the sun and the moon || h.s

By EmilyBlakeBooks

3.4K 200 23

Almost midway through the 16th century, France and England are crosshairs away from warfare. Malevolence is t... More



172 8 0
By EmilyBlakeBooks

Marie's heels clack against the stone walkway and she felt giddy and excited. Normally, she'd feel bothered by how seemingly insignificant she one needed her. Leopold and King Frederick were busy with the Spaniards, Queen Louisa was on some family errand and Marie was free to spend her day as she pleased. Which, right now, meant taking a stroll through the gardens...or maybe going to think, somewhere quiet. The clouds were heavy above, grey and dim. She knew her time outdoors was going to have to be brief, for rain was surely forecasted. Before she ducked into the hidden pocket of the garden, she looked around, making sure no one suspected her of anything. But the grounds surrounding her were clear, it was a quiet day. As soon as she slipped behind the hedges, his arms found her and she did her best to suppress her excitement.

"Did anyone see you?" His mouth was close to hers as his grin deepened.

"Would I be here if anyone saw me?" Harry cupped her face delicately and pressed his lips firmly against hers. Marie felt as though she could finally breathe, and she let herself exhale into him and he cradled her as though she were a flower.

"I've thought about kissing you over...and over again since I left you yesterday...holding you..." Her fingers looped around his belt and she nestled her head into the nape of his warm neck.

"You said that yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that..." He grins as she playfully teases him. "But so have I." She whispers now, feeling his mouth against her hair...she doesn't want to let him go, but she forces herself to. "Are you going to behave yourself tonight?" He smirks as his hands lazily rest upon her hips.

"I don't see why my parents are throwing a party for these fools...what's the point. Liquor them up and then sign this blasted treaty?" Marie lets her fingers caress the soft skin of his otherwise stubbled cheek.

"Maybe tonight, you can show them your newfound bit of self control." His eyes observe her with intensity, and he grins cheekily.

"What self control, your grace?"

"The self control that I'm asking you to find, for my sake."

"If I had even a sliver of self control, Marie, I wouldn't be standing here, holding you in my would I?"

"I'm serious, Harry. I'm already on thin ice and I promised the Queen that I'd watch over you...keep you in line—"

"And I think you've done a wondrous job...I mean, I could be off picking a fight with that scum, Filipe...but I've chosen to be with you."

"We're both going to have eyes on us tonight, we've got to be on our best behavior."

"I think I'm going to have a difficult time looking anywhere but at you." Marie sighs, and places her palms flat against his broad chest.

"Harry..." His hands move up, keeping her neck in place as he takes her in. "This isn't a's not funny...we're both risking so much right now. I'm risking my life—"

"I would never let anyone hurt you, do you understand me? No matter what happens, no matter who I have to betray, I'd never let you get hurt." He can see the fear behind her eyes. "I know this isn't a game...I just—I have to try and laugh a bit because the thought that in a few'll be married to my brother. I cannot fathom it. I can't."

"We're only making things worse for ourselves...we're making it harder."

"No—well, maybe. But I can't stop. Not now. I've known you two week and already, I can't picture my life without you in it."

"You have to, Harry. I am not yours."

"You know...the moment that I saw you, you were crying as you watched your parent's ship fade from view and I had no idea who you were...I just knew that you..." His fingers touch her face as though he's never felt skin before. "You were everything, and I was yours. You may not be mine, Marie, but you must know that I am yours. I was born to be yours, do you understand me?" As tears fill her eyes she begins to hate herself. Herself and her life and her duties. How unfair is this?

"I don't want to be his..." She begins to sob and he steadies her as her body becomes weak with fear and sadness. "I don't want this, I don't want this, Harry..." He wraps his arms so tightly around her, trying to take some of her pain. He wants to free her of all of this.

"I know, my love...I know, shhh..." She pulls away and he frantically wipes her tears away as she peers up at him.

"I want you, I don't want to marry him." Harry kisses her, giving her all of him as she cries into his mouth. "I don't want this kingdom and I don't want to be queen...I want to live a simple life without these burdens and these responsibilities—these walls!" The young prince lets his hands fall to his sides, as he stands helpless. Unable to calm her. He knew that the reality of this was all seemingly tumbling down onto her. The panic was settling and consuming. "Oh mon dieu, enlève-moi ça, s'il te plaît?" Oh my god, take this from me, please. Her trembling hands clutched her chest as she began to hyperventilate. As she pleaded with the Lord, Harry carefully took her back into his arms. His fingers spread, he pressed them into her back as he held her close to his heart. Her cries turned to whimpers, which soon turned to mere sniffles...then quiet silence fell over them. Marie breathed him in and then exhaled her fears. She placed her cool palm upon his cheek and their eyes scoured one another. "Je crois que je t'aimerai plus que la vie et que mon coeur sera tien..." I believe that I will love you more than life, and my heart will be yours. She takes one of his hands and holds it against her chest. "This...will always beat for you." He kisses her palm and then her lips.

"We have right now. We must live for right now."

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