Supernatural Investigation De...

By bluejaybabe1

168 4 0

This is a oneshot on S.I.D the webtoon. More



132 3 0
By bluejaybabe1

" Hello, this is Supernatural Investigation Department, how may I help you?" I spoke through the phone using my most professional business voices. If I do say so myself. The team and I decided to not just focus on our main targets but to also help others with stubborn or scared ghosts that won't cross over. Being it was my idea Simoon let me run the phones, and people actual called and asked for help. I've been so happy after the successfulness that I decided to stay running the phones.


" Sir, if you calm down, maybe we can discuss our differences of opinions in a more civil manner." I spoke holding back the shaky-ness in my voice, I fight ghosts and villians. I'm not gonna look weak infront of a regular civilian.

" YOU ROB PEOPLE OF THIER MONEY BUT WANT TO BE CIVIL. YOUR LITTLE DEPARTMENT IS A DISGRACE TO THIS COUNTRY AND ALL SCAM ARTISTS LIKE YOU SHOULD GET HIT BY A BUS!" The man must of hung up afterwards because the phone was silent. I set the phone back and leaned into my desk chair.

That guy has some nerves to speak to me like that and about our team, and he just thinks he can do that all willy nilly. Hmph, I have half the sense to go through the phone and strangle him. No, ( Y/N), he might just be having a bad day and he needed to yell. Also, our team is the real deal and we all have bills to pay so yes we charge but we are pretty cheap compared to some of the Shamons, who read people's fortune. No offense Baram's dad.

I closed my eyes and took deep calming breaths. I slowly opened my ey-" Are you doing yogurt?"

"Aaaaaaaaaaaah." In a quick flash I slap the figure in front of me and stood slash stumpled up out of my chair. My breathing was erratic as I looked around my cozy little closet of an office. I spotted a familiar bright red spiky hair infront of my desk.

" Tenka?" I called out, not moving from my position just in case.

" Yes, Why did you hit me? Isn't yogurt supposed to make you calm?" He craddled his cheek as he whined. Yogurt, why is he talking about yogurt and why did he just scare me.

" Tenka, why did you just scare me like that?" I rest my hand on my chest as I felt my heart still beating a bit more faster then usual.

" I was just checking up on you and I saw you doing yogurt? This is what I get in return." He whined. I chuckle as I realize he means yoga. I mean I wasn't doing it but yogurt- I began to laugh even harder that I had to grab my stomach. He looked at me confused as to why I was laughing so hard. He let my laugh myself out and I then apologised for hitting him.

" Tenka, I think you mean Yoga and not Yogurt." I smiled and patted him on the shoulder so he doesn't feel bad. The guys quite often teases him on his errors enough.

" There's that smile." I freeze up and look at tenka in shock," We better hurry up Simon actually told me to come get you. Also, don't listen to the jerks on the phone and come get me if they act like that again." He walks out and leave me stunned and touched. After I got myself together I soon followed behind Tenka.

Simon, Baram, and Sophia were waiting for us at the front of the police station. While we were walking Tenka had informed me on what was going on. There was a ghost siting in an alleyway near a motel. People claim the whole motel is haunted, and there has been multiple ghost sitings inside and outside of the motel. We decided to check out the place.

We hopped in the van with Simon as the driver and Sophie in the passenger seat. Tenka obviously complained on being in the back and for being in the middle seat. During the drive he constantly fought with Baram.

It was a long drive to the motel. We've been on the road for 2 hrs and we still have 2 more hours to get there.

" Simon, I'm hungry, can we pull over and get something to eat." I asked. I feel like a kid asking their parents for candy.

" Okay, theres a couple resturants a couple hours ahead, just wait a bit." Simon said apologetically.

I sighed a fine before relaxing in my seat looking out the window at the nature. I watched as the trees waved and the grass changed from wild to tamed. Time seemed to slow as I looked out the window.

Tenka's Pov

I watched as (Y/N) fell asleep in the car next to me. I hated being in the middle, but I didn't mind being next to her.

" Uggh, your so obvious that you like her, it's sad and pathetic." Baram tched and looked out the window.

" I'm not pathetic, little pea brain, right Simon?" I look towards my confidant, my friend for support. Simon looked back at me in the rearview mirror then slowly turned the radio up as if he couldn't hear me.

