Signed, Danni

By jdbetts

411 22 9

Danielle Logans is a girl from a small town who has some people problems. She doesn't like people who are ove... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Authors Note.......
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 7

13 1 0
By jdbetts

Okay. So. I started school a few weeks ago and I don't know what happened but this got posted in the wrong place and was up for like 2 weeks before I realized it..... So here it is. I'm working on chapter 8 and probably almost done with it. And i don't know why I'm writing all this because no one keeps up with/reads my story soooo..... yeah.. Bye!


So I've been thinking about what I said to Sam. Is there really something wrong? I don't know where that came from but maybe I was right. What if Josh is keeping something from me? Ugh. So anyway Sam is finished getting ready and me? I am still trying to decide what to wear.

"Would you please hurry up! I still have to do your hair and makeup!"

"You are not doing my makeup."

"Just a little mascara and blush. Please?"

"Fine," I say as I walk away from my closet with a pair of ripped skinny jeans and a blue graphic tank that says 'Suns out Guns out' with crossed shotguns. I Look through my boots and pick out a brown pair with stitching the same color as the tank. I cand and Sam sits me down to do my hair and little makeup. As she curls my hair and does my makeup I can't help but think. "I don't think I really meant there is something wrong when I said it earlier."

"Don't be silly. If you said it in the heat of the moment then maybe there is something wrong but your instincts and brain aren't on the same page."

"That would make sense and wouldn't be the first time. Remember in third grade when I told Kyle Anderson to be careful when he plays with his friends and then he came back to class after recess with skinned knees because someone pushed him down?"

"Yeah! I do remember that. That was weird," she pauses, "okay, you're done! Now, let's go! The boys want to see their other sister!"

I chuckle as she drags me downstairs and outside to my truck and her car. We get in our own vehicles because she needs to take her car home and I need a way back to mine. After driving the twenty minutes to her house we pull in the drive, Sam parks her car and gets in my truck and we continue to one of the many fields. There are a few rows of cars already. I park and we get out and make our way to Sam's mom, Amy. "Hi, Amy!" I shout, still walking toward her.

"Danielle Logans! Where have you been! I've missed you!" she scolds.

"I'm sorry, Amy. I've been a bit... busy... with some things..." I trail off as she gives me and Sam a look that says 'we'll talk later'. Oh joy.

"So, where are the boys? I've been told that I'm greatly missed," I change the subject.

"You two. Don't move. I'll go get them. Stay here," she says pointing to the ground before leaving.

"Sami? Danni? Is that you?"

Sam and I turn the the voice and squeal 'Scotty' before jumping on him. Let's just say we're glad he's strong enough to hold both of us.

"Well, hello to you too!" he chuckles.

"Oh, Scotty we missed you!" Sam and I say at the same time.

"I missed you girls too!" he says as he squeezes us tighter.

A throat clears and Scott drops us then turns to stand beside us, "Girls, this is Amanda. My girlfriends." I take her in. About 5'4", blonde, curly hair, thin.

"Hi. I'm Sam and this is my best friend, Danni."

I scoff, "Best friend? You mean sister." I say jokingly.

"Non-related sisters." she states.

"Yeah. That's what I meant. So. Where's mom?" I ask. I know what you're thinking. But she is a mother figure since mine died when I was four.

"I'm right here." she says walking up to us with the boys and Kane, her husband, in tow. I am immediately picked up and squeezed by all six of the boys with Spencer's little boy, Xavier, grabbing my feet. The guys all start talking at once saying 'I've missed you', "Why haven't you been around' and my personal favorite, 'What the hell is wrong with you child? Not seeing you adoptive father for so long!'

"Okay... Guys... I.. need.. air!" I gasp.

They all drop me saying 'sorry' as I land on the ground with a thump. "Guys. I said I needed air not to be dropped to the ground." They chorus 'sorry' together. "It's okay but next time. drop me gently." They respond with okays before grinning and looking at each other grinning. The next thing I know is I'm being picked up in hugs again. "Okay. Put me down, gently." They do. "Now, stand in a line." They do that too. I go down the line hugging them one by one. "Better?" I ask. They all answer yes and I tell them to go party. They smile and leave me, Sam, and Mom alone. Amy takes us to a tree nearby to talk. "Okay spill it girls." So we do.

"Wow, Danni. Looks like you've got your plate full of handsome hunks." she grins.

"Yeah. And I don't know why. I mean I'm not even pretty."

"Danielle Marie Logans. You are beautiful in every way possible and any man would be lucky to have you."

"Oh, please. Name one person."

Sam pipes in, "Well there's Tim, Paul, Anthony, James, Josh, Colton, Jeremy.... Need I go on?"

"I still don't see what you guys see. If they are interested in me then why had I not been on a date before Josh?"

"You blocked everyone out!" Sam shouts.

"Okay! I get it. But-"

"No buts!" Sam and Amy shout at the same time.

"Okay!" I shout back. I turn and stalk off not willing to listen to them anymore. I see the coolers and decide I need a drink. I start walk over just to be stopped by two arms around my waist. "Why hello there."


"So hows the party going?"

"Ugh. I just got lectured by Amy and Sam."


"You don't want to know.. Nor will I tell you."

"Fine. But may I have a dance?"

