Eternally Bound - Book Three ✎

By thebookchatter

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Emily is on her own. Nox has been taken captive and Emily must now travel across the country to save her make... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 - Sam

Chapter 9

76 9 0
By thebookchatter

I sat with Jackson as we drove through the night towards Spokane. My internal clock said we had another hour before sunrise. There was still forest on the right side of the road, but on the left the trees had opened up to wide fields with houses scattered around, set back from the main road with small winding paths. I was fine with sitting in silence, but Jackson kept the conversation going, his voice low so he wouldn't disturb Nia and Paul sleeping in the back. There was one thing I'd wanted to know, and I twisted slightly in my seat. 

"How did you three end up together?" They seemed like such unlikely people to be together, to protect each other. 

Jackson smiled at me, though I didn't see how my question was funny.

"Oh, that's a story. So, about four years ago, I was in Chicago, great city, it's on the way so you'll see for yourself, anyways, I was staying in a Blood Hotel and was served this gorgeous man, and his blood just sang to me." He shot a look my way. "Ever had that happen to you? I mean, I know you're young, but if you are lucky you get to feed on a human who just connects to every fiber of your being. I knew I couldn't leave without him, so I paid for another night and asked the hotel specifically for him. I know they have policies against a human getting fed on multiple days in a row, but I gave them enough collateral that they didn't mind."

"Let me guess, that man was Paul?" 

Jackson winked at me and continued his story.

"I asked Paul that night to come with me. I'd take care of him and protect him and thankfully he had felt something between us too, so he agreed and here we are." 

"And how does Nia fit into this story?"

Jackson let out a soft chuckle. "Nia is a force to be reckoned with. Paul and I found her as two vampires were about to kill her in an alley in Chicago. Paul, bless his human heart, convinced me to help her so I did. I killed the two vamps and Paul kept Nia alive enough to explain our situation."

"She just accepted you like that. Because you saved her life?" I looked over at him and he was grinning.

"No, she hated my guts for the longest time. Didn't trust me to be anywhere near her, but she connected with Paul, and he convinced her that I posed no harm, that I would protect her as well. We then left Chicago and the rest is history."

Five years they had stuck together. I thought about Dennis and Johan, how we had grown up together in the worst of situations but had complete trust in each other. 

"After my parents were killed, I found two boys, brothers, and we stuck together for several years. We went through so much together."

"What happened to them?" Jackson's voice was soft, caring. 

"They died. Killed by King Shax's goons the night I was captured."

"Didn't you say your maker caught you?"

I shrugged. "Our situation is complicated."

"But you're still going after him?"

"I have to. I need to." 

"I get it. Unfortunately, my maker wasn't as lovable as you make yours out to be."

"What happened with them?" I couldn't imagine any other maker than Nox. Did all makers not care for the vampire they turned? 

"The bitch's name was Celeste, she was a terrible sire and I killed her the first chance I got."

A beat of silence. 

"I'm guessing there's more to that story."

"Sure, but it ain't worth telling."

The endless road went on. I consulted my map, but Jackson didn't seem too interested in it. He seemed to know where he was going, though it wasn't too hard as we only went straight. Through the side window I thought I caught glances of figures running through the trees, no doubt other vampires, but whether they were simply running or hunting I didn't know. There were no other cars or vans on the road, the only lights were the stars and the moon up above. 

"Sun's up in about fifteen minutes. I'll pull over so we can wake up the others and switch. Mind you, Nia's a grumpy riser so I wouldn't be too close or be the first thing she sees." 

"Not surprised." I kept my distance after getting out of the van. My body could tell the sun was approaching. I was feeling heavier by the second. Jackson, much older in vampire years still seemed fine as he pulled the side door open.

Nia was indeed scowling the moment she opened her eyes and was grumbling indistinct words as she got out of the makeshift bed. She went into the trees to relieve herself and I stood around awkwardly as Jackson and Paul chatted. I hadn't noticed it earlier, but after Jackson had told me how they'd met, I could see the way they leaned towards each other, how careful Jackson was whenever he touched Paul. It reminded me of Sam and a yearning filled me. I missed him. I felt terrible for leaving his body in the hotel rubble. 

"Have a good sleep, love." I heard Paul say and then the distinct sound of a kiss. I kept my eyes averted, not wanting to intrude on their moment. 

"You can look now, it's okay." Paul's gentle voice made me turn my head. 

"I didn't want to impose more than I already am." 

Paul waved a hand, dismissing my words. "You are not imposing. It's not like you are taking food away from Nia and me and two vampires on your side is better than one."

"We don't even know if she's on our side, so I'd watch my words." The cold tone of Nia's voice had me grinding my teeth as she stepped back out from the treeline. I knew I couldn't harm her, but I would not survive a trip with her nagging on my every step. I'd rather run all the way to DC than continuing this. 

