The Cheshire Cat (Kill La Kil...

By Cheshire_cat_47

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I don't own Kill la Kill More

Bio & harem
!!!Big Announcement!!!
(Little Update) Ch.14


17.7K 254 139
By Cheshire_cat_47


I was on a boat to go to Honnouji Academy and I was throwing up because I can get sea sick easily.

??: It looks like you don't have sea legs?

Y/N: *throwing up* N~No sir I don't.

??: Well we are almost their kid.

Y/N: * Still throwing up*

(Ryuko's POV)

I made my way up to the school to see a boy beaten and hanging at the entrance of the school.

Ryuko: This is a naked pig who dared to defy Honnouji Academy Justice has been served. Huh the city is dangerous but the school sounds even worse. But some thing tells me I'm gonna find some answers here. * she walks into the school.

Mikisugi: we have a new student in class K today. So please welcome Ryuko Matoi. * Behinde her big red letters saying RYUKO MATOI*

??: Ryuko, Ryuko, Here! Sit here! This desk is free.

I go to the empty seat and sat down.

Mako: My name is Mako Mankanshoku. *MAKO MANKANSHOKU* It's nice to meet you again and everything.* Laughs*

Ryuko: That kid The Student Council purged is he the one out in front?

Mako: That kind of thing happens a lot around here. Oh but don't worry you'll get use to it. * she starts eat food and falls asleep right after*

Ryuko: She's asleep already?

(Time skip)

I was walking to look for some answers but all of sudden.

Mako: Oh, Ryuko! *Ryuko dodges her for she wouldn't get tackled* Aww, why'd you dodge me like that?

Ryuko: Well, that's what people do when weirdos come flying at 'em

Mako: Aww! I was just trying to give my bestie a hug.

Ryuko: Your bestie?

Mako: Yeah we're desk neighbors now, so we're totally besties. Oh, that reminds me, is that your guitar case? Do you play? Come on play something! I'll sing. * she starts badly* We are gonna run away.

Ryuko: God, would you calm down? Listen, I want to know what the deal is with this place. Like, who's the top dog around here and stuff?

Make: *she stops singing* Sure, It's- Whoa, look out, Ryuko! Bow, Bow! *Mako bows well Ryuko just crotches *

Ryuko: He looks like a big shot.

Mako: Yeah, he's a three star

Ryuko: Three star?

Mako: Yup. That Ira Gamagoori, the Disciplinary Committee Chairman. He's one of the Elite Four of the Student Council. He's super Elite three ranks above us no star students.

Ryuko: No stars?

Mako: Uh huh. The uniforms here have amazing powers, and if you get one, I hear it's awesome. You get all, like superhuman and stuff. They're called Goku Uniforms, and they go from one star all the way up to three star. Our Student Council President, Satsuki Kiryuin, hands out Goku Uniforms based on a student's abilities. Long story short they're awesome. You got all that?

Ryuko: So what your saying is the Student Council President's the top dog, right?

Mako: Yeah, and speak of the devil, that's Lady Satsuki.

I was watching her walk down the steps. I was thinking to myself If anyone out of here knows something it has to be her. so I jump in front of her.

Ryuko: Sorry to interrupt, but I hear you're the Queen Bee at this school. If you are I got a question for ya.

One star: How dare you! Get her! *

The one star students jump at her only to get their ass kick. After that Ryuko pulls out a scissor blade from her guitar case and she points it at Satsuki.

Mako: That's the hugest scissor blade ever.

Ryuko: Yup. It's one half of a giant pair of scissor, and I've been looking all over the place for the person who's got the other half. Hey, Pres, you okay? You look surprised to see this thing, like maybe you've seen it before. You have seen it before, haven't you?!

Satsuki: And what if I have?

Ryuko:*Gasps* You have seen it. You've got the other half of my scissors! * Ryuko jumps at her but only to be met by a punch by a boxing glove*


I was at the entrance and my eyes widen seeing Ryuko is getting her ass kick by a boxer. He was about to punch her with a powerful bow but I jump in front of that punch and took it like it was nothing.

Y/N: Ryuko I am sorry for not protecting you but leave now and I will take care of this problem

Ryuko: W~Who are you?

Fukuroda: How dare you get in my wa-* he get punch in the gut and he spits out blood*

Y/N: It doesn't matter now I will answer your question later just go ok *she nods and steals someone's bike* and as for you! * he looks at the boxer with glare*

Y/N: I am going to enjoy kicking your ass.

Y/N runs at Fukuroda and kicks him in the head and upper cutting him to knock him out.

Y/N: You are wearing a two star and I am not wearing a Goku Uniform and I still kick your ass. * he starts walking away to find Ryuko*

(Satsuki's POV)

I was drinking my tea while the Student Council was disciplining Fukuroda for letting that girl mock me but something was off that boy seem to be Familiar.

