dolan twins imagines ✰

Von sunsetdxlan

47.1K 1.4K 625

just some made-up scenarios about the hottest guys to ever walk the earth to fuel our insane teenage minds :P Mehr

jealousy - [e]
french fries and milkshakes - [e]
bartender - [g]
google doc - [e]
diary - [g]
bonfire - [e]
coffee shop - [g]
babysitting - [e]
wait it out - [g]
drunk feelings - [e]
skip - [g]
preschool - [e]
camping - [g]
i don't - [e]
rain - [g]
bad boy - [e]
seven minutes in heaven - [g]
delivery girl - [e]
lights - [g]
cure - [e]
mistletoe - [g]
special - [e]
forbidden romance - [g]
caught - [e]
our secret - [g]
new year's kiss - [e]
masked - [g]
sleepover - [e]
thank you❤️

wisdom teeth - [g]

1.2K 31 10
Von sunsetdxlan

word count: 2645

~ summary: you accidentally confess your feelings while under anesthesia ~


You had never been more anxious for the dentist in your entire life, but it wasn't going to be an ordinary appointment. Today was the day that you were going to be getting your wisdom teeth removed, which meant that you were going to be put on laughing gas.

At the thought of you being sedated, Ethan and Grayson jumped at the idea of recording your aftermath and uploading it to their channel. You agreed, but only because their fans were familiar with you. You had been on their channel many times before, whether it was in front of the camera giving directions for a game, or behind the camera, adjusting the focus or the microphone.

You were currently in the car with the twins and your mom, who was the one driving to the oral surgeon. Ethan sat in the front so that he could film the intro while you and Grayson sat in the back.

"What's up guys, we're back!" Ethan shouted excitedly from the passenger's seat. "Right now we are on our way to the oral surgeon because Y/N is getting her wisdom teeth removed and to be honest, me and Grayson are just going with her for the content."

"Shut up E!" you shouted from the back seat, earning a chuckle from Grayson.

"I'm just kidding, we love Y/N. Right Gray?" Ethan asked playfully.

Grayson nodded and engulfed you in a bear hug, smiling big for the camera as you merely sat there with your arms crossed, trying so hard not to crack a grin.

You eventually pulled up into the parking lot of the office and you felt your heartbeat speed up. You truly were nervous for this procedure because you had never undergone surgery before.

You all entered the small building and your mom signed you in while you and the twins sat in the waiting room. You bounced your legs and picked at your fingernails, trying to distract yourself from the butterfly feeling in your stomach.

Grayson slowly placed a hand on your thigh, causing it to stop shaking.

"Hey, everything is going to be fine, ok? I promise," he said, his voice sweet and smooth like honey.

"Thanks Gray," you said, your moment ending when Ethan turned the camera back on and aimed it at you.

"Alright Y/N, any final words before you go in?" he asked, watching you through the viewfinder.

"Screw the dentist, that's all I have to say," you said with a giggle, making the twins laugh as well.

"Y/N Y/L/N?" the doctor called, flashing you a smile when you rose from your seat.

Ethan filmed you following the doctor down the hallway so you were sure to turn back around and make a heart with your hands, your face adorned with a smile despite your inner anxiety attack.

"And now we wait," Grayson said, flipping the camera to face themselves again.


The procedure wasn't too bad. All you remember was your surgeon counting down from ten to help you fall under the laughing gas. All you had gotten to was seven before your eyes shut and everything went black.

After that, you found yourself unable to control your actions or words, which made for a very interesting video for the twins.

Your mom and the guys were eventually called into your room but you were too busy humming a song to notice them walking in.

"Hey Y/N," Grayson said as they all pooled in, chuckling lightly at your state.

"Hey cutie," you blurted, giggling uncontrollably at absolutely nothing.

"Oh my God," Ethan said through a hefty laugh, pointing the camera at Grayson, who was just smiling as he watched you get distracted by your own fingers.

"Woah," you breathed in shock, now noticing Ethan standing to your far right.

You held your hand in front of your face, moving it around to ensure that you weren't seeing double.

"There's two of you!" you exclaimed, as if you had just discovered this for the first time.

"Well, I mean, we are twins," Grayson said, shoving his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants but not taking his eyes off you.

"You should know this by now Y/N," Ethan said, zooming the camera in on you.

