33194 || The Promised Neverla...

By Hangeee-chan

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Lorraine is basically the best prodigy that the Grace Field produce, she's a fast learner and quick to unders... More

Author's Note
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4.6K 195 128
By Hangeee-chan

Lorraine's POV

   I stared at Ray who's sitting on the bed of their shared room, Norman only grab my hand to walk towards him. I studied his face for a moment, Ray looked so nervous but wore a cocky smirk on his lips, playing with the pillow on the bed as he slowly rise on his feet, ready to welcome our accusation, ready to defend his own. I cleared my throat as I pull back all the tears from my eyes.

"You were lying right? you're the traitor, Ray." Norman didn't sugar coat his words, he said it straight to the raven haired boy in front of us.

"Oh, Is something wrong Norman? Did you already realized it?" Ray said, standing up and spreading his arms wide, provoking my twin brother even more.

"You missed something Ray, I set a trap for three people." Norman said with a small smile and chuckled, leaving Ray speechless and blank, pale as a paper. Norman smirked before speaking again, "Lorraine and I said everything about the rope, where we hide them, right in front of you Ray."

"We actually told them different spots after, we hide it from you and when Norman retrieve it earlier, the only rope that is missing is the one from the bed of my twin brother, Don is innocent." I said, looking away from Ray.

"Such a good character for the traitor." Norman said and Ray only groaned before letting his body fall on the bed, his arms wide open as he sigh.

"I thought I was doing good, I thought I can fool the three of you but I didn't expect that you'll catch up earlier and yeah, you're right, I'm the spy of mom." Ray said, sitting up on the bed with his other leg swinging on the floor while the other one is tucked up to his chest.

"When did you start to suspect me then?" Ray asked my brother, smirking.

"Right after sister Krone came." He answered.

"That's fast." Ray replied, his eyes darts toward mine making me see the night in his eyes.

"Yeah and sometimes, I feel so disgusted about the way I think, the way I suspected my friend and that's a huge problem, because from the enemy's view, you're the best character to be a traitor." Norman said, shadow looming over his eyes while looking down on Ray.

"Because there's no one else who could do the job like you." He continued speaking, the coldness and sharpness of his voice never leave.

"Is that the reason why you suspected me?" Ray asked him.

"And I wished that it wasn't true because that would make everything harder and I want to ask something. Mom would never trust someone to be a spy in this house, How long have you been spying everyone?" Norman asked, curiosity seeping in his eyes.

"Long time ago." Ray answered casually.

  Yes because mom realized that he can be an enemy, he's an enemy, he can be so dangerous that mom had to put a leash around his neck to be her spy then she'll dispose Ray if he ever do something unpleasant. If Ray would let us escape instead. I look at Norman beside me to see him clenching his fist, his eyes can blow fire from anger.

"So you're not just a spy huh? but you're a pawn of mom." Norman said, with anger in his voice, I can see his jaw flexing with a bead of sweat falling from his forehead.

"You're right, it's like a sheepdog for a shepherd." Ray said, putting his left hand above his chest like a proud boy he is. I'm amazed.

  He hide it for a long time, guiding us, eyeing us, it really makes me feel so different around him but my heart can't forget, after all, Ray is someone that can betray me but my heart and mind would always find ways to forgive him, to make me weak, to make me surrender.

"You're the only spy right? or is there anyone among our siblings too?" Norman asked with him cold freezing voice, I only stared into the hard ground.

"Yes, I'm the only spy here." Ray answered, my twin might not noticed but I hear his voice almost quivered a bit.

"You knew about everything yet you conspired about the farm." Norman said again, narrowing his eyes to Ray.

"Yes." He answered my twin with a flat tone.

  But Norman's next words made me froze to my feet, it's not part of our plan.

"So, was everything you showed are also part of your lies?" He asked, my heart stopping a beat, my mind going blank and my tears starts to fall, making me turn my head away from the scene.

  The flashbacks of Ray saying silly things to us like "If were going to do this, were going to win." the nostalgia hits me. The memories of Ray and I, under the shade of the tree as he read a book while I slowly enjoy his voice and the words of the story that he's reading, I remember him tending my wounds, I remember him hugging me, I remember him staying beside me. I remember so much and honestly,

It's not his lies that hurts me the most but the memories and flashbacks that follows.

"We have so many questions to ask you but how far and how much did you tell mom about our plans? And the tracking devices, those things, they can be broken right?" Norman ask, looming over Ray with his venomous voice, anger showed on his face while Ray only show him his bored and calmed face.

