold them off any longer. Tien and Yamacha go down while Krillin and I are thrown off the side of the cliff.

We get back up and still try to fight them, but it's no use. We're done for.

No! I am not giving up! The whole world is counting on us! Moon is counting on us! With this thought, I pushed myself harder, but I still couldn't land a punch on them anymore.

Suddenly, I felt Gohan's energy shoot sky-high. Everybody turned to look at him. Even the Mini Cells. Then they got the idea that they could attack us while we were distracted. So once more, they  started to pummel us.

"STOP IT! STOP IT NOW!" Gohan yells as his Ki takes off again. Holy shit, how much power does this kid have?

When it finally stopped, Gohan walked forward and took the Senzu Beans from Cell. Then, one by one, he killed the Mini Cells. When he was done, he threw the bag on Senzu Beans at me.

"Pass these around, Trunks," he said as I caught the bag.

"Uh, sure," was all I could get out. I was still in shock. Shaking my head, I quickly flew down and gave Yamacha, Tien and Krillin each a bean. Then I told them to leave and went over to give one to Father, Goku, and Piccolo.

As Goku and Piccolo ate theirs, Gohan and Cell started to fight. Gohan matched Cell punch for punch and kick for kick. It was clear that he was in control of what was happening.

After a few minutes of fighting, Cell informs Gohan that he hasn't been fighting at full power. Smirking, he powers up. The whole planet starts to shake and dust blows everywhere. Hell, I bet Moon and Mom in my time could feel this!

When he's done, Cell punches Gohan, but it has zero effect. Gohan then proceeds to punch Cell twice in the gut, sending the monster to his knees, silvia coming from his mouth. After trying numerous times to get up and failing, Cell stays down and Gohan walks over to him.

Growling, Cell kicks Gohan multiple times, only to have it blocked. 

"Fight me!" He yelled.

Gohan slowly brought his right leg back and round-house kicked Cell in the jaw. You better be careful what you wish for, Cell.

As Cell stood up, Gohan once more walks over to him. Growling, Cell forms two Destructo Disks and sends them at Gohan, who effortlessly catches and destroys them. That only seemed to make Cell even more angry, if that was at all possible.

There was nothing left for Cell to do. He was done. But that didn't stop him from firing a rapid amount of Ki blasts at Gohan. None of them affected him in the slightest.

Now unsure what to do, Cell jumps into the sky.

"Hey guys, looks! It looks like Cell is chickening out!" Krillin exclaims.

"Kaaa-Meee, Haaa-Meee," Cell says.

"NO! DON'T DO IT CELL!" Goku yells. But it doesn't matter. It's useless.

"HAAAA!" Cell unleashes the blast and it hurtles at Gohan. At the Earth.

"Ka-Me, Ha-He," Gohan starts. Quickly cupping his hands together, he thrusts them forward with one swift motion. "HA!" His blast meets Cell's head on. A fine layer of dust coves us all as the blasts meet.

When I dig myself out, Cell is nowhere in sight. Gohan stands where he had been. His power barley went down at all.

"Hey! I think Gohan did it!" Krillin says.

"No, he hasn't. He's still alive," I tell him. Dammit! Why is he so hard to kill?

Cell floated above us, missing and arm and a leg and part of another.

"Gohan, finish him!" Goku yelled.

"Finish him?" The boy asked. "No, I think I'll let him suffer for a little while longer."

My jaw hits the ground. W-was he serious? That didn't sound like Gohan at all!

Cell quickly regenerated his lost limbs, but this time it cost him. His energy dropped like a stone.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Cell screams at Gohan, powering up. But he made the same mistake I did. He increased his power, but not his speed. His new muscles left him bulky and slow compared to Gohan.

After a few failed attempts at punching Gohan, Cell gets a nice foot-to-the face from the kid. That's followed up by a nice kick to the stomach. 

Cell starts to look like he's going to throw up, and low and behold he does, but not what you would expect. 

Cell threw up Android 18.

"What the hell?!" I exclaim. Cell tries to shove the Android back into his mouth, but it didn't work. Cell starts to glow, then smoke and suddenly, he's not himself anymore. Well, he is, but not his 'Perfect' self. He goes back to the form he was in when he only had Android 17.

In his rage, Cell tried to attack Gohan, but it was no use. He wasn't near strong enough anymore.

Suddenly, Cell starts to enlarge. He swells up like a large balloon animal. 

"What is he doing?" Tien asks.

Gohan, also confused, walks forward.

"Stop right there, boy! If you take one step closer, I'll blow up! And I'll take the whole planet with me!" Cell warns.

A chorus of gasps echos around where we are standing. Is he serious?

"H-he's got to be joking!" Krillin stammers.

"No, I don't think he is," Piccolo says. "It's over. He's got us! There's no way to win now!"

No... This can't be happening! We were just winning!

Cell starts laughing. "Yes, say goodbye! Any moment now we'll all be reduced to nothingness!"

I can't move. I'm frozen in place. This can't be happening.

After a few minutes, I hear Goku say my name.

"Yeah?" I ask, still numb from shock.

"Tell Mooney I love her. And Chi-Chi to."

"Um, sure, but why can't you just tell them that?"

Goku looks at me, then at Cell. What - No! He couldn't!

"Goku, you're not serious, are you?!" I ask quickly.

He looks back at me and smiles. Then he looks at every one else.

"Take care you guys. I'm gonna miss you."

That's when they seem to get it. 

"No! Goku! Don't!" Tien tells him.

Again, he simply smiles before transporting over to Cell. He says a few words to Gohan before leaving us and taking Cell with him.

"NO! DAD!" Gohan bellows. The numbness creeps back, but this time from loss, not shock.


No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

"His energy is gone," Piccolo tells us lamely.

Tears form in my eyes. Why Goku? Why?

I sigh internally. I know why. But I still had to ask.

A wind started up as Krillin walked up to Gohan. He placed a hand on his shoulder and told him some kind words. Then he went over to 18 and picked her up. Walking back over to us, he said, "Come on, lets get out of here."

Just as I nod, the wind suddenly has power behind it. I cover my eyes to protect them from the dust. As I move my arms slightly to see what was going on, I feel a piercing pain in my chest. It takes me a second to realize that it was because I had just been shot.

The force of the blast throws me backwards. Blood pours from the wound as I hit the ground. The world starts to spin. I think I hear a few people yell, but I can't tell. When I cough, blood comes up and  stains my lips.

"Mo...on..." Is all I'm able to get out before the blackness swallows me whole.


Phew! Finally done! This chapter took forever!! I didn't expect it to take this long, otherwise I would have split it up into different chapters!!! XDXD Lolz, well it's done now and that's all that matters. And guess what! Trunks goes back to his time in the chapter after the next one!!! 

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