See You ✮Phantom Rouge [𝐂𝐎�...

By pinktormaline

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𝐏𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐦 𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐞-𝐒𝐞𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 (Based on the Hunter X Hunter Phantom Rouge movie) ❝𝑰 𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒅... More

♡Author's Note♡
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 4

982 41 7
By pinktormaline

Third person POV

Killua ran through the list of places Rin could be in his mind, checking off the ones he had already searched. But as if Rin was the master of hiding, he couldn't find her. She could be anywhere in the Totoria district, and the fact that this place was the perfect place for someone to be hidden forever didn't calm his pounding heart at all.

'Goddamnit, Rin. Where are you?' Killua raked his hair with his fingers, panic eyes darting every corner of the place he was at.

'I've been searching for all high places I could find.' Killua turned his attention back to the tallest tower in the vicinity to the mountains far beyond.

However, Killua was at a dead end, he couldn't think of a place. They've only been here for a short while, it'll be impossible to know where she could calm her mind off but Killua was far from giving up. If it's something regarding Rin, he never gives up. And so, he thinks...and thinks...until a conclusion came in his mind.

'If she's in that state, then she'll be searching for someplace peaceful--!' Killua's eyes widened and he jerked his head to the mountain northwest from where he was standing.

'That's it!'


Killua reached the place he had in mind, at least that's what he thought.

In the distance, amid the green of the forested hills was a reflective white strip that could only be the waterfall Rin mentioned. His spirit soared and he set off toward it.

Scanning through the area, his eyes landed on a tall cherry blossom tree. Killua walked up to that tree and his pair of sapphire eyes trailed up to the branches. The branches reach out like a hand to the sky, as beautiful as any new flower.

Killua reached for the tree and placed his palm over its trunk feeling the calloused surface. Rin's words from earlier rang in his mind causing the corner of his lips to twirl up.

'That's right, it'll be nice if the three of us can come here and relax... It's a beautiful tree and if it blooms, I'm pretty sure the flowers will be as pretty as your smile...'

An image of Rin's smiling face flashed in his mind but it disappeared as soon as it appeared, Killua turned his body and was greeted by a strange muffling noise that sounds so familiar.

There had to be someone nearby and Killua put his bet that it's Rin but the girl was nowhere in sight. Where could that voice come from?

Sob. Sob. Sob

Just then, the sobbing noise became louder and Killua had his eyes trailed to the waterfall and widened at the thought in his head.

'No way, it can't be...'

"...Rin?" He said loud enough to compete with the sound of the waterfall. He was thankful that it was just a small waterfall unlike the one he had in mind. But the position where the girl could be probably dropped a bombshell at him.

The sobbing noise ceased and by then Killua already knew that his thought was confirmed.

Rin was hiding on the other side of the waterfall?! There had to be a small cave in it, no--a big hole! Gah! That's really not the case, the main point is she's hiding beyond the curtain of white water!

Not caring if his trousers get wet, Killua made his way through the water and stop a few steps from the falling water. Grateful that the water wasn't deep.

"Rin! What are you doing in there?! Get out of there it's not really the safest place for you to be in!" Killua shouted with his eyes still searching for the silhouette of the crying girl beyond the white curtain of water.

"Who cares anyway... At least no one will find out what ugly faces this selfish girl has!" A voice retorted back. It was Rin's voice alright.

"What are you even talking about?!"

"Why don't you just leave with Gon and that new girl Retz and build a new friendship club. Just leave me out of it!" She screamed.

'Good grief...' Killua slapped his forehead, raking his hair back while he's at it. Taking a deep breath, he stared straight to the waterfall where he deduced Rin would be sitting by the direction of her voice coming through the falling water.

"Rin, the only thing that matters to me right now is you." He said, sapphire eyes never leaving that one singular spot.

However, Killua was only greeted by the sound of the falling water. Sighing, he finally gave in to the temptation.

"Okay, I get it. Gon's an idiot. He's dumber than a pile of unscented handsoaps but that doesn't mean he doesn't care for you. Rin, you can never be replaced by anyone not even by that girl. If they say you're selfish, then, I am much more selfish than you. A WHOLE new level of selfish than you." Killua made a big circular motion with his hands.

Figures, Rin took a peak from where she was sitting to see Killua's silhouette from the falling water.

"You wanna know why? Because I want you to be with me even when you told me to leave." Rin's puffed eyes widened but it didn't end there.

"Because I didn't stop to care about Gon's feeling when I punched him in the face. And here I am now, drenched, just because I want to see that stupid smile of yours even when you don't feel like it..."