"Sure, Colton. I'll dance with you." He takes my hand and leads me to the dancefloor, or field that's been mowed. The song Hey Pretty Girl by Kip Moore comes on as we start to dance. I hear Colton lowly singing the song. His voice isn't bad. Nothing like Josh's, but not bad. "You know, you sing really well."

"Thanks, but I'm not that good."

"Yes you are. Better than me anyway." I finish under my breath, knowing my voice was really bad.

He puts his finger under my chin and lifts my head, "Danni. Your singing voice has nothing to do with who you are. I like you and if you have a horrible singing voice like you think you do I will still like you."

I blushed and looked down again. He pulled my head up and before I could think about it he kissed me. It wasn't long but I responded before he pulled away. He pecked my cheek and said he had to go check on the animals. "Wait, Colton. Let me go talk to Josh for couple minutes and I'll go with you."

"Alright. I'm going to go talk to Kane. Meet me by my truck."

"Okay. Five minutes."


We went separate directions. I find Josh grinding on some redhead. I tap on his shoulder and he turns his attention to me. "Can we talk?" He looks scared, I chuckle quietly.

"Sure." He leaves the now disappointed and angry red head on the dance floor and followed me behind the haywagon that was turned into a stage for the DJ.

"Don't look so scared, Josh." I say, "I just want to talk. And no. I doesn't affect me that you were dancing with the redhead." I say, throwing a thumb over my shoulder to the dancefloor.

He sighs, "Okay, I thought you were going to tell me you didn't want to see me anymore."

"No. It's okay. We aren't technically dating so... yeah. Um I'm going back to the barn with Colton to help him with the night check."

"Okay. Do you want to go to lunch tomorrow?"

"Um.. Sure. But don't be mad if I cancel. I'm supposed to be at the barn all day. And I have to work Monday. But you could come visit me at Mel's."

"Okay, let's plan for tomorrow and I'll be at Mel's either way." he finishes, smiling.

"Alright. I'll see ya later." He leans in and kisses my cheek. I turn and walk away, a little disappointed that he didn't kiss me on the lips. Oh well. Colton's leaning against his truck talking to the boys a Kane. "Hey guys." I walk up and lean against Colton's side and look up at him, "ready to go?"

"Yeah. I'll be in the truck. You say goodbye," he smiles and pecks my lips. Man... Josh is really slacking. I shake my head clearing my thoughts then turning to say good bye. As soon as I'm facing them I'm engulfed by all of them. "Guys! You're doing it again!" I shout. They gently drop me to my feet and mumble sorry. I give them all hugs then get into the truck.

We pull up to the barn and get out. I am immediately overwhelmed by the smell of smoke. I look at Colton, pure fear on my face. He looks over at me then starts running toward the barn with me right on his tail. He pulls the door open and there are flames everywhere. We start opening stalls and pushing animals toward the doors that led to the field. I open the last stall and see Dad lying on the stall floor and let his horse, Tim, out of the stall. I bend down and check for a pulse. He has one. I stand up, "Colton!" I skreech. He comes running to me. I don't notice the tears streaming down my face until Colton wipes them off. I point to Dad, he nods and bends over to pick him up. We rush out the back door just before one of the beams fall. I quickly take out my phone and call 911 then Sam. She tells me she and the boys will be right over along with Amy, and Kane.

The squad and fire truck pull up and immediately get to work. The firefighters on the fire and the paramedics on us. They check out Colton and I then take Dad to the hospital in the ambulance with Amy after I asked her to go. As I watch the ambulance drive away I start to cry. I turn to look at the barn but two arms wrap around me and pull me into a hard, muscled, warm chest. I know it's Colton. It smells like Colton and smoke. I start cry harder as I think about what happened. We just lost everything. Without the barn we have no where to house the animals and equipment. That's where most of our income comes from. And I don't know what Dad's conditions is. He could be so bad that he won't be able to work for weeks. Maybe months. I can't quit at Mel's but I can't work there and here. What am I going to do. Colton pulls away and says, "You are going to be fine. You can keep you job at Mel's. I''l take the guest bedroom and stay here to take care of the farm and you can help when you can. And I know for a fact that everything will be okay."

"I said that all out loud, didn't I?" He nods. I huff and pull him close and bury my head in his chest, breathing in his scent.

"Danni." He pauses and pulls my head up, "It's going to be okay." I nod and start tearing up again. I feel a hand on my back and turn just in time to see Sam making this a group hug. I smile when I see Spence, Scott, Ash, Sky, Sully, and Kane coming to join too. I feel two little arms wrap around my legs. I push back a little and see Xavier hugging my legs. I bend as much as I can in the little space of the hug and pick him up and squeeze him between me and Colton. He wraps his arms around my neck and whispers in my ear, "Don't worwy Aunty Danni. It wilw det bettewr. I wuve you."

"Thanks Avy. I love you too."

Everyone backs out of the hug and I squeeze Xavier a little more before he yawns sleepily and I hand him to Spencer. Spence leans in a pecks my cheek in a brotherly way before saying goodnight and piling into one of the cars his family brought before they leave. Colton and I go into the house and decide to watch a movie. Colton puts one in and sits down. I get some poptarts and pop from the kitchen and grab a blanket before sitting down beside him and cuddling into his side. Not even paying attention to the movie I focus on my poptarts and feeling Colton's chest rising and falling beside me. I look and and see him sleeping with a soft snore. I put my pop on the coffee table and lean back into him before falling asleep.

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