Par BarbzzyBooks

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"He'll never embrace you the way I do." he murmured into my ear, his voice trailing away. I tensed as his war... Plus

~ Summer of 2002 ~
Chapter one - High School
Chapter two ~ Mixed Emotions.
Chapter three ~ Party.
Chapter four ~ Blood Shed Tears.
Chapter five ~ Hospital
Chapter six ~ Confusion
Chapter seven ~ Missing
Chapter eight ~ Bleeding Heart
Chapter nine ~ Perfectly Destroyed
Note from Author!!!! ^_^
Part Two of Kismet Affection....
Chapter ten ~ Fresh Start
Chapter eleven ~ New Feelings
Chapter twelve ~ Secret Ocean.
Chapter thirteen ~ Like the wind
Chapter fourteen - Confrontation
Chapter fifteen ~ Rebirth
Chapter sixteen ~ Melody (part one)
Chapter sixteen ~ Melody (part 2)
Chapter seventeen ~ Sunrise
Comment Love...
Chapter nineteen ~ Fully Alive.
Chapter twenty ~ Night out (Part One)
Chapter 20 - Night out (Part 2)
Chapter 21 ~ Farewell
Chapter 22 ~ Mother's Return
Chapter 23 ~ Uninvited
Chapter 24 ~ Old Times
Chapter 25 - Proof
Story update.
Chapter 26 - A single Kiss
Chapter 27 ~ Dreams of Long Ago

Chapter eighteen ~ Race Me

182 2 4
Par BarbzzyBooks


I stood quietly by the window where Suri and I had just been standing together. We were in an embrace that was becoming in sync with my body and I loved every feeling of it. The feel of her body close to mine, it seemed perfect. Everything about her seemed right and I didn't want to let go. Her heart beating with mine, I had to protect her. I couldn't let her be harmed. I won't let anyone. It made my heart sing when I saw her eyes become alive with joy. She knows her sister is alive. She can feel it and the way she held me close watching the sunrise. Her heart knew Maleen was beating for her.

I wasn't sure what to think when told me her sister's "boyfriend" was here. It even surprised me when she referred him that way. And Just the fact that he showed up without invitation and unannounced sort of bothered me. Not that I didn't believe in the trust Suri said she has with him. But since she assured me not worry, it made me feel more comfortable that other people including David would be staying the night.

It would prove that I am not taking advantage of Suri. I would never.

My mouth curled up when I caught sight of Suri bouncing down stairs with a natural smile perched on her lips. She appeared as a whole new person and I liked that. She wore a thick black North face jacket, jeans that hugged her legs to perfection and her hair was in a side braid . I grinned when her cheeks instantly flushed bright red as she caught me staring at her. I couldn't help me self. She was extremely beautiful. It didn't matter if she wore clothes or just a bra and panties; Surilyn Miller was a goddess.

My goddess!

I walked over to her with a small smile still spread across my face. "Chef Martin," she greeted in a playful tone.

I chuckled softly, shaking my head. "Miss Miller," I greeted back, flashing my teeth in a warm beam.

"Would you like to help me?"

"Of course," I agreed with knowing. She nodded and towed me to the kitchen.

"I'll warm up your winning dish and you can get the plates from the top cabinets." She told me, pointing to a cabinet high above her. It was easy for me to reach but not so much for her. I wonder how she even gets things from these high cabinets considering her height. She is like five one or maybe even shorter.

"Do they even want to eat an evening dinner at this time? It like seven am" I said, reaching for the plates. "We can make breakfast instead." I suggested.

"There men, they'd eat rats seasoned like turkey at five in the morning." She half laughed.

"I see," I murmured, stacking the plates next to the stove. "How many are there anyways?" I wondered.

"There are eight of us including my self." A deep voice spoke behind us. Suri and I both turned to find David leaning against a wall and with his hands crossed. Soon his team began to sit at the dinning room table.

I study each of them. They seemed foreign, not from around here. One of them caught my attention. He was extremely built and seemed very tough with tattoo covering both of his arms. He had dark skin and a thick mane of soft curls. I watched as he was speaking Brazilian with a blond dude that looked just as built as him and covered in tattoos. The rest of them seemed to have this tan on there skin, mess of hair, muscular bodies and most where covered with tattoos.