" See even Simon agrees, and Sophie most likely agrees as well." Baram smugly said making me want to bonk him on the head which I did.

" Hey!" He rubbed his head as we glared at each other.

" Rotton kid."

" Foreign Gangster."

" Actually Baram, I don't find think he is pathetic because he doesn't tell (Y/N) how he feels. Emotions are tricky subjects." Sophie turned down the radio and looked back with her demon like smile. I was surprised by her taking my side," However, for everything else besides this then your pathetic." Everyone laughed at her jab. While I glared at the back of her head.

I tched at them, not caring what they say. I felt a sudden weight on my left shoulder. I looked down to see (Y/N)'s head on my shoulder. I felt a tug on my lips as a small smile formed on my face. I can't believe someone would yell insults at someone so ....... Amazing.

"Why don't you just ask her out? You should just go for it." Baram said speaking towards the window in a bored fasion. " I mean she'll probably reject you anyway, but atleast you know." He snickered.

I raised my hand ready to hit him in the again when a loud sound surprised us all. I slowly looked to my left to see (Y/N) snoring with ferocity.

Baram held his hand over his mouth to keep him from laughing uncontrollably," You still find her attractive now?" After he said that he burst into fits of giggles. Simon and Sophie looked disheveled as I was, but I soon didn't care that she was snoring. After a whole 10 minutes of snoring she suddenly stopped.

" Finally." Baram sighed and Sophie agreed with a soft sigh as well.

Then a cute little sexy moan slipped out of (Y/N)'s mouth. That made me freeze up and heat up at the same time. Another moan and blood was soon trickling down my nose. This is torture, go back to snoring, I quickly tried to think of sad puppies in shelters- Moan- Okay, sad puppies who are homeless and living on the streets.

" Why is your nose bleeding?" Baram asked. Simon looked in the rearview at me while Sophie turned her head to me.

" It's nothing, sometimes it just happens." I reply back calm and smoothly. Moan- I instantly freeze up. Sophie and Simon looked at me with disgust, fully knowing why my nose was bleeding.

" Simon, that's alot of blood leaking from his nose." Baram said almost sounding concerned for me. That kid has a soft side for me. Simon then pulled over the car on the road.

" Baram, do you need to use the restroom while I fix Tenka's nose?" He asked still giving me the shame on you look.

Baram raced out the car and into the woods to handle his business. Simon and I hopped out after I leaned (Y/N)'s head on the window and headed to the back of the car.

" What was that?!" Simon yelled.

" It was torture for me, okay, I didn't mean too. Also tried to think of sad things to stop it." I explained. Simon just shook his head before opening the trunk to get the first aid kit. He grabbed a cotton ball and gave it to me.

" Atleast Baram was to innocent to understand the situation." Simon shook his head disappointingly as I stuffed the cotton ball up my nose but left some out so I could pull it back out.

" Are you good?" Simon asked. I nod my head feeling better. When we hopped back in the car, (Y/N) was in the passenger seat asleep and Sophie was in her seat.

" I think she needed a more comfortable place to sleep." I hated the thought of sitting next to Miss. Lady but I guess it was for the best. Baram soon came out of the trees and got back in the car and we were back on the road headed for the haunted motel.

We decided to split up, one team outside while the others checked inside for the stupid spirit. It was Simon, Me, and Sophie checking inside while (Y/N) and Baram checked outside.

When we pulled up to the motel it was your regular shaggy run down motel. The motel sign, Nobleman's Motel, was fading away looking like No Man Motel. Maybe the ghost is a women who hates men.

" Alright, it's three floors, I'll take the third floor, Tenka take the second, and Sophia, you have the first floor." Simon said not even asking if it's a good idea to split up in the first place.

" How about we just explore all floors together?" I asked.

" It's okay Tenka, your a strong individual and you can jump out the window if you need to escape a big bad ghost." She said before walking down the hall of the first floor.

Your POV

I stayed close to Baram as we walked around the building. I would really hate if the ghost jump scares us because I kinda have to pee and I might pee myself if that happens.

" So how is school Baram?" I ask trying to ease my tension.

" Is this the right time for this?" He sassed.

