mystery - stiles stilinski

By filteredthots

56.7K 896 60

the pack is faced with a new enemy but first they must figure out who it is before they all wind up dead teen... More



1.5K 35 1
By filteredthots


scott couldn't make his eyes stop glowing and malia couldn't make her claws disappear.

"it's still happening." kira's dad told scott.

"i can't make them go back." malia said.

"obviously the virus is affecting the two of you in a way it won't hit any human being." mr. yukimura said.

"you guys have to stay out of sight. we have to quarantine you from the quarantine." stiles said.

"stiles is right." marcie said.

"yeah, but where? i mean, what if they get violent? like on a full moon." kira said.

marcie felt her eyes go blurry for a second and she fell back but stiles grabbed her before she hit the floor.

"mars, you okay?" stiles asked her.

"yeah, i'm just a little lightheaded." marcie replied looking back at him.

stiles grabbed her hand and she leaned closer to him, resting her head on his shoulder.

"we shouldn't stay in here. not in the locker room." scott said.

"a classroom is not going to hold us." malia said.

"what about the basement?" kira asked.

"too many ways out. we need something secure. somewhere nobody can find us." scott said.

"the vault." marcie said.

"the hale vault." stiles said in agreement.

"the hales always have an escape route. like their house. there has to be another way in." scott said.

they all got into coach's office and started a plan. stiles put a map on the table with the schools blueprints.

"this is where the school sign is, so the vaults got to be right about here." stiles said showing them with his finger.

"i suppose if there's a second entrance, it would probably be accessible from the basement." mr. yukimura said.

"it's probably somewhere in this hallway. or this corridor." stiles said but he tumbled over.

marcie immediately grabbed him and helped him stay upright.

"whoa." stiles said as he pulled up his sleeve to reveal a mark of the virus.

marcie gently grabbed his wrist and looked at the mark on him.

"it's the same mark that was on sydney." marcie said.

"it's happening to you too. you're getting sick. you all are." mr. yukimura said.

"i don't feel sick." kira told her father.

"i think it's affecting you differently, neurologically. i found your test answers here in a pile with the others." her father said showing it to her.

when they looked, her circles weren't filled into the blank they were filled in beside it. kira wasn't seeing clearly.

they all went down to the basement to try and find the other entrance to the vault.

"hey, guys. over here." stiles said as they all went to him.

him and scott pushed over a shelf and they saw a weird circle with shapes in it.

"look at the cracks in the wall. looks like the entrance outside, it only opens with claws. anyone's claws, right?" stiles asked but scott shock his head.

technically malia was a hale so it would work if she opened it.

"um... malia, can you try?" scott asked.

"why me?" malia asked.

"i don't have control." scott told his holding his hand up.

"okay. i'll do it. but first tell me what you've been hiding from me. i know you think you're trying to protect me, but i can handle it." malia said but scott, stiles and marcie stayed silent.

"i know i'm on the list." malia said.

"yes..." stiles said.

"so how much?" malia asked.

"how much what?" stiles and marcie asked her.

"how much am i worth?" malia asked.

"four million." scott replied as malia got a weird look in her eyes.

"are you okay?" stiles asked her.

"yeah. scott's worth 25, marcie's 20, kira's worth 6. they'll take you guys out way before me." malia said.

"how sweet." marcie said rolling her eyes.

"it's progress. it's progress." stiles reminded marcie.

malia opened the door to the vault and they all stepped inside as the door closed behind them.


they all sat around. marcie was standing but she almost fell down again making stiles hold her by her waist.

"okay, you, you are gonna sit down." stiles said.

she felt too sick to argue back with him so she just nodded her head.

stiles sat down and marcie sat down beside him before he noticed how tired she looked.

stiles gently laid her down on his leg, keeping one of them upright so she could use his thigh as a pillow.

he wrapped his arms around her and started to play with her hair to not only keep himself calm but her as well.

stiles felt marcie place her hand on his cheek and he looked down at her.

marcie looked up at him and their eyes locked immediately and she mouthed an i love you and gave him a smile.

stiles smiled at her before grabbing her hand from his face, lacing their fingers together and mouthing the words back to her.

malia was sitting by herself in the corner while scott sat near kira as she paced back and forth.

"you know, this is where it all started. that's where the money was. 177 million in bearer bonds." stiles explained.

"peter was the one who told us it was stolen." marcie said.

"how do you even change bearer bonds into cash?" kira asked.

"the bank, i guess. they just let it sit here the whole time collecting dust. you know bearer bonds are basically extinct?" stiles said.

"why does it matter?" kira asked.

"you know how many problems that money could solve?" stiles asked.

"for you?" kira asked.

"me. my dad... the eichen house and MRI bills are crushing him." stiles said.

stiles felt marcie squeeze his hand, making him look down at her.

