The second last time lord (El...

By Christmascookie15

11.8K 301 65

The sorceress, a time lady from Gallifrey, roams around in her Tardis, believing that she is the last timelor... More

First Regeneration (part 1)
First Regeneration (Part 2)
First Regeneration (Part 3)
Second Regeneration
Sisters united (Part 1)
Sisters United (Part 2)
Sisters United (Part 3)
Sisters United (Part 4)
Sisters united (Part 5)
Bee and Marla
Bow tie prank
Victory of the Daleks (Part 1)
Victory of the Daleks (Part 2)
A goodbye
Time of Angels (Part 1)
Time of Angels (Part 2)
Time of Angels (Part 3)
Flesh and Stone (Part 1)
Flesh and Stone (Part 2)
Flesh and Stone (Part 3)
Soft and fluffy
Vampires in Venice (Part 1)
Vampires in Venice (Part 2)
Vampires in Venice (Part 3)
You're my Bow Tie Guy
Amy's Choice (Part 1)
Amy's Choice (Part 2)
Amy's Choice (Part 3)
Amy's Choice (part 4)
A needed chat....
Hungry Earth (Part 1)
Hungry Earth (Part 2)
Hungry Earth (Part 3)
Cold Blood (Part 1)
Cold Blood (Part 2)
I'm back :)
Cold Blood (Part 3)
Cold blood (Part 4)
The man of her dreams
The sisters are back.
Snakes and Willow trees (Part 1)
Snakes and Willow trees (Part 2)
Snakes and Willow Trees (Part 3)

Victory of the Daleks (Part 3)

174 5 3
By Christmascookie15

Wow two chapters in two days. I'm really proud of myself. I've gotta say though. I have so much to write. This is the 14th chapter. Almost made it to number 15. Oh and for those of you that noticed the TARDIS wasn't capitalized, look again! Cause it is now. Thanks to someone who kindly mentioned it to me. Thank you. Yay. Well enjoy this final chapter of the victory of the Daleks, hope you enjoyed my little twist of the testimony. Oh Blood transfer, bet you didn't see that coming. And you don't know why, but I do. Spoilers!!!!!!

Suddenly the white Dalek from the ship appears on the Tardis monitor.

Doctor! Call off your attack!

He laughs at them, "Ah-ha, what? And let you scuttle off back to the future? No fear. This is the end for you. The final end!"

Call of the attack, or we will destroy the Earth

The doctor doesn't flinch, "I'm not stupid, mate! You've just played your last card!"

Bracewell is a bomb.

This time the doctor seems a little nervous, "You're bluffing. Deception's second nature to you. There isn't a sincere bone in your body," he stops as he realises what he said, "There isn't a bone in your body."

His power is derived from an Oblivion Continuum! Call off your attack, or we will detonate the android.

"No!" The doctor practically shouts, "This is my best chance ever! The last of the Daleks! I can rid the Universe of you, once and for all!"

Then do it. But we will shatter the planet below! The Earth will die screaming! 

"And if I let you go, you'll be stronger than ever. A new race of Daleks," he replies, distraught.

Then choose, Doctor! Destroy the Daleks or save the Earth. Begin countdown of Oblivion Continuum! Choose, Doctor! Choose! Choose! 

He sighs as he makes his decision, "The Doctor to Danny Boy. The Doctor to Danny Boy. Withdraw."

"Say again, sir. Over," Danny Boy clarifies.

"Withdraw! return to Earth. Over and Out," the doctor says bluntly.

"But sir..." Danny Boy tries.

"There's no time," the doctor replies sternly, "You have to return to Earth now! Over!"

The doctor goes over to his TARDIS and sets coordinates for Earth. The TARDIS makes the wheezing noise as the doctor flies it, still angry.

"Doctor," The sorceress wheezes, trying to sound stern, "Stop."

He turn around to face her and looks at her curled up posture.

"Stop beating yourself up," she orders him, "It wasn't your fault. It was the Earth or The Daleks. You couldn't do both."

He opens his mouth to argue back but the sorceress puts a hand up to silence him, "No! I'm proud of you. You choose the right thing. Now let's go save the Earth. The Daleks were always going to survive. They always do, let's do something more productive, eh?"

He nods at her smiles, "Yeh, let's go save the Earth."

He helps her up, keeping an arm around her waist to help her walk and they go out of the door and into the room where the others a waiting. The doctor makes a move to punch Bracewell, but the sorceress keeps him back.

"Professor. You're a bomb," she explains to his shocked face, "An inconceivably massive Dalek bomb."

"What?" Edwin asks.

"There's an Oblivion Continuum inside you - a captured wormhole that provides perpetual power. Detonate that, and the Earth will bleed through into another dimension!" The doctor says before pushing him onto the ground and opening up his shirt, "Now keep down!"

