Black Butler X Reader One Sho...

By Beauxellee

10K 108 32

I haven't watched black butler in years, but I still like the characters so I'll write about them from time t... More

Undertaker X Fem! Apprentice! Reader
Sebastian Michealis X Fem! Foreign! Reader
Alois Transy X Fem! Childhood Friend! Reader
Ciel Phantomhive X Male! Company Owner! Reader
Grell Sutcliffe X Contrast! Fem! Reader
☆ Update ☆

Modern! Ciel Phantomhive X TransMan! Reader

3.3K 8 13
By Beauxellee

I wrote this originally in middle school on Quotev when I was going through an edgy phase. This is one of my worst works. Please keep that in mind lmao. I'm only keeping this chapter up so I can compare how well my writing has come! I hope you all are having a good day :]

From my own imagination, but hope you enjoy!


Yes this X reader is trans. Yes he's gay. If that is triggering or offensive to you, i'm not forcing you to read! Go ahead and boo at it! Just don't be a nusence to the other people that do enjoy it. Below is a list of basically anything that can be triggering.

Gay/ Homosexual MC ( Main Character )Transgender MCSwearing/ Vulgar LanguageViolenceMention of sexual acts

Do know that I do NOT think any of these are ' cute ' or ' funny '. Nor do I suppose any of these negative beliefs! It's only a silly internet fanfic.



F/N - Female Name

M/N - Male Name


" Yeah, you're only saying your ' transgender ' for attention! "

" Your not trans, you just dress like a boy... "

" I don't get it... "

" I'd date her, but she's a girl. "

" She's just a girl that doesn't want to admit she's heterosexual. "

" Fucking disgusting liberal. "

" Degenerate. "

The shit I, Y/M/N, hear everyday at my shitty high-school.

At least, my other schools. Today's my first day at Paddington Academy.

Right now i'm currently getting to my first class before taking any of my anxiety pills, i'm trying to get better about it. They're always there, the insults.

Those stupid motherfucking insults.

Anyways, I should get to homeroom. I won't hear the end of it from my dad if i'm late...


" Jayden Homesfeild? " Called Mr. Houston, the boring homeroom teacher of ' F/N ', who ( thankfully ) took a million, bajillion years to take attendance. This fact often annoys many, MANY students of almighty Mr. Houston. ( At least what he's heard... )

" Here... "

The old teacher droned on.

" ...Ah god, how do you say this? " He muttered quietly, squinting at the laptop. " Uh, S-somnai?... Assman - Kader? "

A quirky indian immagrant kid jumped up, a wide grin on his face ( as it usually,... ), raising a hand.

" I'm present Mr.! And it's Soma!~ "

Of course this was followed by laughs as well as cheers, because everyone in this hell hole wants to be friends with a foreign prince. Daddy's got money in India, so why not try to be his friend? He usually talks to his polished butler, Agni, despite this.

" Alois?... Trancy? " He called to the sea of bored, tired looking children. " ... Sounds french. " He muttered to himself.

A small blonde boy practically stood up in his desk, his two hands togeather.

" I'm here sir! Present and ready to learn! ( and it's Trancy ) " He squeaked, clapping. " OLAY!~ "

The class again cheered for him, they obviously liking energetic kids. I sigh deeply. " He's not even that funny... " A large kid who hadn't been called yet ( go figure )

" Hey! Shut up he's fucking AWESOME! " He practically shouted, but atlas, the teacher doesn't give a shit.

" Uh... F/N L/N? "

I scrambled up to the side of the table, the small, bar - connected desk. My binder, notebook/sketchbook was out, so I had to be careful.

" Here, here! Present! "

But after I said that, I slipped on my old, untied F/C converse ( stupid tile floor ) and fell on my face.

The classroom exploded with laughter to see my .

~:| Time Skip To The End Of The Day |:~

At this point everyone in this school has either teased or made - fun - of - me about that incident. God, I wished I could've had a NORMAL first day. I'm such a freak...




~:| Ciel POV |:~


Sebastian tells me a new student is attending my school. I hear he had quite the fall. That that I really give a shit about him.

I take out my iphone, and check the time. ' Shit! It's 6: 37! I'm gonna be late! "

" GET TO YOUR BUSES! " The obnoxious gym coach screeches, " KISS YOUR LOVELIES TOMORROW! AT LEAST YOU KNOW YOU'LL SEE 'EM AGAIN! " Then she blows the whistle, and I swear they're designing them to make kids deaf.

Oh yeah, I should explain that. Despite the school having enough money to enrich ' basic ' needs like replacing lockers and fancying the ' common core ' classrooms, they budget- cut. So the Gym coach in one period will teach ' How To Murder Innocent Civilians Will A Rubber Ball ' ( Also known as ' DogdeBall ' ), but next period will be graphically informing you how the French used guillotines. For those wondering, a inturn or sub covers her Gym hours.

