Miss Policeman | Jungkook x R...

By LunaLuvsWriting

680 25 16

All rights reserved Please dont copy my work --- "Why, hello there, Miss.Policeman." He licked his lips as sh... More



158 5 6
By LunaLuvsWriting


Yawning out of boredom, [Y/n] propped her feet up for the second time that day. She smacked the sides of her face with her hands to wake herself up, since she had been sitting in the same position for the past 3 hours and the only eventful thing that had happened at all that day was Cole bringing in the new prisoner.

She sighed, before glancing back at the entrance to the cells. She wondered what the prisoners name was, since the entire time Cole and her were talking he didn't utter a word. She shrugged, before turning to face the front, only to jump as she saw a strange male staring at her right in front of the front desk.

"H-hi!" She stuttered, eyes wide as she sat up straight in the blink of an eye, a nervous smile on her face. "How can I help you?" She asked shyly, looking down at her computer on her desk. The truth is, she wasn't really a cop, she didn't go out on missions like the other cops did, but she was like the assistant, or the lady that sat at the front desk to help visitors.

"I would like to see Jungkook." The male uttered, running a hand through his bright blue hair, before giving her an unintentional cold glare. She shivered, before nodding and typing his name into the computer. She prayed to god that they put in the information already or this man would throw a fit.

Hitting the enter key after typing 'Jungkook' into the prisoner search bar, a name popped up with the picture of a male. It was the new prisoner, the one who had arrived about two hours ago.

Ah, so that was his name, she thought. Interesting.

'Jeon Jungkook.'

'21 years old.'

'In for sexual assault.'

She felt her eyes harden as she read the information, reading exactly what he was in jail for. She felt a vein pop in her neck out of anger, but she took a deep breath, and looked at the cell number.


"Ah, you'll have to go talk to Cole to visit him." She smiled kindly, but was a little irritated on the inside. "Cole should be right through that door, just request to talk to Jeon Jungkook and he should set it all up for you." She pointed towards a door about 10 feet to her left, where Cole's office was.

It currently was just her and Cole working, but there were dozen others who worked there.

The male nodded, his brown eyes staring at her intensely, before he turned towards the door and began to head inside.

She let out an inaudible breath she didn't even know she was holding in. That man was intimidating as all hell. She just prayed that Cole wouldn't be as intimidated as she was.

She continued to study the information that was submitted about Jeon Jungkook, her eyes scanning over the words on her bright screen.

'Born September 1st, 1997.'

'Known gangster, wanted for 3 years.'

'Found unconscious outside an old warehouse.'

'Investigations of warehouse are ongoing.'

So the only reason they were able to catch him was because he was unconscious? Well, even if it seemed dirty, she's just glad they caught him.

There was no more information about him, so she closed out of the file for his data and continued to check the other prisoners. There were only a few since they lived in a small town.

The one prisoner she despised the most was Park Jimin. He had only been there for a month and already seemed to know how to get under the girls skin, and since he was a very dangerous criminal she had to bring him food. And since Jeon Jungkook were in for the same reason, they both had to go to one place; solitude.

The way this prison dealt with prisoners who committed SA and murder were a little different, they were put in solitude for the entirety of the time they spent in the prison, somewhat of a safety protocol to further protect the other prisoners. And since they were in solitude, someone had to bring them food.

There were only 5 other prisoners, which surprisingly were all teenagers, maybe about 2 years younger then herself, since she was 20. The oldest was 19, and the youngest was 16. They really grew into liking each other, and they were surprisingly very kind to her, but Cole... not so much. (These ages were based off of their ages in 2020.)

Their names were Soobin, Hueningkai, Taehyun, Beomgyu, and Yeonjun. The oldest was Yeonjun, who seemed to really like her. The reason they were in was for theft, but that was all. She hoped they wouldn't turn to anything else.

Seeing that it was nearing 12, the lunch ladies would be arriving soon to cook lunch and then [Y/n] would have to go and feed ungrateful Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook.