"Depending on my answer Norman, so are you going to tell mom that you have found out about the spy?" Ray ask and showed a small smirk, only to washed off as I turn around my face to them after wiping my tears.

"No, you'll be useful, we can use you and have you by our sides." I said with my flat tone and smirked before continuing my statement. "If having you as a spy can assure mom that everything's under her control then we can flip the table and have you by our side so the situation would go to the worst case."

"You should be glad you know? you can hide your mistake, you wanted to continue spying on us even if the outcome is framing Don, right?" Norman said, provoking Ray with his viscious smirk.

"What do you really want from me!?" Ray asked, almost in an angry voice as he stand up from the bed.

"Lorraine." Norman called my name and I nodded my head before looking into Ray's black orbs.

"Three things Ray, first stay with us and make sure that were safe, second tell us all the information that you have gathered from being a spy of mom, third come to our side, be my spy." I said with a small smile gracing upon my lips, my hands clasp in front of my chest, looking at Ray with a pair of innocent eyes.

"You lost it, Lorraine, you're an idiot." He said calmly but I can hear the anger from them.

"Maybe. Farms, demons and mom feeding us to demons had me lost my sanity, it ate my brain, Ray." I mumbled, averting my eyes from his.

"If that's your plan right from the beginning then you shouldn't have told me! you can use me all you want while keeping your mouth quiet! Damn Lorraine! You can execute the plan then abandon me after escaping! That's a surefire method! You're an idiot Lorraine!" He said, with his hands on both of my shoulders, shaking me but I only chuckled.

"You're right, I can leave you here all I want but..." I look at Norman after speaking and he quickly slap Ray's hands away from my shoulder.

"We've changed our minds." Norman said with a smile on his lips.

"I want to believe in you the way Lorraine and Emma did, I want to believe that you're my friend first before you become a spy of mom and can you ease my mind after answering this mystery? You're the one who hide that Little Bunny right?" Norman asked, the eyes of the raven haired boy widened before sighing.

"You did it for us Ray, you set up all of this, this escape plan." I whispered only for them to hear.

"You wouldn't have a hard time to fool the little girl since your in the same room as her and if Emma didn't found the stuffed toy, you're going to hand it to her, right?" Norman said, sitting on the bed behind him as Ray also did, leaving me standing up.

"You led them to the truth Ray, you're not going to let them see and know everything if you're 100% on mom's side, you were controlling us." I said and smiled to him, he showed me a guilty eyes that made me want to hug him, Ray was only driven by his dream to escape, to go outside this prison. I wouldn't really blame him for spying on us.

"You were controlling us Ray, the way mom wants you to, but aren't you also controlling her? Using your position as her spy so she wouldn't ship us immedietly." Norman said, his blue sapphire eyes were on Ray, watching every move he does.

"But you haven't tell her where the real rope is." I said and sit beside Norman with a thud.

"If you're an enemy then you wouldn't let us see and know everything, you're not really an enemy right?" Norman ask and I can hear a small sadness from his voice.

"So tell us, Ray, why did you become mom's sheepdog?" I ask with a smirk, Ray replied also with one but it's a lot more darker than mine, giving me chills.

"I went to her and volunteered." Ray said, as if balancing his words, He opened his mouth again and say, "No, I think it's more accurate to say that I sold myself to her."

"Huh?" I tilt my head confusedly.

"To prepare for the escape plan! Everything I did is to prepare for the escape that were planning right now!" Ray yelled, his eyes showing anger while I only sighed with a calm manner.

"So you found out about the outside world and made a deal with mom, then sold yourself to her." I said, more like a murmur but he still hear it and stare at me.

"I made it to prepare." Ray replied.

"To have knowledge about the enemy, it's better to work from the inside, that's why I sold myself to mom, our enemy." He said, crossing his legs like an adult.

  So after he sold himself, he knew that his plan will succeed. He knew that he can use mom but also monopolize her, what a great plan but it also has it's disadvantages, how about the others? I know that Ray wouldn't put up with all of us, he wouldn't waste his plan that he's about to execute 10 days from now, he wouldn't waste the plan that he had prepared for so long.

Mom agreed for Ray to be her spy, that's to make him a good sheepdog, to watch every move we make.

"But in exchange, I ask her for two things." Ray said, raising up his two fingers before explaining again, "First to not ship me out then I'll help her with things around the farm, second I get rewards If I gave results."

