And If... {completed and edit...

By CissyItsMe

562K 21.1K 4.2K

Tinashe Kash and Richard Willkingston were once in love, but their relationship suddenly had to come to an en... More

And If...
And If... I hadn't told him ?
And If... You let me live ?
And If... We agree on it ?
And If... You could stop talking please?
And If... You tell me what is going on ?
And If... You just let me go ?
And If... You simply let me help you ?
And If... It was just a dream ?
And If... We stop there ?
And If... We forget about it ?
And If... You mind your own business ?
And If... You just stop there ?
And If... You stop lying ?
And If... You go somewhere else ?
And If... You give me the answers ?
And If... We die ?
And If... You get out of here ?
And If... You stay here with me ? | Pt. 1
And If... You stay here with me ? | Pt. 2
And If... I let you know ?
And If...You listen to me ?
And If... He had NEVER done this to us ?
And If... I come with you ?
And If... We help each other ?
And If... We just chill ?
And If... He stayed away ?
And If... You keep your head up ?
And If... We stop arguing ? | Pt. 1
And If... We stop arguing ? | Pt. 2
And If... I finally deal with you ? | Part. 1
And If... I finally deal with you ? | Part. 2
And If... I shock yall again ?
And If... You spend the rest of your life with me ?
And If... We stay together forever ?
And If... I thank yall ?

And If... You paid attention ?

9.7K 465 224
By CissyItsMe

•Chapter 26.



Not being able to protect my baby and do something for him to feel better was the worst pain I'd ever felt in my whole life. I couldn't do my work as a mother, and it was so frustrating. To feel so useless was slowly but surely killing me. My baby boy was now laying on a hospital bed and we were still waiting for the doctor to come tell us what was going on with RJ. I didn't know what happened and it was driving me crazy. How did my baby end up here ? One minute he was running everywhere, full of energy and the next he was laying unconsciously on the ground.

I cried so much that I couldn't provide more tears, even if my life depended on it. My eyes were swollen and red, and both of my cheeks were marked with dry tears. My stomach was empty due to the numerous trips I had to make to the bathroom to throw up everything that was in my intestins.

The wait was terrible, giving me time to think about the worst scenarios possible and I was about to lose my mind at any given moment from now on. I tried to convince myself that it was a nightmare and once I would wake up, everything would be just fine, but after awhile I realized that I had no other choice but to accept my new reality.

It hurt, it hurt so bad, to the point where I felt uncomfortable in my own skin. I felt like the worst mother on earth. I had one job, which was to protect my son and I failed miserably. I didn't deserve to have RJ as my son, he deserved so much more and I wasn't enough.

I wasn't enough.

"Richard, please. Richard, sit down. You're stressing all of us pacing back and forth like this." Auntie Suz said, looking up at him with worried eyes.

Richard was pissed the fuck off. You could feel it strongly in your own bones, he was about to break everything around him and set this whole place on fire. He was breathing loudly and in a fast pace, his eyes were dark as if a demon had suddenly taken possession of his body and his body was tensed.

I didn't know exactly how he felt, but I did know that whenever he was feeling too many emotions at once, the situation could go left real quick. His bad side was about to come out and it won't be pretty in here.

I was lowkey, but highkey scared for myself. Since we hopped in the car to take RJ to the hospital, he didn't talk to me. Not once. Hell, he barely looked my way. His attitude towards me was making me wonder if he was mad at me, and I couldn't really blame him for that though.

I fucked up.

Auntie Suzana was the only person I called to be our system support because we definitely needed it, and also because I was afraid of Richard's next reactions; I knew he was capable of doing just anything. I would call everybody else to be by our sides, but I knew they would all be asking a million and one questions that I didn't have the answers to; and that alone would make me feel ten times worse.

I thought about it again and over again, I couldn't see where things went so wrong. I truly didn't know what happened, and it was a huge problem. I didn't watch my child and now this was occurring.