"Hey, my brain feels like oatmeal, I can't remember a damn thing right now," you said, making everyone in the room laugh, even your mom.

You scrunched up your eyebrows and put your finger in your mouth to push a piece of gauze around, not remembering why it was there in the first place. You figured you didn't need it so you pinched it with your fingernails and started to pull it out before your mom stopped you.

"Honey, no, don't do that," your mom said gently, trying to coax your hand out of your mouth.

"I don't need it," you said bluntly, proceeding to spit both pieces of gauze out and onto your chest.

"Y/N!" Grayson shouted, taking the dirty gauze off you and searching for a place to put them.

"Sweetie, you need to keep those in your mouth," the nurse directed as she walked in to check on you. "We don't want your gums to get infected."

You nodded, listening to no one but the nurse. You calmed down as she cleaned out your mouth and stuffed new gauze in your cheeks.

Once you were all cleaned up, the nurse had your mom follow her to the front desk to fill out some paperwork, so you were left with the twins and the camera.

"Ugh I'm so hungry," you complained, overdramatically gripping at your stomach.

"Sorry but you can't eat for a while," Ethan informed you.

"I want french fries," you grumbled.

"We'll take you to get some once you're allowed to," Grayson promised with a smile.

"You promise?" you asked, grabbing at Grayson's sleeve.

Both the boys nodded and you lied back in your chair and sighed happily.

Ethan and Grayson both breathed a sigh of relief, thinking your nonsense was pretty much over with, but they spoke too soon.

"I wanna get out of this chair," you stated, struggling to even sit upright.

"Y/N you can't. You're too loopy," Ethan chuckled from behind the camera.

Regardless of how much the boys were telling you to stay in your chair, you hoisted yourself up so that your feet were touching the ground.

"Stay in your chair Y/N," Grayson instructed, trying to hold you down. "You're going to hurt yourself."

"Hey, I can do whatever I want. You're not my mom," you spat back.

You eventually got up out of your seat and weakly shoved Grayson away. The room felt like it was spinning and suddenly the floor started the tilt until you found yourself losing your balance and falling to the ground.

Grayson leapt forward and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you back upright before you hit the floor.

"Woah," you gasped with a laugh. "I thought I was gonna die."

You gripped Grayson's arm to keep yourself steady and your eyes widened at how huge his arm was.

"Damn you have biiig muscles," you giggled, squeezing his arm a little harder.

Grayson's face turned a deep red as he chuckled to hide his embarrassment.

"Alright I think you need to sit back down," Grayson stated as he helped you back in your chair.


Your mom started the engine of your car, still laughing about how you had dove into the backseat moments before.

Your seating positions were the same as last time and you couldn't help but lean your head on the window. You were exhausted and had to shut your eyes to block out the sun.

"Alright guys I think she's finally worn out," Grayson whispered, camera in hand. "She's been pretty quiet since we've gotten in the car."

At the sound of his voice you picked up your head and scoffed.

"I am not worn out. I am wide awake," you stated bluntly, sitting up and crossing your arms with a huff.

"Nevermind then," Grayson said with a chuckle before handing the camera to Ethan.

You rolled your eyes and pulled the elastic off your wrist to put your hair up in a messy bun.

Once your hair was up, Grayson found his eyes glued to you. He had never told anyone but he had always thought that you looked adorable with your hair in a bun, so, whenever you put it up like that, he couldn't help but smile at the sight of you.

"Oh my gosh. I just remembered that I have a secret! You guys wanna hear it?" you exclaimed, knocking Grayson out of his trance-like state.

"Are you sure you wanna spill a secret right now Y/N?" Ethan asked.

"Well I'll at least tell you, E," you said, trying to lean forward but Grayson had locked your seatbelt.

"I have a crush on someone," you whispered, yet in earshot of everyone in the car.

You leaned back in your seat and started laughing uncontrollably.

"You're gonna hate yourself for this Y/N," Ethan said, not wanting you to expose yourself in front of both the people in the car and the camera he was holding.

"I don't care who knows anymore," you said, continuing to laugh. "I have liked this guy for sooo long and he is so cute and his laugh is so cute and his smileee. He doesn't even know I like him and I'm not supposed to keep secrets from himmm."

"I don't think this is a very good idea," Ethan said, making a worried face into the camera.