" Anytime is a good time to talk, hun." I ruffle his hair a bit and walk an inch infront of him but still side by side.

" It's okay, I guess." He shrugged.

" Your not falling behind are you?" I asked worriedly.

" No, I'm basically helping Youngwoo with his homework after missing most of my classes." He bragged nonchalantly.

" Good, if you ever do need help with homework, just call me." I smiled down at this cute little blue haired kid.

We were turning the corner on the right side of the building when I spotted a man strangely walking into a cellar pinned tightly to the wall of the hotel. I stopped Baram from walking forward and pushed him behind me. Once the man was gone from my sights, I slowly walk toward the opened cellar doors with Baram a few feet behind me. I leaned close so I could listen to the man's foot steps. Something was defiantly off about that guy, but I can't put my finger on it.

After a while everything is quite, so I decided to go in. I silently tipped toed down the cellar's wooden stairs. I looked around and no one was inside.

" You can come down Bara-" In a flash I was thrown against a wall. I hit my head hard but I was okay. Baram came down in a rush and stood infront of a ghoulish man with old styled clothing.

I'm usaully used in interrogating situations or as a defensive mechanism for I can trap a soul in a certain area for an amount of time and a few other spells, but this ghost was powerful and stayed around for a long time. However I had to save Baram.

I pulled out my wind charm as fast as I could and with my other hand casted an entrapment around the ghost.

" (Y/N), let me help you up." I knew he would be too stubborn to leave, so I threw the wind charm and blew him out of the Cellar and closing me and the ghoul in. Baram banged on the cellar door calling my name and fiddling with the locked cellar.

" You can't hold this entrapment for ever." The ghoul spoke sending chills down my spine and ice in my viens. He chuckled as he sensed my fear, and began to throw his powers at the invisible walls holding him in. He was scaring me and that was for a fact, but I just gonna do what I do best interrogate him.

" May I ask you something?" I asked the ghoul who stopped his attacks and listened.

" Sure, ask away." He said as if this was a fun game.

" Why are you doing this?" I asked.

" I've tried to warn these people to not disgrace, my people's burial grounds, and they choose not to listen, so I'm gonna rise my people from their slumber to cast there rightful revenge on these worthless human beings." He said gradually becoming more furious.

" How did you warn them?" I asked.

" I left plenty of messages, I wrote a letter describing how we shall peacefully live amongst each other with me in shadows and them in the light and they threw it away. Then I drew tribal peace symbols that symbolized my peoples spirits being guided to a better place on the side of the building, and they erase it. I wrote another letter explianing my anguish, but no one listened so I decided to scare them away but they keep coming back." He explained upsetly. " I am the leader of the Gonqu tribe and I will not allow dishonor towards my people."

" Have you thought about how your tribe my feel about you destroying thier peaceful slumber." I retorted. The ghost was quiet for while, and I used this moment to counter his thoughts. " Also, not every ghost can possess a body. So not only are they unhappy but can't act on the revenge, and have you thought of the people side. They are being left mysterious letters with no clue of who it's from, and you plan of scaring the people away didn't work because this is a motel."

" A motel?" The ghost asked.

" A motel is a place people come to sleep," and more but let's not bring that up. " So it's people from all over who come here to sleep, and you destroyed their symbol first by putting your symbol on the wall of the Motel."

" I did?" The ghost asked confused.

" Yes, this building symbolize a clean place to sleep, so if you draw on the building it's no longer clean." I say, " So this is all a big misunderstanding."

" Help! Let me out!" I hear banging coming from the door across from the ghoul.

" Who is that?" I frowned confused.

" I had possed the leader of this building." I nodded knowing he meant the owner. " So, are we okay?" I can let you go and you won't attack me." The ghost nodded and I released the entrapment. The ghost actually helped me up after.

" I guess I have been on the wrong side, I need to face my punishment. However I do wanna thank you for showing me my ways." He bowed and I bowed back not really knowing what I was doing.

The doors were soon blasted open, scaring the life out of me. " Jeez, Tenka, you almost hit us. " I smacked tenka in the head,"Are you alright mister?" I asked the ghost.

" Why are you asking if the ghost is okay." Whined tenka as I gave him the behave look. Baram ran infront of me trying to protect me from the ghost.