It was hell on earth.

"Richard, sit down." Aunt Suz repeated herself as she pulled her ringing phone out, only to ignore whoever was calling her at that moment.

I let out a sigh, looking up and made eye contact with Richard. This alone sent chills down my spine and caused my heartbeat to speed up. His stare was so dark and cold.

"What were you doing ? You should have been more careful ! When he's with me, he comes back home to you in one piece and healthy ! Why weren't you watching him as you were supposed to ? It's all your fault ! " He raised his voice, pointing an accusing index finger at me.

"What ? " I managed to say despite my shocking state. I looked at aunt Suz, who seemed as surprised as me. I thought that I wasn't able to cry anymore, but my eyes proved me wrong as more water began cascading down my cheeks.

"No, no." Aunt Suz put a her arm in a comforting manner around my shoulders, bringing me closer to her. "He didn't mean that, baby. Calm dow, it's not your fault." She gave him a glance, which didn't really do something to him.

I didn't know why I was so taken back by his words because deep down in my heart, I knew it was the truth. The guilty feeling couldn't stop growing inside my heart, and my mind kept repeating the same words.

I should have been more careful with my baby.

"I'm so sorry, I'm the worst mother ever." I totally broke down, covering my face with my hands shamefully. I was so embarrassed. How could I let that happen to my son ?

When I uncovered my face, I finally noticed that Richard sat on the seat next to mine and was now wearing a sad expression. "No, I'm sorry, Tinashe. I shouldn't have said those things to you. I'm just...I'm just...I don't know," he sighed heavily, "I wasn't expecting this to happen today. I'm sorry, we should be together in this and not going against each other. It's not your fault." He gave me a side hug as I rested my head on his chest.

But even if he told me that, I was still feeling like shit.

"Family Willkingston ? " We heard, what immediately got our attention. We stood up and walked towards the doctor, who had a clipboard in his hands. He looked to be in his thirties or early forties, but he still looked attractive and those blue eyes were crazy, they were definitely standing out with his light caramel skin complexion.

"Please, tell me he's okay." I begged, growing more anxious than I already was. On one hand, I wanted him to tell us about RJ's state, but a part of me didn't want him to speak because anything could get out of his mouth, the worst as the best.

"I'm Dr. Gregoirs, nice to meet you." He shook hands with us.

"Nice to meet you too, they're his parents and I'm the aunt. So, how is he ? "

"She can stay to hear what you have to say." Richard let him know before he said anything.

He nodded, "okay." The next few minutes felt surreal as I listened to this man telling me that my son was poisoned but that they didn't know what substance he got in his system yet. They emptied his stomach and a specialist was working on finding out what sent my baby into a coma.

Yes, a coma.

My baby was in a coma and there was nothing I could do about this, except hoping and praying for him to wake up as soon as possible. Why, God ? Why was it happening right now ? RJ was innocent, he didn't deserve to go through this.

Dr. Gregoirs told us that the poison might have damaged his lungs and will cause difficulty in breathing, like asthma. They were going to wait a few days to see if other organs got touched. For what they could see it seemed like the poison didn't do too much, but to be sure they were going to keep close eyes on him. They didn't know exactly what he ate and all the effects the poison could have on RJ and what else could come from this.

"Can we see him now ? " Richard asked, eager to go.

"Not yet, I have some questions to ask you two. What was Richard doing ? Where was he at ? What did he eat ? Do you have any information that could help us ? Also, I'm sorry but for safety reason we had to call the police...just to make sure that RJ isn't in danger at home."

Soon, everybody's eyes were on me, making me feel even more guilty. It was becoming so uncomfortable, I wanted to rip my own skin off.

I didn't know exactly what to say because what I knew won't help, and I didn't need to feel more useless. I couldn't digest the fact that my six-year-old was in a freaking coma. He should be playing right now, not be laying in an hospital bed. He was too young for all of this.

