Infinite Stratos Harem Story

By JPPoole

2K 37 27

This is my take on Infinite Stratos. I DO NOT OWN Infinite Stratos More

Class Representative Match
The Transfer is my Second Childhood Friend

All My Classmates Are Female

1.1K 12 15
By JPPoole

3rd Person POV

[A Silver IS flies and does battle with a red IS which is piloted by a girl. The two clash with their swords with neither of them getting an edge]

???: JP, now!

[Suddenly out of nowhere another IS comes flying in and clashes its own swords against the silver IS. The Silver IS isn't fooled and uses its gun to shoot off the girl in her IS. The third IS clashes with the Silver IS. The silver IS sends a barrage of weaponry at the third IS but is unsuccessful and doesn't land a hit. The third IS flies around leading the silver IS towards another girl with silver hair and wearing a large IS]

JP: Laura, now!

Laura: Of course!

[Laura fires her cannons at the silver IS. The silver IS isn't fooled and starts firing at Laura. JP tries to hit it again but is unsuccessful. A blonde haired girl wearing a blue IS appears]

???: Don't worry, JP! I'm right here!

[A girl with pig tails puts in her own effort]

???: Keep it up, JP! Give it one more try!

[The silver IS fires a barrage of bullets towards the girl with pigtails. Another girl with short blonde hair sees this and flies over in her IS to save her friend]

???: Rin! JP, please hurry! We can't hold on!

[The Silver IS just floats in the sky not moving. Then JP comes flying towards it]

JP: You won't get away this time!

[The two clash and a large explosion happens]

[It's a sunny day at the IS Academy. It's a high school which teaches girls how to pilot an IS. There are only girls in this school. Well, not anymore. A two boy sit in the middle of the classroom. One of them wearing a business suit with a red suit metal suitcase beside him]

???: This is going to be interesting.

[All of the other girls in the class just look at him]

???: It could be fun though.

[Everyone is a little bit nervous. Well, one person is definitely nervous]

???: How can you be so calm about this?

???: Do you know how much this suit costs? If I start sweating it will cost a fortune to get it cleaned.

[A teacher walks in front of the classroom]

Maya: Congratulations on getting into this school. I'm your first year sub homeroom teacher, Miss Maya Yamada.

[The classroom stays silent. Maya gets a little nervous with all the stern looks. She looks around for a friendly face and makes eye contact with the boy in the suit. He just winks at her which causes her to blush and settle down]

Maya: Starting today you are all students of the IS Academy. As you know, this is a boarding school. Students are together during and after school hours. So I hope you all get along.

[The boy in the suit whispers to himself]

???: Jarvis, Ichika and I are the only boys correct?

Jarvis: Yes, sir.

???: We'll be surrounded by girls all the time.

Jarvis: You nervous, sir?

???: No.

Jarvis: That's not true. Your heart is racing.

???: Don't pay attention to stuff like that.

[The teacher continues to speak]

Maya: You'll be together for the next three years anyway! Now moving onto self introductions. Anyone volunteer to go first?

[The boy in the suit raises his hand]

Maya: Go ahead.

[The boy in the suit stands up and turns around to face the class]

Jarvis: Time to make a good impression, sir.

???: Not a problem.

[The whole class waits in anticipation]

JP: Hello, my name is JP Stark: Millionaire, Genius, and Philanthropist. I hope we all get along.

[All of the girls started making lots of comments]

Girl #1: He's so handsome!

Girl #2: Look at his eyes! So dreamy!

Girl #3: And his hair! So shiny!

[JP just chuckles to see all of the girls talking about him. He notices though a girl near the window not making eye contact and staring out the window]

JP: Jarvis, who is the girl near the window?

Jarvis: Houki Shinonono. Childhood best friend who you've haven't seen in 6 years.

JP: Noted.

[JP smiles and winks at the girls before he sits down. Maya catches herself staring and composes herself]

Maya: Let's go by numerical order on the class roll?