" Hold on their little fire cracker." I held Baram back. " This ghost will not harm anybody."

" Help! I hear voice, please help!" The person locked in the next room yelled.

" Okay, Anymore." I akwardly gigled before walking and let the guy out.


" The guy on the phone." I whispered.

" what?"everyone questioned. I instantly slapped him in the face.

" It is unacceptable for you to speak to people so rudely. Me and my scam artist of a team just saved your ass." The guy began to fume and ready to lash back so I smacked him again. " I just spoke about your attitude and how I don't like it." The guy was ready to talk trash some more until I pulled back my hand.

" I'm sorry, thank you for saving me." He mummbled looking down.

" Your welcome sir, now let's get to business." I faced everbody else turning my back on the owner.

" She was more scarier than me." The ghost chuckled and the owner hid behind me frightened of the ghost. Talk all high and might but look at him now, I am enjoying this.

After Hicape ( Hic- ca-pea), the ghost apologised, he was ready to leave but not before he was granted one wish to have the symbol drawn for him and his tribe. The owner allowed it too chicken to say no. Hicape gave me the honor of drawing it on the cellar wall.
I gave Hicape a hug before he transcended into the air and vanished.

We left after that leaving the owner dazed in the basement.

"So you just talked the ghost down."Baram asked in confusion. I nodded replying with a p popping yep.

"That's amazing." Baram praised, " but you could've gotten yourself hurt trying to protect me."

I ruffled his hair, " I know I did something dangerous, but I did it for a good reason. Also it worked out fine, so there is no need to worry."

" No need, no need to worry. Baram came running to Sophie how a ghost and you were trapped in a cellar then she called us and then we had to regroup and lucky the cellar was close by because what if things didn't go as they went." Tenka sounded angry at me and this was a first. I mean he whines and becomes upset but never angry. " Don't do dangerous stupid things." He was walking away but I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around.

" You have no right to tell me what to do. I choose to save Baram's life and I would do it again in a heart beat, so understand this I did my job. Damn good if I say so. Now get your ass in the car because Baram has school and needs a decent hour of sleep!" I yelled at him.

" Oooh, so your okay with just dying and throwing your life away. Maybe next time there won't be a ghost who listens to reason!" Tenka argued back.

" Hey, guys calm down." Simon spoke holding Tenka back. Sophie doing the same for me.

" And to think while I was down there scared and alone," a unwanted tear slid down my face, " I couldn't stop thinking about your idiotic face."

Tenka looked confused, " What?" I wasn't gonna reveal this much today but since he's being a prick.

" I like you, Tenka, but now I realize how foolish I was." I sit in the passenger seat silently. I slid my headphones out of my purse and began to blast it as everyone else jumped in. I could feel his eyes on me but I refused to look behind me or in the rearview mirror beacuase one I wad pissed off and two I was mortified that I confessed my feelings to him. I tuned it to my music to distract my thoughts and looked out the window.

Simon dropped us off, dropping off Baram first. I gave him a hug then ruffled his hair before saying good night.

" (Y/N), for what it's worth, I think Tenka was just really worried about you." Baram spoke. Maybe I am being childish.

" Maybe your right, go on inside now. It's getting dark." I replied. He nodded before heading inside.

After we dropped off Sophie, and then it was me. " Goodnight guys." I tiredly said before getting out and heading towards my apartment.

"(Y/N) wait," I heard tenka call out for me. He walked up to me and for the first time from coming back I looked at him in the eyes. " You forgot your purse." I could help but feel a bit disappointed, you know what I'm not gonna wait for him to make the first move.

I grabbed his collar and brought him down to my height. He looked surprised as I gave in to my urges and kissed his lips. He needed some chapatick as his lips felt dry, but I couldn't careless. I pulled away before he could react," Thank you for giving me my purse, and I forgive you for yelling at me." Tenka smiled still speechless which is very surprising since it's Tenka. " There's that smile." I joked refuring to this morning.

" Goodnight (Y/N)" He spoke giving me a look that made my heart beat fast like I was running a marathon. I nodded and waved before entering my building with a huge smile on my face.

That was so cute, and so hard because I kept wanting to add my name instead of Y/N. I freaking love Tenka so much 💘, but I hope you guys enjoyed this story as well.

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