Her love

By Nottodaysatanz

258K 6.9K 2.6K

"Yes Papi!" I tease... "Damn Kat, if you keep talking like that I'm gonna have a hard time leaving!" He laugh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 13

8.5K 279 46
By Nottodaysatanz

** 7 years later ** (Grown Kat)

Great, I'm going to miss my train!

I scold myself as I rush to the subway station.

I look at my phone and check the time while I speedwalk/jog to my destination.

"Next train is arriving in 1 minute." The PA chimes.

No It's 5:53, I have 2 mi--

" I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings." I apologize to the subject of my clumsiness dropping what's in my hands.

I squat down and pick up the papers I had had a iron grip on before I was caught off guard.

"Physical therapy?" I hear a deep voice ask.

"Yes." I smile, "My last ye--" I look up mid-sentence and lose balance of my stance but strong arms reach out and grip me before it's too late.

He smelled so good! I fight the urge to sniff him and try to stay composed.

"You okay?" He asks.

"I'm fine... Uh... thank you." I respond gathering the last of my papers off the ground.

"It's been a while..." He starts.

"Yeah that's life. Can I have those, please?" I ask pointing to the ones in his hands, my own shaking as a heat washes over me.

He nods giving me his small ever present smirk and hands them to me.

"Thank you." I reply and pick up the phone nearly forgot I dropped.

"You look different. What are you doing in the city?" He asks.

"The hospital I'm doing my training at is a couple blocks away." I respond.

"West General?"

"Yup." I respond curtly.

"Look as much as I'd love to play catch-up with you I just missed my train and I have to go check when the next one's coming." I say turning away.

"Wait." He says and I pause in stride. "I just started working near here, so... maybe we can catch and hang out sometime."

My stomach does somersaults while my heart starts pounding. I was not ready to sit down with this man.

It's been almost seven years since we'd spoken and he wanted to go out. Ugh...he was so gorgeous, which was no surprise I may do some light social stalking on him every once in a while. A spark of longing hits me, no I can't spend time with him I would no doubt be putty in his hand.

"I'm sorry, I just have a lot going on right now. Maybe next time." I hurriedly walk away, holding my breathe as looking back after a few moments.

He was gone. I probably just imagined him.


Fuck, mami looked fine! Fucking breathtaking.

I smile to myself, I knew she was working and training at the hospital near my new assignment. I knew everything about her.

I'm a fucking creep.

I quickly remember that I'm headed my boss's office to get a debrief of my new post.

I worked for Toyota as a modeling control engineer, I was just moved to a new post because headquarters was moving. Toyota payed really well so I wasn't complaining. I was lucky it brought me closer to Kat, than my previous post a whole state away. Six years, 8 months and 26 days.

As I walk it to the building and step onto the elevator I remember the last time Kat and I talked.


"Were never going to work Santi. You just won't let anyone help you carry the weight on your shoulders." She says letting go of my hand.

"I know and I can work on it, I just didn't want to--"

"Hurt me?" She interrupts.

"No--make you cry mami, because your tears, they break something in me. I hate seeing them." I tell her pulling her into my arms once more.


I always kept tabs on her thru Steph, thank God for little sisters, though she didn't know I still wanted to protect her.

I promised her I'd always watch out for her, but I knew that it was mostly for my sanity.


"I'm home!" I yell as I enter the suspiciously quiet apartment.

"Julie? Cece?"

I hear scrambling and then Julie respond, "One second!"

I take off shoes and slip on my slippers before I put my stuff down on the couch.

"Hey,"A disheveled Julie greets walking into the kitchen/living room and Alex follows close behind.

"Hi," I reply smiling because I clearly interrupted something.

"We keep meeting like this." I tell Alex teasingly.

"Stop it." Julie says hitting my arm.

"Ouch! Does she abuse you too?" I ask him.

"No but when she tries I give her a good spanking." Alex smiles and winks, pulling Julie to his side.

"Eww, eww, eww! Stop my ears." I exclaim covering my ears.

"Alex!" Julie scolds him turning red, "Time for you to go." She nudges him towards the door.

"Okay, bye Kat." He nods.

"Bye bye." I reply heading to my room with my stuff.

"You know we'd never get interrupted if you moved in with me..." I hear Alex whisper to Julie.

"Not yet..." She replies softly.

I put my stuff down on my bed and change in sweatpants and a t-shirt before going back to find food to eat.

I pause seeing two people making out and humping like bunnies with clothes on in the doorway.

I clear my throat, "I feel like this should fall into public indecency."

They break apart and Julie closes the door.