[Ichika notices Houki as well]

Ichika: JP, that's Houki. Right?

JP: Yep.

Ichika: Why is she acting so cold?

JP: I don't know.

[Little do the two know that roll call is still going on. The teacher interrupts the conversation]

Maya: Hello! Ichicka Orimura?

[Ichika stands up out of nervousness]

Ichika: Here!

[The rest of the class laughs]

Maya: I'm sorry for being so loud just then but we started out with the "A"s and now we've gotten all the way up to the "O"s. So would you introduce yourself now? Pretty please?

[Ichika stands up very nervous. He doesn't turn to face the class. He is sweating bullets. JP gives him a reassuring smile but it doesn't seem to work]

Ichika: You don't have to be so apologetic. Uh...Ichika Orimura. Nice to meet you all.

[The crowd stays completely silent waiting for more. Ichika looks at Houki who still ignores him. He then looks to JP who mouths, "Breathe." It didn't help]

Ichika: That is all!

[The class groans as Ichika sits down]

Ichika: Was that bad?

[Another teacher walks in who is wearing a business suit slams Ichika on the head causing him to fall out of his chair. He stands up to see who it is. It's his sister, Chifuyu Orimura]

Ichika: Sis?

Chifuyu: You will call me Miss Orimura at school.

Maya: You're back! Does that mean the meeting is over already?

Chifuyu: That's right, Miss Yamada. I'm sorry about having you greet my class.

Ichika: JP, why is Chifuyu here?

JP: Jarvis?

Jarvis: She teaches.

JP: She teaches, Ichika.

Ichika: She only comes around once a month doing who knows what!

Chifuyu: Alright, class! I'm your homeroom teacher Miss Chifuyu Orimura! It is my job to train you well enough to stand on your feet in one year.

[Everyone in the class starts to squeal with excitemt]

Girl #1: Lady Chifuyu! It's really Lady Chifuyu!

Girl #2: She inspired me to come here!

Girl #3: I'd die for you!

[Chifuyu sighs. She glances at JP who just gives her a smile. She calms down for a moment before getting serious again]

Chifuyu: How many nutjobs are here this year? Do I get all the crazies on purpose?

[The class squeals again]

Girl #1: Lady Chifuyu, scold us more! Cuss us out!

Girl #2: Train us so we don't misbehave!

Ichika: My big sister is my homeroom teacher?

[Chifuyu gets very serious and even cracks her knuckles]

Chifuyu: So, have the instructions regarding addressing your instructor not taken yet?

Ichika: Well...Chifuyu...I was just...

[Chifuyu slams Ichika's head into his desk]

Chifuyu: That's Miss Orimura, right?

Ichika: Yes, Miss Orimura.

Chifuyu: Any other questions?

[JP raises his hand]

JP: I have one.

Chifuyu: I have one for you too. Why aren't you dressed in the school uniform?

JP: I just bought this suit. I wanted to break it out. I can't pull it off like you do though.

[Chifuyu blushes for a quick second but composes herself]

Chifuyu: What's your question, JP?

Ichika: You called him by his first name?

[This time JP slaps Ichika]

JP: Huh, I see why you do that, Chifuyu. It's fun.

Ichika: Aren't you going to scold him for calling you by your first name?

Chifuyu: No because we are on a first name basis.

[The class gasps]

Chifuyu: Try your best to call me Miss Orimura okay, JP? Now, what's your question?

JP: Is my sister Jasmine here? You two are best friends so I want to know.

Chifyu: Actually yes. She teaches a class over from mine.

[As if on cue, Jasmine Stark walks into the classroom]

Jasmine: Did someone call my name?

[The class reacts the same way when Chifuyu introduced herself]

JP: Good morning, Miss Stark.

Chifuyu: At least someone knows how to address their teachers.

[Chifuyu glares at Ichika causing to sweat more]

Jasmine: My darling brother! How are you? And please feel free to call me and Chifuyu by our first names.

