It's a Love-Hate relationship

By itskeyaaa_

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Summer Jones doesn't have a perfect life - a crazy half family, dropping grades and absolutely no idea on wha... More

CHAPTER 2: Does she even have a talent? She can recognize fake Louboutins...
CHAPTER 3: Now that's what I call a blockbuster exit
CHAPTER 4: Stop laughing. It's turning me on
CHAPTER 5: I'm smart. Oh and I'm a stripper
CHAPTER 6: I'll cut your balls off and staple them to your forehead
CHAPTER 7: Running like a celebrity with paparazzi hot on their trail
CHAPTER 8: Did he have a tendency of speaking in German when he gets hurt?
CHAPTER 9: I was a curious and love-deprived 6-year-old
CHAPTER 10: He's basically the reincarnation of the devil
CHAPTER 11: Even the holy water couldn't diminish his dirty playing methods
CHAPTER 12: I'll twist your bones in such a way you won't recognize yourself
CHAPTER 13: My life is basically insurmountable
CHAPTER 14: Do you only have eyes for anything with a vagina?
CHAPTER 15: He should take whispering classes from Voldemort
CHAPTER 16: Tough and feisty
CHAPTER 17: I need to get her anti-Calexcitement pills
CHAPTER 18: This is no time for Harry Potter references
CHAPTER 19: You just made out with an imaginary being
CHAPTER 20: Do I have to wait for you to remove your hidden knife?
CHAPTER 21: Stupid high-pitched vocals
CHAPTER 22: Our love story is even more epic than Romeo and Juliet
CHAPTER 23: Wine is my favorite way of eating grapes
CHAPTER 24: My lips are sealed. Can I open them?
CHAPTER 25: I can become a cloth donor to many boys
CHAPTER 26: Her fangs are still in her mouth
CHAPTER 27: You give so many damns they are visible from space
CHAPTER 28: I just realized I can sleep with my eyes open
CHAPTER 29: I don't want my brother on a damn killing spree
CHAPTER 30: Alcohol is always a fucking ethical bribe
CHAPTER 31: Remind me to kick the ball at his skull
CHAPTER 32: Mint is my favorite
CHAPTER 33: Well, hello soon-to-come death
CHAPTER 34: Discretion is clearly not her talent
CHAPTER 35: This boy is the trigger to my asphyxia
CHAPTER 36: What kind of creature are you?
CHAPTER 37: I watch many spy movies
CHAPTER 38: We probably devoured half of your damn supply
CHAPTER 39: My IQ points drastically drop when I see your face
CHAPTER 40: I'm a real chick magnet here
CHAPTER 41: I don't think I am ever going to get my breath back
CHAPTER 42: How about lesson number one in Rebel 101?
CHAPTER 43: I know the way to your heart is wine
CHAPTER 44: I desperately require a book on girl behavior
CHAPTER 45: Mommy Dearest
CHAPTER 46: I'd rather be pecked to death by hummingbirds
CHAPTER 47: A prisoner with junk food and Netflix allowance
CHAPTER 48: My life is just a bunch of whats
CHAPTER 49: I want to punch myself
CHAPTER 50: Evil Stepmother 2.0
CHAPTER 51: I've majored in piggyback rides, alright?
CHAPTER 52: My rap sheet will state fratricide
CHAPTER 53: Are you drunk?
CHAPTER 54: White elephant
CHAPTER 55: You attention-sucking bitch
CHAPTER 56: Grumpier than Grumpy the dwarf
CHAPTER 57: I present to you the 100th edition of Cuckoo Caleb
CHAPTER 58: The only trait I acquired was an upgrade on my humor
CHAPTER 59: Buy a castle in England

CHAPTER 1: My patience is thinner than an autumn leaf

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By itskeyaaa_

"Summer Bella Jones! Get your ass down here in the next five minutes or else you'll have to kill your legs walking to school." My brother's annoying voice rings in my ears early in the morning. What the hell is the time? I'm sure I was just 5 minutes late. I turn on my left side to see what the time was on my alarm clock and... Holy shit!

It was 7.43 am.

There were only 17 minutes left for the first period to start and I wasn't even out of bed. I spring out of bed with a sudden urge to fly to school so as not to break my never-late-to-school record. You see, ever since I was little dad always taught me that we should value time. Time doesn't wait for anyone – so if you want to catch the train, be early or else you'll be left there hanging and thinking about what you'll do in life.

I'm really not in the mood of philosophy right now.

After a very quick shower and a huge power battle with my wind-wrecked hair, I walk out of the room in black leggings and my favorite Adidas sweatshirt. I see these 2 huge boys pacing around the living room like there was no tomorrow. Aaron was busy tying his shoelaces in the completely wrong way while shamelessly ogling at the Baywatch ladies in bikinis. Draven was shoving unnecessary stuff in his school bag while glaring at everything in his way – including the coffee table. And Jason was at the kitchen counter, calmly sipping on his usual black coffee while shooting daggers at me.

Oh shit.

"Hey, Jason. Beautiful morning, isn't it? Oh look, it's almost time. We should get going!" I say as I quickly snatch a pop tart that was lying next to him and run outside to the car. I hear Jason's loud and quick footsteps catching up to me and I force myself to run faster all the while screaming at Jason to stop. I reach the other side of the car and pant like a dog on a sunny day.