Inumuta: I found some inlet on the new girl. She been starting fights at High Schools in the Eastern Kanto Region at school ruled by Honnouji Academy. Apparently, they were personal spats. That's why we never received reports.

Satsuki: Such negligence. Inform our branches to keep an eye out for her.

Inumuta: At once, Milady.

Nonon: How shocking the toad, the monkey, and the dog all screwed up big time. Hey, Lady Satsuki, who was that boy and how did he beat a two star without wearing any Goku Uniform?

Satsuki: I don't know about that. Inumuta get me information on that boy.

Inumuta: Alright and here we go he's name is Y/N L/N and he is 17 years old both of his parents are died to in a car crash.

Satsuki: *smiles* So you have come back Y/N.


I was looking for Ryuko and I went to the first place she would go to is the Matoi house. And once I got there I see Ryuko fell though a trap door. I was looking around and I spot Aikuro.

Y/N: What are you doing here Aikuro?

Aikuro: What can't I just visit Mr. Matoi's house.

Y/N: You are planning on giving her that Kamui?

Aikuro: Yes and we should head back to the school right now because she is going to go back there.

Y/N: Yeah whatever I just need to protect her.

(Time skip)

Fukuroda: Hey new girl are you listing! An hour from now, we're going to execute your little friend! She's an accessory to our crime of treason against Honnouji Academy! If you want to save her life quit hiding like a coward. show yourself!

Y/N: Dam it I have to save that girl* he was about to go save Mako but hooded figure garbed her before she fall in the deep fryer and he/she jumped in the ring to fight*

Fukuroda: I'm gonna haze you like a Freshman!* he started throwing jabs but it had no effect* Yeah! You like that?! The ring's filling up with my juggernaut of left jabs! Hey, here comes a right straight! It's really a corkscrew!

Once that punch landed the only thing it did was ripped off the hooded figure's clothes off.

Y/N: 0_0

Fukuroda: W-W-W-W-W-What are the hell are you wearing?!

Ryuko: *blushing* None of your business!

Fukuroda: You're cheating, all trying to distract me with your sexiness!

Ryuko: It's not my fault it's like this!

Fukuroda: You slut! How dare you! You're mocking the gentleman's sport!

Ryuko: I am not!

Fukuroda: All right. In that case, I'm stripping down, too. *he starts lowering his shorts*

Ryuko: What?! Now who's doing the mocking?!

Fukuroda: Time to take off the soft gloves I use for away bouts and bring the pain.

Ryuko: What?!

Fukuroda: Behold! This what the real Honnouji Academy Boxing Club Athleticism Augmenting Two Star gloves look like!

Y/N: What kind of fucking box glove is that? *Ding* Well the second round is starting I would help but you need to learn how to defend for yourself Ryuko.

Fukuroda ran up to Ryuko and punch her square in the face but the glove broke on impact.

Fukuroda: *gasps* What the hell?! M-M-M-My glove!

Ryuko: Looks like your glove's not the only thing that turns to steel. So does my outfit.

Fukuroda: *starts punching and kicking her but it's not working* Impossible, impossible, impossible!

Ryuko: Geez, you call those punches? 'Cause I'm not feeling Anything!

Nonon: Whoa, what's she wearing?

Inumuta: I think It's a Goku Uniform.

Ryuko: Alright you had your fun. Now it's my turn* she starts dodging his attacks and runs up to him and attacks* Left jab! *she hits him with the end of the scissor blade* And a right hook * she hits him in the back with the tip of the blade* Now a upper cut * she upper cuts him* And for dessert, a right straight! * she runs forward and cuts his uniform off and a little strand of thread goes into the back of her uniform*

Uzu: Impossible!

Ira: A Goku Uniform

Nonon: Was Defeated?

Houka: Her scissor blade is powerful.

Y/N: Of course it is.

All three of them turned to their left to see Y/N sitting at the edge.

Satsuki: It's been a while Y/N.

Y/N: Hey Satsuki.

Ryuko: Now it's time to finish you off! *she hits him and he starts flying to the top of the tower*

The one star students blocked the body and the three elites block the blood but missis a drop but I block it with my hand.

Y/N: What do we have here? A drop of blood that you three couldn't block thank god I was here *smiles*

Uzu: How dare you!

Satsuki: Stand down. New girl where did you get your hands on that outfit?

Ryuko: *steps on a mic and catches it* I got it from my father.

Satsuki: Really

Ryuko: Yeah, Really and are you seeing this scissor blade? It was left behind by the same scumbag that killed him! And now you're gonna tell me who this belongs to, Satsuki Kiryuin.

A/N: End

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