Spider-Son/IronDad One-Shots

By SpiderSon-what

1.2M 39.1K 9.4K


Good Intentions
Good Intentions-2
Good Intentions-3
Everyone Has A Heart
Mr. Stark
Are you cold?
Santa is real!
What's wrong with Michelle?
Bitch, I'm Fabulous!
You're Eloping?!
A Puppy?
I Love You, Peter
Michelle Jones
A baby?
Loneliness Kills
Thanks Dad!
The Field Trip of Truth
A Cold Night and a Sad Murder..
A New Family
Disney World!
The Scary 16 Year Old
Popular Pete?
Nick Fury Smiling?
Introducing the Avengers
First Day of School
Bad ass Bitch, MJ
So Smart, But So Dumb
No One Should Be Alone on Christmas!
Where's Peter?
I'm Sorry
A New Super Soldier?
Drum roll please....... Enter Deadpool!
Coming Out To The Team.... This'll Be Exhausting...
Valentines Day Wonders.. Clint?!
Holy Shit.... Advice From A Seven Year Old?
Swallow Your Pride..
I love you.. Mommy
No One Expects This Ship... Please Don't Hate Me
Arrested.. On The First Date?!!!
Not again..
Bring Him Back... Please?
No way...
The Angel Known As Peter Parker(Stark)
Uncle Loki!
Aunt May And Her Fiance..
Peter's Breakdown..(Trigger Warning)
The Confusion Everyone Felt..
Another Bet Lost To A Female..
The Forgotten Music Room...
My Tower, My Son..
Everyone Knows Now.....
Plan, Backfired..
Pepper, Nat, Bucky, And Steve Finds out...
One Terrifying Teen
I Pissed Myself... Says The God..
Peter Is Back To Normal?
To Kill A God Of Mischief...
Peter's Revenge...
And They Call You A Genius...
Another Ship No One Suspects...
MJ Against Tony... Who'll Win?
The Press Conference Of Truth...
Instant Kill Mode..
The Funeral..
True Love..
Our Idiots..
Why Do They Hate Peter?
Tony Fucks Up..
Regret Sets In..
I Missed You..
I'm Not Going Anywhere..
A Russian Lullaby..
The Birthday...
The Snake..
Meeting With The Principal..
You're Spiderman?!!
He Was My Father!
Please Explain..
The Mission..
The Mission.. (continued)
Events After The Snap...
Tony's A Bitch, TBH..
Bucky and Steve Reunited..
Tony's Sudden Realization..
Ross and Eyepatch..
The Worst Nightmare..
Fatherly Son Bonding..
I Will End Your Pitiful life..
My Suit!!!
Mama Spider
Insult My Son One More Time..
Don't Kill Uncle Loki!
Major Sensory Overload... Without Tony?!
Field Trip To MoMA-
Fangs And Blue Blood?!!!!
The Avengers Are Pardoned...
The Real Peter..
I'd Hate To Be The Bully..
The Multi Billionaire Cries..
Every (Wo)Man for themselves!!
Clint's An Idiot
My Pride And Joy..
The Victims... Part 1
Okay, so...
This Is All Your Fault..
A Slight Cure To End Game Depression...
Peter Stark, Huh?
I Can't Believe You've Done This..
He's My Son Too!
You In?
Happy Birthday, Steve
Meeting MJ's Parents
My Spider
The Museum..
Thank You..
The Coma..
The Wolf Story
Brother Bonding Time
Let's Go Camping
You Don't Care..
I promise..
My Baby..
Sorry For Her..
A Fight Never Forgotten..
About A Rewrite...
Victims... Part 2; Revenge
Don't Ever Hit A Woman..
Kinda Boring
The Thief Inside Stark Industries..
Y Is Not A Negative..
Correcting A Genius..
The Internship..
A Genius, Really
I Wanted To Talk To You.. Spiderman
May Takes The Night Off..
Tony Knows..
Tony Meets May...
IT'S POSTED!!! Also, a short PSA, so please read all of it
I Love You, M..
Goodbye Part 3(2?)
Would You Jump Off A Bridge?
We're losing him!
The New Intern..
Oh Fuck..
We're All Perverts!
You Didn't Deserve This..
Why Didn't You Tell Me..?!
Out Of A Story Book..
It Was A Mistake..
Just A Pathetic Servant..
I Hate Him..
Is That..?
We Both Would've Been Dead..
The Prank Gone Too Far.. Again?!
Stupid Mute Boy..
Radiating Powerful Gay Vibes..
Not A Cabin, A Mansion
Something You Would Never Expect..
So I Can Move On..
Overcoming A Fear..
Finding Nemo
You Weren't There..
Juice Pops..
Not An Update..
Morgan H. Stark..
The Mistake..
They're Back..
Closest To His Heart.. Please Be Okay, Peter..
Stolen Info..
You Can't be serious!
You Deserve To Be Locked Up! (Last chapter)

A Performance Of A Lifetime...

