Chuck's Daughter

By Edenwinchester02

523K 12.5K 1.2K

Chuck's very first creation was his daughter Eden. She was treated as an equal to himself and Amara but Amara... More

In the Beginning...
The Fall
Living hell
Raised from perdition
Who the hell is castiel?
Getting to know you
Yellow Fever
Anna? Do you hear Voices
Anna the Angel?
Anna the Angel? (Part 2)
Hello Brother
Lucifer Rising
Apocalypse now
Where the hell is Raphael
The Walking Croatoan
Changing Channels
Meanwhile in Heaven
Hello Michael
Abandon all Hope
Luci I'm Home
The Song Remains the Same
My Bloody Valentine
Point of No Return
Hammer of the Gods
Stop the Apocalypse
Horsemen's rings
Take a Sick Day and Have Pizza with Death
Swan Song (Part 1)
The Sequal Is UP!!!!!

Swan Song (Part 2)

8.4K 204 20
By Edenwinchester02


Lucifer stood on the final battle field awaiting Michael. He dreaded this day for so long. He didn't want to kill his brother but he didn't have a choice. He heard the flap of wings from behind him. Lucifer turned around to see his brother. "It's good to see you Michael..." Lucifer said sadly. "You too. It's been too long." Michael replied stoically. "Can you believe it's finally here." Lucifer said. Michael walked forward avoiding eye contact, "no not really... are you ready?" Lucifer shook his head. "As I'll ever be... you know... part of me wishes we didn't have to do this." Michael took a deep breathe. "Yeah... me too." He responded sadly. "Then why are we?" Lucifer asked but was cut off by Michael. "Oh you know why. I have no choice. After what you did-" "WHAT I DID? You killed Eden. And Yet I'm the Devil.-" "SHE WOULDN'T HAVE BEEN HURT IF YOU DIDN'T REBEL!" Michael yelled allowing his pain to seep through. "Have you seen her?" Lucifer asked more calmly. "Yes... you?" Michael asked calming down. Lucifer nodded. "Dad allowed for all of this to happen. Think about it... God made me who I am. He made me the devil. He made me so that I would rebel.... HE ALLOWED FOR EDEN TO DIE! He orchestrated all of this. The question is why? We're gonna kill each other and for what? One of dad's tests. We don't even know the answer... We're brothers. Let's just walk off the chess board." Michael thought for a second about what Lucifer said before turning back to him. "I'm sorry. I-I c-can't do that. I'm a good son and I have my orders." Michael said with a shaky voice. "But you don't have to follow them-" "What you think I'm gonna rebel. Now? I'm not like you." "Please Michael-" "No you haven't changed a bit little brother... always blaming everybody but yourself. We were together. We were happy. But betrayed us. You made our father leave.... YOU CAUSED EDEN'S DEATH." Lucifer was taken back. "LOOK AROUND MICHAEL! History continues to repeat itself. Father isn't here to watch his sons die... on his order." Michael shook his head and then straightened up. "You're a monster Lucifer... and I have to kill you." Lucifer looked at the ground heart broken. "If that's the way it's gotta be...Then I'd like to see you try." Lucifer said angrily. They circled each other preparing to fight. But they were interrupted by the sound of an engine. A 1967 Chevrolet Impala.

