Mystic Home

By cuteblueicecream

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Alexandra an unwanted person in the human world has to involved into the enchanter's battle and fight in orde... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 "Lost In Odd"
Chapter 16 "The Rockery"
Chapter 17 "Training with Master Hector"
Chapter 18 "The Mountain of Harmony"
Chapter 19 "Unlucky Zane"
Chapter 20 "Under Attacked"
Chapter 21 "Search for Jimmy"
Chapter 22 "The Stranger"
Chapter 23 "Halloween"
Chapter 24 "Lost Again"
Chapter 25 "Mourn"
Chapter 26 "Explain it later"
Chapter 27 "Promise"
Chapter 28 "Sleep here"
Chapter 29 "Kid's Voice"
Chapter 30 "Run and Hide"
Chapter 31 "My Family"
Chapter 32 "Friends"
Chapter 33 "The New Portal"
Chapter 34 "New Trainer"
Chapter 35 "Jamaicah's First Mission"
Chapter 36 "Doctors Helper"
Chapter 37 "Mickey Mouse"
Chapter 38 "Daniel"
Chapter 39 "A long day"
Chapter 40 "Friends"
Chapter 41 "Troubles"
Chapter 42 "William"
Chapter 43 "Sealed Mark"
Chapter 44 "Kiss"
Chapter 45 "Shadow World"
Chapter 46 "Caught"
Chapter 47 "Remembered"
Chapter 48 "Escaped"
Chapter 49 "Sent back"
Chapter 50 "Finale"

Chapter 11

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By cuteblueicecream

Faith's POV

I peregrinate myself towards the Chamber were Mr. Greg called me to come over. I went pass by the library and seen two people hugging.

Hmm... Maybe they are in pair, couples, or something like that. I don't care, anyway. That's not my business.

So I continued to walk and pass them.


Afterwards, I arrived at the Chamber and met Mrs. Lori Arrastia and her husband for the first time. She is the president of this mansion. She's so beautiful and intimidating.

I moved my eyeglass on my face to place in its position.

Mr. Greg is here too. They are all lounging in the settee and I am standing in front of them.

I'm not afraid of them nor being nervous. I am just confident.

"Faith," Mrs. Lori Arrastia begun to speak. "Your record is excellent, good job." I know right? I'm glad to hear it. "Do you believe in spells and magic?" I looked to her.

What's with that ridiculous question? Of course that spells and magic are not real, it did not exists.



I closed the door and begin to leave.

I can't believe that spells and magic are real.

Ah! But they aren't.

It's just that enchanters have come in human world to stay until their world is benign. Enchanters can do magic and spells and also that they are staying in our world, so that's it.

Magic and spells are not real in human world.

I just thought that it is real because of them. But if they are gone, then it isn't real.

Magic and spells are not real.

And also they aren't part of our world.

Yes, I'm right.

I smiled.

But what's the use to debate with her anyway.


For now, I think I should get going and make myself ready.


Alexandra's POV

It feels good inside after crying. It's like the pain inside me had washed off with the tears that falls from my eyes.

It's not really a big deal that they would misunderstood my situation but the way they treat me like that is like- is like they hate me and they don't want to see me. I can't help it but to feel of being hurt.

I lifted my head to see who comforted me. Kenneth. He must have seen me crying like that.

What is he doing here? Maybe he came here to study and I interrupt him.

He withdraws his arms around me after noticing that I'm done.

No one had done this to me before except for Mic. Usually, others would just watch me cry and some would just ignore me like I did not even exist.

I wiped my remaining tear.


Kenneth's POV

I want to tell her that 'it is okay', 'It will be alright', or ask her that 'are you okay now' or anything else. But how can I? I can't speak.

It's like my tongue is twisted.

"What are you doing here?" She asked. What should I replied? What Should I say? I just came here to comfort you. That's all. "Thank you." She replied even though I did not say anything.

Then she turned to leave with a sad face.