[Jasmine wraps her arms around JP]

Jasmine: Miss you so much. Why didn't you call?

JP: I many times did I try, Jarvis?

Jarvis: Three times a day for a month and then quit.

JP: Three times a day for a month but then I quit.

Jasmine: I'm sorry. Just been very busy with her.

JP: I bet.

[Jasmine hugs JP again]

Jasmine: I'll see you later, JP.

[Jasmine leaves the classroom. Chifuyu sneaks a glance at JP but quickly turns away. The look wasn't missed by Maya]

Girl #1: So, the two boys are brothers to the most famous IS pilots in history?

Girl #2: That's probably why they can control an IS.

[Chifuyu gets upset]

Chifuyu: That isn't true. JP was a natural for the IS. In fact, he builds all of his IS's. He built his first one trying to escape a terrorist group.

[The class is stunned that Chifuyu defended JP

JP: Chifuyu, are you okay?

Chifuyu: I'm sorry. Jasmine and I were very worried when we heard you were caught. She cried every night. She blames herself for that machine in your chest.

Girl #1: Wait, he has a machine in his chest? He's that JP Stark?

JP: How many other JP Starks do you know?


Chifuyu: Enough! You're syllabus for the next six months begins with memorizing all data concerning the IS. After that, practical training where you'll have two weeks to master the basic maneuvers. So, you got all of that?

JP: Do I have to participate since I'm already a master of the IS's I build?

Chifuyu: It would be nice if you would.

JP: Fine.

Chifuyu: Even you don't say, "Yes, mam!"

Class: (Shouts) Yes, mam!

[Ichika just stares in horror. He is having flashbacks on how his sister and JP's sister became the top IS pilots in the world before disappearing. Now she suddenly appears]

Maya: Now as I'm sure all you are already aware, IS actually stands for "Infinite Stratos."

[JP coughs]

Maya: Unless you're JP who builds his own IS's and calls them differently. It's a multi-form suit originally developed in Japan. When it was first conceived ten years ago it was originally designed to be used in outer space. However, those plans are currently on hold. Due to the Alaska Treaty, the IS is also prohibited from being used in the military. Therefore, it's used solely for competitions and sporting events. And our IS Academy is the only educational institution in the world established with the objective of training IS pilots. Students from all around the world come to this school where young people from a multitude of countries get to live, work, and study side by side every day as they hone and perfect their piloting skills. So starting today let's all study hard over the next three years!

Class: Yes, mam!

[Ichika still sits in horror at the thoughts. Only females could operate an IS. Well, that's before Ichika could. JP, on the other hand, makes his own suits. They are in the same category of IS's but are somewhat different. He made his first while trying to escape a terrorist group. Since then he has made many more but keeps them hidden. Later that day, all of the girls are talking about JP and Ichika]

Girl #1: Look at them! They're the only boys who can control IS's.

Girl #2: Didn't that JP Stark create his own?

Girl #3: Did he? Do you think he could make one for me?

Girl #4: They used IS's during the entrance exam.

Girl #5: It was International news!

Girl #6: You should go talk to that Stark guy.

Ichika: How can you stand all of this popularity?

JP: I run a billion-dollar company. I'm used to this.

[Just then Houki walks over]

Houki: Can we talk for a minute?

[Houki leads JP and Ichika outside]

JP: So, how's it going, Houki?

Houki: Um...

JP: Haven't seen you in six years. How you've been? Is there something you wanted to say?

[Houki doesn't respond. Ichika stares at the situation but is very confused]

JP: You won the national kendo competition last year. I'm very proud of you.

Houki: What? How did you find that out?

JP: It was in the paper. I recognized you since you never changed your hair style. Do you think I'd ever forget you? Ichika did though.

Ichika: Hey! I recognized her...after you pointed it out.

[Houki looks at JP in embarrsement]

Houki: You didn't forget about me, huh?

