Your Highness

By Mad_Soulless_Queen

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After dying, an unfortunate annoyance, Claude finds himself back in Hell waiting for the next contract. Bared... More

Your Highness


281 14 7
By Mad_Soulless_Queen

Lucy was a nervous wreck by the time Gray showed up. The ice make mage looking as calm and collected as ever, until he met her eyes. She was wrapped up in a slightly cool hug and Lucy felt herself crying all over his shoulder.

"What's wrong? Claude do something?" he asked, and Lucy shook her head. She backed out of the embrace and led him to the couch, offering him a glass of iced tea. Gray took it and settled back, his eyes watching her intently.

Years ago, she would have flushed or wanted to do something with the handsome man, but not now. Lucy had the one demon she desired and could not picture her life with anyone but Claude. Even if she sent him back to hell so she could get some clarity and calm down her emotions.

She sat with Gray in silence for a couple minutes before she sighed. "I'm pregnant."

Gray sucked in a breath, "are you okay with that?"

Lucy shrugged, "no, not really but I know he wants them."

"Them?" he asked, and Lucy turned to show off the three little spiders that showed up in the web. Gray let out a whistle, "wow, least you can get it all done in one shot," he teased, and Lucy groaned.

"This isn't funny, I have plans Gray, I'm too young," she protested.

Gray countered, "are you?"

She blinked, "I'm only twenty-one, I've only had three years of adventure and I want more."

"Wow, only three years," she said, his voice heavy in sarcasm and Lucy blinked. He took a sip of tea, "that's three more years than most people get in their entire lives. Also having kids is a pause, not a full stop."

"How would you know that? You aren't..." she noticed pain in his eyes and she covered her mouth. Something clicked for her and she reached out for his hand.

"Before you got to the guild, I had a fling with a mage in another guild. She wound up pregnant and with the same line of reasoning she aborted the baby. I was maybe seventeen at the time and I agreed with her." He ran a hand through his hair as he let out a whispered cussword before he met her gaze again. Lucy could see a bit of moisture in his eyes, she had no idea. "Though not a day doesn't go by that I don't think about my kid and what kind of parent or life I would have had. I know everyone in the guild would have helped me in being a father, but I didn't get to try that. Now all I get is regret and what if."

Lucy threw her arms around him and hugged him, she would never have imagined that Gray had been on the same side of this situation as Claude. That the pain she saw in her demon was being mirrored by her friend. Part of her felt horrible for making him talk about this and she was certain he would be an unbiased opinion, only to find out that she was wrong. It also made him the perfect person to talk to.

"I'm scared, Gray," she admitted as he rubbed her back.

"I can imagine but I've seen the way you and Claude are with each other, also what he did to Happy today, oh damn. Imagine what he's going to be like the first time one of your kids comes home from school crying cause some kid pushed her or him." He said, and Lucy could picture it. Spiders everywhere, his voice low and calm as his eyes turned red, and he would smile with fangs showing. Claude has a very unusual smile, it was horrific.

She started laughing as Gray rubbed her back, "It'll be okay Lucy, but really you gotta do what you think is right. If you absolutely cannot handle being a mom, I'll go with you but if you think there's even a chance, you owe it to them to try."

Lucy pulled back and grabbed her tea cup, taking a small sip as she relaxed a little. They went back to comfortable silence as she thought, there was so much to consider. All the details of having a family and putting a pause on her life.

"Is it really a pause?" she asked.

"Yeah, I would think it's a pause before the next big adventure. Do you think Claude is going to force you to never work again? Never take a mission or be yourself? Do you think he'd lock you down like that?"

Lucy pursed her lips as she thought about all the times he pushed her forward. All the missions they had done together and the laughs they shared. The times she doubted herself and he would pick her up, kiss her and swat her ass telling her to get back out there. When she looked bored he would surprise her with something entertaining, like the time he dragged her outside just to dance with her under the stars.

She loved that memory, in the middle of nowhere, mission not going well, and she hated sleeping in a tent, despite the comfortable bed Aeries had made. Lucy would jump over every little sound even if she was safely in his arms. That was when he got up and took her outside, only to start dancing with her and showing her how beautiful the night could be. After that Lucy was never bothered by being outdoors, if anything it made her take more missions and want to be outside more.

Enough to where in their own backyard they had a beautiful tent set up where they could sleep under the stars, like camping but at home. It was a gift he gave to her and she melted a bit more for him.

Out of her thoughts she shook her head, "no, he'd probably insist on watching the kids, threatening Loke to keep me safe in his stead and then making me go and do whatever I want."