"Where's my little meatball?" a male voice spoke, coming into the kitchen. Suri froze and turned to look at the tall man who just walked in. He looked like David only his hair was darker then his. I just leaned against the counter watching them.

"Tony," Suri cried in pure happibest

"Wow, it sure has been to long. You've grown." He said circling her like his pray. I arched an eyebrow. I didn't like this Tony person. Not one bit.

"I can say the same and you're dark. What, you've been sitting in the sun all day?"

"You can't really avoid the sun in Brazil." Tony joked, giving her a tight hug. "You can use some colour." He added, taking a step back.

"I agree." David beamed, pushing him self off the wall.

"And who is this young fella?" Tony asked, as he eyes appraised me from head to toe.

Suri smiled warmly, wrapping her arm around my waist. I reacted with thought, wrapping my arm around her protectively. "This is my boyfriend Gregory."

"Boyfriend . . ." Tony trailed off in shock. He looked at David questioningly and David shrugged it off. Suri let of a frustrated sigh and I knew something was bothering her. I gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze assuring her it was okay.

"Well congrats, Gregory. She's very dear to us, our little sister. You better take care of her." Tony warned in stern voice. I simply nodded. I didn't owe him anything, nor did I need permission from him to be with Suri.

Suri pulled from my hold and turned to the stove, shutting off the pot. She began to serve the food. "Why don't you boys sit and I'll bring you guys the food." She ordered with her back to us. David and Tony nodded and left with the other. I remained where I was because I didn't plan on eating.

I silently helped Suri get the plates to the table. She then returned with a stack of plastic cups and pitcher of ice tea that was in the fridge. She gave them a pleasant smile and turned to the living, taking me with her. We sat together on the love seat and she rested her head on my shoulder. I could hear David, Tony and the rest in a low conversation and small laughter. I didn't bother listening because they weren't even speaking English.

For what seemed like a while, Suri and I remained silent. Her soft breathing, the smell of her beautiful scent rubbing off her body and circling around me kept me a bay. I wasn't really enjoying David and his team's company. But Suri was happy that they were here, so that's all that matters. I could here movement of plates being stacked in the dishwasher. Lazy people I thought to myself.

"So," David started as he came into the room. "Who taught you how to cook?"

I glanced at him as his team filed in the room, sitting anywhere as they waiting for an answer. I shrugged, wasn't every man suppose to know how to cook for there lady. "I'm just a goo observer." I answered leaving it at that. I though it was a reasonable answer. David didn't have to know my whole life.

"Really . . ." Tony said from where he stood. He wore mischief grin that seemed to get under my skin.

"Yup," I said straight forward.

"Well not bad for a sixteen year old." Tony winked. I saw David Smirk, shaking his head.

"I'm actually eighteen." I muttered.

"A man," Tony said. Suri sighed and I could feel body becoming tense beside me and her mood irritated.

"So little sister," David said, taking the attention off of me.

"What?" Suri spoke in an aggravated tone.

"I haven't even proposed anything and you're already giving me that look."

"That's just because I know you. You gave me a freaking gun already. Out of all things you could bring me, you bring a gun." Suri cried out in one breath. She exhaled lightly, calming her self.

David rolled his eyes waving it off like she was talking non-sense. I, myself wasn't to sure about Suri having her own gun. One: it was completely dangerous and out of line. Two: she didn't know how to work a gun. Three: she wouldn't shoot any body. To me there was other ways of staying safe.

"Relax would you, you are over reacting. I actually wanted to talk to you about it." David said in a calm voice.

"Oh wonderful, you're taking it with you."

"Not really Suri." David said with a smirk. "I bought it especially for you." He added with a determined expression. I wonder what he is really up too. "Hope you got enough sleep, we're taking you to a shooting range." He dropped on her.

She instantly shot up like she had been electrocuted. "Ha, ha, HA . . ." she humorlessly laughed, jabbing a finger at him. "No you are not, I already got plans." She started to back away.

David began to stock her giving me a dark glare and glancing back at her. And where exactly are you going missy?"

"Greg and I . . ." she said gesturing between us, "where going fore-wheeling with some friends."

David glanced at me quickly, giving me a suspicious look. It was starting to set me off edge but not enough to bother me like the way Stan had. That man was just plan creepy and mysterious. No words to describe him.