JP: How could I ever forget?

[Silence. The bell rings]

JP: Break is over. I guess we should head back. Want to walk with me?

[Houki gets very red]

Houki: Uh...

JP: Unless you don't want to.

Houki: No! Of course I want to!

[After the break, the class is listening to Maya teach as Chifuyu supervises. Everyone is paying attention. Well...except for JP. He has heard all of this before. Ichika, on the other hand, doesn't understand any of it. Maya walks over to him]

Maya: Do you have any questions, Orimura?

Ichika: Uh...

Maya: Well, if you do have questions just ask me, okay? I'm your teacher after all!

Ichika: Miss Yamada...

Maya: Yes? Don't be shy!

Ichika: I don't understand any of it!

Maya: What? Not any of it? Is there anyone else who doesn't understand what we've covered so far?

[Silence. JP just chuckles]

Maya: What's so funny, Stark?

JP: I'm way past this. I'm talking way past this.

[Chifuyu walks over to Ichika]

Chifuyu: Orimura, did you read the reference manual before school started?

Ichika: Are you talking about that big book?

Chifuyu: That's right! It said "required reading"!

Ichika: I accidently threw it away.

[Chifuyu smacks Ichika]

Chifuyu: I'll get you a new one and I expect you to memorize it by the end of the week.

Ichika: That big book within a week?

Chifuyu: What did I say?

[Chifuyu glares at Ichika causing him to freeze. JP just laughs]

Chifuyu: Something funny, JP?

JP: I threw mind away too after a few minutes.

Chifuyu: Why?

JP: I memorized the whole thing.

Chifuyu: You memorized the whole thing in a few minutes?

JP: Don't believe me? Try me.

[Chifuyu asks JP several questions which he answered in full detail stunning the class]

Chifuyu: I'm impressed.

JP: I have a photographic memory! I don't forget anything. I'm a super genius after all! The only person who compares to me is her and I have her beat.

Chifuyu: Still impressive none of the less.

JP: I even remember what you wore that one night.

[The class gasps. JP just chuckles as Chifuyu looks away in embarrasement]

Chifuyu: I'll never underestimate you again.

Maya: Let's continue with class! Everyone turn to page twelve in their textbooks.

[As class continues, a certain blonde looks completely focused. Later that day, she approaches JP and Ichika]

???: May I have a moment?

Ichika: Huh?

[The girl gasps]

???: What sort of response is that? You should be honored that I've bothered speaking to you in the first place.

JP: I'm sorry. He's an idiot.

Ichika: Hey!

JP: I'm just saying the truth.

???: Don't you think you should behave in a more appropriate manner?

JP: Like this?

[JP stands up and kisses her hand. The girl blushes in embarrassment]

Ichika: I'm sorry but I don't even know you.

???: You don't know who I am?

JP: Jarvis, who is she?

Jarvis: Cecilia Alcott. Representative Contender of England. Her IS is Blue Tears.

JP: You're Cecilia Alcott. Representative Contender of England. Your IS is Blue Tears.

Cecilia: Finally, some recognition. (Points to Ichika) You on the other hand aren't off the hook.

Ichika: I have a question.

Cecilia: Well, it's the responsibility of nobles to answer queries from the lower classes. Do go ahead.


Ichika: What is a representative contender?

[The whole class groans]

JP: Oh boy.

Cecilia: This is unbelievable. I can only hope that every Japanese man is not this utterly devoid of knowledge.

[Cecilia looks at JP]

Cecilia: Well, except you.

JP: I'm not originally from here. I'm from the US.

Cecilia: Anyway, it's nothing more than common sense!

Ichika: Aren't you going to tell me?

[Cecilia glares at Ichika]

JP: Please just tell him before he doesn't shut up in asking me.

Cecilia: They are the chosen elite selected by their countries to represent them as IS pilots. Surely you should be able to deduce that from the name alone?

Ichika: That makes sense.

