So HigH!! :; SKI MASK THE SLU...

By XXXstokeleyyyy

24.2K 762 375

Just keep reading it will make sense🤦🏾‍♀️✌🏽 More

6.18.18 were sadly almost there😥😔
15. 😔💔


3.2K 81 17
By XXXstokeleyyyy

                                                                                Jayla POV:

*ring* The bell rings indicating the last period of school is be over. I follow the crowd of students going outside to go home. I went outside to see my brother Jahseh and his other two other friends  Trippie and Stokeley.

"Aye, wassup baby girl..." Stokeley says while we all get in the car. Jahseh "hey,  jay"..jahseh says while he gets in the drivers seat and trippie gets the the passengers seat. Stokeley sits in the back with me.

"Aye, mom said since im going on the school trip in two weeks, you have to stay home that week end."  Jahseh, says looking through the rear view mirrior and pulling off from the school.

"What? thats not what we agreed on. she said i could stay over friends house. " i say getting quickly annoyed.

"Just so you can sneak out, and lose your virginity..? I think the fuwk not!" Jahseh says while laughing. i look at stokeley and he is giggleing from what he said. "your one to talk," i mubble hoping he didnt hear me..  "whats that supposed to mean?'' he said looking through the mirror.. 

"remember that time you snuck out to lose your virginity..?" i say crossing my arms, sitting up.. 

"yeh, Whats your point? everybody knows how it happened " he says with a confused look  stokeley and trippie look at me to see were i was going with this..

"yeh, but they dont know WHO you lost it to.." "who?" trippie ask. I looked at stokeley "stoke, you remeber the boy that used to live accross the street from us?" stokeley looked confused for a few secounds..

"Bro, you lost your virginity to lorenzo" stokeley says busting out laughing.. " i always new you were suspect..." trippie says shaking is head..

"bro, Jay stopp trying me on that gay shit.."  Jah says pulling into the drive way at our house. He gets out the car and slams the door. "Nigga i was jus playin' always getting in your feelings for no got damn reason" i scream walking in the house as stokeley and trippie follow me. Our mom wasn't home because she works for this big time sells company, she goes around the united states to sell different products and for meetings she is usually gone months at a time. This time she went to california she was supposed to be there for 3 to 4 months. She just left 2 days ago.

almost a hour had past by and i was on my phone scrolling on instagram. While stokeley and trippie were in Jah's room. Screaming at each other about the game like always..

I run in jah's room. "bro.. shut the fuck up!!" i yell. "who the fuck you talking to?" stoke yells getting up coming towards me. "you lookin' like you wanna fight or sum!" i say bucking up to stokeley .

"you not bout to fight my brother like dat" trippie says coming towards me also, jah gets up to.. " o, so yall trinna jump!".. "jah you gone let them jump yo sister like dat?" .. "you right, yall gone have to back up.."  .. "trippie bro, handle my light weight," stokeley says pointing to jah.. trippie and jah start bucking up at each other then start slap boxing. Jah gets trippie into a head lock..

me and stokeley laugh at them .. then stokeley quickly looks at me .. then a evil smirk comes across is face.. ,, i start running down stairs, stoke runs after me.. i run to the couch and start throwing pillows at him. He manages to dodge them.. he grabs me by my waist and through me on the couch. i get up and jump on his back.  he manages to pin me down holding my wrist while he is hovering over me. I always loved times like this, i always had a crush on stokeley but i know my brother would probably have a problem with me liking or going out with his best friend.. not to mention they were 18 and i was only 16. even though i was turning 17 in 6 days, it just wouldn't be right. That's why i have never told anybody..

stokeley picks me up and throws me over his shoulder and brings me up stairs, he throws me on my bed.. "i gotta go, but lemme know when you want this ass beating again." he says taking his pone out is pocket. i'm guessing his mom was outside waiting on him and trippie, so she can take them home.

i follow jahseh ass he walks trippie and stokeley outside to the car..

"ill see yall ugly kids later.." jah says laughing and closing the door..



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