"mom does this thing, she writes down all the items in our budget, and how much they cost, then she adds them all up and figured out how long we have until... we'd lose the house." scott said.

"when did life get so bad?" marcie said quietly.


"anything?" stiles asked scott.

"they're looking for us. someone's going to have to go out there." scott said.

marcie looked over and saw malia was getting worse and kira was sitting beside her.

"this is getting worse." marcie said.

"we need to tell her the truth about peter. she's going to see the rest of the dead pool eventually." scott whispered.

"scott, we can't. not yet." marcie said.

"try to remember that peter is the one name missing on that list. which either makes him incredibly lucky with the benefactor, she finds out about him she's going to go to him, you know she is. and then he's going to twist his way into her head like he does with everyone, including us. we let him walk around like nothing ever happened, like he's one of the good guys... scott, he's not one of the good guys. if she finds out about him, she's gone. and that's probably what he's waiting for and if he wins, we lose." stiles whispered back.

"we're already losing." scott said.

scott and malia were getting worse. now they're oozing black stuff.


stiles and marcie decided to go out and see everyone to try and get some answers.

"malia, malia. we gotta leave for a few, okay?" stiles told malia.

"where are you going?" she asked them.

"whatever's happening, it's worse for you guys. that means it's not just people getting sick, it's another assassin." stiles said.

"stiles, she's freezing." marcie said as he passed malia his jacket.

"you're coming back right?" malia asked them.

"of course we are." marcie told her.

"yeah. yeah, we'd never leave you behind." stiles told her as she smiled.


stiles and marcie went to talk to lydia's mom.

"stiles, marcie, you're not looking so good, maybe you two ought to lie down." natalie said.

"it's okay, have you see mr. yukimura?" stiles asked.

"yeah, he's fine, he's helping other students." she replied.

"okay, thanks." marcie said but before they walked away, they saw coach was sick.

"is coach the only adult who got sick today?" stiles asked mrs. martin.

"as far as i know." natalie replied.

"why is he..." stiles said to himself.

"stiles. i think you two should lie down." mrs. martin said.

"yeah, no, it's okay. we'll be back, we'll be right back." stiles said as him and marcie ran off.


they started to look through coach's stuff. stiles looked through his papers and saw that their was ink on his coffee mug.

"it was the ink." marcie said.

"i was wondering how that idiot got sick. i'm also wondering where your friends are. since in order to get paid by the benefactor, i need to have proof they're dead. good thing one of them is right here." simon said looking at marcie.

once stiles saw that he had a gun in his hand, he grabbed marcie's hand.

"visual confirmation." stiles said.

"exactly." simon said holding up his gun in front of marcie.


he made stiles and marcie walk in front of him so he wouldn't shoot.

"still a bit feverish, mr. stilinski. but you should know something, the virus doesn't kill humans, you'll get better. so don't you think you should tell me where they are? shouldn't one of you get to live?" simon said.

"i think i saw them in the library. or it might've been the cafeteria. it was definitely one of those two." stiles said.

"i'm going to count to three, and then i'm going to kill her." simon said as stiles turned around to face him.

marcie saw that simon had the gun pointed in front of her.

"think you can scare us?" stiles asked.

"no, i think i can kill her. i just thought the countdown would make it more exciting. so... one...two..." simon began.

stiles quickly ran out in front of marcie and they saw simon smirk. then they heard a gunshot.

stiles had blood all over his face since scott's dad shot simon.

"where the hell did you come from?" stiles asked.

"stiles, marcie, listen. i got a call from melissa. i don't know what it means. she said there's an antidote. it's in the vault, reishi mushrooms." rafe said.

"wait, what in a vault?" stiles asked.

"reishi mushrooms?" marcie asked.

"it's in a jar on one of the shelves. she said to tell scott, it's in the vault." he told them as stiles grabbed marcie's hand and they ran off.


"stiles, i can't see." marcie said as stiles saw her fall on her knees.

stiles ran to her side and he helped her up and he saw how scared she look.

"i got you." stiles told her.

stiles helped her walk and they kept going till they got to the vault.

"hey, scott! scotty! in the vault, in there with you. it's called reishi mushrooms. scott! scott, open the door! it's in there with you. it's in a jar, its on one of the shelves. scott! scott, can you hear me!" stiles shouted as he kept banging and banging on the door.

marcie eventually felt weak and she fell against the wall and she laid on the floor. stiles also felt weak and sat on the floor.

marcie heard a crack and the door finally opened. stiles saw scott and patted him on the shoulder.

stiles helped marcie inside and once she inhaled the stuff she let out a gasp.

stiles and marcie went over to malia and she had a look of disappointment all over her face.

"hey, you all right? malia? malia?" stiles asked as he put his hand on her shoulder but she grabbed his hand and pulled it off.

she didn't say anything all she did was walk out of the vault.

she had seen the deadpool list. she saw that her last name said hale.

"she knows." marcie said quietly.

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