Right is Wrong

By ToasterPiratess

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Right is Wrong
Volleyball Attack
The Torture of Chemistry
Don't Look Back
This Time I Will Kill You
K-K-Kissed Me
Don't Get Chummy With Me
Give Me Answers
Surprise, Surprise!
Take Me Away
London Calling
The Barbican
For The Record
Coming to Terms
Double Trouble


40 0 0
By ToasterPiratess

Adrian shifted the gear to park and quickly ran to my side to hold open the door. I stepped out, careful not to jostle the new bandages on my back.

“Tanya!” Estelle called, waving dramatically from her perch on the school’s sign. Leah was standing on the wall next to her, teetering on the edge. Adrian gave me a little push, at the same time Jude showed up. In a spur of the moment, I gave him a quick kiss just at the corner of his mouth, a small temptation. I ran over to Estelle and Leah, turning fractionally to see Adrian’s shock. I smiled to myself.

“Where have you been Tanya? Adrian told us you were sick but he wouldn’t let us into the house,” Estelle whined.

“Good thing too,” I said. “It was pretty contagious. Adrian had me locked in my room and would leave food outside the door for me otherwise he would’ve gotten sick too.”

Estelle shuddered. Leah dropped down and sat on the wall, her legs chucked over the side.

“You know Mr. Novosi was gone at the same time you were. We heard a lot of interesting rumors,” Leah piped in.

I rolled my eyes. “I’m sure you two were the cause of some of them.”

“Not the one about you being pregnant with his kid.”

My jaw dropped. “Oh, ew! He’s a teacher! That’s disgusting.”

Leah shrugged. “You never know.”

“I’m glad to call you my friends,” I muttered. Estelle threw her arms around me in a hug.

“You love us girl!” Estelle shrieked in my ear. “But why were you guys out at the same time, hmm?”

“Ugh, Estelle, Leah, let me tell you something,” I said. The two of them leaned in as I spoke. “He. Made. Me. Sick.”

“How? Did he give you herpes or something?”

“Oh my God – you have such a dirty mind,” Leah exclaimed, hitting Estelle’s arm. Thankfully, the bell rang at the moment. I scurried away, hoping to avoid the conversation. I prayed they wouldn’t bring it up at lunch or I might just puke.

It was the second time in my entire high school career that I had ever arrived to Mr. Young’s class on time. Mr. Young welcomed me back with a small smile. I took a seat next to Koda who was beaming at me like the world would never end. I gave him a weary glance.

“What’s up with you?” I asked hesitantly. Before I could even finish the question, Koda had snatched up my hand, playing with my fingers.

“I’m just glad you’re feeling better,” Koda smiled.

“I’m not, I’m still sick.” Koda dropped my hand like hot potatoes and scraped his chair away from me. I chuckled. “Your face! Haha!”

“Well,” Koda harrumphed, sticking his nose in the air. “Whatever it is, I’m glad you’re back – it’s not the same without my favorite violent girl around.”

“I feel so special,” I said with mock flattery.

“Ahem,” Mr. Young cleared his throat, tapping his foot. “If you two are done, I’d like to begin my lesson.”

“Oh, don’t let me stop you,” I said, waving my hand. “I’ll just sit back and entertain the class with my ninja skills.”

“Tanya,” Mr. Young warned.

“I’m just kidding, Young One! Take a joke, or a thousand,” I added. Mr. Young shook his head but I saw the smile he was fighting back. The rest of the day dragged on. When lunch finally arrived, I ran through the doors and almost, almost, kissed the floor. Jude stopped me by dragging me up by the neck of my shirt.

“I know how excited you are for lunch, but trust me, kissing that floor is something you will regret later,” Jude said. I shrugged.

“Yeah but it was a good idea until you stopped me.”

“Adrian has been acting weird all day,” Jude stated, changing the topic. I raised an eyebrow.

“Really? And why would he be acting weird?”

Jude sent me a cheeky grin. “Oh, I don’t know. It might have something to do with that sexy smooch you gave him this morning.”

