Heroic Acts

By xSilenced_Spiritsx

43.5K 2.5K 1K

What if the love of your life turned out to be your arch nemesis? Darien moves away from home to enroll in a... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine

Twenty Seven

376 27 52
By xSilenced_Spiritsx

"I wasn't anywhere, and even if I was, why would it be any of your concern?" Darien asked Andy. He felt bad for holding in a lie, but he was determined to keep it. He was also kind of intimidated. He was never really questioned like this before, especially not by Andy, who always coddled and babied him.

"It's my concern because I like to know where you are and where you're going at all times," Andy said sternly. "Remember the bank incident? What if I hadn't gotten there on time?"

"That hardly seems fair, Andy. Situations like that don't occur daily. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Besides, you don't tell me your whereabouts all the time, do you?" Darien asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, but I don't need to. You're smaller than me, Darien. I just worry about you. Especially with all the weird shit that's been going on in our city. You need taken care of," he explained.

"I can take care of myself just fine," Darien snapped.

"I don't believe it, hun. I'm sorry, I just need to keep SOME kind of tabs on you. I can't have you lying to me. If you've been out, I need to know."

"You sound awfully possessive, Andy. What the hell has gotten into you?"

"Like I said, tabs, Darien."

"Well, I wasn't ANYWHERE, thank you," Darien said, turning away from him.

"I think you're a liar," Andy said, shrugging.

"Oh, is that so?" Darien said. "I suppose it takes one to know one, doesn't it, Dear?"

"What are you trying to say?" Andy said, crossing his arms against his chest.

"I'm saying you'd probably detect any liar considering you're one of the best!" Darien shouted. "Aren't you the one who told me Seth wasn't coming to see me in the hospital?"

"Yes, because he wasn't, Darien. I had to be honest with you," Andy said.

"You were anything but honest! He was coming to see me, but you kept him away, even when he tried his best," Darien accused. Andy raised an eyebrow.

"How would you know all this without making any contact with Seth, hm?"

Darien's heart skipped a beat for just a moment, but he was quick, and he was able to pass off his hesitation.

"A mutual friend. She also tells me you've been awfully flirty at your lessons," he snapped. Andy thought for a minute, staring blankly.

"Ah, yes, the red head. Caroline, is it not? I didn't realize you were friends with her," Andy admitted.

"Do you even like girls?" Darien asked.

"On occasion, she has to be of the finer sorts," Andy said. He smirked as Darien rolled his eyes in response and said, "oh, Darling, wasn't it my honesty that you wanted?"

"If you're being honest with me, then tell me this. Did you really slash Seth's tires so he'd be late to see me?" Darien asked, delicate tears pooling up in his eyes. Andy looked down at the floor for a moment before scratching the back of his head and sighing.

"I'll admit, yes, that was me," he said rather quietly.

"I knew it!" Darien shouted, letting the pool of tears flow down his cheeks. He covered his face with his hands.

"Darien, sweetheart, I only did it because he was trying to pry us apart!" Andy explained.

"You're the reason I lost someone I cared for deeply," Darien said, sniffling, his eyes growing puffy and his face getting red.

"Baby, he didn't care about you. Did he? He treated you like shit as far as I know. You've told me the stories," Andy said.

"He was becoming a better man," Darien said, trying to wipe his tears away, but they were only replaced with new ones. Andy sighed and stepped over to him, attempting to put his arms around his waist.

"Darien, I-"

"Please, don't touch me," Darien sobbed. Andy grew more frustrated.

"Darien, I only kept him away because I was jealous. I could tell you cared for him so much, and I just wanted to feel like I was cared about the same," Andy said sadly. Darien started to feel bad, looking up into Andy's eyes.

No, Darien thought. No, he's lying! He's trying to win you over!

"That was a terrible way to go about getting me to care for you more," he finally choked out.

"I don't know what else to say to you, Darien. I'm trying to get you to understand," Andy said.

"And I'm trying to get you to understand that you really fucked with me, Andy. You really messed with my feelings and my friendships like that. Why would you even think that was okay?" Darien asked.

"Maybe it wasn't okay in the moment, Darien, but it will be later on! Everything happens for a reason and my reasoning for making these things happen was because I love you and I see such potential in our relationship. You and I, we could really do great things," Andy said. Darien only cried more.

"You sound like a completely different person, Andy. You're not the same boy I met in that café. You're a fucking douchebag," Darien said.

"Hey now, watch the harsh words," Andy said. "My Dear, I was only trying to do what was best for us. I'm only looking for things that will make our relationship the most ideal."

"If this is what you call ideal," Darien began. "Then, I don't think I want to be in this relationship anymore."

"What?" Andy asked.

"I don't think this is working out for me, Andy," Darien reiterated. It hurt him, it did. He did love Andy, only, he loved the version he met in the café however long ago. The man in front of him? That wasn't Andy.

"B-but.. but Darien," Andy said, obviously trying not to cry himself. "I love you."

"I loved you too," Darien said. "That's why this is so hard for me to stand here, in front of you, right now. You're not the same."

