"Anytime, Cowgirl." : Arthur...

By GandalfsArmpit

31.6K 875 253

Arthur Morgan wasn't a man who believed in "happily ever after"'s. As an outlaw, a crook, a man with a bounty... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 11

1K 32 10
By GandalfsArmpit

(A/N: This chapter took a decent amount of research, so enjoy. Again, sorry it took so long to update. I'm in my high school's spring musical, which is Mamma Mia, so I'm swamped with practice and stuff.)

Jane awoke to the feeling of Arthur's soft breath on the top of her head, and his arms wrapped around her. Her cheek was pressed against his collar as her arm was draped across to his side. She could feel his strong heartbeat match the rhythm of hers.

The morning was early. Really no one was awake, besides Charles, who was tending to the horses.

Wishing that this moment could last for forever, she thought about their conversation yesterday. It was considered 'strange' to talk about a couple's future at this time, but she didn't care. She was tired of the unwritten rules that society wanted her to follow. She felt this way, so what was the point of hiding it?

She nearly fell of the bed when he woke up with a cough. It was loud and abrupt, but his head was turned away from her.

Wait, she thought. He coughed?

Alarm rose in her as he as stirred, his breath slightly trembling.

He slowly opened his eyes, and his mouth softened into a smile. "Morning, cowgirl."

"Did you just cough?"

Confusion crossed his sleepy face. "Yeah?"

She made a face, and after a minute, he groaned. "Jane, I'm fine. I just coughed once."

"But you promised, Arthur." She had sat up now.

He rubbed his face. "I'm fine. It was just one cough."

"Well, you're not getting any more kisses from me until you go to the doctor."

He groaned again, in frustration, and sat up. "Fine. But I'm telling you, I'm not sick."

She slung her legs over the side of the bed, and put on her boots. Her body was cold from the absence of his body heat, and the longing to snuggle back up against him for the remaining morning was all too strong, but she knew she needed to get up.

She stood up. "I'm going to change. You better be up by the time I come back."

He gave her a small smirk before she went off to her wagon.

She still had her thin undershirt on from yesterday. Changing into something more modest and presentable for the doctor, she pulled on a white button-up shirt, and a gray skirt. She wrapped her shawl around her shoulders. Her hair was gathered in unruly tangles, so she borrowed Mary-Beth's comb to brush through them.

When she went back to Arthur, he had only moved closer to the edge of the bed, with his feet on the ground.

"Sorry, Jane," he said, rubbing his eyes. "I don't know why, I just don't have the energy to get up today."

"Probably because your sick."

"I'm not sick!" And, as if to prove it, he stood up.

"Well then," she said, walking towards the horses, "Let's get going."

On the way there, Jane kept urging her horse forward, but Arthur took his grand old time. She had to keep slowing down Apollo just to be near him.

When she asked him why, he just shrugged and said, "It ain't an emergency."

Finally, they arrived in Rhodes. The town appeared empty and barren in the early morning, but also peaceful.

The doctors office was empty, besides the doctor, of course.

"How can I help you today?" The doctor was shuffling through a cabinet, and cast a quick glance over his shoulder.

Arthur looked to her, as if expecting her to answer.

I'm not your mother, she mouthed.

He sighed. "My... wife here wants me to get check out. Scared I might have TB."

Jane's heart fluttered at his cover for her. She knew it was just pretend, but part of her longed for him to call her that for real.

The doctor set down the bottles he had in his hand and turned towards them. "Tuberculosis?"

Arthur and Jane nodded in sync, and the doctor motioned for Arthur to sit down, which he did unwillingly.

"Why are you concerned he has it?" The doctor said as he pulled on a pair of gloves.

Jane rocked on her heels. "Well, he went to collect a debt- you know how that usually goes- and the man that he was collecting from coughed blood on his face. I figured that wasn't good."

The doctor nodded thoughtfully. Before his mind seemed to be in a million different places, but now he was focused. "How long ago was this?"

"About two months ago."

He looked like he was nearly going to choke. "Two months? You should have gone to a doctor long before a month."

Jane shot Arthur a look. "That's what I said. But he refused to."

Arthur threw up his hands. "We still don't know if I have it or not."

The doctor stepped in front of him. "You're right. Open wide."

Arthur opened his mouth, and the doctor stuck a tongue compressor in his mouth.

Arthur made eye contact with Jane, and she had to press her fingers to her mouth to stifle her laughter, despite being worried about what the doctor was going to say.

The doctor looked around thoughtfully before taking a step back.

"So?" Arthur asked.

The doctor sighed. "It looks like the start of it. I'm very sorry, son. It's a hell of a thing."

Arthur's eyes took on a cast-out look.

"There is some way we can stop it from getting too bad, right?" Jane asked, gripping her shawl tightly.

The doctor rubbed his neck. "I'm not sure."

"Well, there has to something! All these deaths from Tuberculosis and you're telling me that no one has any clue how to stop it?" Jane's voice slowly rose.

Arthur grabbed her hand, calming her down. "Jane, it's alright." He turned to the doctor. "It can't be passed through... erm, kissing, right?"

The doctor shook his head. "No, unless you've just coughed up blood. But you haven't progressed that much, so your wife is fine."