I jump onto the loud, held- together- by - duct-tape bus. I cough at the mix of gym - sweat, shitty calone, and fucking cum.





Besides being totally disgusted, I sigh. I kid you the fuck not, this is how you get through a bus in the 21 Century:



Climb over the obnoxious kids putting their shit in the isle.Shove by some younger kid clueless standing in the isle, they getting butthurt over it.Avoid the back at all. fucking. costs.

and finally, and my personal favorite,

Ignore the annoying girl ( that usually has a crush on you, just you watch! ) that pesters you through the side by pretending to listen to your music.


I begin to sit down in a seat, when I heard sobbing.




I'm scrunched up in my seat's leg- room, knees at my chest. Why? Because i'm hiding from Alois. He quickly got a band of goons, who thought it'd be funny to pick on the obviously trans dude.

So, hey. Trying not to die.


... What am I kidding? I'm just a stupid weak kid. I'm not even a real guy.

I'm ugly.

I really am just a faggot...

I start to feel my cheeks heat up, and my eyes itch. My cheeks are suddenly soaked with tears.


I flinch as someone sits down in the seat in front of me.


Ciel POV

I turn around in my seat on my knees, bookbag to my side. I expected to be met with a person on the other side, only to be met with the sobbing to be muffled. I look down, to see a boy - rather feminine - on the dirty bus ground, hugging his knees. His face was dampen with tears, H/C messy.... It's the kid from this morning!


... Am I supposed to remark about how ' handsome and radiant ' he(?) is? Or? ...

" ... Hi. You're Phantomhive, right? A girl in my art class blabbed on about you all hour. " Y/L/N offers a small smile, obviously trying to break up the awkward moment.

" Ah god... " I groan, instant;y cringing about who I knew it was. " She's blonde? "

" Green eyes? "

" And constantly shows off her promise ring? " The both chimed in, L/N had gotten off the floor.

" Elizabeth Minford. " I sigh, her annoying voice already popping into my mind.


" Why so annoyed? She seems rather plesant overall... " L/N insists, shrugging.

" I kn- "

" Oh! I'm sorry, I never introduced myself! I'm Y/M/N L/N! "

" I see. " I insist, taking a look at the boy. He still looked rather feminine. He starts talking again.

" You might know me as the ' { Transvestite - Alien '... Alois gave that stupid fucking name to me. " He said, halfheartedly laughing.

" You shouldn't listen to them. " I found my self saying. " Alois is just a stupid wanna - be. "

Y/M/N smiled. " You're right. Thanks, Phantomhive. "

" Call me Ciel. "

" Ciel, then. "





Ciel Phantomhive.

My gay potato self have begun to love that name. I drown in his one eye ( he still won't let me look under his patch ), the dark shades of blue span to navy, Azure, and a million different hues that haven't been discovered!

He's kind, thoughtful, clever, smug and just the right amount of salt to balance it out! Like, who has that many layers to a personality?! Whenever he sees you down, he knows just how to cheer you up. Sometimes I trick him into giving me hugs...

And he even calls me Y/M/N...


Passing Period, Second Hour

I nearly run over a freshman as I finish my sentence. He dodges out of the way in the nick of time, with a attempt to punch me in the arm as he passed. Unfortunately, my junior superiorityness helps and I barely feel a thing. " Baby arms. " I mutter to myself as I make it to art class right before the bell.

" Y- Y/M/N darling!! " Lizzie wails, me over. I sit in one of the mis- matched chairs in the room, a blue one.

Blue is the best fucking color.

" What is it, Liz- " As usual, I am cut off.

" I-I- IT'S CIEEEELLLLLL! " She sobbed, slaming her fist on the table as she banged her forehead on her arm. She's actually crying.

God damn.

I glance over to the other guy at our table ( I think his name is Colin?... ), who exhales a deep sigh. " It's that bastard Phantomhive, mate. " He explained, setting his pencil down. " You won't believe me if I said it. " He insisted. Scratch that- guaranteed. Lizzie wails once more.


My veins run cold like ice. Holy shit, Ciel did that? Phantomhive? The guy that literally gets his butler to help him keep his word? " Holy shit. " Is all I can mutter, before the art assistant teacher had to come over and help her to the office.

For the rest of the hour, I was lost within my head. My thoughts where a raging storm, questions howling in my brain like the wind.

" Why would he do that? "

" Did I convince him to do it? "

" Will Lizzie think I did this? "

I had to stop using the acrylic paints. They kept running close to my jeans because I wasn't paying attention. I get yelled at by the clueless sub.

I don't even care because i'm too busy making my few friends cards.