He pulls out his sonic, keeping an arm around the sorceress, before she moves away, giving him the power to use both arms. He uses the sonic and the skin opens to reveal a metal robot underneath. A large panel with multiple sections stands in the middle. All of the blue. Without warning, one of them turns yellow.

"Well?" Amy asks the doctor.

"I don't know. I do not know. Never seen one up close before!"

"So, what, they've wired him up to detonate," Marla asks, coming up behind the sorceress, whom is sitting on the floor, still panting.

"Not wired him up! He is a bomb. Walking, talking," he makes an explosion with his hands, "exploding! The moment that flashes red."

"There's... a blue wire or something you have to cut, isn't there?" they all look at her, each with a different expression, "There's always a blue wire. Or a red one."

"You're not helping," The doctor says at the same time that the sorceress says, "Seriously!?!"

"It's incredible," Churchill intervenes, "He's talked to is about his memories. The great War..."

The doctor starts to get impatient, as he tosses his screwdriver, between his two hands.

He interrupts the prime minister, "Someone else's stolen thoughts, implanted in a positronic brain. Tell me about it. Bracewell! Tell me about your life!"

"Doctor, I really don't think this is the time!" Bracewell argues back.

"Tell me and prove you are human. Tell me everything," Doctor explains in a hurry.

One section of Bracewell's chest turns red and the next turns yellow.

Bracewell begins to tell his story, "My family ran the Post Office. It's a little place just near the abbey. Just by the ash trees. There used to be eight trees but...but there was a storm."

The doctor tries to hurry him as he notices the red section, "And your parents? Come on! Tell me!"

"Good people. Kind people," Bracewell says, before turning it upside, "They died. Scarlet fever."

"What was that like? How did it feel?" The doctor asks.

"Please..." Bracewell pleads, feeling the pain of their loss again.

The sorceress stiffens as she feels sadness cascade from him to her, pouring over her, making her extremely sad.

"How did it make you feel, Edwin," The doctor tries again, "Tell me! Tell me now!"

The sorceress could tell he was getting impatient.

"It hurts. It hurts, Doctor, so badly. Like a wound," Bracewell says after a few seconds of silence, " It was worse than a wound. Like I'd been emptied out. There was nothing."

The second section turns red and third one turns yellow.

"Good. Remember it now, Edwin! The ash trees by the Post Office and your mum and dad and losing them and men in the trenches you saw die... Remember it! Feel it, because you're human," The doctor explains in a hurry, "You're not like them. You are not like the Daleks!"

The third section turns red.

"It hurts! Doctor, it hurts so much!"

"Good! Good! Good! Brilliant! Embrace it," The doctor says in a false enthusiasm as the fourth one turns red, "That means you're alive! They cannot explode that bomb, you're a human being! You are flesh and blood! They cannot explode that bomb! Believe it! You are Professor Edwin Bracewell! And you, my friend, are a human being! It's not working, I can't stop it!

The fifth section turns red after he says that, and the sorceress steps forward, Amy right behind her.

"Hey... paisley," Amy says softly.

"Ever fancied someone you know you shouldn't?" the sorceress asks him, not allowing her thoughts to wander to someone else.

"W... what?" The professor asks, trying to fake confusion.

"Hurt's doesn't it?" Amy asks.

"But a good kind of hurt," The sorceress adds.

The last section stays on yellow for a few seconds.

"I really shouldn't talk about her," Bracewell admits.

"Oh it's a her?" The sorceress questions, not realising that Amy had stepped back to stand with the sisters, instead focusing on the fact that the last section had turned back to blue.

"What was her name?" The doctor says, picking up where Amy had left off.


"Dorabella? That's a beautiful name," The sorceress compliments.

"Lovely name," The doctor agrees.

"What was she like?" The sorceress asks the professor, not being able to keep the small smile off her face.

"Oh... Such a smile. And her eyes... Her eyes were so blue...Almost violet. Like the last touch of sunset on the edge of the world... Dorabella..." He explains to the listening ears of everyone in the room.

One by one, the rest of the sections turn blue, making the sorceress laugh.

"Welcome to the human race," the doctor says brightly to the professor, he points a Churchill, "You're brilliant," Then he points at Bracewell, "You're Brilliant," Pointing to Amy and kissing her forehead, "You're also brilliant," Then her turns to the sorceress and his face breaks into a huge grin, "And you.... I can't say exactly what I'm feeling, but you're amazing. Thank you."

She grins back at him, and pulls him into a hug, staying together longer than normal friends would.

"Now, gotta stop them!" the doctor says, once they break away, "Stop the Daleks!"

"Wait doctor," Bracewell calls after the doctor, causing him to turn around and come back, "Wait... Wait. It's too late."

The doctor turns around, a shocked and appalled look on his face.

"Gone, They've gone," Bracewell explains.

