Konosuba: dragon's blessing i...

By draconicPhoenix456

21.8K 368 185

Tsukiyo Drakon is your typical genius high school student that is always bored with this world. Until the day... More

Chapter 1: The day I died and reborn in a new world.
Chapter 2: The Town of Beginings.
Chapter 4: Meeting of new friends and old rival.
Chapter 5: The battle between the dragon and the knight.
Chapter 6: the sun, the star, and the moon

Chapter 3: The start of something amazing.

3.1K 55 30
By draconicPhoenix456

Tsukiyo POV
Tsukiyo (thought): It been about two weeks since I came to this world and became an adventurer. Right now I'm in the bed of a cheap inn, I'm wearing my casual set of clothes that I was able to buy through a custom order from a store, the outfit consists of a black t-shirt and blue jeans and black sneakers. The first two or three days in the guild was mostly spent performing boring fetch quests to get me started on my feet. After those boring days, I decided to primarily do hunting quest to start leveling up and get more money... man I have to break this bad habit of monologuing in my mind.

With the monologue over and with nothing better to do, I decided to pull out my adventurer card from my pocket and take a look at all my stats and ability.

Tsukiyo Drakon
MP: 850/850
Level: 17
Skill point: 4
Race: human-dragon hybrid
Class: [Spellblade]

Dragon ability:
Dragon install: (MP: 0) changes the very nature of the user to that of a dragon and back. Strength, speed, and defense are boosted by 20%, Gain the power to fly with dragon wings in my hybrid form (top travel speed: Mach 5).

Draconic wisdom: (passive) decrease the cost of learning any magic by 5 skill points, any skill that is 5 or lest is decreased to 1. When magic is 10% or below the body will start to shut down and after 10 minutes the user will die.

Dragon's scale: (passive, must be in hybrid form) all elemental damage is cut in half. Take double damage from dragon killing weapons.

Draconic insight: (passive) gives all the senses of a dragon.
Active ability: (MP: 0, cooldown: 10 minutes) grants the ability to sense danger in 50-meter radios. Last for 1 minute.

Lightning dragon roar: (MP: 100, must be in hybrid form) powerful lightning infuse breath attack that can scorch the very land itself.

Dragonic Overlord: (MP: 500 MP upkeep: 150 per minute) this mode calls forth the true power of the dragon lords thus tripling the user's speed, doubling the user's strength, and decrease the mana cost of all ability by 25%. Half both the defense, and vitality. Automatically shut down when MP hits 0.

Yamato's abilities:
Dimensional cut: (MP: 40) a slashing attack that is launched from the magically infuse blade of Yamato.

Dimensional Raikiri: (MP: 55) lightning infuse version of dimensional cut that will deal more damage along with the chance of temporary paralysis.

Spectral clone: (MP: 50, Upkeep: 20 per minute) create a ghost-like image of oneself, the clones can do anything the original beside magic-related ability.

Spatial rend: (MP: 5) with a swing of Yamato the dimension will tear open a portal to any location in the user's memories (Cannot be used in combat).

Blink: (MP: 10) instantly teleport to any place in a 50-meter radius.

Lightning: (MP: 20) shoots out a bolt of highly concentrated electricity.

Chain lightning: (MP: 40) strikes the enemy with a bolt of lighting that can travel to any nearby enemies.

Lightning armor: (MP upkeep: 25 per minute) covers whatever the user wants in a cloak of electricity that boosts speed, power, and defense.

Tsukiyo (thought): ok looking over all my ability I might a little op for a level 17 adventurer and note to self only use Dragonic overlord as my final trump card. Well anyway let's go through all I learn from the past 2 weeks, dragons are the strongest form of magical creatures in this world but that comes at the cost of needing mana in their system to survive. and a big thing that I found out is that can invent new spells, in which doing so will reduce the number of skill points needed by 80% to learn that new spell as long as I got the fundamental for the new spell down.

After I finish examining my adventurer card and finish mulling through my thoughts, and what I learn I decided to go do some quest. So I put on my cloak and strap Yamato to my hip and made my way to the guild. While normally I would just spatial rend to a back ally near the guild to save on time so that no one will pester me where I got Yamato. But today I want to take a casual walk and to think about something on my mind.

Tsukiyo (thought): should I join a party I mean I know I'm strong for a someone around level 20 but I can't cover all the weakest as a well-made party can, but at the same time, I don't want to get stuck with a bunch of useless idiots that I have to carry all the time.

I instantly push those thoughts for later when I got to the guild building. When I enter the guild I see that everything the usual. Lazy adventurer drinking, party members talking with each other, people debating on what quest to choose from on the mission board, and people arguing with each other. So I use the most useful skill I have ever learn which is blocking out all the unwanted noise, so with that, I make my way to the mission board to see what quest I can take today.

