Post Stories Here

By XxEscapeTheFateXx

486 18 61

If you don't put them here, then chances are I won't read them. More

Post Stories Here

486 18 61
By XxEscapeTheFateXx

I know everyone wants to get their stories out there, 'cause I'm one of those people. So if you want me to read your story/stories, then just leave a comment below.

Honestly, I find the whole vampire thing a little overused, but if it's a good story then I'll read it. (I do write the occassional vamp. story, but not very much). Just please, cool it with the cliches! Not to be rude, of course :)

Alright anyways. Leave the title of your story, and maybe a description to help me out?

I'll try to read the stories as soon as possible, but don't feel bad if I don't like it.

And it wouldn't hurt if you'd fan/vote/comment on mine too. Even if you don't, just read them and tell your friends if you like them. (Don't think that's too much to ask?) :)

P.S. if I don't fan you, that doesn't mean I didn't read it. I read everything, and I vote on it even if I don't like it. So know that I at least voted for it. Also, once I read your story, I'll delete the comment. This way I can keep track of whose I did or did not read. So if you don't see your comment anymore, that's why.

P.P.S. If you're going to ask me to read your story, you should check your grammar in the comment. I notice things like  that a lot (even though I do it all the time), and it makes me not want to read the story if your comment can't even have good grammar, you know? So, just check that.


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