I Feel

By A_Writer_In_Develop

3 0 0

I feel unworthy. Like I'm simply a body floating around supposedly having my life together but in reality hav... More

I Feel

3 0 0
By A_Writer_In_Develop

I feel unworthy. Like I'm simply a body floating around supposedly having my life together but in reality having no clue what I'm doing. 

 I feel unloved. Like I can disappear at any moment and nobody would care. In fact, they'll be glad they won't have to deal with me anymore.

 I feel like I'm not enough. A disappointment to my everyone's eyes. Nothing that I do or say will be be good enough.

I feel cheap. Always being compared to the could haves and questions asking why I'm not like that. 

I feel disappointed. In myself, in how I deal with things, not being a grown up to do the right thing. 

I feel scared. That all these things are true and I'm nothing but unworthy, unloved, and not enough. 

I feel lonely. I have no one that understands but people who simply judge.

I feel confused

I feel exasperated

I feel mad

I feel nothing

I feel...

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