Get The Girl ✓

By jayscitylights

228K 11.5K 2.5K

A plan. A disguise. A checklist. Time to play cupid. Copyright © 2019 by jayscitylights. All Rights Reserved. More

01 | may i dance with you?
02 | dark eyes and a devil smile
03 | the golden goddess
04 | potential love interest
05 | can i fucking help you?
06 | a suicide mission
07 | a girl always hides her claws
08 | knight in shining armour
09 | another player in the game
10 | new friend request
11 | literal definition of asshole
12 | nancy drew with pigtails
13 | hamburger and potato thots
14 | earth to addie
15 | bobby the cat
16 | pretty china doll
17 | chubby bunny
18 | mermaids r real
19 | international women's day
20 | boyfriend material
21 | the great gonzalez
22 | the virgin question
23 | law of attraction
24 | you like overwhelming
25 | seventy-two hours
26 | melbourne & douche face
27 | blacklisted, pt. 1
28 | blacklisted, pt. 2
29 | not all accidents are bad
30 | king oberon
31 | olive branch
32 | fuck you right back
33 | gnome garden
35 | consider me a fool
36 | summer nightmare
37 | puck's poison, pt. 1
38 | puck's poison, pt. 2
39 | history notes
40 | bronze babe
41 | your theory is wrong
author's note

34 | ready, set, action!

4.2K 224 50
By jayscitylights

3 4

ready, set, action!

     Walking down the hallway feels different.

     Instead of everyone looking at me with judgement, they're looking at me in... awe. Staring, even, unabashedly with their mouths opened and phones on. It's a different sight than I'm used to.

     Probably because Jude is next to me, and his hand is firmly on mine.

    "Is it like this everyday?" I murmur to him.

    "This is considered a lazy day," he leans in, chuckling. "Usually I have girls ogling at me or randomly touching my biceps."

     I frown. "Without your consent?"

    "Pretty much."

    "That's not fair."

     He kisses my nose. "You're cute when you don't like the world."

    "Please stop before I have the urge to vomit."

     Jude and I turn to the smooth, almost robotic voice beside us. Trey and Justine are on my other side, and I tilt my head to catch Trey's pained look. But it's not one out of jealousy — it's more like seeing your sister snog your boyfriend. 

     I try biting off my smile.

    "Oh, lay off them, Trey," Justine giggles and pats his chest. "They're just having their honeymoon phase. We had that, remember?"

    "I don't remember us being that mortifying, darling."

    "You were," Jude and I say at the same time.

     Justine giggles again.

     Popularity isn't that bad, I realise. Even facing unpleasant faces becomes bearable when you have the right people beside you. We pass Iris and Yolanda, who give Justine and I the dirty look; Jude's friends, including Finn, who raise their eyebrows at Jude and I's interlocked hands; and Trey's little squad, who pretty much howl at us.

     TJ is the last I pass, and he's leaning against the lockers when he sees us. His smile falters, and I'm almost too satisfied to respond.

     Almost. I give him a mock salute.

     We all meet Liv by her locker, and she's slightly startled as she spots us. She blinks at our figures when we stop in front of her.

    "Is it just me," Liv asks slowly, "or did you guys walk  in slow motion?"

     Trey shrugs. "It's probably just you."

     Our group saunters to Vic, who's just a few ways from Liv's own locker. Huh. Are they always on sight distance, then? The thought bothers me; it just makes me more curious on how they're both doing. Liv hasn't confided in me with anything on Vic ever since the Blacklist Party. I guess I respect her wishes to keep that part private.

     Vic's eyes brighten at the sight of his best friend, but when he spots me, I dare say it looks like he wants to turn around. But I catch his eye, and he eventually meet mines without flinching.

     The interesting thing is when he sees Liv, though. Or rather when she sees him. They hold eye contact for a while, and I'm actually expecting them to do something. Anything.

     He nods. And she nods back.

     Phew. I should be relieved. They're cordial at least. Not alienating each other. Because they were good together. Not as anything more than friends, obviously. 

    "Looking like shit, Vic," Jude quips.

     He chuckles. "Back at you, asshole."


     The bell rings and we're finishing History class when Trey taps me on the back.

    "Thanks for the notes," he says rather vaguely, then passes me a folded paper. The List. My eyes widen in panic and I push it towards him.

    "You keep it."

     He gives me a look. "It's your notes, Addie. I'm done with it."

    "You'll need them later," I give him the same look back.

    "I've copied everything so far," Trey explains slowly. "There's been nothing new. Please?"

     He's doing the puppy eyes right now. I know he is. And he knows that I know. I sigh and roll my eyes. "Fine, Gonzalez." I put the List in my back pocket, patting it in an over-exaggerated way just for his sake.

     As we exit the room together, Trey clears his throat. "So," he shoves his hands in his pockets, which is so unlike him that my head turns to him in interest. "What about your... compensation?"

     I raise my eyebrows. "Compensation?"

    "Our deal," he states. "My end of the bargain."

     That's when it hits me. I stop in my tracks. "Oh."

     He's talking about his proposition.

     It feels like so long ago, when he first approached me on the same day I found out it was him that I latched lips with. I mean, now that I think about it, the only reason I agreed to play matchmaker was one thing.

     To improve my own image.

