By SarhaLuv

137 5 0



137 5 0
By SarhaLuv




1) What is your inspiration for writing?

Trishala: I really don’t have like a proper inspiration. I just write whatever comes to me and you know look at the final result. I usually write about something that…. Is kind of close to me. Sometimes I am surprised  that I wrote the things that I did. You know when I go back and read them.

2) In your profile you have mentioned that you have been writing since you ware twelve. What did you first writing?    

Trishala: It’s actually embarrassing but nonetheless what I wrote then is and will remain my most memroble one. But I think since then I have come a long way in writing. Especially my style.

3) Which book would you term as closest to your heart?

Trishala: That would be my second book- Sam and Trisha. It isn’t on wattpad because I really didn’t have the guts to post it. It’s very close to my heart and though I know that constructive criticism is good and everything I just cannot take that about that book.

4) Is that book based on some personal experiences?

Trishala: No…. it’s just a work of fiction. It isn’t based on my experiences.

5) So do you have any plans of starting up with you other books again? You seemed more focused on Living with My Boss.

Trishala: I am definitely going to upload my books. I just don’t have any time right now. With school and homework and writing other books simultaneously I just need a little breather for a while. But for everyone reading my other books I will be uploading them soon.

6) That is great to hear. Going to you poems. The feelings that you have expressed in them is so vivid and feels very true. Is it?

Trishala: Yes. The poems are what or how I felt when I had low moments. Its just very overwhelming to me. And I just feel that these peoms are a great way to express what I feel. you know to convey somwthing that I can't verbally.

7) This may seem like a wierd question, but why exactly did you start writing?

Trishala: At first it was just something fun to do. You know to pass my time. And to see if I was capable of spinning anything up. But as the time passed I realised that it is more like therapy to me. I can just take out all my sadness, anger, frustration and even happiness in my books. And I have realised that it is not only that but also reading my books make me feel content. Like I have achieved something.

8) Being an avid writer it is perfectly reasonable to think that you are an avid reader too.. What are your favourite books?

Trishala: Yeah I am a very avid reader. Sometimes I think I read way too much. But my favorite books would be Harry Potter, VAmpire Academy, A Walk To Remember, The Alchemist and almost everything by Jeffery Archer.

9) Do you think that your characters relate to you in some way or the the other?

Trishala: Yeah. Definitely. I relate to all my characters in a way. I guess that unconciously all of put a little bit of ourselves into our characters. And also somethings that you want to achieve or want to be. I wouldn't say that my characters are completely based on me but yeah a little part of it is.

10) Thank you so much for doing this.Lastly, what would be your advice to young authors who might read this?

Trishala: First off I  would say that always follow your heart no matter what. My heart is in writing and thats what I do. Then don't be discouraged by criticism. Everyone has to face it. And a simple word or sentence shouldn't put you down. And if your writing on this site then the number of votes you get or the number of fans you get shouldn't be your ultimate goal. It should be just an inspiration to write. And write what you like to write. Never write under compulsion of others. I know by personal experience that that never woks out.

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