Your The Music In Our Hearts...

By wolfchibi27

7.5K 158 68

Name: Eclipsa Age: 17 Friends: Mal,Alejandro,Izzy,Gwen,Sierra,Cody, Dj, Heather Enemies: Duncan and Courtney... More

An offer we shouldn't refuse
Walk Like A .... What?? Part 2
Super Not So Happy Fun Time
Anything You Can Do- I Can't Be Bothered

Walk Like A .... What?? Part 1

1.7K 34 3
By wolfchibi27

Hey guys so I've decided to do this story cause....... there both soo hot lol anyway this is what I think Eclipsa looks like.
Key information before we begin: if you see a * beside Eclipsa singing that means her outfit is changing!
Anyway let's start the story!

3rd Point Of View
During the silent bus ride Mal turns to look at Eclipsa as she stares at the window tapping her foot. He smirks at her as he listens to his rock music loudly as he rests his arm around her shoulder causing her to smile back at him.

The bus suddenly stops as Mal groans and waits for Chef to motion the pair out the door. Eclipsa smiles at Chef while Mal glares at him and chuckles sinisterly at him.

Mal: "Hey Chef having a good day?"

Chef: "Shut your mouth your first now get your creepy butt out here!"

Eclipsa laughs but stops when Mal playfully glares at her as he gets up and waits for Chris to introduce him and his pal.

Chris: "That's right two new people aren't I the best!?"

Eclipsa shakes her head which causes Chef to laugh while most of the contestants try to get a look at the contestants.

Chris: "Our 3rd new contestant comes all the way from Juvie and has been dubbed the 'King of Juvie' day hello to Mal!"

Mal steps off the bus and gasps are heard throughout as he scoffs at them and pulls out a cigarette before Chef slaps it away from him as he waits by the door.

Chris: "And for our final contestant she is truly magical in more ways than one please welcome the lady herself... Eclipsa!!"

Eclipsa slowly steps off the bus with Mal extending his hand out to her as she accepts it and looks around the contestants.

Duncan growls when he sees his sister but Mal noticed him the minute he stepped off the bus as he wraps his arm around her shoulders and walks with her to the contestants.

Duncan: "Chris why did you invite the trash to take part!"

Mal: "Says the boy who was begging for mercy when only 2 of my crew beat you half to death over what you did to Eclipsa here you're lucky she has a soft side otherwise you would've been in the ground by now rotting away!!!"

Eclipsa holds Mal back with a sad expression on her face as she calmly leads him away from Duncan but smiles up at Mal when he takes a deep breath to control his anger.

Mal glares at Duncan as the plane pulls up to the contestants. Eclipsa looks at the plane and shakes her head silently praying to god.

She smiles at Mal as he gives the finger behind Chris's back as he knocks Owen out causing Eclipsa to hide behind him. Duncan laughs at her before shoving her aside as he enters the plane.

Eclipsa rubs her head but sees a hand extending out to her as she looks up to see a boy with sunglasses smiling down at her.

Alejandro: "Señorita are you alright here let me help you!"

Eclipsa timidly accepts his hand as he helps her up and fixes herself before stepping into the plane with Mal protectively standing guard beside her.

Chris shows the contestants the economy class as a few rats run past the contestants feet causing Heather to jump into Eclipsa's arms.

Eclipsa: "Oh are you okay?"

Heather jumps out of her arms and pats her on the head before following Chris to First Class trying to ignore the timid girl.

Mal: "Looks like you got the hot chicks falling into your arms already"

Eclipsa punches Mal in the arm lightly before blushing madly as she walks away from him.  and into first class.

Confessionals Start

Mal: *Repeatedly throws a knife in the air* "Sure I want to win the million but it would be so much easier to steal it from Chris hands *Sighs* but of course Eclipsa wants me to stick to the rules! She's a total softie!"

Confessionals End

Eclipsa's Point Of View
As we stepped into First Class I was in awe on how beautiful it was from the chairs to even the floor.

I didn't watch where I was going as Duncan tripped me up but I felt arms wrap around my waist as I gasped and looked up to see the same boy as before smiling down at me.

??: "Such beauty shouldn't be pushed to the ground!"

Me: "I'm alright this isn't the first time he's done this you get used to it after the 5th time"

??: "He has done this before? no man shouldn't hurt a gem like you!"

