Needus Deletus Lmao (Ticcimas...

بواسطة FoxyZeGeekGamer

75.7K 1.6K 3.1K

There's a new pasta in the famous Slender mansion. Tobias Erin Rogers. Otherwise known as the infamous Ticci... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Another quick a/n
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 :3
Chapter 15
Quick A/N
Another A/N
Chapter 17
Important <3
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Another A/N
Final A/N (for now)

Chapter 16

1.4K 25 94
بواسطة FoxyZeGeekGamer

3rd person POV

Its been a couple days, and Toby was slowly starting to remember everything. Well... Almost everything. He remembered all of the creepypasta's names and what-not, but he had yet to remember his love for his fellow proxy. Masky was honestly starting to worry.

I'm worrying to much, Masky thought as he lied on Toby's bed. Toby had requested for the masked man to stay in his room for the night. Masky was absentmindedly petting Toby's hair. Masky sighs, stops petting his boyfriend's hair, and gets up.

"Good god..." Masky mumbles to himself.

"Can't he just remember everything already..?" He mutters.

"I love you, Toby. Why can't you see that?" Masky sighs. He walks over to the door and leaves. Little did he know, Toby had been awake and heard him.

That morning and Toby's POV

I yawn as I sit up. I blush as I remember last nights events. Masky said he loved me.... But why? I'm just... Well... Normal. Well.. As normal as a boy with a bunch of stupid disorders can get. I sigh quietly. I loved him back, I really did. I get up and go over to my dresser. I grab my hoodie and slip it on over my shirt. What? I was feeling lazy, okay? I grab a pair of jeans and set them on top of my dresser. I slip off my pajama pants and put the faded blue jeans on. I mess with my hair. I try to slick it back a little, which some of it obeys, but most of it goes back in the position it was before.

"Damn it." I mutter. I mess with my hair for a couple more minutes until I'm satisfied. I exit my room. I look at Masky's door. It was open a little. I peer through. I saw Masky sitting on his bed and drinking some alcohol. I read the bottle. Whisky. I tilt my head. Masky never drank. Not in front of me, anyways. I open the door a bit more.

"Masky..?" I ask quietly. He looks towards me.

"Hey Tobes," he replies, then takes another drink of whiskey, "whatcha d-," he hiccups, "d-doin here?"

"Um... J-Just wanted to see if y-you were o-okay....." I mutter.

"I'm fi-" he hiccups again, "fine..." He finishes. I didn't want to, but I went up to him anyways and grabbed the whiskey from him.

"Hey! I was d-.. Drinkin that!" Masky says, reaching for the bottle. I gently shove him away.

"Masky," I say. "You n-need to stop. Its bad for y-you." Masky scowls.

"Toby, g-give that back." He growls lowly. I gulp. My anxiety started to build up.

"N-No..." I stutter.

"Tobias," Masky stands. "Give me the god damn whiskey," he growls. I take a small step back.

"N-... No..." Masky grabs my wrist. I flinch, startled by his movement. I look at him and fear.

"M-M-Masky..?" I ask quietly.

"Shut up." He growls. I whimper and shake.

Stop, please.. No.. Stop. You're not him. Please....... Stop... Masky please you are not him. I mentally beg. Masky yanks me forwards by my wrist, making me yelp and drop the bottle.

FUCK! I cuss in my mind. The bottle seemed to fall slowly. Finally, after what seemed like minutes though it was only a couple seconds, the bottle hit the ground and shattered. Masky drank most of the whiskey, so only a little was spilled onto the floor. I whimper. I look at Masky in fear. He stared at the shattered glass. He kneels down and grabs a fairly large piece of it.

"Masky..? W-What're y-" I stopped as he pulled the sleeve of my hoodie up. My eyes widened.

No... No! NO! LET ME GO!! I tried to free my already cut arm from his grip, but he only seemed to tighten it more. At this point, tears starting slipping down my cheeks. I whimper as I feel the glass cut into my skin and being dragged across my arm, blood spilling from the room and onto the ground. Masky did this a couple more times before finally letting go of my wrist and shoving me back so I fall onto the floor, some of the glass piercing through my jeans and hoodie and into my skin.