She sighed in frustration, before she pulled out a loop of keys. She was more in charge of keeping track of the prisoners and bringing food to the prisoners in solitude, so she was mainly the one to collect the prisoners for lunch. Then again, the 5 other prisoners never gave her trouble.

She headed to the first cell that was closest, 204, which had Yeonjun in it.

Each cell only had 1 prisoner each, since they weren't allowed in a cell with anyone else, even the same gender. Again, somewhat of a safety protocol as well as a privilege, since their small town hardly ever pumped out criminals.

"Ms.[L/n]!" She heard Yeonjun call, as she stepped in front of his cell. She chuckled, as he seemed overjoyed at her presence. "How are you today? Are you here to get me for lunch?"

She chuckled at his energy, before pulling out the correct key and unlocking his cell door, beckoning him to come out. He happily obliged, walking through the door and standing next to her. "I've been good, and yes, I'm here because your lunch will be ready soon. How about yourself, Yeonjun?" She flashed him a beautiful white smile.

"Bored." His shoulders slumped, as they began to head towards the next prisoner. "That cell is so boring!" He huffed, cheeks puffed up in somewhat of a pout. "I'm telling you, Ms. [L/n], you should just let us 5 stay at your house." He joked, a big smile on his lips.

She laughed sincerely, her face lit up with joy. "Yeonjun, you know I can't do that! I'm sorry, but you'll have to deal with this little prison for another year." She joked, giving him a cute little wink.

He sighed, before rolling his eyes. He mumbled incoherently about not having anything to do, his lip stick out in protest.

She chuckled, before patting his head, even though she was slightly shorter than him. "You know I care about you but not enough to break the rules." She joked, eliciting a huff from Yeonjun.

They arrived at the next cell, 213, which had a cheery Soobin in it. Soobin had a warm, calm smile on his lips, as he watched a joyful [y/n] approach with a pouting Yeonjun on her trail.

"Hello, Ms.[L/n]." Soobin greeted, waiting a few steps away from the cell door. She shuffled the keys around, before pulling out the correct one and unlocking it.

She had a sour look on her face, as she turned to them both. "Quit calling me Ms.[L/n]!" She huffed, before smiling and rolling her eyes. "You can call me [y/n], or even sis. Being called Ms.[L/n] makes me feel old." She protested, as the two boys' grins grew bigger with each word she uttered.

"Okay, sis." Yeonjun sang out, a happy smile on his face.

"Okay, nevermind, they both make me feel old." She groaned, before turning around stiffly, the two boys following behind like ducks following a momma duck.

The two boys chatted behind her happily, reminiscing in memories of their little group, bursting out in laughter every time they mentioned Hueningkai's clumsiness. She felt her lips spread out into a smile as she listened to their joyful giggles.

Arriving at the next cell, 225, she pulled out the key ahead of time, and quickly unlocked the door, before Beomgyu could even greet them.

She gave him a kind smile, to which he shyly responded with a grin. Beomgyu was always the shy one when talking to her, but she found it to be quite adorable.

"Hi, [y/n]." He mumbled, smiling gently. She nodded in greeting, before continuing on her quest to herd the rest of them to lunch.

It was such a long process, fetching them from their cells. They were all scattered in different places in the prison, so that none of them were next to eachother.

After reaching the next one, 231, which had Kai in it, she quickly unlocked it and let him out.

He gave her a smirk, before opening his mouth to greet her. "Hello beautiful." He cooed, reaching out to pet her head.

She swat his hand away, while humming in greeting. Kai was flirtatious with her, despite her refusal to reciprocate. She consistently reminded him of their age gap and was always wary of it, but little Hueningkai didn't seem to care as he threw constant remarks at her.

They reached the last cell, where Taehyun resided, the click of the lock signalling him to leave. The entire time, the boys all followed her, in a chatty mood.