4.7K 192 35
By SpiderSon-what

Italics- MJ singing/acting

Bold- Peter acting/dancing

Bold and italics- Both acting/dancing

Tonight was the night. Now, let me clear something up real quick about why Peter was so nervous. Not only did he have to kiss MJ twice, but Midtown High goes above and beyond with their musicals since they only have one every year and they were such a prestigious school. They had actually rented out this huge building that had a gigantic room where there was a stage, and a very large amount of space between the stands and stage. Everything for the trapeze scene and shit was hanging up and looked kind of like a real circus, minus the animals.

Everyone was backstage waiting for the crowd to finish filling in and watching out for their parents or guardians, making sure they showed up. Peter and MJ were the only ones who weren't looking and instead were rehearsing a bit. MJ wasn't interested to watch who comes since her parents came with here and Peter already knew no one was coming.

Peter had brought it up to May, but she has work and he understood, so he wasn't that upset. He would've invited Tony and the other Avengers, but didn't wanna bother them, so he expected to be performing for no one, except maybe Ned's mom.

"What's your act Mr. Carlyle?" Peter went to respond, discarding his book and looking at MJ. As he went to respond, Abe gasped and soon others followed.

"The Avengers are here!" Peter perked up at the mention of his extended family and rushed to look out from behind the curtain. True to his word, Tony and the others were sitting, second row with May and were all chatting as the surrounding people stared on in shock. Peter smiled and Mr. Williams clapped his hands.

"Okay people, showtime." After the announcement was made about the show, it began.

●●●●●●Scene Skip By Loki Who Only Came To See His Ex-kidnap Victim●●●●●●●●●●●●

"Anne, they're small minded people." It was right after the whole theater problem and they were now back at the 'circus'. Peter was bent to MJ's sitting height and was looking intently at her. "Why do you care what they think?" MJ was fiddling with her ribbon on her arm and sighed.

"Its not just that." MJ shook her head and finally looked up. "You've never had someone look at you, the way your parents looked at me. The way everyone would look at us." She glanced down, before hopping up and walking to the rope. Peter got into a standing position, looking to MJ and started to sing.

"You know I want you
It's not a secret I try to hide
I know you want me-" Peter started to walk towards MJ and she shook her head, continuing to fold the rope in her hands. "So don't keep saying our hands are tied
You claim it's not in the cards
But fate is pulling you miles away
And out of reach from me
But you're here in my heart
So who can stop me if I decide
That you're my destiny? What if we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine
Nothing could keep us apart
You'd be the one I was meant to find." MJ continued to walk to the center of the room, rope in hand and Peter grabbed her waist, twisting her to face him slightly.

"It's up to you
And it's up to me
No one can say what we get to be
So why don't we rewrite the stars?
Maybe the world could be ours
Tonight." Peter stroked MJ's hair and twirled her slightly as he sang. MJ wrapped the rope around her arm and pulled it down so she'd be brought up into the air. Peter looked around in amazement (half fake, half real) and MJ dropped down slowly, holding only her upper half slightly onto a round hoop tied to the rope.

"You think it's easy
You think I don't want to run to you." She descended from the air and Peter could only come up with two words to describe her; a beautiful angel. "But there are mountains
And there are doors that we can't walk through." Their foreheads touched and they did a mirror type dance for a second as MJ continued to sing. "I know you're wondering why
Because we're able to be
Just you and me
Within these walls
But when we go outside
You're gonna wake up and see that it was hopeless after all." Peter held onto the hoop and it started to go up and let go moments later, falling to his feet with a loud 'thump'. He looked around for her as she sang.

