My Neighbor's Friend

By m3mori3s_of_darkn3ss

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Falling in love... you never know when it will happen, how it will happen. You may fall in love with someone... More

The Day We Met
What Are You Doing to Me?
Armin and Mikasa
The Ackermans
Invitation: Part 2
Hange Zoe
Missed Opportunity
Levi and Mikasa
Back to Day One: Levi Version
Story of a Dark Prince
Mending a Broken Heart
From Bad to Worse
The Call
The Second Visit to Shiganshina
The Heart Wants What The Heart Wants
One Step Closer
The Ackermans... Once Again
Leaving Already?
He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not
A Choice of No Regret

Invitation: Part 1

199 11 4
By m3mori3s_of_darkn3ss

Have you ever been in a situation where you wanna stay and run away at the same time? You know, like when you accidentally steal a look into a deserted classroom and find two of your seniors getting each other off.

Okay, that was a bad example. But you get my point, right?

What I'm trying to say is I'm facing such a predicament right now. Why? Because of these two persons currently accompanying me. One being completely insane, as always. And another enduring that insanity while venting his anger silently, but unquestionably. In fact, I'm willing to bet his eyes will start shooting ice needles any second. And as much as I'm smitten with him, I don't wanna be on the receiving end when that happens.

We're currently standing inside a convenience store, me standing awkwardly and glancing at Levi ever so often, who is leaning against the side of the counter. One knee bent and propped up against the wall, fingers tapping restlessly against his thigh and eyes following a certain someone with murderous rage. Said someone – who is the main reason we are at the present situation right now – is running around the whole store with enthusiasm unknown to be possessed by any other human. I watch helplessly as they run from shelf to shelf, eyeing every piece of merchandise with interest, inspecting them, and then moving on to another. They don't even bother to take a look at us. And I stand here, listening to Levi mutter endless string of curses under his breath.

I didn't even know someone can create so many swearing words just by using the word 'shit'. I start counting in my head.




Shitty brains.

Shitty glasses.

The list goes on.

Keeping aside my current fascination at his creativity, I'm actually the main victim here. I don't even fucking know what we're doing here in the first place! One moment I was returning home from school, Hange and Levi tagging along with me. And next thing I know, my crazy neighbor has dragged both of us inside this shop and ran off to the shelves. I know Levi knows what this is all about; otherwise he wouldn't be tolerating Hange's eccentric activities for so long. But like I said, I don't wanna end up dead. So I'm stopping myself from asking him anything and risking my life.

What? He's scar–

Not scary! I did not say scary! I'm definitely not scared of him. Just... maybe a little...

Intimidated! Yes! I'm a little intimidated. That's all!

Satisfied with the conclusion I've come up with, I try to take a peek at him. And let me tell you, the world just wants me to suffer! Because right at that moment, he decides to run his fingers through those silky black fringes. The soft locks slide though those bony fingers. Dark against pale, such a perfect combination. Everything about him is perfect. From the tip of his hair to the end of his toe, every fucking inch is dripping perfection! I stare in awe, death risks be damned. He catches me staring of course, and shoots me a glare that probably would've sent me off running had I not been so mesmerized with the owner of it.

God! He's gorgeous!

I realize my mouth is hanging open. Fuck! I snap it shut before I start drooling and make an even bigger fool of myself.

God fucking damn it Eren! At this rate, you're gonna end up presenting yourself as the creep who drools at the sight of other men and then Levi will run away faster than a lightening!

Right. Right!

I open my mouth, suddenly feeling a little brave to try and say something intelligent. The very obvious fact that 'I have an at least 95% chance of screwing this up' totally goes out of my mind. Later, when I'm sober enough to actually analyze my actions, I will find myself cursing my hot-headedness and impulsive nature which always leads to unwanted circumstances. But for now, the only thing in my mind is Levi.

Levi. Who is right here.

Levi. Who I can talk to right now if I want.

Levi. Whom I–

My thoughts are interrupted by a flash of teeth and thick rimmed glasses. Yes, you got it right. It's them. The culprit is bouncing back towards us, grinning widely. And there appears to be something in their hand. So they finally found what they were looking for after almost wrecking the whole store. I look closely to see what this prized possession is.

A champagne bottle.

You've gotta be kidding me!

I hear a weird noise beside me, and turn my head to find Levi fuming. Huh! So we're both pissed off at the same thing. Well, to be honest, any man with a sane mind would be. But naïve as it is, my heart decides that it's a special thing to have something in common with Levi and starts jumping with joy.

Stupid heart! Stop beating so loud!

"All that hassle, and you brought this?"

"Levi!" Hange pouts. "My gal deserves the best. I can't just bring anything for her. I had to make sure I get the best gift."

"... And that's supposed to be champagne?"

"Not just any champagne shorty! It's the champagne!"

"Am I supposed to know what the fuck that means?"

"Guess not!" Hange beams mischievously. Levi sighs.

"Awww, don't pout!" they try to poke him in the arm. He swats their hand away. "It's the same one Carla brought for me to celebrate my 18th birthday", they add with a smile.


"Uh... Hange..." I mumble. Gah! My head hurts from all the confusion.