"Where were you taking her riding?" David wondered interested.

"We're going up to Keith's park." I replied.

"Perfect!" Tony cut in, coming to David's side.

"What?" Suri hissed.

"They have a shooting range up there." David grinned at her.

Suri rolled her eyes, crossing her arms in defeat. "Aren't any you tired? Go get some rest upstairs."

David's team chuckled low at her response, shaking there heads while Tony and David wore an amused smile.

"No where good." Tony winked at her.

"We slept half of the whole plan ride here." David told her.

"Go visit your dad or something." Suri glared at him.

David arched an eyebrow. "Not likely."

"Ugh!" Suri squealed in frustration. "What's it too you. Why do you want me to use a gun?" She argued. I glanced at David, waiting for his response. I was curious as well to know. Why did he want her too?

"Suri look, I want you to be safe and ready for any attack. The guys we are dealing with are not ordinary kidnappers and criminals. There dangerous and completely lethal. I've seen things with my owe eyes Suri, things I wished I never witnessed but I did. It's been two years already and this men are from a different country, a different atmosphere. They kill shamelessly, there deadly and they have you're sister-my family."

Suri remained silent. Her gaze was glued to the floor and she wore a blank expression. She knew David was right. I had to agree with him for some undefined reason. I know from what Suri has told me about this whole situation and what David is explaining, there isn't anything wrong with being armed and ready.

"He's right." I said, standing up. I walked to her side taking her hand in mine. Suri looked up at me in a confused expression.

"How," she said wiping a tear away.

"Suri your sister is gone, captured by these dangerous people. They managed to get her that far. Who knows what they are really up too or their purpose for taking your sister and her friends-they're dangerous to us all." I told her.

She looked at me for a long moment and sighed gazing out the window. I watched as her eyes became distance as she feel in thought blocking us all out. I noticed from the corner of my eye that David and his crew were staring at me.

"So you agree with me?" David asked with his arms crossed.

"Yes." I nodded.


"Something is up." I said.

"How would you know?" Tony questioned.

I felt Suri tense beside me. She knew what I was talking when I said something was up.

"Yesterday, she and I went down by the lake, to the paddle boat that is out there. We took it for a spin and everything seemed fine until something strange happened. There was this loud noise and the paddle boat began to sink suddenly. I don't know what caused it to sink but it did. It was like we were being watched." I retold the story. I felt Suri shiver next to me and I pulled her into a gently hug.

"How far were you guys in the lake?" David asked.

"Far." I said.

"How did you even get out of the lake?" Tony worried.

"We swam," Suri spoke before me. "I thought we'd never make it. The water was so freezing, I almost drowned too."

"What!" David exclaimed shooting me a death glare. "Damn it Suri, what the fuck were you doing in that water. You know that water is cold enough to kill you." David raged angrily.

"Daddy does it all the time, it doesn't matter what season it is."

"That's because your dad knows what he is doing." He glared at me again. "I'm holding you a countable for this. You could have killed her." David blamed, jabbing a finger at me.

"It's not his fault." Suri shouted at him, tears streaming down her cheeks. It was neither of our faults and I had to let David know that. "Some one was watching us. So something was going to happen either way. David you don't understand. Greg saved me. He pulled me out of the water. He didn't leave when I told him I couldn't swim no more. He was there pulling until we got to the dock. So don't you dare put the blame on him, I won't let you." Suri cried and then buried her face in my chest.

I glared at David waiting for him to say anything but he just studied me, watching the way I held Suri close to me. David knew every word Suri said was the truth. I thought I would die yesterday but before I died, I would save Suri. I never left her. I was there and to my surprise she was there as well. We saved each other. She was what kept me going. Her face, her smile, her everything was what came to my mind. I couldn't lose her. She had to survive.

David looked away as the truth spilled out in front of him. He knew I would never harm Suri and he believed her and believed every word she said. He returned his gaze to me and gave me a genuine smile.

"My apology Gregory, I must thank you." David spoke at ease. "I clearly have been misjudging you." David admitted shamelessly.

"Perhaps," I half grinned, giving him a respectful nodded. Suri sobs became quiet although her face remained hidden. I rubbed her back soothingly, trying to calm her tears.