"So please, come out now for this big selfish prick standing here right in front of you." Killua reached out his hand to the water.

Rin was stunned by his words that it made a different kind of tear escape her swollen eyes. Her lower lip trembled as she tried to form a smile.

Just when she was about to reach her hand towards the water, the water splashed her face and the next thing she knew her wrist was snatched away and her body was pulled out from the hole she curled herself in.


Emerging from the waterfall, Rin's face was slammed onto Killua's chest as he wrapped his hand around the girl. His action had caused both of them to stumble into the shallow water. Still, Killua hadn't let go of his hold on the girl.

"Man, you're freezing! How could you sit in there this whole time?!" Killua tightened his hold on Rin searching for the missing warmth.

"It's least the cold can numb the pain..." Rin said between her chattered teeth. Now, finally being out of that dark cold place, Rin noticed the difference in temperature and her body started to tremble in cold.

"Baka~ if you want a shoulder to lean on, you can always find me. Consider me as your personal tissue." She felt him brushed her wet hair back and kissed the crown of her head gently.

"You're right. Your chest is always comfortable to cry on." Rin snuggled closer.

"Then cry all you like, I don't mind."

Rin had been hugged before, but never like this. Even with the fact that both of them were drenched, there was something so warm, something that felt right in Killua's arms. She let her body sag, her muscles became loose. In that embrace, she felt her worries lose their keen sting and her optimism raise its head from the dirt. Perhaps this was the kind of comfort she needed all along.

"Thank you... Killua."

"Don't mention it."


The water glistened, mirroring the dazzling assemblage of glittering stars. The faint wind brushed against the water's surface, the ripples ruffled the stillness of the surface and shattered the reflection of the night sky.

Killua had his eyes focused on the water's reflection with his back against the cherry blossom tree. Next to him was Rin who rested her head against his shoulder. The two of them had stayed in that position in silence for the past few minutes in hopes they could dry themselves for being in the water for so long.

Above all, they just wanted to calm their minds after the whole emotional ordeal that has been going on, especially for Rin.

From the corner of his eyes, Killua took a glance at the black-haired girl to find her fingers playing with the necklace around her neck. A ghostly smile appeared on her face while her eyes shined. That's when he realized, he never noticed her wearing that necklace ever since he gave it to her back in Heavens Arena. Though ashamed that he hadn't noticed that small piece of information about Rin, he was still grateful that she wore it all this time. A small smile crept up his lips.

"You really seem to like that necklace," Rin chuckled at his comment.

"Of course, you were the one who gave it to me." Her smile widened at the memory. Killua returned her smile as he continued to stare at her smiling face.

"But you know... I have other reasons to cherish it." Rin's eyes never left the sakura necklace as her fingers continued to play with the silver accessory.

"Is that so..."

"Yeah... It reminds me of my mother." Rin paused, head tilted toward the already black sky.

The moonlight streamed down upon her pale skin. Her hand lifted the silver necklace to the moon, pure white light refracted within the small pink diamond causing the shape of her lips reflecting the crescent above. Sweet memories of the past started to make its way back in her mind.


Big black eyes stared at the accessory dangling on the woman's neck. Her eyes sparkled as she saw the necklace glistened underneath the sunlight.

"Mama, that's a nice necklace!" Little Ringo pointed out to her mother's neck.

"Oh, do you like it?" The woman smiled at her child's sudden outburst.

"Yup! A lot!" Nodding her head, Ringo cheered in delight. Her mother smiled again before crouching down to her little girl caressing her soft black hair.

"Alright then, Mama will make one, a SUPER special one for my little princess!" Lin carried the child in her arms and snuggled their nose together earning an excited squeal from the little girl.


-End flashback-

Rin laughed at the memory before staring back at the sky, the smile never left her face.

"A few days after they're gone, I kinda explore the whole house. I found one of my mother's drawing kept in a locked drawer. Oh-- did I mention you my mama was a jewelry designer?!" Rin turned her head to Killua with pure excitement in her eyes.

"No, this is the first time I'm hearing it," Killua replied only to have her smile widened.

"It was amazing! Her designs are wonderful! Ah... How I wish I can have a talent like that but seems like I only inherit my father's brute strength." Rin pouted at the last part and Killua chuckled at her reaction.

One thing for certain, Rin is definitely not the artistic type, she was more of an athletic type and Killua couldn't help but agree with the thought. Before he could even make a sarcastic remark on that, Rin continued.