"Then what kind of rewards did you get?" Norman and I both ask, our voice fast but still, they're synchronized.

"Different junks and if the things that I ask wasn't able in the house, she'll obtain it for me." Ray said with a smirk, I feel like I don't know him so much with all of the information that he's spitting out.

"So you could see what you want and what was impossible!?" Norman ask, blinking in surprise.

"Yeah, I was testing that. I want to probe to the outside world too, because as long as the object isn't dangerous, she can obtain it for me. But they're all old models." Ray ended his words with a sigh of dissapointment, probably because everything that he got before is old model and couldn't help him with the year and date.

"Then, when you said that you have an idea about breaking the tracking device..." Norman trailed off as Ray speak again. "I have already seen the device, the real object in my hand, I've experimented on it and figured out how to break it after long years. I can break the device."

  Ray's pair of eyes became so dark, much darker than before, they're narrowing on the both of Norman and I, watching every move we make. It's almost provoking me, he's showing to us that he's our trump card.

"I swear, that damn device can be broken. Do you understand, Norman!? This person in front of you is the strongest card you'll ever have!" Ray said, giving emphasize to his words as he smirk to us.

"I can hurt mom from the inside, I have the means to destroy the tracking device and even if I don't fully know about the outside world, I have the necessary information for us to escape! I am your strongest card." He said to us, giving me chills with his small speech. He's right.

  Ray is a trump card.

"Ever since you found out about the truth, you have already prepared for this escape, you even tricked Conny who's easily fooled and took Little bunny for Emma and Norman to pick, all of this just to make them stay alive." I stated as a matter of fact, Ray smiled and nodded his head and when I turn my head to my twin brother, he looked at me with a shocked face.

"You know too much." He whispered.

"Back to the matter, I'm not an enemy but I'm also not your ally, I've been controlling the whole situation without blowing off my position because I can't just lend my hands to some stupid plan." Ray said, spitting venom with his voice which made me smirk.

"You're smart, you already know where this plan is going." Norman commented.

"But I have one condition, I'll do everything you want, I'll give you every information I obtain and I have, I'll also tell lies to mom just like you want." Ray said and my eyes widened, this is why I'm avoiding this situation, I'm risking again, more lies.

"What condition?" Norman ask with curiousity.

"Trick Emma, were taking everyone but in the end we'll ditch them and leave, if were gonna have someone to go with us outside then it's only Gilda and Don." Ray answered, his voice cold and thick. He look stressed but keep his composure.

"So you're telling us to give up everyone and leave them here." Norman said, his face looks calm but I can tell that his mind is in chaos, after all, he wants to go with Emma's plan. With something impossible.

"The training that Emma did to everyone, it helped, you even said it yourself, but why?" Norman ask with a desperate voice, I only put a hand on his shoulder before looking at Ray again.

"It doesn't change the fact that they're all burden!" Ray yelled to our faces, the room's aura became thick, dark and heavy.

"You said that you're going to help us." I whispered.

"And this is my way of helping and if you don't like it, the three of you can just die in this house." Ray said, standing up and pointing his finger down to the floor, to the whole house.

"To think that you didn't want us to get killed, that's weird." Norman said and start making a cold line of stare to Ray.

"If you're going to get killed as soon as we go outside then you're better off being shipped out." Ray replied, looking down on Norman. I chuckled and put both of my hands to my head.

  This is bad, this is making me insane.

Should we just agree with Ray and leave everyone, to have them shipped out if the demons found out about our escape, this whole plan is going to ashes, the foundation is not strong enough. His plan is not enough.

"What are you going to do? Do you accept my condition?" Ray ask and Norman stayed silent before answering in a gravelly voice, "Yes, got it."

"If your word now is a lie, then..." Ray pushed me away from Norman and whispered something in his ear, I couldn't read his lips, it's too fast.

"I know, I'm not lying." Norman said to Ray before the raven haired male went out the room with a cautious look in his eyes.

  I smirked and fell on top of Norman's bed. Right now, we've got Ray in our hands, the very trump card, our own spy but, we need to give up on everyone, Emma's plan. Even if Ray and I grew up together, I'm still bothered because Ray is a very logical person while Emma is an orange haired girl who's reckless and easy to fool like a child, but I don't want to leave everyone like what Ray wants.

  I don't want Emma to be sad, I don't want to have my other siblings to die.