"Morning, [y/n]." Taehyun yawned, before waving shyly.

"Taehyun.. you just woke up? It's noon..." She raised an eyebrow.

"Yup." He answered, popping the 'p'.

She chuckled, before shaking her head. She proceeded to walk to the cafeteria, since she had successfully herded all 5 boys to follow her. She let them be free to go wherever, as long as they stayed in the watchful eyes of the lunch ladies. The prison was pretty quiet, and she hoped it'd stay that way. The town was peaceful, but there were still a few ruffians, such as Park Jimin.

She groaned. Park Jimin. She forgot she had to feed him, she rolled her eyes.

The 5 boys seated themselves in the table in front of her, and she sat stood next to the closest person, who happened to be Kai, before slamming her hand down onto the table in frustration.

The boys stared at her in surprise and a little bit of confusion.

"[Y/n], are you okay?" Kai asked, patting her back comfortingly. "Is it Park Jimin?" He asked, a sour look on his face at the mention of the name.

She nodded, before groaning. "That man is gonna be the death of me." She rolled her eyes.

"I really don't like him." Yeonjun stated matter-of-factly, before turning back to the other boys to continue their strange conversation about childhood cartoons they missed.

She stood up, bidding the boys a farewell, before walking towards the lunch ladies who were setting up two separate plates for her to bring to the 2 lonesome prisoners.

She gave them friendly grins, before taking the plates and stating her gratitude.

She walked towards solitude, cringing with each step she took as she heard one of them whistling a strangely sad tune.

She sighed, her irritation clear in the way her eyebrow twitchee. She set down the trays on the table where a guard was supposed to be, even though half of the guards were on vacation and a few others had called in sick that day. It was just her and Cole. She silently cursed whoever's bright idea it was to leave them so understaffed. She picked up one tray and silently unlocked Jimin's door.

Apparently she wasn't quiet enough, as Jimin's gaze snapped over to her, a cocky smirk taking over his features. "Ah, welcome back, babygirl!" He cooed, walking towards the bars that were in the middle of the room, separating him from her.

He eyed her hungrily, reaching out through the bars at her. "Come give me a kiss, cutie."

She rolled her eyes, scoffing in disgust. "No way in the hell." She hissed, before bending down to slide the tray under the bars.

She heard Jimin whistle, pink lightly dusting her cheeks. She quickly shoved the tray through and stood back up, the pink on her cheeks signalling her embarrassment.

"Nice ass." He winked at her, before blowing her a kiss.

She ignored his comment, before pretending to swayt away the kiss, which resulted in Jimin pouting. She turned around, slammed the door, and locked it, much to Jimin's shouts for her to come back and let him kiss her.

This happened on a daily basis. Ever since Jimin first arrived and [y/n] stated how attractive he was, he's been trying to win her over. Shivering in disgust, she quickly picked up the other tray and walked down the dark hall to the next cell.

She unlocked and opened the door, seeing Jeon Jungkook sitting on his bed, staring at her intently.

She really hoped he wasn't another flirt lik-

"Hi pretty lady." He grinned, before standing up and walking to the back wall, leaning on it with his arms crossed. "What's a pretty girl like you doing in front of a predator like me?" He cooed out, looking her up and down like a piece of meat.

She visibly cringed, already disappointed as he acted almost exactly like Jimin. She hoped that this was all a show and that in reality he wasnt disgusting like Jimin. "Please don't ever call yourself that again."

She walked forward, sliding the tray under the cell like she did last time, before standing up and walking off.

"Wait!" He called, and she stopped abruptly, before looking back at him and cocking an eyebrow. "Don't you wanna stay.. and talk?" He asked, his eyes panicked. "I don't wanna be alone."

She sighed, closing the cell door, and turning around with her arms crossed.

He walked up to the bars separating them, before gripping them. "Please?"

"Fine." She muttered, before meeting his gaze. "What do you want?"


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