Jane was still in a frenzy. "Please tell me there's some sort of medicine. Please."

The doctor thought for a minute. "Official medicines? No. But, well... there is someone that may be able to help you. Don't hold me responsible if he does more harm than good."

Arthur stood up abruptly. "No. I won't be part of some experiment. Jane, let's go." He left the room, leaving the doctor and Jane behind.

"Who is he?" She asked.

He grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled an address on it. "He's a good man, but again, it's not the definition of reliable."

She nodded, and pulled out some cash to pay him. "Thank you. I don't know what I'd do without my husband."

He smiled. "I'm very sorry, Miss."

She left the room with the piece of paper gripped tightly in her hand.

Arthur sat on a bench outside, his head in his hands. Jane couldn't imagine what he was feeling. To know your inevitable death would alter your whole world.

She sat quietly next to him, rubbing his back. "How are you feeling?"

His head swung over to look at her. "Scared, if I'm being honest. Disappointed."

"Why disappointed?"

He sighed, and took his hat off, rubbing the rim with his fingers. "Just last night, we were talking about our future. Made me so full of hope- something I barely felt. Now, I'm gonna die, and there's nothing I can do about it."

"But there is. This guy the doctor said- we could go meet him." She felt a feeling inside her. The only way she could describe it was like a deep, empty pit. What would she do without Arthur? How much longer does he have?

"I don't know. Seems kinda sketchy."

"Maybe. But at this point, what do you have to lose?"

He hummed, then stood up. "Maybe you're right. Let's not go today, though. How about tomorrow?"

She nodded, and stood up after him.

Mounting up, they headed back to camp. The town was now more awake, and it seemed like everyone was having a better day than Arthur and Jane.

"So," Jane started, trotting alongside him. "I got promoted from your sister to wife?"

He grinned. "Guess so. I like the latter option."

The sinking feeling within her was lifted a bit. "I do too."

The silence settled again as the rode out of Rhodes. A few minutes later, she broke it yet again.

"So how do you feel about marriage?"

He was quiet for a minute. "Well, I haven't been around a bunch of married couples. Legal, I mean. John and Abigail are basically married, just not lawfully. But, I personally wouldn't mind it. Might be nice."

She hummed. How she desperately wanted to run of with Arthur and elope. But he had the gang, and they'd only been a couple for two months or so. What does it matter how long we've been together? I love him and he loves me. Does much more matter than that?

"How about you?" Arthur asked.

"I'd like to one day. Do what we talked about. Build a little cabin and just see the country."

He gave her a gentle smile. "Well, I'd love to do that with you someday."

Her heart seemed to swell. "You have to get rid of the TB. Then I'll marry you."

He laughed and shook his head. "Since when did I say we'd be getting married? At least let me ask you the right way some day."

She giggled as the rode closer to camp. "You know, I know we haven't been sweet on each other for that long, but it feels like you've been a part of my life for forever. I just love you, plain and simple."

His cheeks turned pink. "I love you too, Jane. And this TB, we'll beat it. I promise."

"Whatever you say, Cowboy."


Later that night, Jane sat with Abigail and Hosea. The sun was low. Jack was playing nearby, the flowers and grassing dancing by his ankles in the breeze.

"Tuberculosis?" Hosea asked, rubbing his hands together.

Jane nodded grimly. "Unfortunately, yes. We went to the doctor's today."

"Is there anyway to stop it?" Abigail said. She watched the little boy as he got closer to the water, in which she called for him to stop.

"The doctor said there was this man that could help us. Arthur's not sure about it, but I think we're gonna go tomorrow."

Abigail shook her head. "What a shame. The man has bullets flying at him everyday, and it's a sickness that takes him down."

"Arthur's strong, though," Hosea said, cracking his knuckles. "If anyone can make it, it's him. Especially with you, Jane."

She sighed. "I sure hope so."

The three finished their stew in silence as Sean came strolling up.

"Hello der, laddies."

"Good evening, Sean," Hosea greeted.

Sean nodded, then directed his attention to the women. "Now what are you two gorgeous ladies doing sitting there while there's music and rum?"

Abigail shook her head, but a small smile rested on her lips. "I'm a mother, Sean. I don't do that sort of stuff no more."

Sean looked to Jane, who sighed in surrender, and held up her hands for him to help her up. He pulled her up with a hop, and pulled her along to the fire, where some other people were dancing.

Just like her first night at the camp, Sean and her danced around, occasionally bumping into other dancing couples.

The night got darker, and the people got livelier. Eventually, everyone was dancing. She even saw John and Abigail up and on their feet dancing.

Sean reeked of rum, but Jane didn't mind. He was an excellent dancer. Again, just like the first night, he swung her around, dipped her, and led her all around the fire. His red hair looked like flames, and his tipsy jokes and laughter made her forget about everything. Just for awhile.

That is until a gruff voice called to them. "Sean! Stop making a move on my damn woman." Humor was laced within is voice.

Sean laughed and spun Jane out, and she landed in a pair of familiar hands. She looked up to his face, where a grin was resting.

"You leaving me for some Irish bastard?"

"Oh shut up, you handsome man, and dance with me."

And so they did.

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