By ShadowverseJC

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HEROES AREN'T JUST BORN. THEY'RE CHOSEN. Until now, Johnny Sparks' life was perfectly normal - that is, stuck... More

The Return
The Beginning
The Future
The Shadow
Higher Calling
A Meeting
Forgotten Memories
The Trap
Come and See
The Vision
The Job
Dream We Knew
Conflicting Destinies
Ancient Exile
That Which Is Necessary
Justice Prevails
The Past
Cliff Notes
Chosen Ones
The Answer
The Scheme
The Mind
Nowhere to Hide
A Walk
Enter Shadowverse
Calm Before the Rage
The Arrival
Fake Messiah
Ultimatum, Part I
Ultimatum, Part II
End of a Journey
Children of the Light
A New Path

Into the Titan

15 1 0
By ShadowverseJC

Titan had ordered Solis to meet him in the throne room. "Solis, I want you to steer us to Herook," instructed Titan. "I have a feeling something is about to happen. The villains are not dead. Not yet. We must imprison them before they become a threat."

"I will notify the stations there to prepare for the arrival of the Titan," Solis said.

"I have realized this must be where Sonovan Lung has hidden all these years. He had left the planet I had brought him to, and he went to Herook. The Energy connecting us has shown me the way."

"Let us obliterate him and end this," Solis stated coldly.

Titan shot him a look. "Once we arrive, inform Justice she will descend into the planet and land at the command station there."

"Very well."

As Solis bowed and turned to leave, Titan stopped him. "Wait."

The third-in-command stopped in his tracks and turned.

"If I cannot turn them, I will impede them," Titan said. "We must have the Dragonstone cage ready."

Solis nodded once, acquiescent. "We have never used it."

"Then it should work as good as new."

* * *

Jane and the brothers opted to rest in the sleep apparatuses. Ryan and Johnny, on the other hand, ambled out to the cliff and sat, the melodic sounds of pots, pans, and ornaments blowing in the chilled wind. For once, Sonovan was not there but was resting in his room.

"What do you think Rose is doing now?" Ryan asked Johnny. "I've been trying not to think about it."

Johnny sniffled. "Whatever it is, I don't think it's good."

"You think we can save her? From him?"

"I believe in all of us," Johnny replied. "Together, united, we will not be stopped. And if we get the chance, we kill him then and there."

"I remember the last time I conspired to kill somebody," Ryan said.

"I know, man. I know."

Ryan turned in place, gazing towards the cliff entry to the hideout, imagining Sonovan in there—in his room—recollecting his entire life. What adventures had he been on? What battles had he fought in? Who had he met across the cosmos?

"That guy's been a father figure to me already," Ryan said.

"Sonovan?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah. He's so wise: so interesting and level-headed. I hope to be like him one day. He understands."

Johnny nodded and replied, "He is something special."

"Where do you think he's been?" Ryan wondered to Johnny. "The universe is so large and time is so long. He's been around for one thousand years. What worlds has he been to? What battles did he fight?"

"I suppose I can answer that inquiry," Sonovan replied. He stood motionless a few feet away. He walked towards them and sat. "I have been to places you can only dream of, even when I had been by myself after Titan's resurrection—when I was a wandering man. But when I was of The Shadows, we traveled the galaxy, fighting battles in alleyways, forests, mountains, cities, ships—you name it. You yourselves have not yet experienced that, but you might one day. All I can tell you is this: When with those you love, venturing across space for the light—fighting the dark—you feel limitless. I have lived long and seen all kinds of beings. But the sight of a lost soul is always the same."

Amazed, neither replied. Sonovan did not add to the short monologue but grasped Ryan and Johnny by the shoulders lovingly. They stayed there, Sonovan in the middle, arms wrapped around each other's shoulders. It was only for a little while—but to them, that short time elongated into forever.


Waking twenty minutes before the set time, Dustin and Sam meandered through the refuge, knowing not of what to do or think. Sonovan found them lost and paralyzed by their fears.

"Is there anything you need, my compatriots?" he asked, leaning on the corridor wall. He could almost smell their fear in the frigid air.

Dustin rubbed the back of his neck, too emotionally drained to even respond. Sam's eyes darted about nervously, as if searching for something to grasp and hold onto for dear life.

"Is there anything you need?" Sonovan repeated, stepping closer to them.

