By Madileia

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a girl, in 2019, able to feel so deeply about past events to where she's brought to that exact time. as she a... More

thank you note <3


1.6K 44 61
By Madileia




I HAD BEEN living with Bill ever since the incident, and I've been more quiet than I have ever been in my life.

I hadn't seen Richie in so long, and the time I did we didn't talk at all. It was at Stan's bar mitzvah, and the only reason I came was because I had already promised him that I would attend to it.

Bill and I had gone to Beverly's house to talk to her, but her door was open so we decided to just go in there.

We walked into her bathroom and found her dad laying on the floor, bleeding from out of his head.

I looked up, and my eyes widened. Bill followed my gaze, looking at it too.

It said you die if you try in blood, and I quickly grabbed Bills hand and we ran out together.

We ran to the arcade, suspecting Richie to be there. To no surprise, he was playing street fighters.

He looks at us, and sees us holding hands causing his face to immediately drop and look back at the arcade game.

"What do you guys want?" Richie asks while he continues to aggressively play the game.

"See that guy I'm hitting? I'm pretending that it's you," Richie says while shooting a glance at Bill.

"It got Beverly," I quietly inform.

"What are you talking about?" He asks, his eyes not leaving the game.

"IT, Richie. It got Beverly." Bill said.

Then, Richie finally stops playing the game to face us.


We had got everyone back into a group, and we were currently riding on our bikes to neibolt again.

Except this time I was on a bike with Bill, and Richie was very jealous. I already knew he was jealous, but it's his fault. I wasn't the one who decided to say all of those things.

We had all come better prepared, except me. I had nothing on me but that didn't mean I didn't have any intention of killing that clown and getting back Beverly.

We had all arrived at the house, and everyone else started to grab weapons or sharp objects from the ground.

Eddie even threw his fanny pack far away, to my surprise.

Richie decided that it was a good idea to smash a glass bottle in half, and just dropping it.

We all entered the house, shining our flashlights around. Stan didn't go inside though.

"Stan, come on." I quietly plead, putting my hand out for him to take a hold of.

"B-beverly was right, we can't split up or else that clown will kill us one by one." Bill says. "W-we have to stick together.. all of us."

Stan just stands there, debating whether or not to go in.

He then takes my hand, and comes inside. He didn't let go, but I didn't mind. We continued to walk further into the house, finding the well.

"Beverly!" Ben shouts hopelessly into the well.

We tie a rope onto the top of the well, and one by one we go down into it. I went after Richie and Mike went last.

We all hear a scream and start yelling mikes name when Bowers sticks his head into the entrance of the well.

He threw down the rope, and soon after, we see Bowers fall down the well. Luckily, Mike was okay, but he dropped his bullets.

I turned around, only to find out that Stan was gone. We began shouting his name throughout the sewers.

We heard him screaming for help, so we all began to run and get to him. We found him and this woman with a contorted and misplaced face. The woman was literally sucking his face off, and it was really nasty.

Stan was shaking underneath her and once the thing stopped, he was screaming in fear and its bite marks was visible on his face.

Then, it turned into the clown and left around the corner.

We rushed over to Stan, attempting to comfort him. He was screaming and yelling at us.

"YOU GUYS LEFT ME, YOU AREN'T MY FRIENDS! YOU MADE ME GO INTO NEIBOLT!" Stan screamed, crying and violently shaking in fear.

I looked up and saw Bill with the gun in his hands, running towards something that he supposedly saw.

"BILL!" Eddie shouts, getting up and chasing after him, us following.

We spotted Beverly floating not too far from the ground after looking for a while.

"How is she floating?" Richie asks.

"Someone help me get her down," Ben orders.

I decide to help him get her down, and once we do, he grabs her face and starts to shake her.

"Beverly!" He shouted hopelessly.

Then, he kisses her.

"Wow," Richie mutters. I didn't even say anything, causing everyone to look at me confusingly.

I brush off their stares, and focus my attention back to Beverly.

She stumbles back, and her eyes turn back to its original color.

"January embers," she says, looking intently at Ben.

"My heart burns there too," he answers, causing them both to smile.

"Jesus fuck." Richie mutters again.

We all surround Beverly, hugging her when Eddie starts to walk off.