"Wait-"I said. She stopped and turned to me. I wanted her to stay here for a while but my heart beats rapidly for thinking of telling those words to her. "I- I- you can go." I can't. I turn around.

What was I thinking? I should not tell her anything until we can get back our world.

I should wait a little longer. All I have to do is to protect her.

I turn around to see her but she'd already left the library.


I think I should go back to the training room. I'll still going to see her there because we still have our training.

I started to walk and leave the library.

After a few minutes, I saw her walking in the hallway. I walked slowly to follow her.

"Alex!" I turn my head to see whose yelling. It's Keith. And she's skipping towards Alex.


Alexandra's POV

"Miss Lori wants to see you." Keith said.

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know. Did you recently been crying?"

"Is that obvious?" I smiled a little. She nodded. She must have traced my eyes like this.

"Why? What happened?"

"It's nothing." I smiled.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yes." I replied and she immediately hugged me.


Keith POV

"I don't know what happened but I'm always here for you, okay?" I said while I hugged her.

"It's okay for me if you don't tell us about it, Keith. But no matter what happened, I'll be here for you." Evelyn said.

"So do I, Keith. I'm your best friend too, right? You can always count on me. On us." Alexandra said.

Evelyn and Alexandra are best friends- super close best friends. It is hard to separate this two. What Alex likes, Evelyn likes it too and what Evelyn likes, Alex likes it too. They are having fun even if you left them both alone.

I am lucky to have them both.

They are just like their mirror. They have so many similarities. And the only differences between them are that Alex is a human and Evelyn is an enchanter. They are not siblings nor any relative and stuff.

"Thank you." I manage to say while crying. And they immediately hugged me.

"Aww, our little Keith is still crying."-Evelyn.

"Yeah." –Alexandra.

"Hahhaha..." I laughed because they tickled me.

"Thank you, Keith." Alexandra said and smiled.

I nodded and smiled back then we walked towards Miss Lori's chamber.

One thing that popped through my head is that I missed them both so much.


Alexandra's POV

"I guess you already know the Mystic Word." –Miss Lori.

Miss Lori puts her two ankles on her table and crossed her fingers. Then she bends a little forward while seating on her chair.

I was standing in front of her.

There's only me and her in this room. Keith left me after we get here because she has more training to do.

"Yes, ma'am." I replied.

"Since you currently know our side not in the right time, would you still want to help us?" The intimidating looks that I saw from her face yesterday covered by the looks of her today, she's like she's supplicating.

No one has ever supplicates me. I'm the one who always supplicates them. And this kind of feeling that I felt right now, I don't understand it.

And why would she beg when I have nothing and can do nothing. But thinking about my parents, I guess they need me too.

But I just can't. I'm a loser, just like most of people say.

"I- I'm weak." As I replied, I bow my head down. I can't say yes because I can't help them and neither can say no because I like to stay here.

I don't know why I like to stay here but I feel more like I'm home compared to our old place.

I know Annie and others misunderstood me but if I did not make that happened to Jamaicah, most of them make me feel welcome. They would make me join with their conversions; they would listen to my suggestions; they would make me join with their games; If I ask, they reply; they sometimes help me if they can; they approaches me like I am part of their world. I feel like I belonged here.

But I guess it's time for me to leave.

"No, you aren't." I already doubt her words. She cast herself out of her chair and moved in front of me then taps my shoulders. I lift my head and I saw her smiled. "Hector and Kenneth reported yesterday that you have the capacity to fight, you just don't know it. And they'll train you to develop that skill." I am? "I'm counting on you. We're counting on you, Alex."


Lori's POV

She has this attitude of making herself low even that she can reach that high. I can't help but to think that she has this similarity to a friend of mine.

I hugged her for the reason that she's like a replicate to my friend. I'm longing for her.

But I know that Alexandra has no relation to my friend, so, I withdraw from hugging.

I don't know how Gail and Ronnie raised Alex but I'm pleased to see the outcomes.

"You can do this, Alex. Please, have confidence in yourself." I said and smiled. She smiled also then I guide her to the door to leave. "Hector and Kenneth are waiting for you in the training room." I said and she nodded and left.