"Trust comes with time, but you're getting there." David stated. I just simply nodded. At least that was a start.

David came to where Suri and I stood and pulled her into an embrace. She hesitated but wrapped her arms around David. I took a step back giving them some space.

"I'm sorry Suri, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or offend Gregory. I'm just glad your okay and you had him with you." David assured her soothingly. Suri looked up at him and smiled warmly.

"I accept your apology and you better start being nice to Greg." She threatened and gave him a kiss on the check.

"So are we going?" Tony asked.

"You bet we are, I need to take my anger out on that target" Suri said eagerly, giving David a playful push. He laughed shaking his head.

"That's the spirit." Tony clapped with a grin.

"If it helps, I'll take you gun shopping and I'll buy you a pink one." David teased.

"Ha, you buy a pink one, pink is not my colour." Suri shot at him.

"Ohhh," Tony said excitedly.

"And if I go to jail because I shot someone." She began stocking David. "I'm coming after you."

David couldn't help but laugh. "Don't worry lil sis, I'll come visit you." He joked giving her a push. Suri went to punch in the stomach but David caught her fist pulling her into a hug. "I'm kidding, you will be fine. Look at me I've killed people before, no big deal"

"Uh," She said and shoved him away. I smiled when Suri covered her ears. "I'm going to pretend like I didn't hear that." Everyone started laughing and I too just cracked a smile. It was sort of funny.

"Let's go little hermana, we got a long day. I look forward in riding too." David said looking over at me.

"Cool, we can use extra racers." I grinned.

"Awesome?" Tony shouted eagerly. They all started to head out.

"What does hermana mean?" Suri asked confused. David smiled, chuckling quietly with everyone as they headed out.

I had to smile as well when she gave me the confused look. "It means sister in Spanish." I explained.

I laughed softly at her reaction. Her face was priceless. "Don't laugh at me." She said giving my arm a punch. I acted like it hurt and put a sad face but she wasn't buying it. "How do you know Spanish?" She asked and walked away.

"I was required to take a language course in my old school. I chose Spanish." I told her as I traced her footsteps. I reached for the coat she was handing me.

"Ahh," she grinned. "Oh we almost forgot."


"We agreed to pick up Nate, remember." Suri reminded as she put her coat on too.

I had forgotten. Since yesterday afternoon I forgot everything that had happened. I even manage to erase Stan from my mind. However, I clearly remember agreeing to pick up Nate but not this early. He's going to give me the ear. Choke me mental for waking him up so early.

"Give him a call." Suri said and gave my butt a pat.

I half smiled. This girl. "At seven in the morning . . . he is going to murder me." I joked.

"Why not? It would be nice if you brought someone." She said wrapping her arms around my waist, pressing her chest to mine. I couldn't resist, mimicking her and holding her closer to me. She gave me a warm smile I adore and reached up to kiss me softly. These soft lips that belong to her, I could kiss them all day if she let me.

"Let's go love birds." Tony called from the door. I groaned and pulled away. Suri just laughed and gave my lips one more kiss.

"Call before we leave." She told me and pulled away from my hold.

I nodded and turned to the phone on the wall. Quickly, I dialed Nate's number. It rang and rang and rang until I heard Nate's scratchy voice. "Yo," he muttered into the receiver.

I laughed. Nate sounded like a cow in the morning. "Nate you fool, wake up. I'm coming to get you."

"Nowww," he dragged the word. "Yo, it's not even eight yet, what's wrong with you?"

"I know exactly how you feel but you'll know why."

"Why?" He voice sounded more interested.

"You'll see, give me your address."

"Eighty Clover Ave," and at that moment he hung up. I laughed only because this should be interesting.

"What did he say?" Suri asked.

"He gave me his street address and hung up." I snickered.

Suri smirked and pressed a button that shut off all the lights. "What's the address?"

I followed behind her as she walked outside. She shut the door behind her and locked it.

"Eighty Clover Ave." I answered

"That's close to here, want me to drive there and then you drive the rest of the way?"

"Sounds like a plan." I said handing her the keys.

The morning air was a crispy chill that moved through your bones like snake, freezing everything in it's path. I couldn't wait for the summer time. The cold would most likely bring me to my death. But I had to admit, living closer to the coast was much more freezing. Here was some what easy to endure.

