Worlds Collide(ACOTAR and TOG...

By cmb1388

30.6K 775 189

I've always wanted to see a TOG and ACOTAR crossover and I've wanted to see a story about Rhys' sister still... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14

Part 3

2.2K 58 3
By cmb1388

       "Kia...Kia...darling, you need to wake up" hands gripped my shoulders, shaking me slightly. I blinked a few times, adjusting to the darkness of my bedroom and looked up to see my mother. She was dressed in her Illyrian leathers, her hair tied back and a bag was hung on her shoulder.

       "Wha-what's going on?" I asked, my mouth still dry from sleep. She sat up from my bed and started packing my things in the bag she held.

      "Get dressed Kiara, hurry up. We have to go." Her silver eyes flashed to me, they were serious, hard, almost panicked. Very unlike her. My mother's eyes were always bright. They were always happy. Something was wrong. I quickly got out of bed, dressed myself in leggings, a sweater and boots. My mother threw a black jacket over her shoulder to me.

      "Put this on, it's cold outside." She still was frantically packing my belongings. Clothes, shoes, blankets, my favorite toys. I slipped on my jacket and touched her shoulder.

     "Mama, where are we going? Why are you packing my stuff? What's going on?" She paused and looked at me, I could see tears forming in her eyes before she turned away.

     "There's no time to explain. Let's go". She approached my bedroom window, strapped on the bag and reached out her hands for me as she allowed her wings to fly open. I hesitated for a moment, unsure of what was happening. Where was my father? Where's Rhysand? Why are we escaping out my window?

     "Kia. We have to leave now."

I reached out for her hand, I trusted my mother. She had always done her best by my brother and I. She must be trying to help me. She swept me into her arms and I held on tightly as she jumped from my window and flew. She flew faster than I had ever seen her fly.

She didn't speak to me, she didn't even look down at me. She was focused. I tired to do that thing I could do and read her thoughts. I wasn't as good at it as Rhys though. I closed my eyes and focused really hard but nothing, I couldn't hear what she was thinking.

We flew for hours before landing in a dark part of a forest. It was nearly impossible to see. She set me down on the wet grass and bent down to grip my hands. Her silver eyes shone into my own. 

     "Kiara. I love you. You are so special to me. I need to know that and I need you to always remember that. Do you understand?"

I nodded slowly, "yes...but wh-"

     "I need you to be brave." She cut me off, hands gripping mine harder. "You are so powerful, so strong and so capable of doing great things." She swallowed hard. "But you have to go away. I don't know for how long and I don't know when it'll be safe for you to come back. But for now, you are not safe here."

     "What? Where am I going? Where's Rhys? Where's father? I don't want go." Tears started flowing from my eyes. My words started catching in my throat as I started gasping. "I don't, I don't wanna go. Mama, why aren't you coming with me?" She embraced me and kissed the top of my head.

     "Shhh darling, shh, it's all going to be okay. I promise. I will see you again. Okay? It's just for a little while." I didn't believe her and I don't think she believed herself either. I heard footsteps approaching and male's deep voice spoke.

     "We don't have much time, I must do this quickly." My mother looked up and wiped her tears. She stood, handed me the bag and turned me around. Standing there was an unfamiliar very tall fae male. He had dark skin, dark hair and was dressed in shimmering gold. He looked down and offered me a gentle smile. His hand reached out to grip mine and I turned back to mother with fear in my eyes. She nodded and waved me towards him.

     "It's okay, Kia, Helion is here to help you." I stared into her eyes, as tears started falling. I had never seen my mother cry before. Helion grabbed my hand and started pulling me with him. I stumbled a bit as I followed him but I kept looking at my mother. 

    "Be brave, Kia, darling. Be brave." And then she was gone.

I sat on the edge of the mountain of the House of Wind, staring over Velaris as I remembered that night. The night that changed everything. A single tear slid down my cheek but I quickly wiped it away as I heard footsteps approach behind me. I turned towards my brother.

     "I have sent messages to all other high lords, except Spring." I turned back towards the city.

     "Good, we'll need their help." I felt him come closer to me, as he eventually sat down next to me. We sat there in silence for a while before I felt his eyes on me. "Hard to believe, I know." I met his gaze. "That I'm here, that I'm alive. That I have been alive all these years." I let out a dry laugh. "Trust me, it's just as hard for me to believe that I'm sitting here right now. Never thought I'd see this place again."

He ran his hand through his dark hair. "I just have so many questions, Kiara."

I looked away again, "I can't answer them right now, Rhysand. And I don't want to." I stood, dusting off my legs. "I'm only here for help" I said as I walked away, trying to hold back the tears that were starting to form.

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