“Sexy and smooch shouldn’t be in the same sentence. It doesn’t sound sexy at all.”

“You’re missing the point, Tanya,” Jude exclaimed, nudging me. “Is there something going on between you two?”

I thought about it sincerely. “I honestly don’t know. I think we’ve had a few run-ins in the kissing department but I don’t know if it means anything.”

“Well it should, because that boy has been talking about you forever. It’s like he gets this spaced out act when he starts babbling about how pretty you are or how cool you are. Trust me, that smooch meant something to him. He’s so whipped he’s like whipped cream.”

I didn’t say anything, letting Jude’s words sink in. We entered the line, grabbing the food we wanted. By the time we had reached the cashier, my tray was loaded with a cold cut sandwich, salad, peaches, and a carton of chocolate milk. I opted for the sandwich instead of the goopy bean soup and fish sticks.

“You know, he gets this weird look though sometimes, when he starts talking about your job – like he doesn’t approve or something. But I mean you work as a cashier at Wegmans, how bad can that be?”

I could understand the look Adrian would have had. “He just thinks I should be working in an old people’s home or something like that.”

“Ah, I see. Well, I guess I wouldn’t mind having my girlfriend work in a nursing home – there wouldn’t be any guys to hit on her.”

I whipped my head around. “Hold up, since when do you have a girlfriend?”

“Why? You want some of this?” Jude asked, gesturing to his body. I smacked his chest. Hard. “I was just kidding, Tanya, geez!”

“Well? Who is the girlfriend?” I asked, staring him down. Jude blushed, rubbing his palm on the back of his neck.

“You were gone for a while and well, uhm, me and Estelle got together.”

“What!” I squealed, almost dropping my tray. “I must have been pretty blind not to have seen that coming. Oh wait, I did see it. Thank you for finally having the balls to ask her out.”

Jude laughed. “You saw this coming?”

“Oh yeah, man. She’s been flirting with you since last year. And if you never noticed her batting her eyelashes at you, then you must be stupid because she did it like all the time.”

“Is that what it was? I thought she had some weird eye twitch…” Jude trailed off. A bark of laughter escaped my lips and then I burst into a fit of giggles.

“Tanya… you’re getting really weird looks,” Jude whispered. “You might lose your reputation if this keeps going.”

That got me to stop, but I couldn’t help the bright smile on my face. I remembered how Estelle kept batting her lashes at Jude – she really did look like she had a twitch - a twitch on drugs, so it looked more like a rapid fire of pellets.

I glanced around at the curious expressions in my direction. Without hesitation, I quickly punched Jude in the stomach, avoiding his tray.

“Oof!” he grunted. “What was that for?”

“My reputation,” I smirked. The two of us sat down at our table where Estelle and Leah were already seated. Estelle pecked Jude on the cheek; I saw the light blush creep up his neck. Instead of kissing her on the cheek, he turned and planted a full one on her lips, turning it into an intense make out. Leah rolled her eyes.

“Gag me,” I muttered, pretending to stick my finger down my throat. Estelle and Jude broke apart, the love in their eyes so clear. Finally, reluctantly, Estelle turned to me, a blush spreading across her cheeks and her lip gloss smeared. I cleared my throat and her eyes widened when she finally noticed me, losing the dopey expression she held after the kiss.

“Yeah, I’m here, I exist. And I totally just saw that intense kiss,” I folded my arms and raised an eyebrow. “When exactly were you planning on telling me about you two, huh?”

Estelle threw me a sheepish look, “Well, we tried, but like I said this morning, Adrian never let us in to see you so we didn’t get a chance.”

“When did this happen?” I asked, leaning forward and resting my chin on my hands.

“Uhm, it was a day or two after you were out sick. Jude brought me flowers and then took me out during lunch and somehow he ended up asking me out. It just sort of happened really,” Estelle trailed off.

“Hmph, well I’m glad you two finally got together. The tension at this table was killing me. Jude always looked like he wanted to touch you, and Estelle, your horrible eyelash batting, ugh. Just some advice, sweetie, if Jude doesn’t cut it for you, don’t bat your eyelashes at the next guy. It’s a sure fire way to make him run the opposite way.”