"Is he coming back?" I ask knowing the answer.

"Yup," she smiles.

Alex has slept over since he got back from Europe. If he wasn't here, she was there at his place.

"You tell him he doesn't have to sneak in through your window?" I ask smiling at our little joke.

"Yes... But I like it when he does." She respond with her head in the clouds.

"Okay you're done." Bring her back to earth by flicking her arm. "You already have all of us envious of your relationship."

"You can steal me from him anytime bae." Julie replies winking.

"Lies! Like Alex would let me. " I tell her going to the cupboard.

"Pasta, potatoes, or rice for dinner?" I call behind me.

"Pasta Alfredo." Julie says without hesitation.

"Ok. Can you call Cece? I thought she'd be home by now."

"Yeah she probably got stuck in St. Anns."

I get started on dinner, cutting onions and mushrooms after placing the coiled pasta in boiling water.


"Dinner!" I call to Julie and Cece after setting the table.

Cece had come home shortly after Julie called checking in on her. She was computer engineer for Dell in the Boston area, so she was always going somewhere.

"Yay let's eat!" Julie exclaim sitting down.

We serve ourselves and start stuffing our mouths, while promising to visit the gym at some point in the near future.


My eyes drift open as the sun shines through my small bedroom window.

I pick up my phone checking the time.


My alarm would go off in 15 minutes, there was no point in trying to go back to sleep.

I get up to take a shower and get dressed, the commute to the hospital is about an hour with public transportation, I was willing to sacrifice if it meant not having to pay for parking in the city.

"Hey, girl." I hear Steph greet from behind as we enter the train cart.

"Hey, nkoye...(I'm tired.)" I complain to her leaning on her shoulder.

Steph was a nurse at West General in Urology so though I didn't see her at the hospital I usually say saw her on my commute.

"Same girl, pero necesitamos trabajar. (But we need to work.) Bills to pay and crap."

I smile, "The joy you bring to my mornings."


"Next stop Broad St. Connection to the green line." The PA speaks.

"What time are you off today?" She asks standing and preparing to get off.

"Four maybe? Why, what's up?"

"Nothing just curious." She says a little quickly.

"Steph." I say her name slowly not believing her explanation.

The train cart comes to a stop shortly after and the doors open.

"Bye!" She exclaims smiling.


I get ready to leave the hospital at around 4:20 after checking in on my last patient.

I was so tired. I pull out my phone and check for the next train as I walk to the subway.

So focused on trying to read the schedule, miss a step going the stairs outside the hospital.

I hold my breathe and prepare for my soon-to-be humiliating fall but someone grabs me before I land, and instead I am held against a strong chest.

I recognize this cologne.

"Thank you." I say removing myself from the warmth of his body.

"I love having you in my arms." The idiot smiles.

He no doubt knew the affect he had on me.

"Are you stalking me?" I ask continuing on my walk.

"No, just thought I might bump into you hear. I work in downtown Gledhill."

"That's 20 minutes away from here." I say pretending not to care.

"10 by car," He corrects.

I stop and look up at him.

"Is there something I can do for you, Santi?" I ask.

"Come home with me?" My jaw drops before I hear him chuckle.

"For dinner." He clarifies.

"Sorry no." I reply and continue in my way.

"I can come to your place?" He suggests.

"I live with my parents. " I lie.

Sorry Jesus.

"We can go to Zumas it's nearby."

I stop and turn around, "Look Santi I'm not interested. I have a lot going on. Whatever you want from me I can't give you."

"I just want to catch up with you, I'm new in the city and Steph told me you work in the area. Just dinner, not even."

"Your 35 minutes from home and Steph commutes here."

"I loved out, the company find me an apartment nearby. Please, just dinner."

"Okay, fine."

He smiles, "Wednesday night at 8?"

I nod, "I'll text you my address."

"I thought you lived with your parents." He smirks.

"I lied."

"It was you!" I scold Steph through the phone.

I hear laughter on her side and make up my mind to kill her the next time I see her.

"I'm sorry," She manages through her fit of giggles.

"He asked, it's been six years Kat. You haven't been serious with anyone in a long time."

"Yeah! Because of school!" I defend.

"Uh huh. From your anger, I can tell you still feel something for my brother. And he definitely feels something for you! Dude made me his personal reporter where your concerned, like I don't already have a life." She finishes.

"Fine but I'm mad at you."

"Hopefully getting laid will change that. Love you bye." She hangs up quickly.

Evil little girl!

¤ ¤

Hey Y'all please like and comment 😘
This took sometime, still needs sm editing but enjoy!!!

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