"I can be! I can be the boy you once knew, I'll show you, I promise, and we'll be happy again," he pleaded.

"No, Andy, we won't. I don't want to keep holding onto something like this. We're.. toxic, Andy. It never really seemed like it, but we are. You twisted the truth and your words to get me to do what you wanted, to make me believe you. You did it to make me think I wanted nothing in this world but you. I fell for your charm, I fell for your game. I fell thinking you loved me like I loved you."

"I do love you, Darien! If I'm sure of one thing, it's that! Doubt me on all accounts, but not that. Don't doubt me on that."

"As much as I'd do my best to believe you, I can't. How could anyone deceive someone they loved like that? Maybe you did love me before, but you didn't when you started playing with me. You felt lust, power, anything but love."

Andy's sad tears grew into angrier ones. He had never been cornered or bashed like this. Darien was the first person to ever confront him, and he was hiding how intimidated he was with anger.

"You should be more grateful, damn it! I gave you everything! I gave you whatever you wanted, affection, a fucking apartment! What more could you need?!" Andy shouted.

"How about some sincerity? Honesty? Intimacy?" Darien listed.

"Intimacy? Are you fucking kidding me? I've been taking you to the finest places, showing you off like a trophy, and I certainly helped you do a number on our bed frame. Why didn't you tell me you had a problem with our intimacy in the first place?"

"Intimacy isn't always dates, showing off, or sex, Andy. They most certainly do come in those forms, yes, but not always. You don't seem to understand that, and that's my issue," Darien said quietly.

"Then tell me what you want," Andy snapped.

"You can't give me what I want," Darien said.

"And why the fuck not?" Andy asked.

"Because if you could, I'd have it by now," Darien said, putting it simply. In reality, the answer would have been something to do with Seth. Seth had what he wanted. Seth felt like nothing he had ever had before. Seth was warmth, intimacy, home.

"You're ridiculous, Darien," Andy said, turning away.

"I'm ridiculous?" Darien asked, his tears finally dry. "Here you are, standing in front of me, belittling me. You've never spoken to me like this, Andy. Ever. This is borderline abusive and I'm not having it. You're just, you're no good for me anymore."

"I'll give you until my shower is over to pack your things. Find a place to stay tonight," Andy said, disregarding everything Darien had just said to him. He walked out of the living room and into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.

Darien stood there for a moment, letting the waterworks start up again. He wasn't sad because his relationship was over, he was just frustrated. He had never been kicked out before, but he knew exactly where he'd be going. He went into his bedroom and grabbed his suitcases, packing them up messily, not a care in the world. He still had his toothbrush and things in the bathroom, which was locked, but he decided he could just buy replacements for that. He zipped up the suitcases and lugged them into the next room, walking around the place and checking for any more of his belongings.

After gathering a few things here and there, he stuffed them into his bags and left the apartment, shut the door and walked away without looking back. He continued to sniffle and sob quietly to himself as he made the trek across campus, careful not to let any strangers see his distress. He was tired, and his feet hurt, but he still had about a quarter mile to go.

"Fuck Andy, honestly," he said to himself. "I can't believe he spoke to me like that."

After a very sluggish walk, he finally made it inside one of the residence halls. He waited in the air conditioned lobby area for a few minutes to catch his breath before attempting to climb the stairs. Up one floor, two, three...

He wanted to collapse and army crawl the rest of the way there, his face still flushed and puffy, his eyes still delicate little pools. He finally made it to room 1210, as if for the first time, and he put his suitcases down to knock on the door.

"I'll get it," Caroline said, paused the movie and slid off her bed to get to the door. She opened it to see Darien's sad face and bags.

"Sweetheart," she said, her voice full of pure empathy.

"What? Who is it?" Seth said, got up from his bed, rushing to the door and nearly knocking Caroline out of the way. Darien stared at the ground as Seth approached.

"Darien, come inside," Seth said, bringing him into the room. Caroline grabbed Darien's bags for him, placed them by the closet and closed the dorm room door.

"Darien, what happened?" Seth asked. Once again, like he had earlier that evening, he placed two fingers under Darien's chin, raising his head to face him while muttering a soft, "look at me." His eyes were met with Darien's teary ones.

"Oh, Baby, come here," Seth said, holding his arms open. Darien gladly accepted Seth's warmth, burying his face in his chest. He began to cry again.

"I should have never left you," he sobbed. Seth just tightened his arms around him, resting his chin on the top of his head.

"It's okay, you're here now. It's okay," Seth kept repeating, rubbing Darien's back. He kissed the top of his head softly.

"Should I leave?" Caroline said very softly, intending for only Seth to hear.

"No," Darien said quickly. "Please don't leave. You're very comforting too."

Caroline gave a sad half smile and nodded, stepping over to join the two in the hug, sandwiching Darien between them. They waited for him to calm down before trying to ask him any more questions.

Soon, Darien's sobs became tiny little sniffles. Caroline took this as her cue to let go, and stepped away to sit on her bed. Seth only loosened his grip a little bit, but he had no intentions of letting go. He leaned down and whispered in Darien's ear, "would you like to sit down on the bed?"