Third Hour, Spanish Class

" Hola! "

I can never understand what my Spanish teacher, Mr. Ruiz, is ever saying. He has a rule that he only speaks in espanol. Does he really expect any of us to understand? After he finally leaves us to work on the mountains of homework he gives us, I get up and walk to his desk. " B- bano? " I ask, only a quarter sure that's the right word. He nods, and again says something in Spanish. I only nod, and leave.

I'm going to my locker. I have a valentine for Ciel I had my sister write for me so he couldn't tell it was me. I'm proud of it, I think it's smart.

While i'm thinking about all of this, I hear running in the hall ahead of me. I wouldn't usually freak at this, but I did this time because when I turned the corner, they were running past the hall section of my locker.

" Eh, it's probably for Alois. Half of the girls in school have a stupid crush on the asshole. " I mutter, walking past a class with a open door. It's always English Class.

There it is, locker 931. I gasp lightly to myself as I see a valentine tapped to my locker.

I return to Spanish with the valentine in my pocket. I show it to Soma. He and I squeal quietly.



I squeal to myself, running to the bus so I wouldn't get left ( again... ).

Who send the valentine?

Was it a cute boy?

Maybe it was one of the popular ones! Maybe they aren't a douche! MY PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED!

( Just kidding, those people can never be redeemed for their sins. :) )

Suddenly, while I'm walking to the bus, Ciel walks up to me. " Hey! How was today? " He asked, sweetly as always. " I see you got something?... " I feel my smile widen. Was that even possible??

" Yeah! But I didn't see who, they ran of- " I'm cut off by Ciel. He's shoved aside in the stampede of morons trying to get to their buses and cars. Usually i'd be okay with this, but his chest was basically in my face.

Oh shit.

I can feel myself blushing.

Oh god.

I run away fast, hoping Ciel didn't see me blushing. " WAIT! M/N! " He yells behind me, shoving the dude who shoved him aside.

I'm huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf when I sit in my seat on the bus. I look out the dirty, clouded bus windows. It was a cold day aftter all. Our crappy local weatherman is gonna get reeeaalllyyy cocky about this. First time he's been right in what, months?

All the girls complain about it.

It's funny to watch sometimes. :)

Anyways, Ciel is stomping up the bus stairs, his gaze searching for my E/C one. I duck, a rosy shade appearing on my S/C cheeks. He plops down on the seat in front of me. " Devil's Snare dude! Why'd you run off all of the sudden?! " His gaze was concerned, fearful, and- loving. I suppose it's something he's learned over this past year.

" I - I thought we we're going to be late... " I lied, avoiding his gaze. I pull up the hood of the dark - blue / navy hoodie he got me. Suddenly, his gloved fingers turned my head to mine. His gloves are leather, because his parents where rich. His butler, I believe takes care of him? I dunno.

" Don't lie to me. " He says, voice gentle yet laced with sternness and charge. " You know I don't like petty secrets.".

My breath is caught in the back of my throat. I couldn't respond. I'm stuck sitting here, staying mute and looking like a idiot. I feel my cheeks burn a little brighter. I might as well be Rudolph the fucking red nosed reindeer. I finally swallow the lump in my throat, And place my cold ass hand over his on my cheek.

" Fine... " I mutter. " But you better not freak out. "

" ... I promise. " Ciel grumbles, still getting used to this ' girly thing of mine '.

" ... I like you. " I spit out, starting the waterfall of words, little things i've hushed to myself every night before bed. " I've always liked you, ever since we met okay? Just- shut up! " I bark, growing embarrassed and looking to my cherry red converse. Again, they are old and dirty. Like my life.

Ciel chuckles at the actions. They turn into giggles. He laughs. He laughs until he topples over in his seat. I sit on my duct - tape ridden seat, hugging my knees. " Laugh until you cry. " I hiss, trying to lace my voice with venom like Ciel has done many times before. Do they teach you that at rich kid school?

The blue - haired boy sits up, looking over to me. I see him though my hair/ corner of my eye. He frowns, leaning over the seat to me.

" I'm sorry, I didn't mean to seem like an asshole. "

I huff, but couldn't help but smile in my head. He's finally picking up after me (?). Suddenly, he scoops me up in his gentle hands again.

" I would never try and hurt you. To be honest, I like you too. "

" R-really? SINCE WHEN?! "

" ... A long while now. " He admitted, shrugging.

The best thing EVER happened next.

Ciel Phantomhive then pulls Y/M/N L/N into a passionate, sincere kiss.

The whole bus turns to watch, either WHOOPING, whipping out their phones for spicy images, or ( though drowned out by the WHOOPers ) edgy haters yelling " FAG! ".




We break apart.

I get off the bus at my stop, running home.

I get home, and fanboy about what just fucking happened.

Word Count: 2,739

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