Cecilia: That's right! I'm one of the elite! It's a miracle and your good fortune to get to be in the same homeroom as someone like me! Oh how an incredibly lucky boy you are! Did that get through that thick skull of yours?

JP: It could go either way for him.

Ichika: I got it. I guess I'm lucky.

Cecilia: Are you making fun of me?

JP: He definitely isn't.

Cecilia: Please let him speak for himself.

Ichika: You just said how lucky I am!

Cecilia: First of all, how did you get into this school in the first place when you have no knowledge about anything. I heard that you're one of the only males who can control an IS but you've been such a terrible disappointment.

JP: Yep. That pretty much sums it up.

Ichika: JP!

Cecilia: Since I'm so remarkable, I can still find it in my heart to be considerate towards people such as yourself. So if you do have questions, I wouldn't mind answering them for you if you were to plead with tears in your eyes.

JP: Wow.

Cecilia: After all, I did defeat an instructor during the entrance exam which means that I am an elite amongst the...

JP: We defeated an instructor too.

Cecilia: What?

JP: Correction: I did. Ichika didn't. Ichika just dodged the instructor who flew into a wall. I knocked him out with a KO.

Cecilia: But I thought I was the only one.

JP: Maybe only female?

Cecilia: I can believe Mr. Stark doing so but you Orimura I can't!

JP: Well he did. I can't believe it either.

Ichika: JP!

JP: Please, Miss Alcott, calm down.

Cecilia: How can I be calm with this insult?

[The bell rings and Cecilia walks away]

Cecilia: We'll continue this conversation later.

Ichika: Why didn't you help me?

JP: It's good for you to learn to stand on your own two feet.

Ichika: (Sarcastic) Well thanks a lot!

[Later that day, JP and Ichika are walking back to their dorms. They stop in front of JP's dorm]

JP: How come you get a single?

Ichika: Don't tell me you're against sharing a room with a girl.

JP: You have a point. Have a good night.

[Ichika walks away. JP enters the room. He knocks]

JP: Hello? Anyone in here?

[JP can hear the shower being used]

???: Is someone out there? You must be my new roommate!

JP: Houki, is that you?

Houki: JP!

[There is a loud crash and thud]

JP: I'll just leave the room since you're showering.

Houki: (Whisper) This is an opportunity. (Out loud) It's okay. You don't have to leave. I'll be quick.

[Houki walks out of the shower. JP has his back to Houki]

Houki: Thank you for not being a pervert. Though I find it hard to believe that really is true because of your attitude.

JP: Are you making me out to be some type of player?

Houki: (Laughs) No. I guess not.

JP: Anyway...I'll just leave and let you get changed.

Houki: No it's fine. I said that I would be quick.

[JP turns for a quick second. Houki blushes]

JP: Wow. You look great.

Houki: Don't say such things! Now turn around!

JP: Worth it. I wanted to ask which side of the room that you want?

Houki: I'll take the right side. It's smarter that way if you walk in.

JP: Very smart.

[Houki changes into her sleep ware. JP walks over and places a tablet on the wall]

Houki: What is that?

JP: That is Jarvis. My AI.

Jarvis: Pleasure to meet you again, Miss Shinonono.

Houki: Hello Jarvis.

Jarvis: I am here strictly for Mr. Stark. I will guard the room as well help Mr. Stark with anything he needs.

Houki: He won't record me will he?

Jarvis: Mr. Stark isn't someone to do that.

Houki: That's good.

JP: That's settled. I think we should get some sleep.

[JP takes off his shirt. Houki blushes]

JP: What?

Houki: I didn't know that you were so toned!

JP: I work out.

[There is a knock at the door. JP goes to answer it. He opens the door]

Girl: (Shouts) Marry me!

[JP slams the door]

JP: Okay. That's not how I wanted to end the night.

[JP gets into his bed while Houki gets into hers]

JP: Night, Houki.