Estelle glared at me, while Jude cracked up. He tried to stifle his laughter when Estelle’s anger turned on him.

“I wasn’t batting my eyelashes, I was winking at him. He just didn’t get the message,” Estelle grumbled. This time I burst out laughing.

Winking? You have got to be kidding me. Nobody winks that many times that fast,” I laughed. Estelle’s glare was getting darker by the minute. She stabbed her fork into an unfortunate piece of lettuce, breaking the end of her plastic fork. Jude handed her his own one while I still laughed. Adrian slid into the space beside me, giving me a curious glance before greeting the rest of our friends.

“What’s so funny?” he asked, turning to me. I garbled out some incoherent words that got me a weird look from Adrian.

“She’s laughing because Estelle’s eyelash batting was actually her trying to wink at Jude,” Leah explained, stuffing a grape into her mouth. Adrian chuckled, earning another dark look from Estelle. Jude leaned in and whispered something in her ear and her expression softened.

“Stop whispering sweet nothings, Jude, we’re trying to eat here,” I said, my laughter finally ending. Adrian placed his arm around my waist, tugging me closer to him. I grimaced when a sharp pain shot up my shoulder. This hole in my back needed to heal faster. I was glad that the other wounds that I had earned from Ian had already closed up. Now there was just a discolored scar remaining.

“Sorry,” Adrian apologized. “Does you’re shoulder hurt? Do you want me to check it?”

My heart dinged at his concern. It was nothing new, but with the feelings I was developing, it made me feel special. Jude gave me a wicked grin.

“Whipped cream,” Jude said, his eyes twinkling.

“Shut up,” I muttered. Jude just chuckled.

“What about whipped cream?” Adrian inquired. I shook my head.

“Jude and I were talking about how good whipped cream would be with some hot chocolate,” I lied. Jude burst into a fit of laughter.

After we finished eating, we all headed outside and lay in the grass on the hills behind the school. Some of the guys were throwing around a football, while others were sitting at the table, studying comic books. Jude and Estelle lay close together, hands clutching each other. Leah rested her head on Adrian’s stomach, and Adrian had his head on my stomach. I brushed my hand through his hair, loving the feeling of the short strands running through my fingers. Adrian leaned into my hand and I smiled to myself. I let my fingers walk up his cheek and I felt him shift a little, turning to my hand.

“Tanya, what ever you’re doing to Adrian, you might want to stop. Not that I mind how Adrian feels, but I do mind what I feel, and this does not feel or look good,” Leah said. “I swear I can see the hard-on he’s getting. It’s kind of nasty.”

“Leah!” Adrian and I exclaimed, except it was Adrian who blushed. He shoved Leah’s head off of him and nuzzled my hand, trying to make me brush his hair again. I rolled my eyes.

“Okay, seriously?” Leah asked. “I need to find a man. Er…boy.”

“Leah, you can get any guy you want, just call them and they’ll flock to you,” I said, chuckling.

“Huh. You’re right. Hey! Koda! Get over here,” Leah shouted as Koda ran past to throw the football. He paused and saw the five of us in the grass. He grinned and sauntered over, plopping down next to Leah.

“What’s up, Leah?”

“Can I have a hug?”

“Sure thing, babe,” Koda said. He loped his arm around her and gave her a life-squeezing hug. I laughed at Leah’s wide-eye, choked expression. She pushed him away, rubbing her back.

“Never mind maybe you’re not the best person for hugging. How about I play with you guys? I bet you I can beat the four of you combined in football,” Leah boasted. Koda shook his head.

“You’re on! Guys! Two on two, me and Leah are teaming. Hustle!” Koda shouted. Leah scrambled after him. I pushed Adrian’s head off and we sat together to watch Leah. Koda hiked the ball and Leah ran with it across the grass. The other guy, Andy, tackled her before she even made it to the make shift goal. When she got up, she was caked in mud. Andy had pushed her into a not-so-dry area. The bell rang right then. Leah screamed in frustration.