"Leave..." Masky mutters. I obey quickly, leaving his room and going to my own immediately. I was starting to get light-headed. I walk, well more like limp, to the bathroom and clean my arm. I grab as many shards of the glass I could from my backside. I throw the bloodied glass away, and walk out of the bathroom. I lean against the wall.

"Ngh...." I groan quietly. I was starting to get extra dizzy. I then pass out and fall to the ground.

When I wake up, I'm on my bed. I look beside me to see Masky by my bed. I glare at him. I look at my nightstand to see a note. I grab it and look at it.

I'm sorry. I was drunk. Please forgive me? I mean it, please.. Look, I know you're not gonna forgive me. Why write this anyways?? Anyway... Please forgive me..? Might as well ask anyways...
P.S I'm sorryyyyyyy.

I stare at the note. I roll my eyes and rip it. I get up and throw the scraps away. I leave my room and make sure to slam my door to wake up Masky. I hear a small shriek and thud. I grin in satisfaction and walk down the hallway. I go downstairs to see Ben playing Red Dead Redemption.

(Me: I fookin love Red Dead Redemption.

Masky: Why? Its lame.

Me: Bish you wanna fookin repeat that?

Masky: Its lame.

Me: ANGEL!!!!!

Angel: *Walks into room* Yeah?

Me: Gimme yo machete. I gotta fookin kill Masky for dissing RDR.

Angel: ... Ok. *Gives me machete*

Masky: Oh shi- *Books it*

Me: FOOKIN COME BACK HERE BOI!!!! *Chases after him*)

I sit next to Ben on the left side of him. Jeff was sitting on his right, lying his head on Ben's shoulder. Ben looks over to me.

"You okay Toby??" He asks. I nod.

"Look o-out." I say boredly.

"Wha- Shit!" Ben just barely misses a bullet that was shot at him (in the game). Ben wasn't completing any of the missions from the game. No. He was randomly shooting people and stealing horses and what-not. I watch as he plays. In the game, Ben is shot.

"Fuck!!" He yells, scaring Jeff who falls off the couch.

"Um... Sorry..?" Ben says.

"Ow... Jesus Ben.."

"I said sorry." Ben defends. I get up and go in the kitchen. I jump back when I see Hoodie.

"Jesus!" I yelp.

"Hm? Oh- Sorry Toby." Hoodie apologizes. I say its fine and continue with what I was doing, focused on getting waffles.

"Really? Last time those things poisoned you." Hoodie says.

"No, s-someone poisoned me. N-Not the w-waffles." I reply. Hoodie doesn't argue, instead just mutters a playful 'whatever' then leaves the kitchen. I continue to make and eat my waffles. Vincent comes in the kitchen just as I was about to leave. I had turned the toaster onto 6 just to piss him off, since he usually only goes in the kitchen to make toast. He HATES it when people don't keep the toaster on 4.

"WHO PUT THE TOASTER OVEN ON SIX?!?!" He yells. "THAT'S NOT EVEN GOOD TOAST! FOUR IS GOOD TOAST, FIVE IS BURNT TOAST! BUT SIX?!?!?! WHAT THE HELL WERE YALL THINKING!!?" I start laughing my ass off. Vincent glares at me as I was now wheezing, out of breath.

"I hate you so much.." He says.

"You're w-welcome Vinny boy." I reply. He flips me off as I leave the kitchen. I smile to myself. I smile and trot upstairs, passing Masky. He said a small 'hi Tobes.' but I ignored him. I go to the 3rd floor where my room was and enter the room, shutting the door behind me and locking it. I sigh as I flop on my bed.

"UUUUUgh." I groan. I kick my shoes off lazily and curl into a ball, falling into the deep abyss of nothingness. Time for another nightmare. Yay.

Teimskep (I will spell these wrong sometimes mk? Just saying that so yall dont get confuzzled lol.)

I shoot up with a shriek, nearly falling off my bed.

"F-Fuck!" I say aloud. I hear a knock on my door. I ignore it, knowing it was Masky. Hoodie is too much of a heavy sleeper to have heard that.

"Toby..?" Yep. Masky. I stay quiet.

