
By weborgta

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She didn't know it, but she was in the presence of her older sister. But how could that be? Her older sister... More


3 0 0
By weborgta

One autumn night, Marie was going out to milk the cow. On her way, she had to walk past the church graveyard. Walking past a graveyard at night was scary enough, but on this particular evening, Marie thought she saw her older sister standing in the graveyard! Marie stopped and blinked. When she looked again, there was nothing there.
"It's just my imagination," she thought, but little did Marie know that her sister had risen from the dead to bring death to Marie on this very night.
Lisa did not want to do this, but she had no choice. If she didn't kill Marie, the alternative was to have evil spirits come into the world and kill every single person now living. Humans would become extinct. Lisa felt trapped, with no way out of this horrible act.
As Marie approached the barn the wind started to pick up. Marie didn't care though. It was just wind. As she entered the barn, the wind outside started to howl louder and louder until all at once it stopped. Marie, still a little shaken up from the weird wind incident, didn't notice her ghostly sister hovering right behind her. Marie started to milk the portly cow when she heard her name echoing through the barn. Slowly, Marie turned around and screamed her loudest, most terrifying scream!. Her sister was right behind her! She was very bony and thin and held a dagger in her right hand! She wore the white lace dress they had buried her dead body in, but it seemed as though this one had been through a lot. There were rips and dirt on the dress. It was now a faded white color. No longer beautiful. Marie was speechless. She didn't know what to say or do. After a long moment of silence, Lisa spoke, uncomfortably.
"Marie, I won't hurt you." That was a lie. Marie could tell from the way she said it. Quivering, Marie said, "Why are you here?"
"Because I need to talk to you," said Lisa.
"Okay," said Marie.
Lisa told Marie what the evil spirits were planning, but she didn't tell Marie that she had come back to kill her.
"I need to go. I'll see you tonight."
"What do you mean?" asked Marie.
"You'll see," and with that Lisa was gone.
Marie walked cautiously back to the old farmhouse. A few hours later, Marie was asleep in bed. Lisa knew she could not kill her sister. Marie was so nice and kind. At 12:00 midnight, Lisa woke Marie up. She told Marie to look out the window. What Marie saw made her cringe. There in front of her house was a dark black tornado full of evil spirits and it was heading straight toward her house! Faster and faster it came, destroying everything in its path. Then BAM... lights out!

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