"Yup!" they turn to me, grinning from ear to ear.

"What's this all about?"

"Oh! You don't know?!" they turn towards Levi. "You two have been standing here all this time. You could've told him!"

"He didn't ask."

Oh, so now it's my fault?! Forgive me if I was afraid to lose my fucking life!

"Doesn't matter!" Hange screeches. The man behind the counter looks at them, irritated. They glance at him, then take out their wallet to pay, still bickering non-stop without a care in the world. "Okay snotball, the thing is, your mom invited us to dinner tonight", they use their index finger to push their glasses back.

Why does it remind me of Armin? Maybe because they both are nerds and both of them have a disturbing habit of butting in other people's minds. Anyway, more importantly, mom invited them. Why didn't I know about this? She probably talked to them this morning, after I left for school. She could at least tell me last night that she's planning to invite them. Well, I guess it's alright. It's not like it's the first time Hange will visit my house.

And then, it hits me.

"Your mom invited us to dinner tonight."

That means–

Levi is coming.

To. My. House.



Fuck! Shit! Damn! Why am I hearing this only now?! He's coming to our house for the first time, and... oh man! This is so sudden. I don't know what to think. And my room is... Fuck! I didn't even clean my room!! He's such a clean freak. Shit! What's he gonna think? What if he feels disgusted and leaves right away?! No, he won't do that. Even he can't be that rude! Right? Right?!

Damn it! Calm down Eren!

Yeah. Calm down. Take deep breaths. That's it! It'll be alright. Once we reach my house, I'll quickly go to my room and clean it up as much as possible. No need to fret!

I compose myself and look to my right. Hange is taking the gift wrapped champagne bottle from the counter. I look to my left. Levi has straightened himself and is brushing imaginary dirt from his clothes. I grip the straps of my backpack tightly as we proceed to leave the store.

My heart is racing. My palms are sweating. My throat feels dry. But in the midst of all this nervousness, I find a ghost of a smile slowly finding its way to my lips.

Levi is coming.

Levi is coming.



Hange jumps in and crushes my mom into a bear hug, the after effect of which makes her stagger a few steps back. She's smiling as she returns the hug, albeit more sophisticatedly.

"Nice to see you here after so long", mom says, petting their unruly hair.

Yeah, as you can see, Hange and mom are pretty close. To say the truth, mom is closer to Hange in age than I am. So it's no wonder they get along well. They've been close friends since as long as I can remember. Mom has always been a friend-slash-elder sister for them. Well, more 'friend' and less 'sister', if you ask me. I know it probably looks weird. How can Hange be friends with both me and my mom?! But that's just how Hange is. There's a sort of comfortable aura around them, once you get past the craziness and eccentricity that is. They'll bully you, tease you, irritate the hell out of you. But at the end of the day, you'll forgive them. Because you know they'll be here for you whenever you need them. They'll be here for you even when no one else will. And no matter how many years pass, they'll treat you like they always did. There's no awkwardness. No discomfort. No uneasiness.

That's the charm of Hange Zoe.

"Alright! Alright!" I huff impatiently. "Now would you two move aside and let us in?"

Mom laughs. I watch with amusement as she slowly tries to disentangle herself from Hange's death grip. She barely manages to do so, only to find them landing their left arm around her shoulder. And I suddenly fear for the champagne bottle that's still dangling from Hange's right hand.

"Oh Carla! You didn't meet my friend this morning, did you? Here, let me introduce", Hange gestures at Levi and opens their mouth to speak. Somehow, I have a feeling Hange's gonna mess this up.

"This is sh-Levi!"

Mom looks at him, then at Hange. Confusion written all over her face. "Shlevi?"

I facepalm.

Levi sighs, shaking his head. He takes off his shoes and gets inside. Well, I suppose I should take initiative and introduce him properly. So I hurry up and walk past him to stand beside mom. And just when I'm about to speak, my eyes widen at the sight of him.

He's smiling.

Well, it can hardly be called a smile. Just a slight curve of his lips. But damn! That's the closest to a smile I've seen on his face. I watch spellbindingly as he approaches mom, right hand out for a handshake.

"Levi Ackerman. It's a pleasure to meet you ma'am."

Mom smiles at him and shakes his hand. "Welcome to Shiganshina Levi. Please, come on in." She takes the champagne from Hange. "By the way, you can call me Carla", she adds with a welcoming smile. "And thanks for the champagne."

"I picked it!" Hange beams. "You remember this brand, Carla?"

Mom smiles at them. "Of course I do."

I stand at the door, dazed, while both Hange and Levi get inside and make themselves comfortable in the living room. And by comfortable I mean Levi sitting on the edge of the couch, decently but gracefully, and Hange sprawling on the rest of the space.

"Eren", I get back to my senses when mom calls me. "Shouldn't you be changing your clothes and freshening up?"

She walks towards me, and from the look on her face, I have a feeling that she's gonna pull my ear again, like she does whenever she's scolding me. I sure as hell cannot let that happen. Not in front of him!

"I'm going! I'm going!" and off I go, running up the short flight of stairs and into my room.

Time to clean up!

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