
By hisalmslal

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{The sequel to mute} Annie leblanc is nothing like how she used to be, not after he left her she changed, she... More

Epilouge 1
Epilouge 2


2.7K 94 42
By hisalmslal

Annies pov
I sat in the elevator across from asher scrolling through my phone which was on %3. I decided to message johnny.
Me: johnny help me!

Johnny: what anns! Are you okay?

Me: no im not okay im stuck in a god damn elevator with ASHER ANGEL

Johnny: oh my okay well just sit tight i guess

Me: it's already been half an hour! I think i might go insane

Just as he was typing my phone shut down I groaned out loud "are you okay?" Asher question, i glared at him slipping my phone in my purse "im fine" i mumbled. He came over and sat besides me placing his hand on my knee "so where do i start" he asks himself. I pushed his hand from my knee sliding over "i know where to start! First off you left me with no goodbye do you even know how much that hurt me asher?" I raised my voice "i-" he began "NO! You will not interrupt me let me finish" i snap he nodded slowly.

I needed this, i've been holding this in for years now and im going to explode if i dont say it right here, right now. I stand up "you didn't answer one of my phone calls and i know for a fact you knew i was calling. I texted you everyday in hopes of a reply and got nothing, for fucks sake i even left you voicemails letting you know how everyone was doing and how i was doing! I couldn't cope asher" I continued his face was full with guilt and he was now standing up "i know and im sorry annie i really am" he apologized "and then finally once im over you and i've moved on you appear on tv! Talking about OUR song. You have no right to take credit for a song we wrote together and you know what hurt the most is that you sat there saying how much that song meant to you are your stupid little girlfriend!" I exclaimed I didn't want to cry but i could feel the tears brimming my eyes "it was my management they made me say that" he defended "so you can just blame it on them yeah? Okay you did absolutely nothing wrong then" i snapped in a sarcastic manner "no no im not saying that im just saying im not completely to blame for these things" he mumbled. I shook my head in disbelief "yes you are!" I exclaimed, i could feel the tears falling down my cheeks "i look back on it and i think how i did absolutely nothing! Yet i blame myself because I wasn't good enough for you to fight for us" i cry, now a complete mess.

He walked towards me embracing me at first i sunk into the hug crying into his chest. But then I realised how wrong it was, i pushed him away raising my finger to him "no you will not take advantage that im weak" i sob my voice cracking "im not doing that annie please just calm down" he spoke, my head and heart ached i hadn't cried this hard in forever. I sunk to the floor gripping tightly on to my hair "get me the fuck out of here" i said my teeth gritted my breathing was irregular and i could sense the panic attack coming.

I took deep breaths, the tears making it difficult. 1,2,3,4,5...i began counting in my head but I couldn't concentrate i took a big gasp for air, suddenly everything felt so small. There was no air in the small space making it impossible to breathe "annie breathe" asher said kneeling down to my level. I could barely hear him "count with me 1.2"He said I focused on his voice counting along in my head. It was working until a voice came through the elevator "we have someone on the way sit tight it could take 1-2 hours" i began to panic my breathing quickening.

"Hey hey cmon breathe" asher said rushing besides me and pulling me into him "deep breaths" he whispered i sobbed uncontrollably not caring it was him comforting me "there you go" he mumbled pushing the hair from my face "see you've got this" he continued kissing my head gently. I didn't dare open my eyes my breathing was going back to normal but tears still trickled down my face, running my makeup from the night before "im here shh, im here and im not leaving. Not like i did last time i promise" he said stroking my hair and letting me cry it all out into his chest.
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