I saw David and his crew talking by the garage. They were laughing at something Tony was saying. I was starting to warm up to David but Tony . . . not so much.

"Let's go Chief boy." David teased. "There going to follow behind us, I'll be riding with you two though." David confirmed with a smile.

I did not mind when David tagged along in our ride over to Keith's Park. Oh how Nate is going to get a whiff of this. I bet he isn't expecting to see this wandering nomad because it surely caught me by surprise. I smirked when Suri pulled onto Nate's street. It was certainly easy to spot his house since he was leaning on tree by his house. He wore faded loose jeans, old shoes and a thick black sweater and a baseball cap to cover his mess of hair that I noticed was sticking out. His expression was tired. I wonder what he was up too last night.

When he walked over to my truck, I could tell his was bothered for being awake so early. It was like he was dragging himself to sit in my car and leave. Just by the look on his face, he was going pound me for waking him. If the situation was in reverse, I bet I'd do the same. But I have a reason. The dumb ass in back was it. I believe once he opened that door his annoyance would vanish.

"Dude, you better have a good fucking reason for waking me up-" just like I predicted; the sight of David mad him pause in mid-sentence. Nate gave me perplexed glance like he was seeing the dead. Robotically he jumped into the back seat with eyes wide and confused.

"Hey I remember you." David spoke. I looked at Suri putting the car in park and hopping out. I just remember we'd switch once we got here. I opened the door and closed it once Suri was settled in. I smoothly walked to the driver side.

"Do you?" I heard Nate murmured in a low voice. I put the car in drive, making a quick turn and drove off.

"Of course, you tried out for the football team when I was caption. I just didn't get to see if you made the team."

"I, I, I made it." Nate stuttered.


Nate remained silent. Maybe loss of words affected him. I wouldn't know what to say to a ghost either. I noticed Nate looking at me through the review mirror. He wore the expression of what-the-hell-is-going-on. What Nate remembers of David died in his freshman year. What they told me about him David was dim, explaining how he was Mr. Popular, a cocky bastard and know it all. I say things haven't change. But the way Nate acted, extremely Shocked. I didn't understand. I wouldn't say I was shocked I was more trying to figure it out the mess. But I knew one thing. He was here for Suri.

Suddenly Nate snapped out of it and his voicegrew firm when he spoke. "So why are we leaving early anyways?"

"Change of plans." I muttered. Beside me I noticed Suri tense up and her eyes narrowing out the window.

"Oh yeah, and why is that?" Nate asked completely oblivious.

"A few things I need to do with Suri. You guys can set up and stuff, will meet you guys there after." David answered before I could even think of a lie.

"Ah, I see." Nate trailed off and dropped the subject.

* * * * *

The rest of the ride to Keith's Park was quiet. Suri's mind seemed distance as if she was in a trance or some place unknown to us. She must be thinking of her sister and with this new piece of evidence David discovered. It raised Suri's aspiration of her sister being alive.

But honestly that can be anybody. Anyone can have that bracelet. Although the way Suri's face light up with delight as the hole in her heart filled with comfort made me believe she could be alive. I guess it good to have faith in this.

David believes so and he is the one who was risking his life to save her.

"Greg, you can drop off here." David instructed when we reached Keith's Park. I hesitated but pulled my truck over.

Suri turned to me with a small smile. She leaned in to kiss me softly on the lips, squeezed my hand and jumped out. "See you later, bye Nate." She said before shutting the door.

I watched her walk away as David placed his bag over his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her with a smile. His crew was already there and I noticed Tony give me a smirk.

"Wait man . . ." Nate said climbing out and sitting in the front.

I sighed. Thanks for inviting us. Once Nate shut the door, I sped away. Suri would be okay. I hope. I told my self.

"Dude . . . that was fucking David Sachlar." Nate exclaimed. "What the fuck!"

"Nobody special," I spoke through my teeth. I was annoyed once more by David. I am glad I wasn't around to experience him in school.

"He had a gun on his side, what the fuck is that about." Nate muttered a little fearful.

"Did he," I played off. "I didn't notice." I added.

"Yes . . . is Suri going to be okay with him?" Nate worried.