Gray nodded, "it's kind of why we put up with the demon. Couldn't picture you without him Lucy, Mira said you guys were the picture poster for the perfect love."

"He's a demon, love isn't his thing."

"Maybe, maybe not, but it's yours. I'm not an idiot Lucy, everyone knew you were already in love with him the first time you walked into the guild." He said, and she blinked before she began to laugh.

It was true, she just never wanted to tell him because she didn't want to look weak to him. Along the way of the last few years, she fell in love with him. It was more than just the contract and bond or anything else. This was something she felt all the way down to the very bottom of her soul.

"I just, it's too much..." her voice trailed off as Gray held her a little tighter.

"Yeah, I know, but we'll all be there, no matter what you choose. Lucy it's your choice but you owe it to him to tell him before you do something, you may regret." She huffed, she didn't want to confront him. The expression was "easier to ask forgiveness than permission." But she started to wonder if he could forgive her?

"Be in his shoes for a moment, if he sent you away and when you could come back, you found out that your voice and opinion and feelings didn't matter. What would you do?" he asked, and Lucy pursed her lips for a moment.

"I'd be so angry, I wouldn't go near him unless I had to. I'd feel very betrayed and un-loved," she said her bottom lip trembling as tears came out of her eyes, again. Lucy put her head in her hands and cried. She cried for all of it, her feelings, Claude's feelings, the hurt and betrayal she would feel if she was him.

She realized that if the situation was reversed, she'd hate him and would not forgive him for not even caring enough to listen. Lucy felt more like a demon than Claude had ever acted towards her. It wasn't right, not in the slightest and if she still didn't want the kids, he had a right to know. It would be vicious and selfish of her to make a choice without talking to him.

"Thanks Gray," she managed as her friend wiped her cheeks with a tissue. Gray looked at her with a bit of relief, she could only imagine how hard this was for him.

"Do you want me to stay?" he asked, squeezing her hand in comfort.

"No, this is something we need to discuss. Thank you," she said, and Gray gave her a kiss to the forehead.

"You're family Lucy, if things go badly, just come stay with me for a few days, promise?" he asked and she smiled at him.

"If things go badly I'll come and see you, I promise," she replied, and Gray looked relieved.

"I'll stick around till Friday, if I don't have you on my doorstep by then I'm gonna take a mission. You know where the spare key is," Gray rose to standing and Lucy pointed to the side where his shirt was. His stripping was one of the funnier parts of Gray, but she'd be damned if she understood why he did it.

"Deal," she smiled at him before giving him another hug and showing him the door. After he left, Lucy cleaned up the tea service and decided to change her clothes. She owed Claude a chance to talk and an apology for pushing him away.

Lucy walked into Claude's sewing room, she found one of his newer designs still on the mannequin. It was a beautiful blood red dress, off the shoulder with a long slit up the right side. She could see the pins where he had some black buttons and lace detailing planned. The demon was an absolute genius in what he could do.

She called out Virgo and asked the spirit to finish his work while she went to go wash her face, least get her eyes to stop looking so puffy. By the time she washed her face, used some eyes drops and reapplied a little bit of makeup, Virgo was done. Lucy slipped into the dress, finding it was just a bit snug, but she could handle it.

After a quick debate, she found herself in the small library, leaning on the chaise lounge. She let the dress fall a little, showing off one leg wrapped in black leather over the knee boots and red stockings. Claude's favorite little mix on her.

"I summon Claude Faustus to my side," she said and took a breath.


Sebastian and Merlin had done a wonderful job of trying to help him regain his sanity. The scotch was also helping, and he started to realize that had he told Lucy the truth of things, years ago, this might not be an issue. Though he was still going to plead his case to have the little ones, but he would stand with her no matter what she chose.

In the end Claude just wanted the option of knowing and to talk to her. Major life decisions should involve both, it was part of balance.

He felt a tingle in the air and he jumped out of his chair, he smiled broadly. Claude gave Merlin a kiss on the cheek and one final hug for the Raven, slipping something in his pocket, before he left to answer the summons he was waiting for.

By his time, he was only gone for a few hours, that should not be enough time for her to do something that cannot be taken back. No, Claude bet she did as Merlin said she would, calm down, talk to a friend and gain perspective. That felt like a very Lucy thing to do and how Merlin knew his mage so well was beyond him. Most likely it may have just been a general way in which women behaved. He had no idea.

Claude blinked as he came back into the world and the sight that greeted him had him on his knees. His Lucy, looking like the perfect temptation, sprawled out in a tasty feast of carnal sin. She arched a brow and curled her finger; the demon didn't care as he crawled to her.

