Mystic Home

By cuteblueicecream

514 73 0

Alexandra an unwanted person in the human world has to involved into the enchanter's battle and fight in orde... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15 "Lost In Odd"
Chapter 16 "The Rockery"
Chapter 17 "Training with Master Hector"
Chapter 18 "The Mountain of Harmony"
Chapter 19 "Unlucky Zane"
Chapter 20 "Under Attacked"
Chapter 21 "Search for Jimmy"
Chapter 22 "The Stranger"
Chapter 23 "Halloween"
Chapter 24 "Lost Again"
Chapter 25 "Mourn"
Chapter 26 "Explain it later"
Chapter 27 "Promise"
Chapter 28 "Sleep here"
Chapter 29 "Kid's Voice"
Chapter 30 "Run and Hide"
Chapter 31 "My Family"
Chapter 32 "Friends"
Chapter 33 "The New Portal"
Chapter 34 "New Trainer"
Chapter 35 "Jamaicah's First Mission"
Chapter 36 "Doctors Helper"
Chapter 37 "Mickey Mouse"
Chapter 38 "Daniel"
Chapter 39 "A long day"
Chapter 40 "Friends"
Chapter 41 "Troubles"
Chapter 42 "William"
Chapter 43 "Sealed Mark"
Chapter 44 "Kiss"
Chapter 45 "Shadow World"
Chapter 46 "Caught"
Chapter 47 "Remembered"
Chapter 48 "Escaped"
Chapter 49 "Sent back"
Chapter 50 "Finale"

Chapter 14

7 2 0
By cuteblueicecream

Alexandra's POV

The enemy lifts his hand with his wand pointing towards us. He moved his wand and then there's something like a spark came out from it and it went straight to Cindy's body which made her act like a statue.

"Cindy...!" I called her name while shocking her. "No...!" It's like I've been shocking a big stone.

I looked at the enemy again and saw that his wand is pointing at me.

What now?

What should I do?

Kill him?


I touched the handle of my sword and pulled it.

But before I can completely let out the sword, the enemy suddenly stood still.

"Are you okay?" –John. He appeared from the enemies back. "This man gave an idea and it was easy." He pointed the enemy.

Did he really have time to joke around?

I looked at Cindy.

"We have to undo the spell in Cindy?" I asked.

Jimmy stepped forward and pointed his wand towards Cindy. His moved his wand and something came out from it and went to Cindy which made her back to normal.

"You're back!" I said.

"As long as everyone is here..." I heard her reply.

As Cindy is completely can move, I hugged her.

"Well, I guess we have to move for a plan B." –John.

After John said something, I withdrew myself from hugging Cindy.

"So, what's the plan B?" –Jimmy.

"What should we do with this man?" –John. He meant for that enemy.

"Put him in the Crystal Stone. We are forbidden to kill anyone unless if it's really in a predicament." Hector said as he pulled the Crystal Stone from his pouch.

"All the prisoners are lockup in that Crystal Stone. The prisoners can't escape from there all by themselves nor can we or others make them free again." –Cindy. "The only way can make the prisoners escape from the Crystal Stone is that they have to make a covenant with the Deities or our Gods of not to do bad things again. Our Gods would look out from their hearts if they are sincere before allowing them to be free." She added.

Hector knelt and puts the Crystal Stone to the ground. After he stands up, he pointed his wand to the enemy. He closed his eyes and focused. Then the end point of his wand sparked which caused the enemy to forcedly enter the Crystal Stone I even heard him scream.

The Crystal Stone shone after the prisoner been lookup inside but its light faded after a few seconds.

We covered our eyes with our arm until the bright light is completely gone.

"Wow..." I commented.

"Let's go." –Hector.

Hector took the Crystal Stone before turning and leaving the area.

We followed Hector as we go and at the same time, watching out from danger.


We passed the Tricky Forest. It is called Tricky Forest because it is tricky to escape from it.

We passed the Tickling Bushes. The Bushes tickles if it is touched.

We passed the Dancing Trees but it doesn't dance anymore because of its hairy leaves are burned and gone.

We passed Linctus Fountain but it is deserted. The liquid from it usually heals anyone from injuries.

We passed the Forever Young Falls but the water turned black and sticky. They said that when the old people drink the water from here, they'll turn into teens and looking so young but it only lasts for a day then they'll turn into what they really look like- old.

We passed the Peaceful Valley but it doesn't look peaceful at all. It looks more of a destroyed place.

And we even passed the sticky and several days' dead prey.

After quite a lot of hours of walking, we took a rest to the lakeshore of the Odd Lake. Cindy told me it is called an Odd Lake because odd things happen here.

We are exhausted and the sky begins to get dark.

"I'm so exhausted." –Jimmy.

"I'm hungry." Cindy said while rubbing her belly.

John lean his back to the tree while seating on the ground. He closes his eyes and I guess he took a little nap there.

I saw Faith collecting something so went to her.

"This will be useful in the future." –Faith.

She took the stone, weeds, leaves of the tree, and the water from the Odd Lake. She even carved the wood of the tree and collected it.