"We understand, doc. There's not problem, we'll tell the police everything that we know." he started, then turned towards me, "T, you need to answer those questions. What happened ? What did y'all eat today ? Did you buy the food ? Where ? Answer ! " Richard shook me a bit, holding me by the shoulders. He searched into my eyes for the responses, begging me to talk.

I slowly shrugged, not knowing what to tell them. They day started on a very good note. I woke up next to the love of my life and we discussed about our relationship; then Fanny came over and we talked; then RJ came back and was running around the house, driving me crazy. Nothing out of the ordinary, except that guy who came to give me those gifts my father sent to apologize for his behavior.

Wait a minute...

I frowned as today's events ran through my mind. "The cupcakes," I mumbled more so to myself, but loud enough for them to hear me.

"What ? What cupcakes ? " From there, it felt as if I left my own body so somebody else could come in and take control.

Everything didn't seem like reality from that point.


The cupcakes ?

What was she talking about ?

I wanted to ask more questions, but I couldn't since Tinashe was already out the door, going only God knew where. Before I knew it, she shoved her hand in my pocket and got my car keys, then she was gone like a ghost.

According to her demeanor, I knew she was pissed off, but for what ? I told auntie Suz and Dr. Gregoirs to wait for us as I manage to go after Tinashe. But before I could stop her and bring her back, we both got in the car, and soon we were on our way to an unknown destination, well at least to me.

"T, what's going on ? What happened with the cupcakes ? RJ got poisoned with this ? " I questioned, but got no answer.

"What the hell, T ? Our son is in the hospital, where are you going ? And I'm so dumb for following you ! They called the police and they're waiting on us ! Where are we going ? " I raised my voice as if it was going to change something. I observed more her body language and I came with the conclusion that she was in the mood to kill someone, which was scary.

Her eyes were filled with rage and...hurt.

After almost thirty minutes, we were arriving in front of her dad's business building. She got out and I did the same. She throw the keys at me and I caught them, then locked the doors and went after her.

We entered in the building, and wasted no time to go to the reception desk. "Is that bastard here ? " Tinashe asked the middle aged woman, who was taken back as she displayed a shocking face, before placing a polite smile back on her face.

"Oh, Tinashe ! How ar--"

"Is my dad here, yes or no ? " The receptionist nodded her head slowly, wondering what was going on. "Thank you, tell him I'm coming."

With that said, we rushed to the elevator, which was empty when we got in. She pressed the button to the last floor, where was his office, as the doors closed. As we were going up, I started asking myself why we were here when our son was in a fucking coma and needed us the most. We should be by his sides right now, not visiting her father.

Why were we here ?

After a few minutes of reflection, I finally got it. Knowing this man, it can only be that and it was blowing my mind to know that he was capable of doing this. I didn't know him that cruel now, like I ignored he could go this low, but he did it.

This fucking son of a bitch poisoned my child !

We heard the bell, before the elevator doors opened, letting us out. By now, I was as pissed off as Tinashe and as the minutes were going by, I was seeing more and more red.

"YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE ! YOU POISONED MY SON ! " She yelled, surprising me because I'd never seen her this upset.

He stood up slowly from his seat, removing his glasses and acting as if he wasn't really bothered by us. "You should be insane if you think you can use this tone of voice and these words with me. What are you even talking about ? " He then had the audacity to ask as he put his glasses in their box. Once he realized I was also there, his face immediately screw up as he looked at me with disgust, "ew ! Why did you bring that thing here ? "

I shook my head, not giving a fuck about his little comment since we had more important things to take care of. This bastard could have killed our son.

"Don't do that. Do NOT dare to play the innocent individual, it doesn't suit you anyways. You sent those cupcakes to poison me, but your stupid ass forgot I hate bananas. And as an idiot, I gave one to RJ because he likes it and now my baby is laying on a hospital bed, in a fucking coma ! Why ? Just why ? " By now, tears were cascading down her face as she talked with so much anger in her voice. The pain was loud and evident, she felt so betrayed and it was hurting me to see her this way. Nobody deserves that to be honest.