I closed the door.

Ronnie entered the room from the other door.

"Lori." He called and hugged me. "I miss you already." He said and kissed me. I kissed him back.

"When are you going to tell her?" I asked in the middle of our kiss.

"I need to find a right time to tell her. Is it okay for you?" He replied.

"I don't mind, take your time." I said and kissed him.

Alexandra thought that her mom and dad are Ronnie and Gail but they aren't because they are siblings. And Alex has the right to know it. Ronnie is much older than Gail. Ronnie and I are married, sealed, and bear one child- our only precious daughter.


Hector's POV


(11 [human time zone] years ago in human world)

"You guys." Evelyn called us. She run towards us and brought someone with her. "Everyone, meet my new friend." She said smilingly after she got in front of us.

The girl that Evelyn brought shyly smiled at us.

"Hello, what's your name?" David approached the girl. I always admired him because of his personality and talent.

The girl is shy that she had a hard time to speak.

"Her name is Alexandra but she said that we can call her Alex. Am I right Alex?" Alex agreed and smiled shyly.

"You made a friend with a human?! What if she'll betray us and harm us secretly?!" I said.

I'm right! Since that we got here. Humans tried to kill us but they can't because we can do spells and magic.

Alexandra's smile turned upside down and went crying then run away.

"Alex!" Evelyn tried to follow her but Kenneth caught her hand and stopped her. She turned to me. "You hurt her!" She yelled in anger and pulled her hand from Kenneth's and run to follow Alex.

Kenneth ran to follow Evelyn.


I was back into my presence when the door of the training room opened.

Alexandra appeared, I looked at her.


Alexandra's POV

"Alex, finally you came." –Hector. "Come over here." He called me to come to where he was. "Pick just one pair among these weapons. Choose that's comfortable for you to use." He said after I got myself beside him.

In front of us, there's a table filled with bows and arrows. Each one has different colors and designs. I picked and examine one by one and found the right one for me.

"I choose this one." I said.

"Good choice." –Kenneth. He appeared from nowhere.


Hector's POV

I was shocked to know what Alexandra have chosen.

I turned to Kenneth but he was just looking at her.

Alexandra has chosen the pair of bow and arrow what Evelyn and Alex used before.

"Can I try it too, Hector?" –Alexandra.

We became friends after some time.

"But Alex, this is just for us." –Evelyn.

"Yes, Alex." I said.

"Please? It looks fun." –Alexandra.

"Okay." I said. "First you have to choose your bow there from that table." I said and pointed.

After choosing her bow, she returned to where we are.

"I am back. Look, Evelyn. We have the same bow." –Alex. Evelyn looked to her bow.



"Now, Alex. See that watermelon way over there?" He pointed out and I can see it. I nodded. "That's your target. You hit it with your bow and arrow." He said.

The watermelon is pretty big and wide, 15 feet away from me, how hard can it be?

I made my bow and arrow ready. Adjusting its position a little bit and after a few minutes, I released the arrow's tail.

"Ahhmmm... Good job?" Hector said with a question mark.

Kenneth obviously wanted to laugh.

It pissed me off.

I took another arrow. Made it ready and adjusting its position and then released.

Hector moved so I could not see him. And Kenneth turned around.

I took another arrow and made the same attempt.

I saw both of them went outside and closed the door.

I made the same attempt again but it went still the same.

Aren't they going to help me? I am beginning to get irritated.

I went to the door and opened it.

And saw both of them laughing.

"I HATE YOU BOTH!" I yelled in anger and slammed the door close.


Kenneth's POV

I can't stop laughing but I must stop.

What happened inside is replaying through my head.

At her first attempt, she hit the watermelon drawn in the watermelon box beside the window. Not the watermelon fruit.

In her second attempt, the arrow landed in front of her feet.

In third attempt, the arrow landed on her feet again.

I thought that she'll going to hit it because of her serious face.

But she didn't

"Kenneth, that's enough. Hahah..." –Hector.

