Garden of Thoughts

By Blackenedrose_

320 178 24

Poems of the beauties of nature, and horrors More

Petal Panorama
Butterfly Tears
Red Flower
ill blossom
Message from a Dandelion
My Light
Busy Bee
Ode to a Black Rose
To the Moon
Winds of the Seasons
Message in the Clouds
In the Air
[Black Bird]
Ocean Body
Cherry Blossoms
[Gaia's Fields]
[Spiders Spindle]

Garden Thoughts

11 7 0
By Blackenedrose_

I lay blanketed by the small bladelets of grass

Carrying my weight, while my eyes consume the skies glory

Affixing contentions with all that I was

And that which was I

Thus I die in the moment

Casting off sufferance

Letting my demons fall upwards toward the sky!

Without...tarnishing the view of course

And to either side of me, my soulmates

Stability and Chaos

They help me ground myself

Even if chaos gets too much of a bad rep

For something beautiful like a flower also faces both ends

Its what you see on the surface, but in the seed you can find darkness

That which bears life when put into motion

You need to crack the shell, but not ruin whats inside

Its where I've struggled

And perhaps, why I haven't helped myself

Or let others help

My plea too much of a request to give

I can't ask for someone to be there

To take my pain away

Maybe thats why I keep finding myself back in this garden

In hopes to sink into the soil

And come back out

 Bearing the same fruitfulness of what grows below

And maybe, just maybe

Divest this ill feeling from my mind and body

So I can see myself again

And see those I care about

Talk to them without this obstacle in my way

Cause I haven't been here for a while

Its just a thought...

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