"... I'm sorry angel..." Masky's voice cracked. Was.. He really sorry..? I look to my door. Masky lets out a shaky sigh. I unlock my door and open it. Masky looks at me. His hand twitches slightly. I sigh and grab the front of his shirt and pull him down and give him a kiss. He kisses back almost immediately. Iet go of his shirt and grab his wrists. I let his hands rest on my shoulders. I pull away finally to catch my breath. Masky looks away.

"I'm sorry.." He whispers, though Hoodie wouldn't of heard anyways.

"No," I say. He looks at me, confused. "I should b-be saying sorry. Y-You never meant to h-hurt me," I say. Masky lets out a soft, almost inaudible whimper. He lies his head on my shoulder. I move away. He has a hurt look in his eyes. He looks down at the ground. I grab his wrist and drag him in my room. I kick my door shut.

"Huh..?" Masky looked confused.

"I want y-you to sleep in h-here with me." I say simply.

"Oh." Masky says. He smiles softly.

"Okay." I yawn and Masky picks me up bridal style. I'm too tired to care. Masky lies on my bed and I cuddle against him.

"Warm..." I mutter. Masky giggles, quite cutely I may add, and pulls me closer to him. We sat in silence for a few minutes.

"T-Toby..?" Masky stutters nervously.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I really am sorry....." He says quietly. I sigh and tilt my head to look at him. I give him a soft kiss to say that I forgave him. I pull away then kiss the tip of Masky's nose.

"Love you." I say quietly as I burry myself into his warmth.

"Love you too angel." He smiles. We then fall asleep.

Timeskip bc why not

I sigh. Masky had to go. He said Slenderman needed him to go on a mission. The others were all out, so I was home alone. I get up and go out of my room and downstairs. I sit on the couch and watch YouTube, watching my favorite youtuber. Markipler.

(Me: MARKIPLERRRRR!!!!!!!!! :3

Toby: Oh god.



Me: ... Never. *Books it*)

I was watching a series he had called 'Fran Bow'. I've seen it a bunch of times already, but oh well. I was in the middle of the 2nd video before the door opens. I look over to see Masky. I pause the video.

"Masky..?" His arm was bleeding badly. His jacket was torn. He was bleeding in other places as well. He whimpers softly. I get up and go over to him. He leans against me. I take him upstairs into my room, after shutting the door of course, and into my bathroom.

"Oh jesus. Y-You poor thing.." I mutter. I take off Masky's mask. I set it on the counter of my sink and take off his bloodied and torn jacket. I have to ask Hoodie if he can fix it again. Masky whimpers. I look at him sympathetically. I cup his cheeks gently. He leans into my touch.

"It hurts..." He whimpers.

"Shh, I know." I hug him gently, careful not to touch his wounds.

"C'mon, l-lets get you cleaned up, yeah?"

"Okay...." Masky replies quietly. I look at him and give him a small kiss.


Masky lie curled up against me. He whimpers softly. I managed to bandage his wounds. I don't think they'll heal anytime soon. I pet his hair gently.

"Ngh.. O-Ow.." Masky whimpers as he moves a bit.

"Oh you p-poor, poor thing." I mumble sympathetically. He looks at me. He winces in pain and lies his head on my stomach again. I pet his hair. The door opens to reveal Hoodie.

"Yo T- Oh god what happened?!"

"Ow.. Don't be so loud, jesus christ." Masky winces.

"Sorry." Hoodie says quickly.

"What happened?" He asks me.

"He w-was injured when h-he came back from his m-mission," I reply. "And I'm n-not so sure t-the wounds will h-heal anytime soon." Hoodie nods in understanding.

"I'll inform Slenderman." I nod as Hoodie leaves.

"Oh thank god. I may like Brian, but sweet jesus.." Masky mutters. I giggle.

"Yes, he's a-annoying at times-,"

"At times?" Masky interrupts.

"Okay, m-most of the t-time." I admit. Masky chuckles and smirks in triumph.

"But he s-till has good i-intentions." I say.

"Yeah, yeah." Masky mutters. He hisses slightly.

"What? What happened?" I ask.