"No one can rewrite the stars-" she glided down on the rope and Peter back up. "How can you say you'll be mine
Everything keeps us apart." Peter grabbed her waist as she went to pass him again and they rolled on the floor, MJ coming out on top. "And I'm not the one you were meant to find
It's not up to you
It's not up to me." Mj shot back up in the air with the rope and Peter grabbed it. She rolled back down, entangled in the rope and landed in his arms. "When everyone tells us what we can be
How can we rewrite the stars?
Say that the world can be ours
Tonight." Peter held his arms around her and she danced her way with the rope so they were not even a foot apart.

"All I want is to fly with you
All I want is to fall with you
So just give me all of you." They went up in the air using the rope and MJ dropped, being held by one hand, his other hand holding the rope and keeping them both from falling. She slowly brought them to the ground and they bother now had ropes.

"It feels impossible."They swung in separate directions and came together again, spinning.

"It's not impossible."

"Is it impossible?"

"Say that it's possible."

"How do we rewrite the stars?
Say you were made to be mine?
Nothing can keep us apart
Cause you are the one I was meant to find." Peter ran to the banister and climbed up it as they sang and MJ continued to glide through the air. As she came around to him, he jumped to the rope that MJ was on and swung together.
"It's up to you
And it's up to me
No one can say what we get to be
Why don't we rewrite the stars?
Changing the world to be ours." They landed and were slightly panting, faces close together.

"You know I want you
It's not a secret I try to hide
But I can't have you
We're bound to break and
My hands are tied." MJ removed his hand from her waist and walked out of the ring, leaving him staring after her and the curtain closed. The crowd was in awe at the performance they had just witnessed. They both had such chemistry as they performed and it showed with how in sync their movements were. Even the other members of the play were shocked! They haven't practiced at all and they did overly amazing, especially with the difficult moves they had to do. They had the hardest dance number in the play, and it seemed like it wasn't hard at all for either of them.

□□□□□□□Another Scene Skip, But This Time, It's Brought To You By Thor's Luscious Locks(RIP)□□□□□□□□□

It was the fire scene and everyone was looking for Anne, aka MJ. No could find her and Philip aka Peter ran back to the burning building looking for her. She came out from the side of the building and ran to W.D. who held her tightly as Phineas ran into the building. It collapsed and the crowd had tears in their eyes. Meanwhile, Tony started to have an anxiety attack because this scene triggered his PTSD from Peter's homecoming. Phineas walked out with a banged up Philip and Anne looked on in concern.

"He's been exposed to too much smoke, but he's breathing." Phineas announced and Philip was placed on the stretcher.

■■■■■Hospital Scene Brought By Wanda's Gorgeous Accent■■■■■■■

"What if we rewrite the stars?" MJ had tears in her eyes and was holding Peter's hand to her lips tightly. "Say you were made to be mine." MJ's voice wavered and a teat slowly rolled down, her lip quivering. "Nothing can keep us apart." Another tear. "You were the one I was meant to find." She struggled to get the words out and watched his hand, slightly glancing at his face. His fingers moved and he struggled to open his eyes.

"You're here?" He was confused and MJ leaned forward, planting her lips to his.

◇◇◇◇◇Last Time Skip, Pepper Promises◇◇◇◇◇◇

"It's everything you ever want. It's everything you ever need. It was here, right in front of you." The lights dimmed and the show was finished. Everyone was either in tears or uncontrollably sobbing. Everyone in the play bowed and people dispersed looking for their kid. Peter walked over to his family and they all hugged him and congratulated, but he was distracted. He had to find MJ and politely excused himself. He walked over to her and tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hey M, can we talk in private real quick?" MJ nodded and quickly excused herself. Peter grabbed her hand and led her to a secluded area. "That kiss earlier, I don't know about you, but I felt something-" He was cut off by MJ attaching her lips to his. When they pulled away, Peter leaned his forehead against hers. "M, will you be my girlfriend?" MJ smiled and reconnected her lips. This show turned out better than expected.

                                                                       Word Count: 1640

Obviously, I didn't write the entire thing, but I found this adorable. Video will be added above, so then you can see what they essentially did in the play. I'mma be honest with you guys, I don't ever have these one shots or the chapters to my other book planned out. I usually come up with an idea, grab my phone or laptop, start typing, and correct whatever needs to be corrected before I post them and that's it. That's why I'm so surprised you guys like it so much, usually people have  everything planned out, but I just type up a story within like 10-20 minutes and post it as soon as the last word is on the page. Anyway, enough ranting, Vote and comment your opinions.

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