I stopped from laughing and fixed my cloak before entering the training room.

We saw Alex did it again.

I knew she won't give up.

I went behind her and taught her.


Alexandra's POV

Kenneth went behind me. He's like his embracing me with this position.

"Put your foot in front of the other. Spread it but not too far and twist your body a little, just do it to make you feel comfortable." I did what he softly told me. "Look at my two fingers as I place it to the string with the arrow's tail and how I stretch the string with the arrow." I watched him. "Now you try." He said as he tranquil the string. I tried what he did. "Good. Now, adjust its direction." I adjusted it and he checked it. "Remember, if you're going to release the arrow, don't immediately put the bow down, got that?" I nodded and released it.

It shoots.

I did it!

I rejoiced and held my hands high.


Kenneth's POV

After a few hours, she's getting better and better of it.

Hours by hours the watermelon became an apple and the distance of the target became further and further.

She's still the same as before.


Alexandra's POV

The clock had finally stroke 5:00 pm. I stopped because I'm tired.

Hector gave me a glass of water.

"We'll wait for you tomorrow morning in the west wing, Alex. At 5:00 in the morning." –Hector.

I looked at him. What is this all about?

"Since that we brought the King. Alfred and his servants became more watchful than before which makes the Mystic World more dangerous for us. Miss Lori asked us to go there in group and you're with us now."

"You mean I get to join you on your mission? Like an operation or like that?" I asked.

"Yes since the king is still recovering from his illness; he can't help us for today." –Kenneth.

My both eyes are glistening from what I heard.

"What you've learned from yesterday and today, you'll use it there." –Hector. "Listen, the Mystic World is far too dangerous for you- human so you have to keep all of your senses, knowledge wide open and be alarmed. You must be prepared and ingenious to escape and defend yourself from danger."

I nodded to what he just said.


Kenneth's POV

I don't really want her to come with us. But it is Miss Lori and we should respect her decisions so I have no other choice.

"Okay." –Alexandra.


Alexandra's POV

I left the training room and walked in the hallway heading to my room.

I can't believe I'm going to the Mystic World again, tomorrow. I feel excited, I don't know why.

"Alex..." Someone called.

I turned to see who it is. It's Jamaicah.

"Jamaicah." I'm so happy to see her today feeling well from unconsciousness. "How are you?"

"I am fine." She spreads her arms. "See?"

We laughed.

"When did you woke up?" I asked.

"I don't know. I didn't watch the time."

I hugged her.

"I'm sorry for causing trouble."

"Nahh. It's no one's fault, it's just happened." I withdraw from hugging. "Miss Lori wants to see me, do you want to come?"



After we arrived, she entered the chamber and I then left the area.

"Alex!" I saw Keith calling and heading towards me.

"Keith." I replied. "Are you done training?" I asked as she's beside me.

"Yup." She replied. "I heard about it from Hector." She smiled. Maybe she's talking about that I'll be going on an operation with them tomorrow and so on.

"I thought so."

"Yeah. Would you like to sleep in my room instead? You know, so that you won't be late."

"If you want me to then it is okay for me."

"That's great. I'm going to meet you with my friends. Let's have our lunch in the west wing instead there too."

"Well..." Well, I guess I have no friends, not even a single friend in the east wing for today because of misunderstanding. If I'll eat there, they'll avoid me. I think I should accept Keith's offer. "Okay."

"You'll going to love it there." Excited Keith said.





"Hello" I replied.

"Alex? Can you please hand me the bread."


"Thank you."

"Alex? How old are you?"

"I'm 18."

"Hahaha. Your age sounds strange."

"Yes, it does."


"It's an age of a baby."

"Huh? Oh, I got it."

"Yeah, humans and enchanters are too different but that doesn't mean that they can't be friends."

"I agreed."

"Yeah, me too."


"I'm the oldest among them. I'm 672 years old."

"Jimmy is the youngest."


"He's 523 years old."

"You don't need to mention it."

"But I want to mention it."