Out of nowhere, Dustin began to tear up. He tried to hide it by turning away and pushing the long locks of his hair across his face.

Nothing he could do could conceal anything from Sonovan. The ancient man read him like a book. Stepping between them, Sonovan turned Dustin towards him. "I know what you are feeling," he comforted. "Many have felt the same."

Shooting him a glance, Dustin replied, "I don't know what to do. Look at me! I'm an ordinary guy! I'm not a hero!"

"Do not say that," Sonovan replied. "Quiet."

"I'm just not the hero type . . ." Sam said.

"Who is the type?" Sonovan retorted.

Nevertheless, Dustin persisted. "I don't have these qualities or the will necessary to prevent my mind from disappearing like Rose! I . . . I don't know—" he stammered, sniffling through the tears. Unable to bear his brother's show of fear, Sam also began to crumble.

"Quiet, please," Sonovan repeated but, unable to stop, Dustin continued to stammer out words of trepidation and distress. Finally, Sonovan took matters into his own hands. "Quiet!" he boomed, grabbing Dustin by the shoulders. Dustin and Sam both looked up in shock. "Say no more! The words you speak bring only disaster!" Frozen, the brothers just stared at him. "If you want to save every person you hold dear, you must be attentive right now whilst I speak."

"I don't know either—"

"It is not for you to know! Listen to my words. Heed them. Your only hope is in yourselves. If you do not focus and keep yourselves optimistic, you will never prevail. The will to succeed will only come if you believe you will succeed. There can be not an ounce of doubt, for the enemy will use it to his advantage!"

"You don't understand," Sam retorted. Dustin rubbed away the snot from his nose. "We aren't these people you say we can be. We're just—"

"Quiet!" Sonovan boomed again. "I understand perfectly. You think you cannot, but the truth is the very opposite. Trust me, I once shared your feelings," he spoke, eyes far away.

He remembered. He remembered the first time, and the difficulty he had faced. "But in the hour of need, you will rise to the occasion. Because if not you, then who? I see it in you, for you are the chosen ones, but have yet to accept this. When you look into the eyes of the Titan, you will attain that which I speak of, for fear shall find you again. Fear of losing everything you care about. And in that moment, nothing can ever again stand in your way."

Eyes wide, they both stared, blinking several times to make sure they had heard correctly. No man had ever spoken with such authority, yet such humility.

"I-I don't know what to say," Sam replied. Dustin stayed quiet; eyes still red from his tears. He knew Sonovan spoke the truth: He had tried to escape, but destiny held him fast.

"Good. I only seek for your triumph, and I only know one truth. If not today, we shall one day prevail and overcome the forces of the Titan. Why? Because I have made myself believe so. If not, I would be worse off than you. The doubt would swallow me up, and my fate would already be decided."

"I understand," replied Sam, glancing at Dustin. Uncharacteristically, Dustin's eyes narrowed, and he appeared more focused and ready than Sam had ever seen him. In fact, it was as if his brother had become someone new.

Dustin nodded in agreement. "You have opened my eyes," he replied, looking up to Sonovan in respect, but also with a solemn readiness for the time coming.

Holding his gaze, Sonovan instinctively knew he had accomplished the responsibility that life tossed at him in that minute. "I know I have," he answered. "Never fall prey to doubt. You are prepared." Smiling, he watched the two sauntering off together down the corridor, where the dim light gave way to the brightness beyond. Dustin turned his head once and nodded, the body language speaking for itself.

Only a very brief stretch of time went by before Sonovan called this primed and ready band of heroes he had mobilized together.

"My allies, the moment is upon us. Dustin, activate the portal to CS0341, Herook."

"Already set."

"In the short time I've known you all, I have become fond of you," Sonovan said, looking at each lovingly. "This is not the end. Remember, believe in yourselves. If you believe hard enough, Titan's power can do nothing to harm you. Believe in yourselves as I do. Then, we can never fail."

"I am so hyped," Sam replied. "Let's get this show on the road."

Sonovan raised his hands to the sky. "Oora, I call on you. Fill me." A hole opened in the room, and a jet-black mist flowed from it. Before anyone could understand what was happening, the mist touched Sonovan's skin.

Contact was made on the fingers first, and then the blueish-blackness traveled down his arms, up his neck, and finally down to his feet. His appearance had changed from human to a celestial being. Mist clothed him and surrounded his body, similar to dust attracted to an object. His eyes illuminated into flashlights, piercing through even the darkest and most opaque environments. The mist resembled a shroud, for a few parts of his body were not covered by the Ooris. It moved about continually, as if alive.