"Perfectly okay, don't worry." I assured him.

"Strange," Nate said leaning back as we started to approach the entrance of the dunes. "What's he doing here anyways?"

"Just visiting." I answered.

It wasn't until two hours later when Suri, David, Tony and the rest joined us. They parked right next to my truck. Nick and Jerry were already here as well as Rachel and her brother with some of his friends. We were just laughing at something Cam, Rachel's brother, had said when Suri appeared next to me. She gave my lips a kiss and went to greet everyone.

I was a little bothered when I cuaght David and Tony giving my friends the third eye. If that was the case, we should be the ones backing away. They were the lethal ones who were loaded. Maybe they forgot where they are. We are not the bad guys here.

"I'm sorry for the wait." Suri told me wrapping her arm around my waist. It felt so good to feel her close. It was like I was complete again.

"Who are all these people?" Tony asked coming to my side with David and the crew. He had his arms crossed.

"Like I told David before, we had plans already." Suri said.

"This is Jerry and Nick and Nick's girlfriend Rachel." I introduced.

Nick glanced at me just the way Nate had when we picked him up. But there was an I-told-you-so look in his eyes. I just ignored it. Everyone seemed that way Nate had. No one expected David to be here joining us this very Saturday morning.

"Well, it's nice to meet you all." David nodded staring at Cam. "I'm pretty sure you all remember me." He said with a smirk.

"Oh man, Cam is that you?" Tony said, shaking his hand and patted him on the back. Cam repeated same with David. So they were friends.

I glanced to his crew but they weren't giving us the slightest bit of thier attention. Some smoked a cigarette just minding there own business. Obviously they didn't care, they didn't grow up here. I wonder how David even puts his trust in them. Did he really know them?

"What's the matter?" Suri whispered into my ear.

I looked down at her but her eyes were else where with her lips close to my ear. "Nothing, I'm just thinking, nothing to worry about." I murmured into her ear.

"Are you sure?" Her voice was concern and I didn't want her to worry about me.

"Of course," I assured her and wrapped my arms around her so we were pressed together. My mind went to last night. It was one of the best nights for me, drawing me closer to Suri as she was to me.

"Even though we didn't do anything last night, I enjoyed it." Suri said giving my ear a little nibble. I have snickered. My woman, oh man. She defiantly belonged to me.

I wrapped her even closer. "As I enjoyed it and you're mine baby." I kissed her neck and I felt her body shiver. Good.

"Well are we going to ride or what?" Tony asked.

"Hell yeah," Cam howled.

They all started head to the bikes and fore wheelers we parked on the track. I noticed Nick helping Rachel onto a dirt bike and he climbed behind her. Maybe Suri wants to ride with me so she is not alone.

"Do you want to ride together?" I asked handing her a helmet.

"Hell no," she answered.

I arched an eyebrow. "No," I repeated the last word.

"Where's the fun in that?" She smirked glancing at Nick and Rachel. Rach was having trouble starting the bike. I smiled. "Not that I wouldn't mind being close to you but . . ." She trailed off pulling me two the last two fore wheelers parked. Everyone was taking off. "Race me." She grinned. Maybe Suri knew what she was doing.

Suri is the type of girl with many mysteries and enjoyed every bit of discovering her mysteries.

"Race you, oh it's on." I gave her a quick kiss and put my helmet on.

I watched Suri climb on the quad. I couldn't be more turned on by the way she roared that fore wheeler to life. I was a little scared. She looked determined to beat me too. We shall see. With out warning, we both zoomed off. She must be known of this track. She drove like this was her millionth time operating a fore wheeler. She drifted the quad so smoothly, I already think I lost just by watching her move so gracefully. David wheeled by us doing a wheelie right between Suri and I. Psh. I could hear Tony's roar of laughter the way David showed off his skills. I rolled my eyes, catching up to Suri.

I had to admit. Damn she was good. She looked at me and nodded, speeding a tad bit faster. She slid the fore wheeler over a muddy puddle, bathing Tony back side in mud. I smiled when she pointed to me. We continued on for a while; dodging each other splashes of mud, drifting on curves and racing for our life. Although, between Suri and I, she was the one who was winning me. She was quick and I was in love.

I am defiantly bringing her back. I wouldn't think twice.

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