"My, my, my, the mighty demon crawls?" she teased as he reached out and lightly skimmed his fingers up her boot. He loved her in leather and in lace and in silk almost as much as he loved her without any of those.

"Only for you, no one else would ever be worthy," he said as his fingers walked up her body.

"We should talk," she said.

"You expect me to talk when you look like this?" His voice cracked a little before he regained his composure and stared into her large chocolate eyes, "I believe it was you three years ago who reminded me to not make major decision when my blood is flowing in one direction."

Lucy giggled before placing her fingers under his chin and moving his head to meet her gaze. "Claude, I dressed like this to make sure I had all your attention."

Claude hummed for a moment, "you would have had that no matter what you were wearing. Please, continue, your highness."

He saw her eyes light up a bit at the phrase, Claude knew what that did to her or if he spoke in French. His little mage loved to be spoken to and showered in compliments and little innuendoes, he enjoyed seducing her, every chance he got.

"I had a nice long talk with Gray and I made a bit of a decision, but I need certain assurances before I settle fully on it," she said, and he could tell by her voice she was quite serious.

"Alright," he pushed up his glasses.

"My having children isn't going to change us, meaning I will still want adventure and I want to be a working mage, I want to see the world and not be locked into just motherhood. This is a pause not the end of my short life," she said.

Claude sat back on his heels and let out a breath, "long life, Lucy you have a very long life ahead of you. I had done something, I didn't tell you."

Her eyes went wide as she sat up, he saw her jaw set as her back stiffened. Claude swallowed, he had seen the damage of the Lucy Kick and knew he was right within reach of earning one. He swallowed his Pride, "the mark I gave you, it's not just a mark of power that connects us. It is my life mate's mark, I bound your soul to mine, that as long as one of us lives, the other will. It's why our binding is as strong as it is. I, effectively, married you years ago."

He held firm and braced to be kicked or hit or something, he deserved her wrath for hiding that from her. He looked up at from his lashes and over his glasses, seeing her a little fuzzy, the details of her face blurred. Claude was humbled and waiting for her wrath, he deserved it, he hid the truth.

"So, the Spider did spring his ultimate trap then? Why Claude? I trusted you," she said, her voice on that side of deadly calm. He would rather face the kick than when she was this level of angry. This level of angry meant he would pay in ways that would make demon's blush.

He tilted his head up a little more before leaning forward and reaching for her hands. She pulled back and he frowned for a moment before he glared at her. Claude rose up, leaning over her he placed one hand on the back of the lounge and the other he curled around the back of her neck. Their eyes locked, he could feel the contest of wills.

"Because...." He paused trying to find the right words and searching her eyes. There was so much he could say. How he wanted to make sure another demon would never approach her. How he wanted her to handle all of him. How he did not want to be without her. How she made his demonic life finally worth living. How perfect and wondrous she was to him, even when she was a girl just testing out a magical theory. All of it he wanted to shout but not take the next three hours describing every emotion inside of his body.

In the end he resigned himself to saying the one thing that expressed it all. She deserved to hear it and he needed to finally admit it, "I love you, Lucy."

Lucy let out a small gasp as her features relaxed, Claude put his hand to her stomach, amazed she let him, "and them, and I don't even know them, but I want them."

A tear fell out of her eye dragging mascara down her cheek as her bottom lip trembled, "Cl-Claude, I love you too, I have for a long time."

He leaned forward and kissed her, surprised that she let him but maybe that was how love worked. She tasted like strawberries and he enjoyed feeling her tongue curl around his. In the years they had been together Lucy had delighted him with her kiss, from her very first one to this, each one was better than chocolate cake. Claude took his chocolate cake very seriously.

He pulled back from her, "so I get hundreds of years? Having children now is really just a pause?" she asked.

"Yes, my entire life and if I need to be home with our children so you can galivant around the world, then I will do that." He brushed a lock of her hair away from her face, "I do not care, children are such a blessing and rare for a demon, you have no idea. I would do anything, let you be free, if you wanted, just..." his voice faded as he looked at her stomach.

"I fully expect to be pampered and spoiled while pregnant and you get night feedings, because you don't need sleep, but I do," she said, and Claude could not stop the smile on his face. Lucy winced, and he truly wondered what was so horrible about his smile that made people more afraid of him. Perhaps he needed to work on that.

"You will be, every craving, every last thing you need, it is yours and to quote an old nemesis, I am one hell of a butler," he said, internally chuckling while picturing a bristling Sebastian as he said the phrase.

"Then, Claude, I think we have a deal," she said as she held out her hand. He took it and kissed it.

"Yes, we do and tomorrow I am taking you to a proper doctor but for tonight," he said.