"I trust Jackson," was all Paul said as he walked past us to the trees to finish his own business. 

Jackson, sitting on one of the mattresses in the bed of the van was clearly pretending he hadn't heard that whole conversation, but I knew he had, vamp hearing and everything.  

"Come on, Emily. Let's get cozy back here so Nia can get her ass in the front seat and drive. Spokane is about another two-hour drive so by the time we wake up they'll have found us a good spot to stay for the night, preferably having filled up the van with gas as well."

That reminded me. I reached around to pull my backpack off and opened it, grabbing one of the stacks of money hidden underneath the clothes. 

"Money for the gas, in case you have to bargain for it," I said as I handed a hesitant-looking Nia the bundle of money. She'd been watching my every move and was no doubt thinking I'd pounce on her from one moment to the next. The deer blood was keeping my hunger in check for now, but I was not nearly as full as when I had blood from a human. I would have to feed the next night as well in order to keep myself sated enough to be around two humans. 

"Sweet. Let me guess, King Pedro just had some lying around his mansion?" Jackson laughed carelessly as Nia gingerly took the money from me, not trusting me at all. 

"Not like he'd need it anymore," I replied with a shrug that had Jackson laughing again. 

Paul came back and I moved into the back of the van. It was mere minutes until sunrise, and I felt more sluggish, my movements slowing down. The sky was brightening with each moment, and I had to get under cover. 

"Let's get this show on the road, people," Jackson said, clapping his hands and Nia walked off around the front of the van and got in. 

"See you tonight," Paul said, smiling warmly at me and Jackson, his eyes lingering on him a tender moment longer. 

As Paul shut the side door, I got comfortable down on the floor next to Jackson. I checked the back windows, but they were completely blacked out and I felt more at ease as I felt the sleep weighing me down with each passing second. 

"Sweet dreams," Jackson muttered and just like that I was out with the first glimpse of sunlight over the horizon. 


The moment nighttime set in I knew someone was close. I could smell her right there, hear her fast-beating heart and I opened my eyes to see Nia staring down at me, her makeshift spear just inches from my face. I didn't hesitate, didn't even think. Through some reflex I summoned my powers and raised my palms, now lit up in bright blue light. Nia bolted back just as I shot a blast of energy. It missed her, but with a loud bang it ruptured a hole in the roof of the van and dissipated into the night.

"Fuck!" Nia shouted then other people shouted from somewhere outside. I calmed myself down enough to get myself under control. I clenched my fists and extinguished my light. 

"What the hell!" I yelled as Nia, wide eyed and afraid, scrambled out of the van and right outside, Jackson stared at me from the opening in the door. He looked equally parts intrigued and shocked. Paul grasped Nia tightly and tried to calm her down. We were in what looked like a suburban area, not a city centre, which was good because it meant less people had seen my outburst.  

"What just happened?" Paul said and I had to admire his level of calmness. Sure, his heart was pounding fast and heavy, but the rest of him appeared calm. 

"I'm sure Emily will tell us, won't you love?" Jackson smiled encouragingly at me. His stare felt piercing, and I could tell he was beyond intrigued. He already knew that I was different. 

"I have this weird gift, this energy that I've had before I even turned vampire. I was hunted for it, unknowingly, and the vampire king of Los Angeles took some of it from me, killed my friend and now I want him dead. He is the reason I am here in this messed up situation and he must pay."

Jackson said nothing for a while but seemed to be contemplating things in his head. His facial expression revealed nothing whilst Nia and Paul kept away, standing on the opposite side of the road. Nia's spear was still raised in a defensive position.

Jackson finally nodded and looked at me. "Okay then."

"Okay then what?"

"That's your mission. I'm cool with that. You do you. Can we go now? There's a blood hotel nearby where you can feed properly. I can tell you are hungry and I'm not risking my family because of it."

Nia was fuming. "Are you seriously letting that thing stay with us. Not only is she a fanger, but she's a fanger with magic?"

I huffed. "If I wanted to kill you, I would have done so back at the clearing," I said. "I could have set the whole place on fire, but I didn't. I am grateful to you all that you allowed me to come with you, but all I want is to kill that bastard and anyone who comes in my way." My gaze locked on Nia. "Are you going to be in my way?"

Silence. One second. Two seconds. The pounding of her heart slowed slightly, but I felt my hunger rise ever so little in my throat instead.

"Whatever," Nia finally said, lowering her spear to her side as she climbed into the back of the van. 

Jackson clapped his hands together seemingly back to his usual cheerful self. "Great. Now that's all settled, let's get going, shall we."

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