     Imagine what people would think if you did get me together with this girl, and suddenly your... competitiveness... is not a negative trait, so to speak. Me asking for your help, that's full of coverage.To win is to get me with the girl. And the prize is the most valued of all: to be accepted.

     Don't you want that?

     I was a little desperate back then. 

     But is it still what I want? Do I want people to know that I was responsible for Trey and Justine together... especially Justine herself? Obviously we didn't think of the circumstances or how his end of the bargain would be done. 

     I guess I did meant it, but after getting to know the Reynolds twins... maybe I shouldn't care what other people think of me. If Justine and Jude can do it, then I can too, right? Even if I have to see judgemental faces for another year. I'll make it through. 

     I have the best support group now, after all.

    "You know what? Forget it." I wave a hand. "I've been compensated already."

    "By what?" He's not surprised, but he's genuinely curious.

    "You guys." I shrug. It sounds cheesy but it's the truth. "That's the best reward I could ever get."

     Trey's eyes flicker around my features. Then he puts his arms around my shoulders and pulls me into a mocking hug. "Oh, how you make me cringe."

     But he's smiling as wide as I am.


    "Alright, cast and crew, listen up!" Mr. Allen shouts. "Each of you will need to do your fitting — all main characters of the play are given full priority. Lighting and sound, you work together — where's the stage manager? I need you to stay here!"

     The auditorium today is pretty hectic. The stage is being set. Scripts are thrown away. Props are moving around.

     That's because we have around two weeks before the actual play.

     I'm trying to stand still while this random freshman dresses me. "Alright, you're all set!" she says before sprinting to backstage again. I guess she's a runner or something. Huh. Is that why they call themselves a runner? Because they're always runn —

     What. The. Heck. Is. That.

     I stare at myself in the mirror with a horrified expression. Maybe it's the white long-sleeved shirt or the pants that resemble a burlap sack or the raggedy brown vest...

     ...I look like freakin' Shrek.

    "I think you got me the wrong costume!" I shriek back.

    "Looks perfect to me," Justine quips, appearing at my side. Easy for her to say; she's wearing a flowy pink dress that makes her look like a Disney princess.

    "I think your sight is tampered with."

    "Not quite." She wiggles her eyebrows, nudging me. "So, you and my brother, huh?"

    "Your brother and I."

     Justine laughs. "I still can't believe it. I mean, I can, 'cos I've always known."

    "Why do people say that? Trey said the same thing."

    "I would, as well," Liv joins, smirking by Justine. Now that they're standing next to each other, crossing their arms, they actually do look really intimidating. Both pretty and tall. 

     I'm unmatched. This isn't fair.

    "See?" Justine throws her arm around Liv. For the first time, my best friend doesn't freak the freak out. "Olivia has spoken."

    "It's you who needs to talk, though," Liv grins at me. "Spill it all out, woman!"

     So I do.

     I have lots to tell, actually. Time passes me and we just talk and talk. Giggling like a couple of fifth graders at their first late-night sleepover. It feels good, actually. We should have more girl time these days. Why didn't I think of it?

    "He bought a gnome?" Liv giggles at me.

    "I know!" I giggle back.

    "What's going on there?!" Jude yells from the other side.

     Justine whips her head. "None of your business!"

     The three of us laugh while Jude shakes his head. He returns to helping Trey trying to fix Vic's costume, but Trey slaps his hand away before he can do any damage. Jude glares at him.

    "So." Justine bites her lip. "I know I'm not suppose to ask this, and it's basically old news — but what does Jude think about you and Vic?"

     I tense. "What?"

    "Your kiss," she repeats, unflinching. "You guys kissed, remember?! Or was I seeing things during that Never Have I Ever game?"

     Shoot. I thought she'd forgotten about it! Liv and I share a subtle look, and she gives me a little nod, letting me lie for once. "It was a long time ago," I chuckle. "Eighth grade, I think. A game of Seven Minutes in Heaven. Something stupid."

     "Oh." Justine frowns. "That's really it?"

    "Yeap." My voice is a pitch higher.

    "Then why make such a big deal out of — "

    "Everyone back to the stage!" Mr. Allen calls out, startling all of us. "We're re-doing Act 3, Scene 1! Come on!"

     I loose a breath. Close call.

     But there's been too many close calls lately.

     Practice continues and I just want it to be over. That way, Justine won't grill on me. And it'll give me time to talk to Trey and finally make up a story that will finally satisfy her.

     For now, I just have to endure Mr. Allen's ready, set, action!

     I can finally breathe as I finish my last line. I basically race to the backstage room, already stripping off my costume before I step a foot inside. Our clothes are all over the place, and I struggle to get mine. Aha! Finally found them. The door behind me opens and people stream in, but I focus on my shirt. Grab the zipper. Get my bag.

     Get Trey, avoid Justine.

     I'm already sneaking my way out when the most dreadful sight meets me.

    "Addie! Hold on! You forgot your — " Justine's voice fades away, and already, a chill goes up my spine. People are still chattering, but it feels like it's only Justine and I in the room. Especially when I turn around.

     A paper note is in her hands. At first, it doesn't register to me.

     But I recognise the folds. The colour. The tiny crumples. The List.

     My heart drops to my stomach.

     "What the hell is this?"

A/N: Whoops.

Anyway, I am SO sorry for the very late update. Things are hectic. But I'm finishing this story against all odds.

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