"One more thing," she whispered as he kissed her cheek. He felt her dainty fingers reach for his belt, as she started pulling at the leather, "I am craving something," she undid the button and pushed down the zipper, Claude took in a breath, "so I suggest you be good," Lucy pushed down his pants, with his boxers and gave his cock a firm tug.

"Yes, your highness," he said as she began to teasingly lick at the tip.

Claude shuddered as her nails pressed against his ass, the indents almost painful but welcoming. A perfect juxtaspoition to the softness of her tongue gliding all over his length. Lucy knew how to tease him, slow moving laps along his length before she wirled her tongue around the tip and pressed it against his slit. His fingers carded through her hair, lightly pulling as she opened her mouth and took him in.

"L-Lucy..." he moaned as her nose pressed against his skin and her fingers clawed in, scratching him. She pulled back, swirled her tongue and took him again, letting him enjoy a moment to feel the tightness of her throat.

She purred, letting the vibration ripple through him before she picked up her pace. Her cheeks hollowing as she increased her pressure and speed. Faster. Harder. Her head moved in a flurry, back and forth, taking him, teasing him, devouring him.

Claude was mesmerized to watch her move and she looked up at him, her eyes clouded in lust before she winked at him. She pulled back for a moment and wet one of her fingers as she used her hand to cup and play with his balls. Lucy stuck her tongue out and flicked at the precum he was dripping before she parted her lips and took him again.

Again, she assaulted him with her movements, the rhythm of her like a finely crafted Mozart piece had him rocking into her. He felt her hand come around his ass as she teased along his crack before pressing against his entrance. "F-fuck.... That'" he moaned as she pressed in while she sucked him.

The feel of her mouth, her finger teasing his puckered ring, all of it was bearing hard on his bearing. Claude threw his head back and closed his eyes as fire raced through his veins. He knew if she swallowed him, they would be at this for hours, his semen having a delicious reaction to her body.

She let go of his cock, "cum for me, Claude, let me drink you," she said before she went back upon him. Lucy moved faster, he could feel her determination to make him lose himself in the pleasure of her mouth. It was too much, the sudden nip of teeth at his base as she sucked hard and he shouted as white flashed behind his eyes and he orgasmed. She purred as she drank him, his mate would not waste a drop. He. Loved. That.

Lucy pulled back and reclined on the lounge as she licked her lips, the satisfaction on her face was beautiful. He started removing the rest of his clothes as he watched her skin begin to flush. Her face started to contort as she parted her legs and raced her fingers up her thighs. He watched with apt attention as she pleasured herself, his name falling from her lips.

"C-Claude, please, now..." she panted he wasted no time ripping the dress from her body.

"I'll make you a new one," he said as he picked her up and draped her over the arm of the lounge. One leg on the lounge, she placed the other one on the ground as her back arched down. Lucy begged, and he kneeled behind her, grateful all the furniture they purchased was reinforced to handle their passion.

Claude spread her apart and stuck out his tongue, spearing into her, giving himself a bit to recover from his orgasm. Her taste was the finest treat he had ever known as he devoured the offered flesh. She clawed at the furniture as she moaned and bucked against his face. He pulled his tongue out and gave teasing hard flicks to her pearl.

"Y-yes... there...fucking eat me," she panted, and Claude could admit he loved when she turned practically vulgar while in the throes. Oh and the demon did as he stroked and willed his cock back to life so he could feel her. He suckled at her, licked, teased and used his tongue to torture her for a bit until she grabbed the back of his head and forced him to finish what he started.

She screamed as she came all over his face, he loved all of it but was not done with her. Claude bit her ass as he came up behind her and without warning, thrust hard into her. Lucy's channel took him, a slight bit of resistance and he filled her to the hilt.

He wrapped her hair in his hand as he pulled back on her head, biting into her shoulder as he wiggled a hand between her breast and the arm, lifting her slightly. Claude pinched and rolled her nipple as he bit into her lovely skin before he began to pound into her.

Claude needed, this, needed her with all the lust and love in his body. Feel every bit of her and mark her again so thoroughly she would not walk. He moved with every bit of desire he had, their skin slapping violently as the lounge creaked and moved slightly form the force of his thrusts.

"F-faster," she asked as she leaned up a little, her arms holding her up as he let go of her hair and wrapped it around her waist, pressing her back against his chest as he took her. From this angle he could hit her spot perfectly and with a slight roll to his hips at the end of the movement he had her screaming.

She reached behind her and clawed at his shoulders as his nails skimmed over her body, leaving little red lines. He could feel her begin to flutter and clamp around him, she was close and so was he.

