By zswagerzswagg

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chapter 1 "Friendzone"
Chapter 2 "Losing my best friend"

Chapter 3 "Only a shoulder to cry on"

1.4K 42 10
By zswagerzswagg

Zendaya's POV

I'm sittin on my bed,wraped in my blanket and just thanking God he's back even tho' he never acctually left.




******5-6 hours before*******

It's been few hours since Trevor left and I've been just sitting on the couch,thinking.I couldn't believe what happend.I never tought he would acctually leave me.But he did and I'm acctually really mad at him,but I didn't cry and I'm not gonna cry now,in fact I'm gonna go get ready for my date in 1 hour and I'm gonna have a great time.

I showered,put on some cute leggings and a cool t'shirt.I mean this is still just coffee he won't mind if I didin't look "hot" right?What am I saying?I don't even know this guy!!I'm startin to think Trevor is right.God damn!!

Ok so it's 4:45 so I should get going.Well let's see how this date goes a.k.a "my stupid idea".

 So I walk in the Starbucks and I see him waving and smiling with his cute smile.I walk up to him,he doesen't stand up to pull me chair but it doesen't matter,it's not the first time.Acctualy it never happened.Out of all my dates I never got lucky to go on a date with an actual gentleman

He just says: "Hey what's up"?He doesen't say anything 'bout how I look so that was half an hour wasted worring how I looked -.-

So I've been on this date for an an hour now and he was just talking about himself.Something about how he's gonna be this famous rapper and have a lot od money.Which reminds me he probably doesen't know I'm famous.But it's not like he acctually asked me anything about me.Wow and I acctualy thought we're gonna talk about his family problems,maybe it's hard for him or maybe Trevor was right,maybe it's all just bullshit.Well either way I'm going home...

"Hey Chris it was nice to get to know u and all, but I think I'm gonna go home now" - I started getting up.

"Wait can I walk u home,it's gonna get dark outside?"

I tought about it for a secound and maybe it wasn't bad idea.Maybe he'll apologize for kinda being a jerk.Who knows? plus I don't wanna walk alone.

"Yeah,sure.Thanks!" - I smiled


This has been the longest walk home.I mean I had to listen him talking about this house he's gonna buy when he gets famous.I just wanna lay on my bed and maybe cry...I don't know...

"So it was really nice to get to know u" -HE said when we came in front of my door.Can u believe it??But I'm gonna play it nice cuz I really don't wanna argue,I'm too tired..

"Yeah I had an awesome time" - I said with a fake smile.I opened the door,it was unlocked I probably forgot to lock it.

"Hey!!Could I use ur phone I need to call a friend to come pick me up?" - he asked me

"Umm yeah my batterie died,but u can use the one in the house.Come in" - I just can't get rid of this guy.

"Are your parents home?"

"No there is just my friend Tr.....umm acctually he's not here.There's nobody home." - I wish he was here tho' :(

I closed the door.I turned around and he pushed me against the door and roughly kissed me on the neck.

"So miss Zendaya,the famous Zendaya,u tought I didn't know who u are." -he said in my ear.He held me so tight that I couldn't move.If I screamed no one would hear me anyway.

"I know everything about u,and I'm gonna use ur popularity to make myself famous" - he said with this scary smirk

"How are u gonna do that?I can't give u money cuz I'm not even 18 yet.My parents hold my money not me." - I could barely speak

"Oh no I don't need ur money.I have another way,everyone are gonna believe u and me are together....I'm gonna be in every magazine,news.Everyone will know who I am." - he said with a big smirk

"How are u gonna make everyone believe we're together" - I was so scared of what he's gonna say next

"Well.." - He put his hand on my thigh "I'm gonna get ur pretty little body naked and get in bed with u,take pictures and send it to all magazines.It's gonna be an amazing story which will give me a great public exposure." - oh my God is this really happening to me?Was I really that stupid to go on a date with a stranger and let stranger in my house?