Houki: Night, JP. (Thoughts) JP's my roommate. This is a perfect opportunity to get closer.

[The next day, JP, Ichika, and Houki are eating in the dining room]

Ichika: So Houki is your roommate huh? Lucky you!

JP: I know right. Be jealous. Be really jealous.

[Houki starts choke on some food. JP hands her his drink]

JP: Take a sip.

[Houki refuses and continues to cough]

JP: I know what you're thinking. Just do it.

[Houki nods and takes a sip]

Houki: Thank you.

[Girls start talking about JP and Ichika]

Ichika: So, Houki, how is it sharing a room with JP?

Houki: Don't use my first name, Orimura! (Whispers) Only JP can do that.

[Three girls walk over to the group]

Girl #1: Stark, Orimura, may we sit here?

JP: Sure.

All Girls: Oh yeah!

Girl #2: Stark, you eat lot of food!

Girl #3: Typical boy.

JP: Well I also work out a lot. Are you girls eating only a little to watch your figures?

[All the girls blush]

Ichika: How do you get the girls do that?

JP: It's a gift.

[Houki stands up to leave]

Houki: I'll excuse myself.

Girl #1: So you and Shinonono are close aren't you, Stark?

JP: She's my childhood friend.

All Girls: What! Your childhood friend!

JP: Yeah. We went to the same school and everything.

[Claps are heard. Chifuyu gets everyones attention]

Chifuyu: Less talking and more chewing! Pilots should eat quickly and efficiently.

[Chifuyu sees JP]

Chifuyu: JP, is that all you're eating?

JP: Yeah. Is that a problem?

Chifuyu: Get a second helping.

JP: What for?

Chifuyu: I know why you don't eat much. Now get a second helping and eat it quick!

JP: If you say so.

Ichika: She really cares about him doesn't she?

Chifuyu: I am the freshman dorm super visor! Anyone late to class has to do ten laps around the school!

[The class begins]

Chifuyu: Two weeks from today you'll be asked to choose your representative for the class tournament. A class representative not only competes in the tournament but will also attend student council meetings and committee meetings. Essentially, it's your class leader, okay? I will now take nominations! Any suggestions?

Girl #1: I nominate Stark!

Chifuyu: Good choice! Congrats, JP! You're our class representative!

JP: I don't get a say in this do I?

Chifuyu: No you do not. You're already used to going to meetings so this should be a breeze.

[Cecilia stands up]

Cecilia: I do not approve of this! This type of selection is utterly unacceptable! It would be shameful for a boy to be our class representative. You can't possibly expect that I, Cecilia Alcott should have to deal with that sort of humiliation for an entire year. In the first place, simply living in a country with such an underdeveloped level of culture is unbearably painful to someone like myself! Oh the agony!

JP: You finished?

Cecilia: Yes?

[Chifuyu smiles]

Cecilia: This calls for a duel!

JP: If you say so.

Cecilia: How are you taking this so calmly?

JP: I've endured my time with people who talk like that.

Cecilia: Well, let's make a bet. If I win, I'll make you my servant! No! My slave!

JP: Kinky.

JP: Do you need a handicap?

[All of the girls start to laugh]

Girl #1: He's joking right? Men used to be stronger than women until the IS was invented.

Girl #2: People say that if men and women would have a war, it wouldn't last three days.

[JP just smirks. Chifuyu sees the look on his face and smiles]

Cecilia: Actually, I was wondering if you needed a handicap.

Girl #3: You should take her offer, Stark.

JP: Nope. I'm good. Thank you though.

Girl #3: I think you're underestimating her.

JP: No. I've seen what she can do. I've seen the footage.

Cecilia: Isn't that spying?

JP: Don't worry, Cecilia. I got all your good sides.

[Cecilia blushes]

Chifuyu: That settles it. The competition will be staged in Arena 3 which I believe is available Monday. Stark and Alcott, I expect you to become fully prepared for combat.

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