Volleyball is gay [Hakyuu One...

By Phantomxlegend

315K 4.7K 10.7K

A little book of oneshots with ships including Kagehina, daisuga, asanoya, kuroken, iwaoi, tsukkiyama, BokuAk... More

*Stupid crap*
Multiple ships
A.U. Ideas


7.8K 162 210
By Phantomxlegend

(A.N. so I almost forgot to give a gist of this chapter but anyways Suga found himself falling in love with Daichi but he's too scared to confess)

Daichi [POV]

I grabbed a ball from the basket tossing it into the air and hitting it over the net.  I wasn't even paying attention that Suga was walking past the other side of the net

"Suga watch out!" I exclaimed, Suga thankfully reacted quickly ducking down the ball sailing by where his head used to be

"Whoa" He exclaimed standing back up

"Sorry Suga I didn't see you there" I scratched at the back of my neck nervously,

"I-It's okay" He smiled faintly his cheeks dusting pink he quickly walked away our brief conversation fading away.

"Good job Daichi you almost took out one of our setters" Noya patted me on the back laughing, I laughed awkwardly.  Asahi came into the gym with a frown looking back at the door

"I just saw Suga run by did something happen?  is everything okay?" He asked

"Daichi almost hit him in the face with a volleyball" Noya announced

"Oh" Asahi looked back at the open door furrowing his eyebrows with concern 

Suga [POV]

I pressed my back against the wall just outside of the school a little bit away from the gym.  I slid down so I was squatting down my heart pounding in my chest.  This wasn't just the surprise of almost getting hit with a volleyball though it was something else.  Something that I didn't understand.  I took deep breaths trying to calm my nerves before I finally stood up walking back to the gym.

"Suga are you okay?  You just ran away without saying anything" Asahi asked coming up to me

"Y-Yeah I'm fine" I smiled weakly scratching at the back of my neck "Just a bit shaken up"

"That's understandable" He smiled back I continued with practice trying to avoid Daichi.  Not because I was scared, well I was but I don't know why.  My heart pounded whenever I was near him so I stayed away.  I stayed on the other side of the court, whenever he got on the court to practice I got off, whenever he would approach me I walked away.  At one point I wasn't able to get away and he pinned me against the wall holding my shoulders so I couldn't walk away.  I felt my face burning up

"Suga what's going on I'm starting to think that you're trying to avoid me" He asked furrowing his eyebrows with concern, I averted my eyes looking down at the floor "If it's about earlier I'm sorry I really am"

"I-I-It's n-nothing" I stammered my heart pounding in my ears so loudly that I could barely hear my own voice.

"Are you sure because you seem like you're avoiding me" he asked

"R-Really Daichi i-it's nothing" I tried to walk away again but he held me at arms length his hands on my shoulders, I couldn't move 

"Your face is red are you sure you're not running a fever because you could be sick" He let go of my one shoulder pressing the back of his hand to my forehead  

"Daichi I-I-I'm fine" I was able to pull away this time ducking down under his arms hurrying away

"Suga" He mumbled but didn't come after me though after practice I was stopped by Noya and Tanaka 

"Okay Suga the jig is up why're you avoiding Daichi?" Tanaka asked

"Guys it's nothing really" I held my hands out in front of me defensively "I'm not avoiding him"

"You totally are everyone here can tell, did you two get into a fight or something?" Noya pointed out

"No we didn't get in a fight" I looked down at my feet 

"So what happened?" they both asked

"I don't...., I don't know it's just whenever I'm around him my heart beats really fast and just I can feel my face burning and I just-" I trailed off unsure of how to continue

"hmm" Noya started scratching his chin

"it sounds like you've got a crush" Tanaka added

"W-W-What No" I exclaimed my face turning a dark red

"Why don't you just tell him I'm sure that he would understand though I don't think he likes boys" Noya insisted

"What's going on over here?" Asahi asked coming over


"Suga's got a crush on Daichi" Noya blurted out I felt my face turn three shades darker if that was even possible at this point

"That explains a lot" Asahi nodded

"I don't" I exclaimed

"It's so obvious Suga" Tanaka insisted I looked down at my feet 

"What am I supposed to do then?" I asked weakly

"Well-" Tanaka started but Asahi cut him off 

"Don't listen to Tanaka he doesn't know anything" Asahi insisted

"And you do?" Noya raised an eyebrow

"No...., but Tanaka is the worst person to go to on this subject" Asahi mumbled I chewed on my lower lip