He knew that you would regret this later once the laughing gas had drained out of your system. But, at this point, there was no way to stop you from spilling your secret. Your heart was set on it, even though your brain was telling you to shut up.

"Before I change my mind, I want you to guess," you said with a smile.

Ethan looked back at Grayson, who just shrugged.

"If you insist," Ethan said with a chuckle. "Um is it Chris from History? Or Sam from Algebra?"

You shook your head and scrunched up your face, clearly grossed out by the thought of either of them.

"Let's make this interesting then. Is it me?" Ethan asked and you shook your head.

"Is it Grayson?"

You smiled and put your arms up in the air in a celebratory fashion.

"100 points!" you shouted, beginning to laugh again.

And that was the moment that everything changed. You had just confessed your true feelings to both of the twins and also your mother, who had actually already known about this because she had overheard you telling your older sister about it.

Nonexistent sirens were blaring in your head, warning you that you had just made a grave mistake, but your clouded mind didn't think that anything was wrong.

But, in reality, Grayson was at a loss for words and Ethan had turned off the camera to spare you from further embarrassment.

Ethan had only said his and Grayson's name purely as a joke. He had not expected Grayson to actually be the guy you liked. But, honestly, he should have known.

Things between you and Grayson had always been unlike any normal friendship. You two would flirt here and there, your face would always light up when Grayson offered you his sweatshirt during the cold months, and you would tend to hang out with Grayson more often than the both of them, but Ethan was unable to really see what all that meant until this moment.

Your mom softly laughed to herself at what you had just confessed. She always knew you liked Grayson and she had been waiting for you to finally tell him how you felt, although this was not what she was expecting the situation to be.

Grayson's breath was caught in his throat and he could not keep his eyes off you as you simply chipped at your nail polish, the drugs running through you causing you to not quite feel the tenseness in the car.

And, suddenly, once Ethan had turned to face forward in his seat and the car was awkwardly silent, Grayson couldn't help but smile at you.


It had been a few days since your wisdom teeth removal and the swelling in your face had finally gone down. The twins had only been over your house once since then to see how you were doing and you found that very strange. You guys would usually see each other every day so the few days you didn't felt pretty empty.

"Hey Y/N, Grayson is here," your sister informed you with a wink as she headed to her room to give you two some privacy.

You rolled your eyes and gave her a little nudge as she walked past you, making you both giggle.

You walked over to the door of you and your sister's apartment and opened it to see Grayson standing there, hands shoved in his pockets.

"Hey," he said, walking inside once you had stepped aside.

"Hey, I haven't seen you and E for a while. What's up?" you asked.

"I just wanted to ask you something. Even though you probably won't even remember it happening, I just need confirmation, I guess."

You looked at him with a confused expression, not remembering anything that had happened after your surgery.

"Alright so, um, when we were on our way back here, you might have said something to Ethan about how you liked me. Except, the entire car heard you," he explained.

You swallowed thickly and gnawed on your bottom lip a little. You should've known that you were going to say something stupid if Grayson was there. And this was the stupidest of all.

You took a deep breath and decided that it was finally time to tell him because your drugged self had already done half the job.

"Well, if you want the truth, yes, I like you. I've liked you for a while now but I was too scared to tell you because I didn't want to wreck our friendship. Or make it awkward, which is exactly what I did. I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?" Grayson asked, reaching for your hand and gently taking in his own.

"I made things weird. We can't possibly go back to normal from this," you said.

"Well, maybe I don't want to go back to normal," he replied, having trouble hiding his smile.

"What do you mean?"

"I like you too, Y/N. I've probably liked you for even longer to be honest. I was worried about losing you too because I just can't imagine life without you in it."

You smiled and your eyes got glassy with happy little tears. He truly was the sweetest guy ever.

"So, I guess what I came here to ask you was, will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, making your heart the happiest it had ever been.

"Of course."

You smiled and he wrapped his strong arms around you, pulling you into the coziest hug.

"God, I wish I could kiss you," Grayson breathed, making you laugh.

It was pretty annoying that your mouth was still healing and you couldn't kiss him, but, at the same time, it was technically the reason you even could kiss him.

"Well, until I can kiss you, how about ice cream and a movie?" he asked.

You smiled.

"That sounds perfect."

i won't have to get my wisdom teeth removed for a while but like i'm scared for when the day comes cuz what if i say something awkward and my mom just has to stand there like 😳


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