Edens POV*

Oh we are gonna die... We pulled into the graveyard in front of my brothers. Dean put the car in park and got out. "Howdy boys...Sorry are we interrupting something?" I stepped outta the car as well and immediately both archangels eyes left dean and fell to me. "Eden what are you doing here it's not safe." Michael said walking towards me. "Get the hell away from her! You hurt her once I won't let you do it again!" Lucifer roared. Michael sharply turned to lucifer and they stomped towards each other. I put myself in between them to stop them "You both are complete morons if you think I'm gonna let this happen! I'M NOT LETTING YOU KILL EACH OTHER! IT'S NOT HAPPENING!" I hissed allowing my eyes to glow blue. "I need to talk to you." Dean said pointing to Sam/Lucifer. "Dean even for you this is a whole new mountain of stupid." Lucifer said. "I'm not talking to you I'm talking to Sam." Dean said. "Your no longer the vessel dean! You got no right to be here." Michael said. "Adam if your in there I'm so sorry." Dean said looking at michael. "Adam isn't home right now." Michael said. "Well then you next on my list buttercup but right now I need five minutes with him." Dean said gesturing to Lucifer. "You little maggot. YOU ARE NO LONGER A PART OF THE STORY!" Michael roared. He held up his fingers to snap and probably kill dean but I grabbed his wrist. "I really wouldn't do that if I were you brother." I spat tightening my grip on Michael's wrist. He nodded and I let go of his wrist and took a step back. "HEY ASSBUTT!" I heard from the side. I turned to see Castiel and Bobby. Cas was holding a flaming holy water molotov. "NO!" I yelled but it was to late. Cas threw it and Michael was surrounded by flames. He let out a gut wrenching scream before disappearing. "WHAT THE HELL CAS?!?!" I screamed. Cas ignored me and turned to dean. "He'll be back and upset. but you got your five minutes." Cas said. "Castiel... Did you just molotov my brother? with holy fire." Lucifer spat. Castiel got very uncomfortable, "uh... no." He said. "No one dicks with michael but me..." With that Lucifer snapped his fingers and killed Castiel. "NO! CAS!" I screamed. "Sammy can you hear me" Dean asked cautiously. "You know I tried to be nice. for sammy's sake. But you are such a pain... in my ass." Lucifer then proceeded to throw dean through the windshield of the impala. Bobby tried to shoot Lucifer but lucifer just turned and snapped his neck. When Lucifer started to beat up dean I quickly stepped in. I flew in between them and stopped Lucifer. "Luci... I love you. and I'm sorry but I gotta do this.... I'll get you out. I promise..." I then placed my hands on either side of Lucifer's face. My eyes glowed blue and I spoke in my goddess voice. "SAM... COME FORTH!" It was then that sam took the wheel. I could tell Lucifer was fighting tooth and nail to gain back control but he couldn't until I let him. "D-dean?... It's okay dean. It's gonna me okay... I got him. " He then reached into his jean pocket and pulled out the rings. I walked over to heal Dean as tears filled my eyes. Sam threw the rings on the ground and said the magic words. The door to the cage opened. I could hear Lucifers prayers to not make him go back which made me cry even harder.   Sam nodded at Dean as if to tell him it was okay. But just before he jumped Michael returned. "Sam! It's not gonna end this way step back! I have to fight my brother Sam! here and now! It's my destiny!" Sam didn't even bother responding to Michael. He just looked at Dean and begun to fall. Michael raced to stop sam but it was to late.... Michael fell in with him.

"NOOOO!!!!" I yelled racing towards the black hole. Before I could jump in after them the gate shut. I felt the same pain I felt when I lost Gabriel. I same heart break. Sobs shook my body. I let out a horribly cry of anguish that rivaled even the cry that created the first demon. I sat there sobbing. Praying for my father. For anybody. But nobody came.  Dean sat staring at where his brother once stood. He was just as broken as me I could see it. After about two hours I had stopped crying. My throat hurt and I had a headache. I snapped my fingers and put Castiel back together. He walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Eden I-" "Just go heal bobby Castiel..." I said utterly defeated. He walked over and did as I asked. I was in so much pain. All I wanted was to make my family whole. But all I did was rip it apart. Dean held onto the rings. One day I will open the cage. I will release my family. I will sit on the throne of heaven and replace my father. I will rebuild this world in my image. I just have to figure out how to do that.

Endings are hard... any chapped ass monkey with a keyboard can poop out a beginning. But endings are impossible. Try to tie up every loose end. But you never can. The fans are always gonna bitch. There's always gonna be holes. And since it's the ending it's all supposed to add up to something. I'm telling you they're a raging pain in the ass.

Dean went to live with Lisa and her son Ben. Just like he promised. He wanted to die or save sam. But he wouldn't do either. Sam made him promise... Cas wanted to Heaven to try and promote free will among angels. He wishes for me to come rule heaven. But honestly... Gabe was right. I don't wanna be a leader. I don't want to take my fathers place. I just want my family. But nonetheless I told Cas I would return to heaven with him. After all it is my home. It's my family. I was created to one day take over heaven for my father. I intend to rule better than my father ever did. Cas asked me and Dean what we would rather have... peace or freedom? I suppose I choose peace. I've always chosen peace. So yes I will sacrifice my freedom. I will sit on the throne of heaven and be a just sovereign so that one day I can bring peace to my family. The humans can live in peace. Dad was right about them... they are worth protecting. I've lost so much... but I will get it all back. I will make things better. After all I am daughter of the Creator. I am the Goddess of life and creation. I am sister to the angels and I am the first created. I am the Queen of Heaven and I WILL reunite my family. No matter how long it takes....

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