Wait a damn minute...

"Hold up ! " I raised my hand, "you were supposed to be poisoned ? " I asked more so to myself, not believing it. This man had literally no limit, and he was doing all of this just because he couldn't control his daughter ? That was insane, how could it be reality ? I was starting to get sick just by looking at him, "yo ! What's wrong with you ? You're fucking crazy, you need to be locked somewhere or just die. What the fuck ? "

"Aw ! Poor TJ, whatever his name is." He fanned the air, "I am so sorry, next time I'll be more careful and send the right things. Hopefully, you won't give it to the kid once again. But you won't have flowers this time though." He said, smiling as if it was normal for him to say that to his own child. He really wanted to kill her...

Before we could react, the door was suddenly slammed-opened as Mrs. Kash entered in, with an envelope in her right hand. She was dressed as if she was going to attend a gala with her sparkling orange jumpsuit and her clear sandals heels. Her wavy hair looked like it just got done, as well as her makeup that was bringing out her features beautifully. Her golden accessories were making her glow even more than she already was.

When she noticed us, what was a few seconds after her grand entrance, she frowned as she continued to make her way towards us. "What are you two doing here ? "

"Your fucking husband poisoned my kid ! Are you aware of the kind of monster you got married to ? He sent some cupcakes to kill me ! " She raised her voice at her mother, beginning to shake from the pain and anger.

This bastard was picking at his nails, unbothered.

Mrs. Kash's eyes and mouth opened widely in shock as she realized what was going on, "ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY ? "

"Lower your voice, don't get bold now." He warmed her with an authoritarian tone of voice.

"You better hope that my grand-baby is okay. Here ! " She threw the envelope at him, which he caught showing a confused face. "I'm divorcing your ass."

"You're what ? " He frowned, putting the papers down, then walked around his desk and went towards her, with narrowed eyes. They had a stare off, arguing in silence and without warning this motherfucker slapped his soon to be ex-wife across the face, making her fall on the floor.

What the hell ?

"You bitch ! After all I did for your sorry ass and that's how you want to do me ? Me ! Fuck you ! " He grabbed the back of her head, gripping her hair tightly, making her look at him. "I fucking made you bitch ! " He head butted her before spitting in her face, then let her go.

What in the fucking hell ?

Before I could even move, Tinashe had jumped on her father, throwing hands everywhere.

"Don't touch my mother ! " Being stronger than her, Mr. Kash got her off him, and threw her on the floor, as she landed next to her mother.

As he was about to punch her, my body finally decided to do something as I grabbed him by the neck and threw him on the floor as well, before I began sending punches right in his face.

The more my fists were coming in contact with his face, the more I was thinking about everything he'd done those past years and how he ruined my life. The anger grew into some rage I soon couldn't control. I wanted him dead and I was willing to make it happen today.

It was like I wasn't myself anymore.

"Richard ! Stop ! Let him go ! " I heard Mrs. Kash yell, but I continued, until she appeared in front of me, making a barrier between her husband and I. I didn't want to hurt her, so I stopped abruptly, coming back to reality. I looked around me, remembering what was going on as I caught on my breath.

"Think about RJ. You can't be here for him if you're in jail." She started, slowly pushing me away. "Karma will take care of him, I promise. He will suffer for everything he'd done. It will come back to him, trust me. Don't get on his level, you're better than this. You have so much to accomplish, please calm down."

I sat, as her words registered in my brain. I was still upset, and the only reason I didn't start beating his ass again was only because she was blocking me and I didn't want to hurt her. Tinashe came behind me and wrapped her arms around my neck, while she kissed my left temple a few times and stroked my right cheek with her thumb.