"No, no, no! They can't have got away from me again!" The doctor yells.

The sorceress lays a hand on his shoulder to calm him and he gratefully looks at him.

"No, I can feel it, my mind is clear," Bracewell assures him, "The Daleks have gone."

The doctor leans against a pole, his face full of illegible feelings.

"Hey..." The sorceress says slowly, coming to face him, although still drained of her energy.

"Doctor," Amy says to him, "It's Ok! You did it. You stopped the bomb. Doctor?"

"I had a choice. And they knew I'd choose the Earth. The Daleks have won. They beat me. They've won," He says, not looking at any of them.

"Doctor," The sorceress says sternly, "Remember what I told you. You saved the Earth. And if you had stopped the Daleks, goodness knows what would have happened to this great planet. And you saved it. If you'll let me, I'd say it wasn't too shabby."

"No," The doctor says slowly, and looking at her in the eyes, "It's not too shabby."

She smiles as Churchill agrees with the doctor, "It's a brilliant achievement, my dear friend. Here, have a cigar!"

"No..." The sorceress butts in, "One day, I'm gonna find out how you keep getting new cigarettes and steal them all."

"So what now?" Amy asks as they stand in silence for a few minutes, well, all except the sorceress, whom was too drained from talking to the doctor, that she had propped herself up against the wall.

"I have a war to run, Miss Pond," Winston explains to her.

A woman comes up and hands Churchill something, as Churchill says to her, "Thank you,"

"They hit the palace and St Paul's again. Fire crews only just saved it," The prime minister says, looking at what was in his hand.

They all turn to the door as they see Breen enter, crying. Marla, walks up to her and puts a comforting arm around her shoulders, making her older sister smile at her kindness.

"Is she ok?" Amy asks as she watches the two girls.

Churchill, who hadn't seen Breen enter, looks up, "What?"

"She looks very upset," The sorceress tells him, sternness laced in her voice.

"Oh, Miss Breen? Her young man didn't make it,I'm afraid. Just got word. Shot down over the Channel."

Amy looks around, "Where's the doctor?"

The doctor enters from where he had run off, "Tying up loose ends. I've taken out all the alien tech Bracewell put in."

Churchill looks at him, "Won't you reconsider, Doctor? Those Spitfires would win me the war in 24 hours!"

"Exactly," he says, as he sips his tea, no-one knowing where he got it from.

Winston argues back, "But why not? Why can't we put an end to all this misery?"

The doctor looks at him, somewhat smugly, "Oh, it doesn't work like that, Winston. It's gonna be tough. There are terrible days to come. The darkest days. But you can do it. You know you can."

"Stay with us, and help us win through," Winston proposes, "The world needs you."

"The world doesn't need me," The doctor says bluntly.

The sorceress looks at him and frowns.

"No?" Churchill asks.

The doctor smiles and makes a victory sign with his hands, "The world's got Winston Spencer Churchill."

"It's been a pleasure, as always."

"Too right," The doctor agrees.

They hug, making the sorceress say, "Awww."

She feel someone come up behind her and whisper something in her ear. She looks up into the accusing face of Bee and nods.

"Goodbye doctor," Churchill says to him.

"Oh, shall we say adieu?" The doctor jokes.

 "Indeed. Goodbye, Miss Pond, Bee and Marla," he says to each, pointing to them in turn.

"It's been amazing, meeting you," Amy says and the girls nod at him.

"I'm sure it has," Winston says.

She kisses him on the cheek and the prime minister turns to the sorceress, "Keep an eye on him for me, will you?"

She grins at him and jokes, "Where's my hug?"

 He comes over to her and hugs her, the sorceress knowing exactly why she was doing so.

"Oi, Churchill," Amy says and holds out her hand, "TARDIS key. The one you took from the doctor."

The sorceress grins to herself as the doctor chokes on his tea and pats his pockets, not finding the key. Winston chuckles, and reaches into his pocket for the stolen key, and mysteriously not finding it.

"Huh?" He asks himself.

The sorceress stands up and dangles the key in front of her, "Looking for this?"

"Oh, she's good, Doctor. As sharp as a pin! Perhaps sharper than me! KBO!" he congratulates her.

The doctor comes over to the sorceress and she gives him the key. He puts an arm around her waist and helps her stand properly, the sorceress limping into the open TARDIS doors.

"Give me a moment," he tells her.

He comes back a few minutes later, with the other girls, "What did you go and do?"

"Just 'deactivated' Bracewell," he jokes.

She catches onto his look and laughs.

"Alright!" Amy says, "Where next."

"Right here," the doctor says, "I need to check on the sorceress, and make sure she can survive another adventure. And by the looks of it no."

The sorceress pokes her tongue out at him, and she limps off to the infirmary, the doctor laughing after her.

"Good old sorceress," he whispers under his breathe.

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