He took of my shirt so I was just in my bra.He started pulling me to the couch,I started scratching him and kicking and that's when he slaped me hard accros my face I fell on the floor and he got on me and I started screaming and yelling "HELP!!!!!" and he kicked me in the stomach hard.I started crying cuz it hurts so much.I don't know what else to do.

He grabbed my arms tight and started pulling me on the couch again.That's when I heard fast footsteps comming down the stairs.He let go of me and I crawled and leaned against wall,half naked, in tears.Then I herd someone yell:

"ZENDAYAA!!!" - it was Trevor.I looked up and he was looking at me with tears in his eyes,he looked so soft and warm and all I wanted to do is hug him.

Then he looked at Chris and his eyes went from soft to angry.Chris said: "Who the hell are you" and then he looked at me "Bitch u told me there was no one home"

"Don't call her like that u worthless piece of shit" - Trevor looked so mad

"I can call her whatever I want,she gon' soon become my bitch anyway" - he looked at me with a smirk.Then he turned to Trevor,walked up to him and punched him hard in the face.But Trevor didn't even move,it's like he didn't even feel the pain.He just looked at me the whole time like he still cares for me and it hurts him to see me in tears.

"I'm gonna ask u before I beat the shit out of you" - Trevor said turning to Chris "Are u sorry u did that to her?"

"Wow I'm so scared and yes I did that to her and I would do a lot of other things to her.If u know what I mean"- He said with a wink

And that's when Trevor just snaped.He punched him so hard in the face he fell on the floor.Trevor jumped at him and started punching him,blood was everywhere.

I somehow managed to get up and find the phone and I called the police.

Trevor was still punching him even tho' Chris was unconscious.I had to stop Trevor before he kills him.

"TREVOR!!" - I't's like he didn't hear me.Nothing!

"TREVORR!!!" - Still nothing

"Trev please" - I said with tears streaming down my face.That's when he stoped punching him and looked up at me.There was also tears on his face.I grabbed his hand and he stood up and hugged me so tight.. and he held me 'till the police came.

First the police took away Chris and asked me few questions and then they started asking Trevor,but I went to my room cuz it was just too much for me..

After I showered and put on some sweatpants and white shirt I sat in my room for 15 min on the floor against my bed I didn't mean to cry but tears just flew down my face.I couldn't move,All I need right now is Trevor,no one else just HIM.And I heard footsteps comming up the stairs,the same ones that saved me.

He knocked on my door and came in.I knew he still cared for me.I see it in his eyes,I saw how much it hurted him to see me crying on the floor after someone almost raped me.

"Hey Z.Listen I'm so sorry.It was all my fault.I should never leave u alone.I hate myself so much now." - He sat next to me on the floor.I looked at him and touched his face with my hand.

"Trev listen to me it's not ur fault okay?I'm an idiot,u were right about everything,I'm sorry" 

"I wasn't right when I left u...But I promise u from now on I won't never EVER let anyone  hurt u"

"So we're friends again right" - I said with a small smile

"We never stopped being friends and we never will I promise u that" - He stood up and pulled me with him.I took his hands in mine..

"I love u,u know that right? - I said looking him in the eyes

"Of course I know,who wouldn't love me" - he said with a smirk

"Heeey don't get cocky all of a sudden" -I said with a big smile

"SEE, that's the smile i've been waiting for.Common let's get u to sleep.I promise everything will get better.Your parents aren't coming till tomorow night so we have to go groccesery shoping in the morning and later we can go with Justin and Sel somewhere.Ok?"

"Okay that's sounds great but I'm not feeling asleep yet"

"So what u wanna do"

"Can we just talk..I'm so glad u came back Trev u have no idea"

"Well Z..I never acctualy left"

"What do u mean?"

"I was in my car infront of ur house the whole time and when I finnaly got in the house to talk to u, u were gone so I waited on u.I could never leave u no matter what the reason is."

"U don't know how much that means to me Trev.I'm glad u could never leave me cuz I don't know what I'd do without u"

He smiled "Common let's talk about anything u want"

"Hey can u sing me a song like u do it every night?Please Trev!" 

"For you,anything!Common get in bed.Where's ur guitare?" 