“You’re going to have to change into something else before class, Leah,” Koda shouted. Leah stomped her foot and ran towards the gym. Adrian and I waltzed to Chemistry. Ian walked in not long after the second bell had rung. His eyes narrowed in on me, his eyes showing shock and then what looked like happiness. He focused then on my hands. Adrian had been playing with my fingers.

“Good afternoon, class. And Tanya, welcome back. I hope you’re feeling better?” Ian asked.

“Mhm, much better,” I agreed. “Thanks for asking, Ia – Mr. Novosi.”

I saw him smile and I knew it was because he caught my slip up. I turned away from him and slid my hands under the table, dragging Adrian’s hand along with mine. Ian didn’t miss the gesture. I was surprised when his demeanor changed.

“Everyone get out your textbooks. I want you to read chapter twenty-three, the first section, and then answer the questions at the end of the section. We’ll go over it and then we’re going to watch a video on the topic. Get to it!” Ian directed. There was only silence filled with the shuffling of paper and the scratching of pencils. Ian was setting up the SmartBoard, trying to get the movie ready. I was pretty sure he knew what he was doing but was pretending to be messing up.

“Does anyone know how to work this thing?” Ian asked to the class in general. Immediately a bunch of hands flew up, mostly girls. I rolled my eyese, shoving the small pang of jealousy that coursed through me. It was a pretty small feeling. I blamed on the fact that we actually became friends, and nothing more, during our mission. I guess I was used to having his attention on me.

Ian’s looked over everyone’s heads and towards me and Adrian. His eyes paused on me but reluctantly switched to Adrian.

“Adrian, come help me with this.” Adrian pushed his chair back and hurried over to help. I continued to do my work. Once I was done reading, I glanced up to see why Adrian was taking so long. Everyone else had their heads down, busy working. Ian and Adrian were having a heated conversation. Well, it was more like Adrian was the one fired up, Ian had the most composed expression I had ever seen. It was curious but I pushed it to the back of my mind. Adrian sat down a while later, pulling my notebook towards him so he could copy the answers.

“What was that about?” I finally asked. Adrian didn’t look up, but I saw his shoulders tense. The pencil looked like it was about snap in his fisted hands. He continued copying.

“He was telling me that I shouldn’t have brought you to school today, with the bullet and all,” Adrian seethed. His knuckles were turning white. I feared for the life of the pencil.

“Why would he care about that, now?”

“You tell me,” Adrian said. The pencil finally snapped, hitting me in the face. “Sorry.”

I enveloped his fisted hand in mine, trying to pry his hands open. “You don’t think anything happened in London, do you?”

Adrian didn’t answer.

“Oh my God, Adrian. Why would I ever do anything with him? He’s old, he’s a teacher, he’s kind of an enemy, but more a friend and he is definitely not as good looking as you,” I said honestly. Adrian’s fist finally relaxed, but I didn’t let go of his hand. He turned to face me.

“Did you just admit that I’m attractive?”

I smacked his hand, still being serious. “I love you Adrian, okay? Nobody else.”

Adrian sobered up, removing the smirk from his face. “But not the way I want you to.”

Maybe I do love you that way, I thought. From the blinding grin on Adrian’s face, I realized I may have said that out loud. And if his sudden, life-threatening clutch on my hand and the peck on the cheek were any indication, then I definitely did say it out loud. Oops!

I turned back to the front and found Ian’s eyes on the pair of us. He definitely didn’t miss our exchange either.

Ian called our attention and went over the answers to the questions. Once that was over, he switched on the video. The bell rang halfway through the absolutely boring video, and the entire class jumped out of their seats and out the door. Adrian and I split ways at the locker rooms. I changed into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt before heading into the gym. I take my place next to Estelle, waiting for Ian to direct us. I noticed Adrian hadn’t come out of the locker room yet.

“Okay, I want everyone to run two laps around the gym. Not cutting corners!” Ian yelled. “Tanya! Come with me, I need some help to get the equipment.”