She puts it into the container and put the container into her pouch.

"Let's spend here for a night, we'll continue this tomorrow." Hector declared.

"Finally..." Cindy said with a yawn.

"I'll just collect some woods for tonight's fire fuel." –Jimmy.

"I'll come with you." –Steven.

"Okay but do it quick and be careful." –Hector.

"We will." –Jimmy.

Jimmy and Steven left to find woods.

"Tomorrow morning, we'll climb that mountain over there." Hector pointed the mountain across the lake.

"Well, 1 day down and 20 more days to endure." –Cindy.

"You're counting..." I teased her.

"Sure, I would. It is the first time and this is the first team that has to endure in the Mystic World for 3 weeks." –Cindy.


"Really...? I didn't know that before." –Faith.

"Yes. Before, teams would only endure here for 1-3 days." –Cindy.

"And why did they make us slog here for 3 weeks?" I asked.

"Guess why?" -Cindy while smiling.

"Is it because they want us to die?" –Faith.

"No... Silly." –Cindy.

"Hmmm..." I just can't think of anything.

"Well?" –Cindy.

"We don't know." We gave up.

*Hem *Hem –John.

Cindy felt a little bit disappointed.

"Hum... You don't really know? Where have you been?" –Cindy.

"Hmmm... Locked up in our room?" –Faith.

Now that's a good reason.

I agreed to Faith's answer.

"I'll consider that this time. I understand." –Cindy. "You know, Hector is good at both using his wand and using his weapons like swords, knives, and etc. He can kill you in just a swift of the wind" She said. "John over there..." She pointed John. "... Can tell and predict something in you or in the location. In just one observation, he can imitate your action. And by just observing a person or a place, he can predict or know something from it or them.

"Wow..." –Faith.

"Steven knew so many techniques with his wands and he even learnt so many books all by himself that he already knows what you learned Faith. He knows what plants to use for injured persons, what patterns to achieve it, and he even made potions that I don't know of its details." –Cindy. "While Jimmy, he knew the Mystic World among all of us. If he knew the place is dangerous, he can lead us to a safer place."

Wow, they all have unique skills and abilities.

"What about you, Cindy." I asked.

"Me? Simple, I worked hard, Faith." –Cindy.

"OH..." I replied.


Everyone on the group gathered in a circle around the fire that Jimmy and Steven made.

While seating on the ground, each one of us took our own food from our own pouch then we ate it.

John added woods to the fire.

"That should do." –John. The he sat after it.

"Here's what we should do tomorrow." –Hector. He also began to draw the above view of the lake. "The lake looks like this when you're looking from the top of it." He introduced his drawing. "This is where we are." He encircled a part of his drawing. "Tomorrow, we'll climb this mountain across the lake from where we are." He encircled the mountain and draws an arrow from us towards it. "And we'll go around the lake to get to this mountain." He said. "The distance at the right side of the lake from where we are to this mountain is farther than the left side of the lake. So let's take the left side to get there." We nodded.

"The left side is not a good idea, Hector. I prefer the right side." –Jimmy.

"Why?" –Hector.

"The left side could be deceiving." –Jimmy. He draws – adding the lake's figure. "The area here is filled with mud that makes us go around it and in this area, poisonous wild plants usually grows here. In this case, we'll travel farther than the right side of the lake if we take the left side. And the path on the right side of the lake is rocky and sturdy with no record of poisonous wild plants. Sure is safe." –Jimmy.

"The right side of the lake it is. We'll take the right side to get to the mountain." –Hector.

John yawned.

"I'll sleep now. Everyone should too." –John.

Cindy flicked on the leaves she took earlier from the tree by her wand. And the leaves became big.

"Here are the blankets for everyone..." –Cindy.

She made the leaves float into the air and sent it to each individual.


"Thanks, Cindy."

"Thank you."




"You're welcome." –Cindy.

I yawned.

Then I closed my eyes to get to sleep.


Lori's POV

All of the members of Albert's team are all better now.

But Hector remained on his bed inside his room.

It's been half an hour since Hector collapsed.

Mrs. Jane entered the room. She brought a leaf and she puts it at hector's forehead.

"He needs rest." –Mrs. Jane.

I nodded and followed her leaving Hector inside his room.

Mrs. Jane closed the door.


Hector's POV

I opened my eyes after they left.

"Evelyn..." I said.


Alexandra's POV

I woke up because of a noise, a noise of a passing by trunk with lots of people in it.

I stood up to find out what is it.

I watched the others, they are still sleeping.

So I stepped forward to where that sound coming from.


After a few hours of walking straight to the noise, I found out that the noise is really a truck with people in it.

I hid myself behind a tree just to be sure I'm safe.

The truck's wheel is stuck into the big mud puddle.

But after a few minutes, they finally got through from it.

Everyone was happy and keep on shouting for rejoice and the truck continued to go.

The lake suddenly begins to rise so the truck moves to the side to avoid the lake.