"Ah- Ow..." Masky whimpers. I gently nuzzle him.

"You poor thing." I say. He moves, hisses slightly in the process, and then curls up against me with his head lazily lying on my chest. I give him a small smile. He starts to quietly purr as I pet his hair. He nuzzles into my hand gently. I giggle slightly. He yawns.

"Tired?" I ask. He nods.

"You can s-sleep if you w-want, love." He blushes slightly but nods anywas and curls up to me more. I pet his hair gently. He purrs quietly in his sleep. I yawn and grab my phone. Just as I turn it on Angel texts me.

Angel: Sup Tobes!

Toby (yes I do the texts like this. I'm weird): Hey Angel.

Angel: Whatcha doin??

Toby: Nothing. Just lying on my bed with Masky curled up against me. Why?

Angel: Just curious. Thats cute btw.

Toby: Shut up.

Angel: I'm not talking.

Toby: I'm gonna make sure you don't talk -_-

Angel: Chill bro.

Toby: Yeah yeah. Anyways, do you need something?

Angel: Nah. I was just bored.

Toby: Then go talk to, idk, Rake or something.

Angel: Ughh. Okayyyyy.

Toby: Bye Angel.

Angel: Cya tic tac.

Toby: Stop calling me thattt!

Angel: Nah.

I roll my eyes and look at Masky. He was looking at my phone screen tiredly. He looks away and curls up against me more. I turn my phone off and pet his hair. He moves his head to where its on my chest. I pet his hair more. He purrs. I let a small smile take over my lips. I kiss the top of Masky's head. He smiles tiredly and curls up against me.

"Warmth..." He mutters. I giggle. I watch him and smile. I watch as he breathes calmly, a small smile playing on his lips. I continue to pet his touseled hair. He purrs gently. He nuzzles his head back into my hand.

"Aw.." I mumble. He looks at me and gives me the cutest smile I've ever seen. I blush. He giggles a little. He stops nuzzling my hand, but I knew it was because he was tired.

"Go t-to sleep, Masky. Its obvious your t-tired." I say.

"Heheh, I'm I really that-" he pauses and yawns. "Noticeable?" He finishes with a small chuckle.

"Yep." I reply. Masky smiles.

"Okay.. Tobes..." He yawns. He curls up against me and wraps his arms around me. He falls asleep almost instantly. I smile and play on my phone.

4 hours later

I hear a small whine. I look at Masky. He burries his head into my hoodie.

"Oh, jeez..." I mutter. He whimpers quietly. I pet his hair to calm him down. His breathing picks up a little speed. I run my fingers through Masky's hair. He starts to calm down a little.

"Masky?" I ask, shaking him gently. "C'mon w-wake up, Masky...." I say. He lets out another whimper, curling against me more and burrying his head into my hoodie more.

"Oh, my p-poor Masky..." I mumble. I try shaking him gently again. I hear him gasp softly. He whimpers more and burries himself as much as he can against me.

"Aw, poor thing..." I mutter. I sigh quietly and continue to run my fingers through his hair gently. Masky tilts his head to look up at me. He had tears in his eyes. He whimpers softly. I sigh and sit up. I take Masky's mask off of him. I pull down my mouth guard and give him a sweet kiss. He immediately calms down, leaning into my touch and even scooting over so he's sitting in my lap. I pull away and giggle. Masky smiles at me tiredly. He yawns. He sighs quietly and lies against me. He gently nuzzles my neck. I giggle again and gently pet his hair. He lies his head on my shoulder and purrs quietly. I smile.

"Thank you Toby..." Masky mumbles quietly as he curls up in my lap. I smile more.

"Aw. You're w-welcome Masky." I reply happily. He purrs quietly.

"I love you....." He says. I giggle and look at him.

"I l-love you t-too." I stutter. I give him a small peck on the lips. He smiles and giggles quietly. He hisses slightly in pain as he moves his arm.

"Aw. My p-poor Masky." I say. I gently nuzzle into his neck. He purrs lightly.

"Thank you Toby... For everything... I love you. You're the absolute best thing thats happened to me..." Masky almost whispers, curling against me more. I smile and give him a kiss.

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