"Wow, just wow. I'm amazed, to say the least," Johnny exclaimed.

"Can I touch it?" Sam joked.

"No, you cannot. Focus. Our moment of truth is here."

"You look dope," Ryan added. Both of Ryan's hands reached the rock floor. "Bulk time." The particles contacted his skin, activating his absorption powers. The millions of them traversed the floor into his body. In about twenty seconds, he had grown seven inches, his voice changed to a deeper tone, and his form took on the dark gray appearance of a rock.

"Yep, this is so fitting for me," he exclaimed as he flexed his muscles. "I like the term Rocky. You guys remember that? Damn, that was like ages ago."

"Yeah, I guess you weren't blessed with the ability to control flowers," Sam replied.

"Blessed? Nah, that's a curse."

"Whatever you say, Rocky."

Ryan smiled at the new nickname.

Dustin swung his arms and the generator inside his armored outfit activated. A light shot out from his chest. They heard rumblings beneath their feet. As it had before, the sphere rose from out of the ground. It rotated as it lay in wait for the travelers.

"I'll never get used to that," Johnny remarked, ogling the wormhole.

"Yeah, well it's only open for fifteen more seconds, so I recommend you move it," Dustin motioned.

Johnny went first, followed by Ryan, Sam, Dustin, and Jane. Sonovan took one last look at his hideaway, wondering if he would ever see it again. Then, he too took the jump.

The ride was short and fast. Almost instantly, the group landed on the other side, right in the middle of the command station.

Soldiers turned in shock and recognized Sonovan Lung. Their eyes widened. Captains and commanders acted promptly. Their blasters and weapons were in their hands at a moment's notice.

Sonovan was ready. "Red!" he shouted.

"Yes sir!" Ryan corresponded.

Dozens of soldiers arrived on the scene. Johnny sprang upon them, and the rest followed his lead. Ice poured from Sam's hands, and Dustin united his power with his brother's. The air from his palms blew in such swift currents, no one could withstand it. "Watch out for the blasters . . . or wrist rockets!" he screamed.

The blue and yellow streaks flew by them, some only missing by inches. Johnny took care of most of the fire, though. Johnny sprinted, speed doing the work for him as he slipped through elegantly. He stripped the guns from the guards and tripped each. Jane telekinetically pinned the soldiers to the wall and flung them into each other, cracking the helmets.

Ryan was busy doing his thing. He kicked one soldier in the ankle, following the spitefully weak attack with a spinning side kick. The brutal strike broke every bone in the poor soldier's body as he launched her into three more.

Two soldiers appeared behind Ryan and fired shots. They obviously hadn't realized Ryan's power. The blasts of normally fatal energy bounced off his body. Johnny was there in an instant and stripped them of their weapons. Sam noticed and froze them. Ryan smiled and a single crossover side kick was enough to do the job. The ice shattered their bodies. Four more armed soldiers were behind the ones who had been killed, so Ryan leapt like a cat towards them, arm outstretched in a fist. They froze in fear. Ryan's fist rammed into them, rocketing their insubstantial bodies into the back wall. The force of the impact was so great that they went straight through it. Another ran at him from behind, shooting like a madman. The fire bounced off his frame. Ryan elegantly spun around into a spinning hook-kick: an instant kill-shot.

More soldiers and guards were summoned. "Get everyone in here! We're under attack!" Before the commander could add more, Sonovan came up behind him and kicked him between the legs, elbowed his side, and kneed him in the perfect spot to render him useless in the fight. Though not at Johnny Sparks' levels of speed, Sonovan had done it all within seconds.

Two more soldiers came up behind him and fired. Sonovan dodged both and swept the guards' legs. The power was with him now. The Ooris ripped their legs off their bodies. To complete the combo, Sonovan jumped high and punched his fist into the floor, which sent a shockwave of Ooris into the ground, erupting like an earthquake. The ferocious and unexpected attack killed all soldiers within a twenty-foot radius.