I groaned and jogged over to him. He led me to the storage room outside the gym. He pointed to a cart of badminton rackets. I grabbed it and rolled it into the gym. Ian followed on behind me, carrying in another bin filled with the birdies.

“Tanya, check if everyone is here,” Ian said, handing me a clipboard. “I’ll be right back, I left something in the storage. Everyone gather around Tanya!”

“Why are you helping Mr. Novosi?” Crystal hissed. I gave her a blank look.

“Maybe it’s because I’m more capable than you are.” Crystal’s eyes widened, taken aback. “Alright, who is not here?”

“James and Heather.”

“And Yuri.”

“Is that it?” I asked. Everyone nodded. “Excellent. Now what do you want to do?”

“Let’s play basketball,” someone shouted. I agreed and grabbed a ball from behind the bleachers. There was always a stray ball rolling around back there. I joined the guys in a game of basketball till Ian returned. A few of the girls played with me against the guys. The rest of the girls sat on the rolled up mats or on the floor, just talking.

“Tanya!” Ian roared. I winced and turned around.

“Incoming, Tanya!” Dave shouted. Suddenly the ball hit my shoulder with a thwack. I grunted and my face twisted in pain. Ian was suddenly by my side. He held my arm as I bent over, attempting to keep the tears from falling. The ball had hit me too hard; I could feel the excruciating pain of the wound, and I could swear there was some sort of liquid trickling down my back. I wasn’t sure if it was blood or sweat, but either way it was utterly uncomfortable.

“That’s it guys, put the ball away and grab a racket. I want everyone to start a match. Don’t forget, first to eleven points is the winner. We’ll be starting the tournament tomorrow! Let’s go!” Ian ordered. Dave and the guys didn’t move yet.

“Tough it up Tanya,” Dave said. He thumped me on the back, the exact same spot the ball had hit me.

“Oof!” I grunted, almost toppling forward. Ian caught me by my arm. His grip was so strong it felt as though my arm was losing circulation.

“Guys, get to it,” Ian shouted. I gave him a look. He was acting suspicious. Or maybe I was a little paranoid. The guys walked away.

“It wasn’t even that hard,” one of them muttered. I guess one of them had glanced back at me because the next comment made Ian perk up.

“She’s bleeding. I don’t think I hit her hard, but there’s something else wrong,” Dave said.

“Let’s get you to the nurse,” Ian said out loud.

“B-but Mr. Novosi,” I stuttered as he dragged me out the gym. I mustered enough strength to rip my arm out of his. My body felt like it was burning up. “I’m fine; I don’t need to go to the nurse. I can take care of myself.”

Ian gave me a blank look that said ‘don’t-mess-with-me’. “This isn’t something we’re going to debate about. Get going.”

He hauled me out of the gym. He turned right, heading towards the nurse’s office. But as soon as we were out of sight of the gym, he turned left and circled back to the science department. Ian shoved me into his classroom and stomped off to the storage room after locking the door.

“Ugh,” I groaned, running into the table from the momentum of his push. “Why are you being so harsh?”

“Because you keep getting into stupid situations. I don’t know how it happens, but you’re always in trouble. You’re going to blow your cover some day. All of our covers. And it’s going to be sooner rather than later,” Ian said angrily, but I could see he didn’t mean it. Not the second part at least. Ian let out a frustrated sigh. “Come here.”

I walked slowly towards him, trying not to jostle my shoulder anymore. Ian gently lifted me up to sit on a desk. His fingers lingered at my waist, and I was about to push them away until he began sliding my t-shirt up and over my head. He helped me out of it, careful not to move my arms around too much. I felt the cool air touch my back. I shivered. Ian disappeared in the store room then returned with some gauze and alcohol. He carefully peeled of the bandage and chucked it in the trash. His hands were soft as he cleaned the wound, applied some sort of salve and then bandaged it up again.

The entire time his hands were on my bare back, I felt tingles run through my body. I had to repress the shudder of pleasure I felt.