Darien hesitated for a moment and then nodded, releasing Seth from his grip and sat up on Seth's bed, wiping his eyes again. Seth brought him a cold bottle of water from the mini-fridge.

"Thank you," Darien whimpered. He unscrewed the cap and drank as much as he could, and then took a deep breath to fully calm down.

"Now, what happened, Darien? Did he find out about us?" Seth asked.

"No, he has no idea," Darien said. "He figured out I wasn't home though. When questioned, I panicked and I started calling him out for all the things he lied about, and.. and.."

"Calm down, Darien," Caroline said softly. "Take your time." Darien nodded again and took another deep breath before finishing.

"He just.. he freaked out on me. I guess he's not used to being confronted like that. He swore at me, he belittled me. It was like he was a completely different man. I ended our relationship right then and there. He kicked me out," Darien explained.

"What an awful person," Seth muttered and took a seat on the bed next to him. He put his arm around Darien softly.

"You did the right thing coming here, though," Caroline said sweetly. "We'll always take care of you!"

"I know, thank you, Caroline. I'd also like to apologize to you specifically," Darien said. "I had a lot of jealously in my head and heart when I saw you with Seth. I mentally called your heels trashy the other night." Instead of being offended, Caroline laughed and shrugged it off.

"That's okay, Darien. Part of me agrees, even though they're sparkly, I got them super cheap," she said, giggling. Darien smiled a little and chuckled with her. She was really growing on him.

Caroline glanced over at Seth, who was awfully quiet. She could tell he needed to talk to Darien, in a more private setting. She took it upon herself to make that happen, and she excused herself to the restroom, quietly stepping out of their room.

"So, is that it? Is it really over for you two?" Seth asked Darien quietly.

"I suppose so," Darien said, looking over at him.

"As much as I want to scoop you up and make you mine immediately," Seth began. "I'm going to give you a little bit. I think you need some time to sort your thoughts out. I'm not sure any of us knew it was going to end like this."

"I appreciate it, Seth. Don't give me too long though," he said with a little grin.

"I won't," Seth said sweetly and kissed his forehead.

"Hey, since we're not sneaking around anymore, it's okay if I share a bed with you tonight, right?" Darien asked and smiled.

"Of course, who else would you share a bed with? Caroline?" Seth asked and chuckled.

"No, but that floor looks awfully comfy," Darien smirked.

"Oh, shut up. You're snuggling with me, tonight," Seth said and laughed.

"That sounds perfect. I'll just need a night or so to get a new place," he said.

"A new place?"

"Yeah, a place to stay. Caroline is your roommate now, after all," Darien said.

"Who cares? It can be the three of us. I don't mind sharing a bed with you all the time, you dummy," Seth said.

"Are you sure? I don't want to intrude on whatever you guys have going on here," Darien said quietly.

"I've never been more sure about anything in my whole life," Seth said, kissing his cheek. Darien smiled and nodded in acceptance.

"Just don't try to have sex with me all the time, Caroline will get mad," Seth joked.

"SETH! Oh my god, NO!" Darien shouted, covering his red face with his hands. Seth laughed and pulled him into a big hug.

"I'm just kidding," he said. Caroline walked back into the room, assuming it was safe due to all the laughter.

"What's all the gigglin' about?" She asked, then looked over to see Darien's blushy complexion.

"God damn it, Seth, what did you do to the poor boy?"

"Nothing! It was a joke!" Seth said.

"The poor baby is gonna go sleep in the hallway at this rate," she said and rolled her eyes. "Anyway, do you wanna get back to the movie?"

"That sounds nice," Seth said, turning to fix his pillows and make the bed more comfortable for two. He laid down and motioned for Darien to come over to him. Darien crawled over and made himself comfortable against Seth's chest, listening to his heartbeat. Once the two were settled, Caroline played the rest of Jurassic World.

This kind of thing was so strange yet so familiar. Darien felt so safe and so warm but so shy. He felt like he was meeting Seth for the first time. He had those butterflies in his stomach that happened early on, when you first realize you have a crush on someone. Darien just couldn't believe after all this time, after he purposely tried to shove this boy out of his life and head, he was still here, caring about him more than ever. If he were to regret one thing, it would be exactly that.

Later on, when it was time to sleep and Caroline shut off the TV and the lights, Seth didn't try to kiss Darien. He meant what he said when he told Darien he'd wait and give him some time to heal and process everything. He just continued to lay on his back and allowed Darien to lay wherever he wanted, pulling the blankets up against their bodies.

Darien just kept his head on Seth's chest, taking in a long, deep breath. Seth smelled wonderful and dreamy; it was almost like aromatherapy in the same way lavender would help you drift to sleep. It felt so nice to be home.


To: Darien
From: Andy
11:39 pm: Honey? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have acted like that.

To: Darien
From: Andy
11:43 pm: Are you asleep? Where are you? I'm really sorry.

To: Darien
From: Andy
11:56 pm: Please come home.

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