I blushed before I was yanked out of his arms by Mal and brought into his chest as he wrapped his arms around my waist. If we weren't on Tv right now I would be freaking out big time.

Mal: "Leave her alone she doesn't need your help"

??: "My apologises señor but the lady was in dire need of my assistance"

Mal: "I could see that you dumbass!"

Mal kept a tight grip on my waist to the point where it started to hurt me as I tried to get Mal's attention.

Me: "Mal..... You're .... hurting"

He gasped and let go of me as I breathed a sigh of relief but the guy from before held my hand and introduced himself.

??: "I believe we haven't got the chance to introduce ourselves I'm Alejandro Burromuerto And you are?"

Me: "Umm....Eclipsa Nice to meet you Alejandro sorry about Mal he's grumpy when he doesn't have a cigarette"

Mal groaned but slightly smiled at me as Duncan glared at me along with his girlfriend Courtney.

I knew this season was going to be a total disaster as Chris showed us the final room of the plane which was the elimination room which of course Home-School boy got kicked off by Chris which made Mal laugh and me too.

Confessionals Start

Eclipsa: "From an Early age Duncan hated me for no reason in fact I've tried everything to try and mend our relationship as Brother and Sister *Sighs* but I guess we're meant to be enemies now"

Chef: *Tears Up*

Confessionals End

Mal's Point Of View
After the home school kid got off the plane we had to wait in the hideous economy class waiting for the plane to land. I was sitting beside Eclipsa holding her soft hand gently as Duncan continued to glare at her.

I brought her closer to her as I felt her heartbeat and It was quite relaxing I mean I usually relaxed by screams of people begging for mercy as they got beaten up by my crew.

We were quiet for a while until Chris McLame danced his way out as Eclipsa was giggling softly at him. I couldn't help but smile at her.

Chris explained we would be singing this season and I could see Eclipsa tense up this is going to be good I love her magical personality anyway but Singing??

I swear to god if any of my gang laugh at me they're fucking dead or worse buried alive during a hurricane.

Song Starts

Courtney: Up!

Courtney and Izzy: Up!

Courtney, Izzy, and Sierra: Up!

Courtney, Izzy, Lindsay and Sierra: Up!

Harold: Sing!

Cody and Harold: Sing!

Cody, DJ and Harold: Sing!

Cody, DJ, Harold and Tyler: Sing!

Bridgette, Courtney, Heather, Izzy, Leshawna, Lindsay and Sierra: We're flying.

Alejandro, Cody, DJ, Harold, Noah, and Tyler: And singing.

Everyone (except Mal, Ezekiel, Eclipsa and Owen): We're flying and we're singing!

Sierra: Come fly with us!

Cody and Sierra: Come fly with us!

Izzy: We've got a lot 'o crazy tunes to bust! Haha!

Bridgette: Come fly with us!

Bridgette and Lindsay: Come fly with us!

Alejandro: It's a pleasure, and an honour, and a must.

Mal: Dudes, this is messed. You're singing in a plane.

Harold: What did you expect? Chris is freaking insane. Ah!

Eclipsa: Yeah he is But I'm not doing it!

Courtney: Haven't you always wanted to? It can't just be me!

DJ: Come fly with us!

DJ and Leshawna: Come fly with us!

Heather: Do you know how to steer this thing!?

Chef Hatchet: I try

Ezekiel: They thought they could leave me and depart, but this stowaway's got winning in his heart!

Noah: Come fly with us! Come die with us!

Owen: We're flying?! I hate flying! Stop the plane!

Cody, DJ, Heather,Gwen and Sierra: Come fly with us! Come sing with us!

Mal: Over my dead body

Chris McLean: Anyone care for a copy of the season three rules? Because in order to escape instant elimination-

Bridgette: All contestants must sing in each show!

Courtney: Mal do it! Let's go!

Heather: Eclipsa sing it! Just do it!

The spotlight shines on Eclipsa as she gulps and takes a deep breath as she closes her eyes with Mal taking a step back.

Eclipsa: Come die with us, Come die with us, Come and die with us! *

Eclipsa's clothes transform into this outfit causing everyone to gasp in shock as Mal gives the finger to Duncan and Alejandro.

Mal: This sucks!

Everyone: Yeah!

Song ends

After the plane landed Eclipsa sprinted out of the plane and began walking ahead of everyone clearly embarrassed by what just happened. I followed after her ignoring the questions about her and walked beside her as she had her head down in shame.