Stop acting like this. You don’t like him like that, I scolded myself. You like Adrian. Not Ian. Ian is just a friend.

“You’re going to have to go gothic,” Ian stated. I whipped my head around to stare at him, wide-eyed.

“Why would I do that?”

“The blood keeps staining all your clothes for everyone to see,” he answered, laughing at my expression. My eyebrows scrunched together in a scowl.

“Very funny,” I muttered. “But I would never do that.”

“Mm, now that I think about it, you shouldn’t,” Ian corrected thoughtfully. I raised an eyebrow.

“Indecisive much?” I asked. “And why shouldn’t I?”

“Because you’re beautiful the way you are,” Ian said soberly.

I had turned away from him so I didn’t see him when he pressed against my bare back. His hands gripped my waist and he tucked his face into the crook of my neck. His lips pressed against my skin, leaving a trail of fire behind. My breath caught in my throat. Ian’s hands slid upwards, one hand wrapping around my stomach and tugging me closer, the other cupping my face, and turning me towards him. He let his lips leave a path of kisses along my jaw, stopping at the corner of my mouth. He paused momentarily, his lips lingering. Then he slid his lips over mine, pulling at my bottom lip.

My eyes had closed and my head tilted back against his chest, reveling in the fire that my body felt with him. But the moment his lips touch mine and image of Adrian flashed in my mind. I thought it was his lips against mine. I gasped and pulled away. I realized then that I was clutching at the hand over my stomach. I snapped my head back, hitting his chin on purpose.

“Ow!” Ian moaned.

“You need to stop, Ian,” I warned, backing away from him.

“You’re right, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. We’re in school,” he rattled. I shook my head.

“No. You have to stop completely,” I repeated. Ian stared at me, allowing me to continue. “I don’t like you like that.”

“You can’t say that,” Ian protested. “I know you feel the same when we kiss. You would have pushed me away if you didn’t feel it.”

“I did push you away,” I pointed out.

“Not fast enough,” Ian smirked. “There’s something between us.”

“No, there isn’t. It’s lust Ian, that’s all. Don’t try to make it something more than it is. There is nothing between us.”

Ian studied thoughtfully. I suddenly felt self-conscious without my shirt on. I grabbed it and covered myself with it, clutching it against my chest.

“It’s Adrian, isn’t it?” he finally asked. I looked at him, shocked.


“You like Adrian. That’s why you don’t want to be with me.”

“I – What!” I finally exclaimed.

“You. Like. Adrian. Maybe even love him. Fine,” Ian said shrugging, but I saw the sad look in his eyes. “And Adrian loves you.”

“How do you know?”

“Tanya, anyone with eyes can see that he does. Hell, a blind and deaf person would be able to tell. I should have known that you would fall for him eventually. I shouldn’t have tried anything, Adrian wouldn’t like it if he knew,” Ian trailed off.

I stared at him, startled. “Why are you concerned about Adrian not liking this?”

“Are you suggesting that we continue?”

“No!” I exclaimed. “But I didn’t think you would factor Adrian’s feelings into your actions.”

Ian seemed to hesitate but he was saved from answering when my phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket and nodded for Ian to go away.

“I’ll go get you another shirt,” he said, walking into the store room again as I hit the green button.

“Hello Sarah,” I greeted unenthusiastically.

“Tanya,” she said. “Let me get straight to the point.”

“As always.” Sarah ignored the comment and continued talking.

“A source of ours has informed us that there is a group of hijackers planning to steal from one of our warehouses in Brigham. I need you to track them, find out where their taking it and who’s receiving the items. Don’t kill them until you’ve figured out who it is that’s stealing our items. I’ll send you a text with the address. Don’t be late. Report to me as soon as the task is done. Don’t fail us,” Sarah warned.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be there,” I responded. The phone clicked. Ian came back just then, holding out a t-shirt. He handed it to me and leaned back against one of the desks.

“Who was that?” he inquired. I glared at him as I put on my shirt.

“None of your business.”