Tsukiyo (thought): ok let see [obtain medical herbs from the nearby forest. reward: 12,000 Eris] no too boring, [guard valuable jewel of lord Juno from thieves. Reward: 60,000 Eris] too much of a hazard to deal with a noble, [kill 10 goblins in one day. Reward: 30,000 Eris, 5,000 Eris for every additional goblin kill] ha this quest will be pretty quick and they pay pretty well. I guess I'll take it.

Line break
Quest: Kill 10 goblin in 1 day
About an hour after I took the quest you can find me flying above the tree line in my hybrid form, I was able to sneak into a nearby back alley and use Dragon install so that no one can find out I'm a dragon hybrid. While I have no problem with a few people knowing that I'm a dragon hybrid I don't want to know what will happen if the entire town finds out that I'm a dragon. I was snap out of my thought when I spot a group of about 20 goblins in a forest clearing. I landed on a nearby tree branch and cancel Dragon install to turn back into my human form. So with that, I go in this how I usually go into this type of situation, which is consists of me using my dragon senses to scout things out. And there I observe from the nearby tree picking out their leader, potential reinforcements area, hiding location, and escape routes. So after about 40 minutes of observing I was able to pick out their leader, all the escape routes, and there 0 goblins hiding, which accounting all goblin total up to 20.

With all that in mind, I decided its time for me to strike. So I unsheathe Yamato and with great precision, I jump from the tree branch I was on and plunge Yamato into the back of the unsuspecting leader. And with great speeds, I pull the blade from the leader's back and slice the nearest goblin diagonally in half.

Tsukiyo (thought): 2 down 18 more to go.

Then a group of 10 goblins tries to rush to attack me with there weapons raise high in the air.

Seeing the group coming I activate Lightning armor. and instantly rocked into the middle of the group. The first three kills came quickly. The goblin leading the charge was instantly cut in half and before the nearby goblin can react I place my electrical chargehand on one of the goblin's face electrocuting it, and the second goblin was strapped in the heart with Yamato. Seeing the amount of remaining goblin I decide to finish all of them in one strike. So I pump magical power and Yamato starts to glow blue and I swing.

Tsukiyo: Dimension cut.

And with that, a blue crescent slash ejected out of Yamato. And in less than a second 7 head fall to the ground.

Tsukiyo (thought): 12 down 8 more dead goblins to go.

When I turn my head to my back and see that the remaining goblins trying to escape. Key world try. With that, I hold up my palm and push magic into it.

Tsukiyo: Chain Lightning.

And with that, a bolt of blue lightning shot out of my palm and when it hit one of the goblins electrocuting it, the lightning then starts to move to the other goblin and soon the entire group is being electrocuted and with that one spell the entire group of goblins is all dead on the ground.


And suddenly I hear a familiar ding sound. So I turn off the Lightning armor and pull out my adventurer's card.

Tsukiyo Drakon
MP: 770/900
Level: 18
Skill point: 6
Race: human-dragon hybrid
Class: [Spellblade]

Tsukiyo: sweet I level up that 2 more skill point, that means that I just need 5 more levels worth of skill point to learn that.

But my celebration of me leveling up was put on hold when I hear the soft rustling of leaves I place my hand on Yamato. Then suddenly a large black blur leaps out of the tree line at me. I was able to jump out of its trajectory. When I land back on the ground I finally got a good look at my attacker, it a large black panther-like animal that has a mane like a lion and giant tooth like that of a smilodon. To any uneducated person, this would look like a cross between a lion and a smilodon but I'm not one of those people.

Tsukiyo (thought): oh great of all things to attack me it just has to be a rookie killer.

The rookie killer has great offensive power, adds to that power with high enough intelligence to herd groups of a goblin to set as traps to kill rookie adventure thus the species earn the nickname of the rookie killer. And with all these combined it makes the rookie killer one of the strongest monsters around these forests.

The stare down me and the giant cat was having was broken when the rookie killer charges at me but I once again dodge its attack and channel magic power I into my palm once more.

Tsukiyo: Lightning

Just like last time a blue lighting bolt the size of a baseball shot out of my hand and it hits its mark, but unlike with the goblin, the rookie killer only grunted in pain from the electricity looking more piss off than anything else.

Tsukiyo (thought): dammit I forgot that the hide of a rookie killer gives it magical resistance that makes most low tier magic irrelevant.

And with that, the rookie killer capitalizes on this moment and it quickly closes the distance with its claws out. I know that I can't dodge the attack in time, so I did the next best thing. I cross both of my arms in an "X" shape and activate lightning armor on my arms and when the claws connect with my arms I didn't sustain any injuries from the slash thank to my cloak and the lightning armor but I did send flying. Which comes to a halt when I made an impact with a bolder which created a carter on the bolder. And I fall onto the ground and pick myself up.

Tsukiyo: ok you overgrown cat no more mister nice guy, dragon install.