"Tired, Summer?" Jason asks in a calm tone. Of course, this fool won't be tired. He's the goddamn captain of the soccer team. But even I'm not less. I'm still working on my speed and endurance but I could play with this monkey any time soon.

"Shut up and drive. Where are these other losers at?" I ask while getting in the passenger seat of the car.

"Get out of the house you bitches. My car doesn't like freeloaders like you still it does carry you every single day. At least appreciate that and- "

"Fuck off, Jason. It's our car." Draven jumps in followed by Aaron.

"Great to see we all handle our sibling bond well," I mutter at the 3 idiots I have to live with. So if you probably haven't guessed by now, I have 3 monkeys – sorry, brothers staying with me. Jason the eldest and the calm one. He obviously got the smart genes as well as sports genes and handsome genes and-

You get my point – he's an all-rounder. I'm so jealous.

Then comes Aaron – bloody manwhore. Don't mind me, I'm just stating facts. The number of girls Aaron has slept with couldn't even be compared to the total amount of fingers I had on both my hands. And to make things worse, my own best friend has a freaking crush on him.

So he's handsome as well.

Draven. Where do I start with him? The 'gangster' in our school. Not literally though.

Although, I won't be surprised if he does turn out to be one.

Anyways, as I was saying, he was the gangster of our school. Angered easily, short-tempered and a huge man like Hulk. Are you getting the picture? Still, I don't understand how on earth girls get attracted to this huge... piece of crap.

I'm telling you if one of those girls hear my thoughts on my brothers, then sorry to say Summer Jones will no longer be a part of the world but will be divided and distributed among the walls of our high school.

Yes. You heard me right. It's like they worship my brothers.

Then comes me. Summer Bella Jones. A crazy, troubled with homework, one hell of a glutton, 17-year-old girl.

Normal, right?

Wrong. Everything about me is wrong. While I have an entire gorgeous forest staying with me, I'm that lazy couch potato who roams in sweatpants and hoodies rather than tight jeans and butt short skirts like the rest of the girls. Is it my fault that I have way more fashion sense than them? Hell no, leave fashion sense. Talk about common sense. Do you think I would roam around the hallways showcasing my ass and fat thighs to hungry vampire boys?

I'll pass.

"And why'd you sit there? You know that's my seat, right?" Draven asks loudly, his voice booming across the car. I won't be surprised if the neighboring car could hear him from outside.

"There is something known as first comes first served. Oh and also keeping quiet." I throw a fake sweet smile at him from the front mirror.

"That's not fair, bitch. You were late and still, you don't get punished." Aaron chimes in.

"That's because I don't spend my mornings watching porn, bitch."

"Shut up you all! Not one morning goes by without all of you quarreling like kids. You make me want not to have kids." Jason shouts at all of us.

"Jason... you want to have demons...?" Aaron asks.

Of course, he would ask that.

"Yeah man. I want to have 20 kids." Jason happily says, a huge grin on his face.

Are you kidding me right now?

"Why bro? Just have fun, man. I could get you any chick you want." Draven adds in, trying to sound scary. Perhaps I'm the only girl not scared of him. Idiot.

"No! I would get to fuck my girl 20 times, man! Think about that!" As soon as he says that, they all burst into fits of laughter.

These shameless bitches.

See, sometimes I feel like I don't just exist for them. Imagine me having to hear all these talks every damn day.

There is still time to fill an adoption form – I will consider that.

As they continue talking about sex and girls and condoms and what not, my feet tap against the floor aimlessly and I clench and unclench my fists. I press my lips into a straight line while my nails dig into the soft fabric of my Adidas bag.

"Shut the fuck up, you horny boys! Ugh! Why do I have to stay with you?" I cry out loud as I throw my bag on Aaron and Draven at the back and shove Jason but still careful as he was driving.

They all look at each other for a while and then suddenly burst out laughing. Again. What on earth did they have for breakfast? Weed?

"You... you should've seen... your face..." Draven says in between laughing with my other 2 idiotic brothers.

And he rarely laughs.

"Well, my patience is thinner than an autumn leaf. You should know that." I say as I grit my teeth and stare off ahead as our school gate comes into view.

"That's why we did it, cutie pie," Jason says as he places one hand on my cheeks and pulls it.

"Leave me alone, you jerk!" I shake off his hand and groan at all my brothers' stupidity. You see the kind of stuff I'm dealing with? Bloody drunkards, I'm telling you.

As soon as Jason parks the car, I sprint out of it not ready to spend even a single moment with them. They call after me but I refuse to listen to them until Draven does the unexpected.

"You don't need your phone today?" he asks innocently and I immediately halt in my tracks and turn, seeing my phone dangling from this hulk's hands.

"Give it back, you baboon!" I run towards Draven but he's already beat me to it as he goes on the other side forcing me to play catch and catch with him.

To think someone could have a normal life... a girl can dream.

After a lot of running around, screaming and taking advantage of body sizes, I finally secure my phone and bag and walk towards the block to look for my best friend.

"Hey, Summer?" Aaron calls out to me.


"Don't come early... I have a fucking appointment today." I could literally feel the smirk on his face.

Bloody hormonal teenagers. 


How was the first chapter? I'm trying my very best to improve my writing y'all. I'll make sure it's definitely better than First Glance, my first book. 

Question: Any of you find yourself in Summer's situation? 

Vote and comment!!


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