"Alex, what's your favorite color?"


"Really? I like blue."

"You just like it, I love it."

"Shut up Liam."


"I love blue too."

"Hands up for whoever loves blue."

"Whoaahhh.. Hahha"


"I do. How about you Sam?"

"I love yellow."

"Aww.. Too bad. Your best friend loves the different color."

"I don't care. But you love blue Sam too, right?"

"Yes, it's my second choice."

"You hear that?"

"We don't care anyway."

"Hannie! Why did you eat my meatballs?"

"What? I thought you don't like because you separated it from others."

"I was going to eat it later, how dare you."

"Ouch! Stop! You can take mine tomorrow."

"Don't mind them Alex. They're just immature."


"What's that Guam?"

"I said nothing!"

"Alex! Duck!"

"Ouch! What was that for?"

"Hahaha... caught you this time, Walter."


"hahhaha... Walter, look at you. Hahahaha..."





The dining hall of the west wing is a mess. They are throwing the food to each other. But they are having fun.


"Are you having fun, Alex?" Keith asked after leaving the dining hall. Some left and some stayed a while longer.

We're heading to the room.

"Yeah." I replied.


Keith opened the door as we arrived.

"Watch out!" Someone yelled from inside but Keith haven't have much time to duck her head. And the result, the pillow hit her face.

"Sorry, Keith. It was an accident." Another girl said.

"It's okay." But all the pillows went floating and then hit the girl that had hit Keith earlier.


"Hahahhahaha....." all the girls laughed.

Then the pillows floated again and the entire girls inside the room begin to hide themselves.

Keith run and hides too under the bed.

"Alex!" -Keith. She called to make me join her under the bed.

I run and hide.

Then the pillows shoot to different directions.

After all the pillows landed to the floor, other girls showed themselves and made some pillows, blankets and anything they can see float. And then they attacked the other girls that they want to attack to until all of them and even Keith joins them.

This is crazy.

The door of the room opened and a girl appeared from it.

"Everyone, stop!" She yelled and her voice was as loud as a voice came from 10 speakers. All of the girls stopped from what they are doing. "Listen, Mrs. Jane is coming."

"ahhh!" Everyone responded and they immediately run to their own bed.

All the things [pillows, blankets, dresses, teddy bears and stuff] immediately floated and went to their right places. All the cabinets are closed too. And the girls laid themselves in their own bed.

The room magically became tidy again and peaceful.

"Alex! Over here!" Keith called me. She's laid herself on her bed too.

I went to her bed and place myself there comfortably.

The door opened again and we all saw Miss Sally.

"Everything's alright here?" –Miss Sally.

"Yes, Miss Sally." –All girls.

"I heard loud noises coming from here." –Miss Sally.

"Maybe that's from the other room, Miss Sally." A girl bravely replied.

"Good Evening, Miss Sally." A voice behind the door suddenly appeared. I can't see who it is.

"Oh. Good evening, Mrs. Jane." –Miss Sally.

"I'm here to check the girls." –Mrs. Jane

"Oh." –Miss Sally. Miss Sally gave way for Mrs. Jane to enter the room. "Mrs. Jane I must leave now." Miss Sally bids. Mrs. Jane nods. "Good night, girls."

"Good night Miss Sally." –All girls.

Then Miss Sally left.

Mrs. Jane began to count the girls.

Keith covered me with her blanket so I wouldn't be seen by Mrs. Jane.

"15. Someone's missing." -Mrs. Jane.

A girl suddenly entered the room. She was halt for a while after seeing Mrs. Jane.

"Sorry Mrs. Jane." The girl said and bowed. Then she belches unexpectedly.

The girls giggled a little.

The girl recently cane in went to her bed.

"Good night, girls." –Mrs. Jane.

"Good Night Mrs. Jane." The girls replied.

Mrs. Jane turned the lights off and closed the door.

After a minute, a girl near the door checked outside the room.

"She's gone." She said excitedly.

They all immediately continued what they were doing late.

I guess this will be a long night.


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