"It was in a folder, her last design that is... At the cover was a note, it says; 'For my little princess'. I instantly knew that the design in the folder was meant for me. And you wanna know what? That design was exactly the same with this necklace you gave me!"

Killua smile died faster than wisps of smoke dissipated after a candle flame has been snuffed out.

"I was surprised that you could actually have it since mama's design are usually custom made. What are the odds, huh?" Rin turned to look at Killua who only stared at her in silence.

"Whenever I wear this necklace, I feel like I'm somehow connected with mama. So, you'll have my thanks, Killua. Thank you for giving me this necklace!" She smiled.

Even so, Killua couldn't return her smile, he couldn't force a smile even if he wanted to...not this time. His sapphire eyes stared into her oblivious black eyes and it only made the heaviness in his chest increase tenfold.


Again, Rin's face made contact with his board chest. Killua wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her close. He held her body tight and buried her head against his chest. He then rested his chin on top of her head with his eyes shut close.

Why did he do that?

Simple. It was because he doesn't want Rin to see the look on his face. Killua was known for being the best at keeping his cold demeanor but for some reason, that wall just shattered into pieces the instant his eyes laid on hers.

He couldn't stop the quivering of his lips or the creasing of his forehead. He was fighting back the tears that were threatening to fall and the trembling of his hands. All he could do at the moment was caressing Rin's black lock as he held her in his arms.

"What's got into you?" Rin tried to peer to see the look on his face only have her head turned by Killua's hand.

"Nothing. I just thought you'll need all the comfort you can have."

Rin only frowned cluelessly as she said. "You really are a pervert, aren't you, Killua?"

Despite the heaviness in her stomach, it fluttered at the feeling of her body pressed against his. Rin didn't understand as to why Killua did what he did. But one thing for certain, she didn't hate being in his arms.

"But I'll let it slide this time. You always give me the best comfort I need. Thank you, Killua. I'm really lucky to have you as a friend." A smile crept up her lips as she rested her head against his chest.

However, the white-haired boy was unable to smile. He only continued to caress her long black hair with his eyes trained up to the sky, contemplating the red string of fate that intertwines their cruel destinies.

'Are you still able to say that once you know what I've done?'



'If it's a gift for a girl, I should buy something fancy and girly. But then again, Rin's not the type to be wearing girly stuff.'

"Argh! Why is it so hard to find a goddamn gift?!" Killua scratched his hair out of frustration.

That was when someone walked in on him.

"Hohoho~ Having a hard time are you, boy?"

Turning his head, Killua saw Rin's grandfather walking towards him with his hands behind his back.


"I heard about that little plan of yours. And I was thinking that I might have something that can help you." Gozen said with a soft smile. He then revealed a small velvet box in his hands and handed it to Killua.

"Give this to Rin... It'll be more meaningful if it's from you."

Even with his clueless look, Killua managed to open the box and saw a beautiful sakura necklace placed neatly in the box.

-end of flashback-

Killua opened his eyes as he recalled the event from not so long ago. He never questioned why Rin's grandfather gave him that box instead of Gon. But now, he wondered why him of all people. Why does it have to be him to give the necklace to Rin?

The dried leaves descended from the above diverting Killua's attention from his own thoughts. He leaned his head against the tree branch and watch the view of the night sky.

That's when his mind wandered off to the earlier events.

Shifting his head aside, Killua saw Rin had a serene expression as her head was laid on his shoulder.

"Hey, you're awake?" Killua whispered.

"Hmm..." Rin responded with her eyes still closed.

Killua looked at her before turning his head to the sky again.

"Like I said, Gon's an idiot but he cares for you as much as I do. He's just too dumb enough to read the situation and the girl... Retz didn't know your circumstances, if she knew, I'm sure she wouldn't say what she said. So don't beat yourself up so much... In the end, the three of us will always be friends no matter what happens." Killua said.

'And I never want that to change.'

Hearing those words from Killua, Rin opened her eyes slightly before closing them again letting herself be swept away by the hope that her sleep would be filled by light.



Hello guys, I'm back! I have to say this is a pretty late update and I'm sorry for that. It's just that like any other author, I also have to face the writer's block. Not to mention the lack of internet connection at the moment.

As some of you are aware, 'See You' had undergo a major editing. After all, I wrote it when I was fifteen and I can't stop cringing at the first few chapters while editing it. And I've added A LOT of gifs in my story and I was wondering if it's too much or anything. But still, I just can't resist Gon and Killua's cute face!

Anyway, I'm here with another Rillua emotional chapter. Seriously, why does it have to be so emotional when it comes to this couple. You ask me. Hope you enjoy it. Until next time!


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