"Couldn't have done that earlier?" Ryan exclaimed. Sonovan smirked and looked for more opponents to eliminate. Truly, he had missed this. Centuries of nothing—of desolation—and now he was back in the game, more alive than ever. Eyes burning, he truly considered he had been transported into the past once again. All that was necessary in each strike was a bit of power, which, when executed, caused the opponents to either explode from the pure Ooris, or threw them into walls, backs breaking upon impact. As he had stated, not even Ryan Slade had yet accessed this power, and he never would, for only Sonovan Lung was of untainted, clean Ooris. The only other being who could generate similar power was Titan himself.

Sam froze the remaining troops, whose numbers had dwindled to almost zero. Sonovan snuck up behind one, who tried to flee, but to no avail. He kicked him into Ryan's punch. That was it for him. He exploded like a grenade. The last four attempted desertion, but Dustin pushed them into a wall, and Jane used a great amount of mental strength to collapse it on top of them. They had rid themselves of every enemy. The station had become a ghost town.

"Woo-hoo! We're on a roll!" Ryan shouted, his voice echoing.

"Yeah! You were awesome! I was awesome! It was all so awesome!" Sam added in exhilaration. "Or I can just say it was cool, if you know what I mean."

Johnny fist pumped Jane, who reciprocated. "Great job, that was awesome."

"I know," she replied. "I like being a hero."

Those words brought Johnny back to the alleyway where he met Jane. He remembered Z, clear as day, speaking to him.

Remember Johnny, just do what you do best. Be the hero.

"Right, Johnny?" she asked.

Jane snapped him out of his stupor. "Huh, what? Oh, yeah. Ditto."

"That's what I thought. It was such a breeze," Dustin laughed.

"Really?" Jane retorted, not impressed.

"What?" Dustin shot back. "I have great pun game too."

Sonovan walked over to them and wiped the blood off his currently half-Ooris, half-human fingers. "Brilliant, my friends. But it is not over. I will now put on the invisibility suit. It will render me undetectable." Once it was applied, Sonovan disappeared from sight.

A strident noise echoed in the sky above. They looked up to see a small craft descend into the station among them.

The dirt was kicked up and the bodies were blown aside as it landed like royalty arriving. Its main door slid apart, and out stepped an armored woman. She had red hair and they recognized her instantly.

"Rose," Ryan whispered.

Johnny glanced at him. "You know what to do."

She glared at them but said nothing, eyes like daggers. Then suddenly, Justice leaped into the air, fire screaming out of her hands. The impact on the way down blasted heat in all directions, unleashing a surge of energy which sent the heroes tumbling into the broken-down wall.

Grimacing, Ryan shouted, "This isn't you, Rose!"

She glared at him, eyes icy. "It is now," she spat. They painfully picked themselves up to face her again.

Ryan approached her. "Look, we don't want to fight. Titan is controlling you. You must overcome your problems and fight it. You are a fighter. Please, do it for us, but especially for yourself."

"Actually, Mr. Slade, Titan is expecting you. That was a welcome gesture. Come along at once."

The group, including the invisible Sonovan, boarded her craft, where seven other fully-equipped soldiers stood like figurines.

"Rose, listen to me," Ryan said. "Fight it."

She turned to him. "Do not say that again."

"Or what? Little Titan is going to get mad? Aw!" Johnny heckled.

Instead of responding, she remained calm. "You will see."

"We'll see him lose," Johnny replied.

"You will see your lord, your salvation," she retorted.

The craft took off, leaving the station in ruins. In a short time, it was in the outer atmosphere as it climbed away from Herook. Invisible, Sonovan looked down on the planet as he could see more and more of its spherical form. That was where he had been all this time. That had been home for years upon years.

Soon, the group could see Titan's gargantuan ship, hovering above like a demonic spirit.

"Permission to access Bay One," the pilot spoke into the system.

"Granted," was the answer.

The small craft docked in the Titan's main docking bay. Like the first time, they stared, without speaking, at all the equipment, technology, and ships dotting the loading bay. Passing soldiers in blue, green, and yellow armor eyed them with curiosity and suspicion. Justice led the way to the elevator, and they entered.

Invisible and therefore undetected, Sonovan ran over and disengaged a craft they could appropriate to escape. The plethora of noises and sounds made by the ship made it difficult to carry out without attracting notice, but he managed it and met his allies near the elevator, sneaking in just before the door closed. His training allowed him to move inaudibly. Not even Justice heard his entrance.

The elevator ride to the throne room was silent. In a short while, they reached the top and disembarked into the throne room of the Titan, Emperor of the Tetra.

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