"Though I think you should just outright say something to him though because-" Asahi was cut off

"because he's really dense" Noya interrupted

"Exactly" Asahi nodded

"You think I should just confess?" I asked nervously

"So you admit to having a crush?" Tanaka asked

"I think that would work out best then bottling it up" Asahi nodded

"Okay" I chewed on my bottom lip my heart hammering in my chest

"But you don't have to if you're not ready" he insisted

"yeah....., thanks" I turned around walking away down the street to my house.  My mind was buzzing with many different thoughts and different scenarios that could possibly go wrong and possibly go right.  By the time I got home I has worked myself up all for nothing.  I shook my head going to my room, I sat down on my bed my head in my hands my heart pounding in my chest.  I pulled my phone out of my pocket dialing Daichi's number and putting the phone to my ear.  It rung once, twice, three times.  I was starting to debate whether I should just give up when he finally answered.  My heartbeat sped up

"Suga?  What's up?" He asked cheerfully

"U-Uhm Daichi" I started 

"Is something wrong?" He asked

"Can you meet me at the park?" I asked nervously

"Um yeah though is everything alright?" 

"Yeah I just want to....., talk to you...., in person" I explained my hands shaking

"What time do you want to meet?"

"Now if you can" I crossed my legs in front of myself on my bed

"Uh..., yeah sure I can come now" He finally agreed

"Thank you" Before he had a chance to say anything else I hung up the phone quickly putting my shoes on before I left the house I walked slowly to the park not wanting to show up there before Daichi but he wasn't there when I arrived.  I sat down on a bench fidgeting with my hands.

Daichi [POV]

When I got to the park I was slightly worried about Suga he seemed to be in quite the rush and he's been avoiding me all day.  The sun had already set and the streetlights cast a small amount of light on the sidewalk.  I didn't like being out at night for many reasons but Suga asked me to come out so I would.  When I got there Suga was sitting on one of the benches looking down at the ground

"Hey Suga" I called which made him jump

"O-Oh..., hi Daichi" He mumbled

"You wanted to talk to me about something?" I asked sitting down next to him

"W-Well I actually....., I wanted to...., confess" He started slowly folding his hands nervously in his lap

"What'd you want to confess?" I raised one eyebrow

"I.....," He stopped looking down at the ground

"You can tell me anything" I insisted

"I...., L-Like you...., Daichi" He started slowly his voice shaking "L-Like as......, more than a f-friend" I didn't know how to respond to that

"Suga.....," I started but trailed off unsure of how to continue 

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything" He started to stand up but I grabbed his hand keeping him from running away again.  I stood up slowly

"Suga it's....., fine" I mumbled feeling my face turn a dark red though thank god it was dark out

"Daichi...., let go of me" he begged

"Don't run away again you can't leave before I have a chance to respond" I insisted

"What's......, what's your response?" He asked his shoulders trembling

"I....," For the longest time I didn't know how to respond but now I finally did "I..., like you too" he froze, his trembling stopped and it didn't even seem like he was breathing.  

"Suga?" I asked concerned

"You....., like me?" he asked slowly

"No" I smiled, he turned around tears in the corner of his eyes "I love you Suga" a tear rolled down his cheek as he stared at me in awe

"I love you...., too" he mumbled still surprised

"You sound so unsure of yourself" I cupped his face in my hands "be confident"

"I love you" He repeated but then repeated it a little louder "I love you" I laughed as he smiled wiping his tears 

"I thought you would have hated me after I told you" he laughed

"Why would I ever hate you?" I raised one eyebrow

"I don't know people hate gays and just.....," he trailed off "I don't know"

"I would never hate you Suga" I reassured him

"I know and thank you" He smiled

"You know I've always wanted to do this" I pressed my lips to his Suga giggled deepening the kiss.  When I pulled away even in the dark I could see his cheeks dusted pink

"You've never kissed anyone before?" he asked jokingly

"I've kissed girls though I've never kissed a boy" I scratched at the back of my neck laughing nervously

"how'd you like it?" he smiled

"It was perfect" I kissed him again

(A.N. so this is quite a short chapter compared to the others which were like 3000 to 5000 words but whatever I've really got no idea's and sorry for so much Daisuga but that's really the only Ideas I get are for Daisuga but if you've got Ideas comment I'd appreciate that because I've got no clue what to write though I've got two Idea's right now I just don't know how to actually write them)

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