Ian let out a frustrated sigh. “Tanya, if that’s who I think it was, then you have to listen to me. Hasn’t anything I’ve said about them gone through your head? You can’t work for her anymore. What she’s doing is wrong.”

“So what if hasn’t gone through my head? You still haven’t told me why you’re side needs me so much. You haven’t told me why you want me.”

Ian smirked at the last part. “Don’t,” I warned, jumping into a seating position on the table.

“Look, don’t go today, okay? Just let me show you something before you get even deeper into this.”

“I’ve grown up working for Byron, I don’t how much deeper I could get,” I muttered.

“Trust me, Tanya?” Ian asked. “I swear you’ll see why I’m so against this. Why we’re against this,” he added.

I thought about it. It still bothered me that he hadn’t told me why his side wanted me. I asked him that again. “I won’t be able to trust anybody until you tell me why it is you guys want me.”

Ian hesitated then finally wiped his face of emotion. His stare was blank and suddenly, I wasn’t all that eager to hear the reason.

“You’ll be a great asset to our team,” he stated. I stared at him icredulously.

“That’s it? I’ll be an asset to your team? Bullshit,” I seethed, leaping off the table. I leaned in close to Ian, looking directly in his eyes. I saw his gaze flash to my lips before returning to the intense glare. “Say it again. Tell me that’s the real reason you guys need me; because I’m an asset.”

“It’s true,” Ian said, face blank.

“You can’t expect me to believe that you went through all this trouble to convince me just because I’ll make a great addition to the team.”

“Believe it,” Ian stated. I shoved him and went to the leave the room.

“Don’t try to convince me anymore. Your reasons are worthless.”

“Tanya,” Ian called. “That’s not the point. You have to see how Byron is affecting people. Just please, come with me today and I’ll show you what I mean.”

“Sorry, man, but duty calls,” I threw back, pulling open the door.

“This isn’t just about being an asset, it’s about stopping what she’s doing. It’s wrong and you know it. I can’t get it through your head enough. Byron is hurting people; your targets are proof enough! Just come with me tonight,” Ian pleaded. I stopped at the door.

“I can’t guarantee anything tonight, Ian,” I answered. “I have to get this done first.”

“Forget the job,” Ian shouted. I whipped around to find him practically ripping his hair out. “How many times do I have to say this? Byron’s doing the wrong thing and you’re going along with it. If you don’t come with me tonight, I don’t know how else to prove it to you.”

I finally decided to give it some thought. “Fine. I’ll try and come. But let me do this first. I don’t want to get put in with the dogs again.”

“She would punish you for not listening to her? It’s already so obviously wrong. I don’t understand why you’re still a part of this.”

I gave him a blank look.

“Because it’s the only thing I’ve known, Ian.”

“I’ll show you what you’re doing with Byron. It’ll hurt, but I swear you’ll understand why I’m trying to convince you. I care too much about you to let you do this to yourself,” Ian said, his voice cracking. A pang shot through my heart. I knew if I had never met Adrian, I may have never fallen in love with him. This man before me was too much for my heart. I didn’t have a place for the two of them, not without hurting the other.

Fallen in love? I thought. Suddenly, those words made absolute, perfect sense.

“I’ll try,” I repeated. This time I did walk out. I heard his phone ringing. I paused outside the door, hidden from view.

“Hello?” Ian answered. “No, I can’t help tonight. I think she might be coming. Sorry, man – it’s our last chance. Yeah, I’ll see you afterwards. Don’t hurt her.”

I walked back to gym after that. I didn’t know who he was talking to but I knew he was talking about me. It wasn’t hard to figure out who was stealing from Byron’s warehouse. Ian had told me the first time he explained everything; that his agency was the one hijacking the crates. That wasn’t the hard part. Whatever Ian wanted to show me was to get me away from the task and prove to me his reasons. But I wasn’t going through with this just because I was told to. What I wanted to know was if that traitor would be there tonight. That was what I was looking forward too. I would be able to satisfy my curiosity and tell Byron. Kill two birds with one stone.

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