The path was bumpy. As a result, they're having a hard time with their balance. Aside from that, others were anxious thinking that they might fall from the truck so they tightened their grip to the truck and to their things.

A baggage was fallen from the truck but the truck didn't stop because of the lake's continual rising.

If the lake continued, they'll have less until there's no more space for the truck to pass and they'll be washed away.

The lake continued to rise so the truck quickly moved to the side and drives faster.

A girl from the edge of the truck falls to the ground.

She's skinny, have long and straight hair, bright skinned, and wearing a white casual.

The truck stopped but no one dared to go after her.

The girl is unconscious by what had happened.

The truck continued to go and left the girl.

"What are they doing? Leaving her alone like that?" I respond.

I immediately ran to where the girl is.

I turned her around seeing her beautiful face.

I put her arm around my shoulders and supported her.

The lake is continuing to rise, I should move fast.


I dropped gently the girl after I got to the higher ground.

The lake also stopped rising but the girl is still unconscious.

I should take her to Faith but I forgot where they are.

I'm lost, I don't know where I came from but that's not the main problem I should take care of first.

I need to take her elsewhere.

I hope there's someone can help us.

I took the girl's arm and put it around my shoulders again and supported her.

I began to walk while supporting the girl again hoping that I would find someone that can help us.


After a while of searching, two dogs came to sniff us but I could tell that they are harmless. Their tails are waggling like they have found their master.

*Bark! *Bark! –Dogs.

The dogs began to act like they want to play.

*Bark! *Bark! –Dogs.

They ran and return and ran again. I guess they really want to play with us.

I didn't bother to entertain the dogs, I just continued with what was doing.

The girl is light, much skinner than I am so I have less problem with it.

*Bark! *Bark!

*Cling! *Cling! *Cling!

That sound, sounds like someone lives here.

I noticed that the dogs immediately ran straight to that sound.

I have to follow those dogs.

So I started following them.


"Good boys." A lady said. She's feeding the dogs- her dogs at her simple house.

I didn't immediately approach the lady. For my safety, I should observe her first. But it looks like she will do no harm on us so I showed up.

"Hello?" I approached.

"Heavens, you scared me!" She replied in fright.

"Sorry, I need your help, please..." I replied.

"Why? What happened to her?" She asked.

"She fell from the truck and they left her." I replied.

"Come on in. Take her to the bed." She said.

She opened the door of the simple house.

I followed her inside.

I laid the girl to the bed.

"Can you heal her?" I asked.

"Yes, just a little bit of this and that and this and voila..." She said while picking and mixing something from her jars into a thick bowl.

Then she smashes it with a smasher and puts the smashed weeds to the girl after.

"I'm back..." Someone called.

We both turned our heads around.

"That's my brother." The lady told me. "Over here, little brother..."

The boy at my age showed up and was shocked to see me.

"I did not know that we have visitors today." He said.

"It's an emergency, they just need our help." The lady replied.

"Okay. Well, I'll cook food for our breakfast then." He said then went away.

"What's your name?" The lady asked.

"Alexandra, ma'am..." I answered.

"Don't worry, Alexandra. She'll wake up in no time. Is she's your friend?"

"No... I just saw her."

"Okay. We'll take care of her then until she'll wake up. You can leave her here with us. I know you have more other important things to do."

"Thank you so much ma'am."

"No Problem." She said while guiding me to the door. "You can visit us whenever you want to, Alexandra." Then she waved goodbye.

I smiled and went away.


After minutes of walking, I just remembered that I'm lost. I don't know where to go now so I turned back to the simple house where the lady lives to ask for directions.


"Hello?" I called.

No one answered.

And the dogs aren't here too.

Silence roamed the place too.

That's strange...

I called again but nothing answered so I opened the door myself.

I called again and was shocked to see what's inside the house.

The house is empty, dusty and it looks like it's been abandoned for thousands of years.

Did I enter the wrong house? But I'm this is the house that the lady lives.

I went inside and scanned the place.

I even opened the other door and there I saw a small boat in the lake.

I went to the boat and took the paddles.

I row the boat. I just don't know what to do now.

Maybe they are just moving to a different place using boat. That could happen...

I row and row the boat until the fog thickens. I stopped rowing the boat because I could not see anything.


The boat bumped into something somehow. And the fog began to fade.

I looked and saw the ground.

I went off the boat and drag it to the shore so that the water won't be able to drag it.

Afterwards, I walked and walked until I recognize a stranger hiding and following me. I stop for an alarming reason. I hid myself behind the nearest tall bush.

The stranger showed up and went looking for me.

I can't move. I'm too frightened by what I saw.

My heart skips and I can't breathe. My skin turned up and shacking.

"Where are you?" –Stranger.

I covered my mouth and cried.

The stranger moved forward to my direction.

What should I do?

"You're going to be delicious." –Stranger.

Someone grabbed and dragged me from my back and covered my mouth tightly.

I tried to escape myself but the grip is much stronger.


My eyes widened.


The stranger's stomach is calling for me!

"You look delicious!" –Stranger. The he laughed.


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