"It's under the bed"

He get's the guitar and a chair and sits next to my bed.

"This is acctually the song I wrote for u today when I was in the car"

(A.N. so this is "NO AIR" by Jordin Sparks and Chris Brown,but just imagine Trevor singing it to Z)      


"If I should die before I wake

It's 'cause you took my breath away

Losing you is like living in a world with no air, oh

I'm here alone, didn't wanna leave

My heart won't move, it's incomplete

If there was a way that I could make you understand

But how do you expect me

To live alone with just me?

'Cause my world revolves around you

It's so hard for me to breathe

Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air?

Can't live, can't breathe with no air

It's how I feel whenever you ain't there

There's no air, no air

Got me out here in the water so deep

Tell me how you gon' be without me?

If you ain't here I just can't breathe

There's no air, no air"



"WOW Trev that was AMAZING" - I can't believe he wrote this for me

He looked at me strangely "Z I sing u everynight when I'm here"

"But this is different...u never wrote me a song"

He smiled "Maybe I should write u more songs if it makes u happy" 

I smiled "Hey Trev can I ask something?"

"Yeah sure anything"

"Umm u know yesterday when u said I was the most important person in your life..did u really mean it?" - he looked at me

"Yeah I did..because it's true..I don't have anyone else but you.I live in that big house all by my self.I mean my mom is still in coma fighting for her life.You know my dad is in prison for 8 years now but...I never told u why"

"Trev u don't have to tell me if it is hard for u"

"No,I have to tell u,to get it of my chest.You see the reason he ended up in jail was because some robbery,but he did some horrible things to me trough all my childhood.He would slapped me everytime I come from school..he would beat me up for everything I did wrong" - a single tear came on his face.

I couldn't imagine what he gone tru'.I took his hand "Trev I'm so sorry u had to go tru' that.If I could do anything to make u feel better I'd do it" -I hugged him really tight

"U just being here is enough or me"

"And u need to know I'll always be with u no matter what.- I pulled out of the hug and looked at him "Trust me!" 

"That's all I need" - he smiled "You know..I have another song for you.It shows how much u really mean to me.You wanna hear it?

"YES.YESS!!!" - I jumped on bed

"Okay Z calm down" -He laughed

(A.N This is "Without you" by Chris Brown)


 If you had a choice then

what would you choose, to do.

I could live without money,

I could live without the fame and

if every day was sunny I could live

without the rain and if I ever went

up to heaven I will fall right back

down that life wouldn't be living,

cause you're the one I couldn't live without.

If I couldn't blink will I still

be able to see you.

I couldn't imagine (ooohoo)

without arms could I reach,

no way could I ever hold you (ohohooo)

I need these things, like I need you,

if you had a choice what would you choose .

I could live without money,

I could live without the fame and

if every day was sunny

I could live without the rain and

if I everwent up to heaven I will fall right back down

that life wouldn't be living,

cause you're the one I couldn't live without.


"Okay Z now it's time for u to go to sleep" - I got in my big bed and he covered me with blanket like a little baby.I smiled

"Okay but u gon' sleep with me right?" 

"Yeah just let me go to bathroom and put on some sweatpants"

Trevor's POV

I came back from the bathroom and I see Zendaya crying a little.I kneeled by her side of the bed and kissed her wet cheek "Hey Z what's wrong"

"I'm sorry for crying again but I was thinking about today.What if something like this happens again.?"

"don't worry about that,even if it happens I'm gonna be right there.I'm gonna be there with u trough every bad thing and every sad moment.FOREVER"

I laid beside her looking at the ceiling and she was looking at me "I'm so glad I have u Trev u have no idea.I'm glad I have a guy that doesen't look at me like a piece of meat and doesen't care what I wear and treats me with respect.I'm so happy I have a guy who is just my friend."

She laid on my shoulder,her eves red from crying and she fell asleep soon.

And that's when I realized I'll always be JUST HER FRIEND.Nothing more,nothing less.

I'll never be able to be her boyfriend.I'm only her shulder to cry on.

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