"Damn." I whispered and slowly sit.

  Ray doesn't really care about us, there's a limit to his plans but he also doesn't want us to go to a path where death is waiting for us, he won't let us ruin his plans. I'm so confused.

"Lorraine." Norman called me and it took me a while to give him all of my attention.

"I don't care anymore, Norman, I won't let Ray ruin our plans too. Everyone is going to escape, I promise you." I said and give him a hug, making me feel his warmth.

  This is home, Norman is my home.


I finished reading 5 thick books after 2 hours and I quickly went inside the classroom as mom stood highly in the middle, she hands me a cup of hot chocolate and I quietly drink it in front of her. I gulp down the whole thing and give it back to her before sitting on the chair in front of a table and setting up everything for myself.

"The test today is made by the boss so I'm not expecting you to give me a perfect score today." Mom said with a smile on her lips, I nodded my head and the instructions from the device runs in my ears.

  The test tonight is weird, it's harder and I could even tell that this is the hardest one that I took. I answer every question with a crucial look on my face and I know that mom is watching, my heart is thumping so loud because what if I made a mistake!?

  Will she quickly ship me out? Can I be a distraction so she can't ship the others out!?

"Done." I whispered, my voice hoarse and cracking.

  Mom smiled again to me and went out the room, she's gonna count my scores and if I failed, this is the end for me.

"A perfect score." A man with a white hair and blue deep eyes like mine and Norman entered the room, he walks towards me and pull a chair to sit in front of my table, crossing his legs with a sigh leaving his lips.

"What a great weapon to have, I'm sure that you'll remember me soon." He whispered, going near to my face and tucking some strands of hair that have fallen in front of my face.

"That's very unfortunate, Sir." I replied, he only smirked and lower his hand to my right cheek, caressing it like mom does.

"No, I'll be glad if you remember everything." He said with a smirk.

"I have nothing to remember, all I can remember is that ever since the day I'm born, I'm already inside this house." I replied pulling myself away from his touch.

"I'll just wait after the experiment." He muttered before standing up and leaving the room.

  Mom came back and told me to sleep already but while I was walking down the dark hallways of our house, a hand grab my arm and before I could scream, a hand was secured on my mouth. I struggled from the right hold, I could tell that this person is also a kid from this farm and it's a he! The person struggled to keep me in his arms before releasing me inside the storage room for the food ingredients.

"Ray." I whispered and let out an airy dry laugh.

"I'm sorry, did I hurt you anywhere?" He ask and I shook my head, I want to tell him that he did hurt me, I want to point towards my chest, on my heart.

"Why did you dragged me all the way in here?" I ask him and slowly stand up from the dusty floor, I'll remind myself to clean this room tomorrow.

"I'm sorry." He said in a low voice, his hair covering his face but I saw a tint of blush spread on his cheeks.

"For what reason?" I ask again and walk in front of him.

"Everything is true okay? I'm not lying, everything I showed in front of you, I'm not lying Lorraine." Ray said and hug me tight in his arms.

  His hug feels so warm, the heat from his body is transferring in mine, it feels so comfortable yet sad at the same time.

"I'm glad." I whispered and let some of my tears to roll down my cheeks.

"Are you really glad? Are you happy now?" Ray ask again, I slowly pull from his hug and clench my fist on his shirt.

"I am glad but I'm still confused! Please don't do things to me half heartedly, with half hearted emotions! I don't know what's lies and truth from your words! Tell me, what do you want from me!? What's going on inside that brain of yours!?" I yelled, losing all of my calm compusre and exploding in front of him.

  I'm just letting my anger out to him, I'm the worst person.

"Lorraine, what's going inside my brain? I'm bothered by you, you're always inside my head." He whispered which make me stop from my little emotional state.

"I'm nervous and always thinking of your reactions if I tell you the truth, I'm nervous because I don't want you to hate me, I'm scared too, Lorraine." He said in front of my face and I blushed, I blushed so hard.

"I'm sorry, I've become a bruden for you, I'm sorry Ray. Don't worry, I'm sure that we'll escape from here." I said to him with the blush from my cheeks.

"Yeah." Ray replied and kissed my forehead.

  That night, I forget about mom, demons and out plan. I only focused all of my attention to the boy in front of me, to Ray.


  Sorry for my wrong grammars and typos!

For the picture above, I do not own it, Credits to the writer of The Promised Neverland I just got it from the manga.


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