Claude was a demon lost to all his senses as he pistoned into her, and he bit into her neck again, this time drawing blood as she screamed his name and contracted all around him. The taste, the sound, the feel of her tightness had been the final bit that let him release and he moaned as he thrust again, holding himself still with soft motions as he rode out the wave of pleasure that was her body.

The world eventually stilled as he felt her sweat licked body against his. She was breathing hard and to see her like this, flushed, panting, in nothing but stockings and boots, had him ready for more. He pulled out of her and picked her up, she hummed in his arms as he moved them to their bedroom.

"Claude," she said as he felt her shake, knowing that the second dose of his semen would not be as potent as the first but would keep her going.

"Mon chéri," he said as he laid her out on the dark navy bedding and settled between her legs, his eyes meeting hers.

"I do love you," she said, and he kissed her.

"Love you too," he replied, the words so natural form his mouth he enjoyed the sound.

That night Claude made love to her over and over again, as only a demon like him could. They confirmed their love for each other in every breathless kiss and moments, the demon not knowing how something magical was possible.

The next day they made it to a doctor's office, where he got to hear three little heartbeats and confirm that yes, she was nine weeks along and doing beautifully. His entire world lit up and as she adjusted her shirt from the appointment he took her fingers in his hand and had only one last thing to ask.

"Would you marry me?" and as he expected, she kissed him thoroughly before giving him the answer he expected.

"Yes, Claude," she said, and he kissed her fingers before sliding a simple ring on her. She looked at it, her face a bit puzzled by the material.

"My spider thread, it's as unbreakable as our contract," he said, and she laughed.

"Always in your web, aren't I?"

"Yes, but I am also in yours, your highness."


Meanwhile in Hell...


Sebastian was thoroughly drunk and feeling particularly envious. He could not believe that he spent time trying to reassure that bastard that his little life was going to be perfect. He wanted to crush the glass in his hand but refrained, because the punishment for breaking Merlin's barware was glitter.

He dug into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper, it was the picture Claude flaunted of Lucy and he licked his lips. Though he bet she would look much better in Raven feathers all over such wondrous curves. Sebastian flipped the picture over and saw something written.


For when the nights are lonely, know that mine are not.

Eternal Loathing, Claude"

He snorted and was ready to crumple the picture, but he couldn't do that to something so lovely, even if it was just a way for Claude to troll him. Sebastian put it back in his pocket, hating to admit that tonight it would probably be useful.

A martini was passed to him and he looked up at Merlin, she sighed. "Now dun look so defeated, I'm sure out there is a love for you."

He sipped his drink, "I'm not as weak as Claude, I don't believe in love," he snapped, and Merlin arched a brow.

She took his hand and held it in hers before smiling at him, "ya full of shite and ya know it, Sebastian. Wanna wager?"

His eyes narrowed, everyone knew betting against Merlin was dangerous, but he was right in this. Sebastian had nothing to do about love and would never fall for such a thing. Sure, Claude had a beautiful woman to sake himself into, but beautiful women were everywhere.

Well, not really, most of the times their personalities were just atrocious. To find one that had the right mix of intelligence, cunning, wit, sexual prowess and beauty, he'd rather find one particular needle in a mountain of needles.

"Merlin, what about me says I'm stupid enough to wager with you?"

She laughed, a beautiful throaty laugh and he waited while taking another sip of his drink. He gave her credit the mage was one hell of a bartender. A high compliment from him.

"Right, but ya know how time works. It's not a line, one little change and it curves and spins, turning into a ball of timey-wimy-wibbly-wobbly."

He arched a brow, not quite understanding, "Wibbly wobbly, what does that have to do with me?"

She grinned, "easy, what if I told you there was a Lucy out there who did not summon Claude and right now, could probably use a naughty demon in her life."

"I don't want a cheap copy of what Claude has," he said.

"Timey-wimy-wibbly-wobbly, at each major decision or moment in her life, whatever she picks, creates another time stream of her. Tis all the same Lucy, just some Lucys go left, some right and some just say fuck all and go straight."

Sebastian was now curious, he admitted he never studied time much. Usually demons could not control it, in fact many beings could not. He knew she had some magical sway with it, after all she was one of six people ever given clocks by Chronos himself.

"So, what you are saying is..."

Merlin took his drink and finished it, "aye, I got a Lucy fer ya. Wanna go?"

Sebastian thought about it for a moment, he wanted to know what made her so damn captivating. What was it about a mage that captured and soften the Spider? What was it about her that had him staring at her picture and daydreaming?



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Sebastian's story starts in a new piece called Feather Fall, part 2 of Demons for Lucy. I hope you enjoy that as well.

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