I didn't know why, but I silently started crying. That's how much I was angry at the moment. I wanted him to pay for everything he did. He tried to kill the love of my life and had my son in the hospital, fighting for his life in a coma.

"I hate all of you." He managed to say, although he had difficulties to breathe properly right now. He coughed, then spited out some blood before wiping off his mouth with the back of his left hand. "And Karma will take care of you too, Lynda. You're not an angel. Tell her the truth and stop making me look like the bad man all the time. You did some dirt on your part too." He breathed out, making his chest and big stomach go up and down.

I looked back at Tinashe, who seemed as confused as me, while she wiped off my tears. What was he talking about ?

"What do you mean ? " She asked as we slowly stood on our feet, helping each other.

"Ask you mother." He smirked, showing his now bloody teeth.

"Mom ? "

We looked at Mrs. Kash, who got up as well as a dead silence took place in the room, making it ten times more awkward. I was waiting for her to deny what this fool was saying, but she never did.

Since she wasn't talking, the devil himself did. "I'm not your fucking father ! " He blurted out, making my heart jump in my chest as if he was telling me this.

I immediately checked on Tinashe, mainly to see if she hadn't passed out or something. Thankfully, she was still on her feet, but the expression on her face was hard to look at. This information totally broke her.

"Stop lying." I told him, preparing myself to beat his ass again.

"I'm telling the truth."

"Really ? " Tinashe asked, turning to her mother, who slowly nodded her head in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, honey."


Is she fucking kidding me ? I kept asking myself for the following minute, as I was trying to process what I just found out.

I couldn't believe it.

Why now ? As if the day wasn't already going downhill, they had to add this to the equation. Why ? How ? How could she lie to me for so long ? Why didn't she tell me years ago ?

Now, I was getting it.

All of this was making sense now. I was always confused as to why my father was treating me the way he did, and now I had my answer: I wasn't his daughter. How could he treat me like that ? He could because I wasn't his child, so he didn't care about my well-being while he was making my life a living hell.

Why did he raise me though ?

"What about Tam ? "

"She's really mine." He answered, although I wasn't talking to him. I could barely look at him.

"Who is my father then ? Do you know ? " I questioned her, but she didn't answer since she was too busy crying. I rolled my eyes, growing annoyed with her. I felt like she was trying to play the victim or something while she should answer my question, and it was getting me mad.

"Peter Dohnson. They messed around in the beginning of our marriage." He answered once again. How could he say so much after getting his ass whooped ? Richard didn't hit hard enough.

"He didn't want to let me go, baby. I couldn't leave him, or he was going to kill you." My mother said, hugging herself. I began thinking, taking the news in, and the first thing that came to my mind after this piece of information was the fact that Patrick was my brother.

"Oh my God ! You're a fucking psycho, man ! You knew this since the beginning and you still tried to get them together ! You're so sick, you need to be buried alive at this point ! " Richard exclaimed in disgust.

My...ex-father spat out more blood, "they tried to play me, so I had to let them know that I was nobody to mess with and I regret absolutely nothing. It was the best revenge and if you didn't come in the fucking picture, it would've worked ! "

Revenge ?

So all of this was for a fucking revenge ? It had nothing to do with Richard and I being together really. He only wanted to take his revenge on my mother and his friend, and to do so he used me, the daughter of the two people that betrayed him.

Have he ever loved me ?

"I'm tired of this. You know what, you two are dead to me. I don't want you around me or my family. Y'all need some help. All this bullshit is happening because you couldn't be some adults and solve your problems in a mature way ! "

"But Tin--"

"NO ! I don't care, I don't want to hear you right now. Forget me, forget my son, stay out of my life ! "

With that said, I ran out the building, with Richard following close behind as we went back to my house, so I could grab the box of cupcakes and bring it to the hospital, so we could find out what my baby had in his system.

However the day began so well..

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Thanks for reading this little snippet

                                     CissyItsMe 💋

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