With those words say the clearing is flooded with a bright crimson red light, when the light died down I was standing there in my hybrid form and before the giant cat can do anything I was in front of it with Yamato infuse with lightning in my hand. And with one swift motion, the head of the rookie killer was cut off.

Tsukiyo: well the cats dead time to cash in mission and maybe I can get a good deal off of the cat's hide.

So I turn off the dragon install but before I can use spacial rend to get out of the forest. My instinct flares up and I turn around and in the air, I see a second rookie killer I know I can't do anything before it reaches me. So I brace myself for impact. But suddenly.

???: icicle barrage.

Then multiple spears of ice embed themselves into the body of the second rookie killer killing it in an instant. I look around to see who cast the spell when I spot a familiar figure.

Now normally when someone saves me I the first thing I would do is thank them, but this world is anything but normal.



The two of us yell at the same time.

After those words were said for a few minutes there an awkward silence between the two of us.

Tsukiyo (thought): OK Tsukiyo calm down, just talk to her try not to mess up.

Tsukiyo: anyway my Tsukiyo Drakon and thanks for the saving me there, I guess I owe you one.

???: Hikari Shiro, it's no problem and considers it me repaying you for saving me.

With that said she offers a hand out for a handshake, and he took up the offer.

Tsukiyo (thought): so her's name is Hikari Shiro she looks like a nice girl...wait a second why the hell does she smell of a fox.

Tsukiyo: if it no problem may I ask a question.

Hikari: sure, what is it.

Tsukiyo: well I want to ask why do you smell like a fox?

And before I can react to anything he was smack into the ground with white smoke billowing out of my head. When I pick myself up from the ground while cradling my head, I see that Hikari's knuckles are also billowing out white smoke.

Tsukiyo: ok I could have worded that better.

Hikari: yes, yes you could have. Wait for a second what do you mean 'smell like a fox'.

Tsukiyo: the best way to explain this is that all being that has or use magic has some kind of magic all have a unique magical signature that I can discern through smell in your case it would be that your magic signature is that of a fox.

Hikari: and you know all this how.

Tsukiyo: you know when we come here we all get to pick one thing right before coming here right.

She nodded.

Tsukiyo: well in my case I chose to become a dragon hybrid, and one of my abilities gives me the senses of a dragon.

Hikari: oh that makes more sense and I guess to answer it best that I show you, kitsune transform.

and with that the clearing is flooded with a blinding cerulean blue light making me close my eyes, I reopen my eyes when the light dies down, but what I see shock me.

(AN: imagine there nine tails behind her instead of two tails)
And there I was standing looking shocked at Hikari's new transformation.

Hikari: this answers your question.

I can only nod dumbly at the question.

Hikari: ok my turn to ask a question you, what were you doing taking on two rookie killers?

Tsukiyo: oh we're doing it like that, in that case, I'm on a job to kill some goblins but the group that I pick was a trap made by the rookie killers. My turn, why are you in this forest?

Hikari: oh me I'm here to pick some medical herb for a quest.

Tsukiyo: wait so you are working alone.

Hikari: yeah is there a problem with it.

Tsukiyo: oh no, it just that base on the way you dress I can tell you are some kind of [Priest].

Hikari: For your information, I'm a [Miko] not a [Priest].

Tsukiyo: wait isn't the [Miko] class a variant of the [Arch Priest] class that focuses more on barriers, buffs, and debuffs than healing right.

Hikari: yes and to answer your question I can ask the same thing to you judging by your performance people would be flocking to you asking to join their party.

Tsukiyo: they do, and to why I didn't join a party, I don't want to be stuck with a bunch of idiots that I have to clean up for all the time, you.

Hikari: honestly the same reason as you the few parties that I try out for made me pull most of the weight.

And I nodded in agreement with her opinion. After that statement there a comfortable silence between the two of us.

Hikari: wait I haven't asked yet what your class and level.

Tsukiyo: and you want me to answer why. *raise eyebrow*

Hikari: just answer the dam question.

Tsukiyo: ok ok, I just turn to level 18 and my class is [spellblade].

Hikari: that perfect I'm level 16 about to turn 17, which means we're in the same level range.

I raise an eyebrow not knowing where she coming from.

Tsukiyo: and this is relevant how.

Hikari: simple the two of us can form a party together. I mean it better to stick together rather than alone. The two of us are from Earth and both of us are powerful solo adventurers for our levels. So how about it will we become a party.

When she finished the suggestion she offers out her hand.

Tsukiyo (thought): hmm she does make a good point, there is strength in numbers and even though her class is made for support but she has some really good offensive spell so she won't be a complete sitting duck.

Tsukiyo: well in the way you put it I guess there no point in me refusing the offer.

With that, I took her hand and shake it in agreement.

And thus the start of the strongest party this world will ever see...


And the moment was broken by the sound of a giant explosion and a humongous mushroom cloud.

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