I placed my hand on her shoulder as she looked up at me with those gorgeous violet eyes that would make any man dump their girlfriend in a second.

Me: "Hey you were amazing back there don't let them bring you down"

She nodded her head as she sighed but still managed to smile back at me as we reached the starting line before anyone else. This goth girl came over to us then the queen bee and finally stalker girl what 'joy'

Gwen: "Okay I'm just gonna say it how did you do that??!!!"

Heather: "Yeah And don't say it was the light and that you were already wearing those stunning clothes which you weren't by the way!"

Eclipsa: "Wait you want to know? Not just to call me a freakshow!?"

Sierra: *Gasps* "Who would think that? you are totally going to be on my next blog post!!!"

Me: "Her so called brother Duncan.... every day when he is in Juvie I make sure he learns his lesson but he still managed to hurt her"

The girls seemed shocked at my statement so when that pussy finally arrived the girls made sure he was far away from her but I noticed his face was full of guilt... serves him right.

Of course Aledumbo came over as well and straight over to Eclipsa no less standing right behind her. I swear if he staring at her ass I will make sure his eyesight will be nothing but pure darkness mark my words.

Alejandro's Point Of View
After I made it to the starting line my eyes couldn't look away from Eclipsa for some strange reason. Her purple eyes seemed to tell a story of pain and sadness which I was captivated to read on like one of my mama's romance novels.

After everyone arrived Chris explained that in order to divide into teams we either have to climb the pyramid or go through it. Naturally I am a great climber so I was planning to use my skills to my advantage while also planning out elimination tactics.

Then the disgusting home boy arrived claiming that he should still be in the competition but I could not care less about him. Eclipsa was drinking a soda with many of us looking at her in awe how could she be so..... so....... magically gifted?

Chris: "Eclipsa stop that!"

Eclipsa: "But I'm thirsty besides it's not costing you any money!"

Chris seemed to think for a minute before letting her drink her soda. She smirked at Mal as he lightly punched her arm as she made her soda disappear. Wow even her magic is cute...... is what I would say if I was attracted to her.

Chris allowed us to start as we all ran towards the pyramid I of course was choosing to climb the pyramid unfortunately Mal thought of the same thing. Ugh I already despised him.

Eclipsa's Point Of View
As I made my way inside the pyramid I noticed a bunch of hieroglyphics on the walls and that everyone was going different ways. I decided to go a different way and started to take my time.

As I kept walking i noticed it got darker so I used my magic to light a fire using my hands it doesn't hurt or burn me in any way so I'm fine with it.

I saw a light at the end of the path so I took my time to see Alejandro and Tyler at the finish line. Chris looked surprised as I stepped over the finish line waiting to see what team I would be put on.

Chris: "Eclipsa you're on Team 2 but how did you survive the pyramid?"

Me: "The hieroglyphics in the pyramid half of them were about death so I chose the one that meant life"

I stood beside Tyler as he was getting up off the ground. Man he looked extremely hurt I wonder what happened to him?.....No matter  Noah and Owen were the next to come out followed by Sierra, Cody and Heather.

Sierra joined our team while Heather and Cody joined team 3. I didn't see Mal anywhere until I heard swear words and a list of profanity's coming from the top of the pyramid.

Oh no...................

Mal threw Duncan off the pyramid while he slid down looking and excuse my language Pissed off than I have ever seen him in a long time.

Mal: "You think it's funny to laugh at your sister shit for brains!!!  For Far To Long She Has Had To Deal With Your Attitude Problems And Worse Of All You Make Her Scared To Be Herself!!!"

I stood there looking in awe at Mal. Sierra backed me up a bit as Alejandro and Owen had to hold Mal from killing Duncan in front of the cameras.

I used my magic to confiscate Mal's knife and I held it in my hands as Duncan got up from the ground and looked over at me.

I backed away from him with Sierra protecting me along with Alejandro as he pushed Duncan away from me.

Alejandro: "How dare you treat this beautiful talented woman with such disrespect you señor are the devil and I pray that the devil takes your soul!"

Duncan looked over at me as my tears began to fall, he walked away with Courtney begging him to come back and help her win the game. I dropped Mal's knife as he gave me a hug while wiping my tears away.

I couldn't stop crying.... I was finally free from Duncan's wrath but of course I knew I wasn't safe from Courtney's wrath.

End Of Part 1

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