We all follow after him, and find Bill talking to Georgie. He seemed off, though and I knew that he wasn't real.

Then, Bill pulls out the gun, and shoots him right in the middle of his head, claiming that he wasn't real.

It stumbled backwards and started to shake, slowly turning back into a clown and standing up.

Everyone except me was yelling at Bill to kill it.

"It's not loaded," Mike says as Bill points the gun at the clown.

"IT'S NOT LOADED!" Mike shouts again.

Then Bill shoots, and the clown pretends to be hurt.

I walk past Bill, and infront of the clown. It just wears that same stupid grin on its face.

"You don't scare me anymore, Tiana. You've become quiet," It says, looking back at me.

I don't say anything, I just stare.

"How come? I thought the silence scared you,"

"You said you wouldn't touch them." I say quietly, ignoring it's comment.

"I didn't," It lied.

"Yes you did. You touched Beverly, you know you did." I say, the volume in my voice still low as I walk closer.

"Only because you don't scare me."

"You should fear me," I faintly say.

"And why is that?" It creepily smiles.

"Because I'm about to kill you." My voice was barely audible at this point.

"Oh, but don't you remember? We made a deal, and you failed. We made another, and so I get to eat you.."

"It's either you or your friends. You pick," it continues.

"You're right. I failed, and we made another deal. I intend to keep my word," I give in, sighing.

"I can't keep chasing after you like this. It's hell, so I might as well." I say with my tone still barely over a whisper.

It grabs me by the arm, and pulls me close. "Any last words for your friend here before I take her back to her time and feast on her?"

Then, Richie steps up. "Yeah, and it's GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HER YOU UGLY ASS CLOWN!"

Richie charges towards the clown with something, hitting it. It stumbled backwards, and then everyone started to charge at it.

It kept spinning around in attempts to get everyone off of him, and it worked except he kept me by its side.

"LET HER GO!" Beverly yells as everyone watched the clown back up from them, dragging me with it.

"No. I'll take her, and I'll eat her. Either that or I'll eat all of you."

"Guys- just go, I'll be fine-" I try to assure as it's grip tightens around me, making me wince in pain.

Then, I start crying.

The clown laughs at me, and smiles in amusement. "See, Tiana? I told you. You're scared of me, stop trying to deny it."

"I'm not," I say in a low voice. "I'm just scared of-"

"What, Tiana? What are you afraid of now?" It tightens its grip even more, making it hard for me to breath.

"They're the- only people who.. ever loved me- and I can't let you take that away," I say, struggling to pry it's hand off of me.

"Aww, how sad. We'll too bad that I'm going to have to do that exact thing. It's not my fault your parents don't love you!"

That's it, I was beyond furious at this point now. I screamed, causing everyone to cover their ears.

I kick the clown and shove it's hands off of me, and I turn around to face it.

"I hate you!" I scream in fury.

I kick it in the balls before going up to it and punching it.

It pushes me and I scream at it, and then Richie comes up behind me and hits it with a bat.

"WELCOME TO THE LOSERS CLUB, ASSHOLE!" Richie yelled, taking a swing at it with the bat.

Everyone joined in, but it turned into everyone's biggest fears while they hit him.

The clown even threw up all over eddie and I immediately feel bad for him.

Eddie screams at it and kicks it then it turns into Beverly's father and she got it, making it turn back into a clown and start laughing and shaking.

"That's why you didn't kill Beverly," Bill starts. "Because she wasn't afraid."

"And we aren't either.. not anymore. Now you're the one who's afraid because you're gonna starve."

The clown stumbles into something deep, but I couldn't see what because my head was buried into Richie's chest at the moment.

It held onto the ledge with both hands, and started shakily rambling on. Stan handed Bill a weapon, and he holds it up at the clown as it slips down even more.

Then, it started to slowly crumble away before whispering, "Fear."

"I know what I'm doing for my summer experience essay," Richie jokes once the clown falls down.

"Guys," Eddie says, looking up. "Guys, the kids are falling down."

I follow his gaze, and find that the kids were indeed floating down. I knew we hadn't defeated the clown for good, it was going to return.

But I wasn't going to ruin this moment, so I kept quiet.

end of chapter

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