Survivor: BFB (Old)

Par WolfNinja1225

1.9K 17 26

Four brings 18 contestants to a remote island outside of Yoyleland to compete in a game where they battle the... Plus

Episode 2

Episode 1

1K 11 12
Par WolfNinja1225

AN: Italics means the character is having a confessional.

Four stands dramatically in a helicopter over an island. "What you are seeing is a remote island that was recently discovered off the coast of Yoyleland. It is here where 18 contestants will be stranded for the next 39 days.

Then cuts to another helicopter carrying the 18 contestants, all looking determined.

Pencil sitting next to a tree "I'm someone you look at and you know I'm not gonna be a bundle of joy and sure enough I am not. I'll easily skate to the end."

Donut sitting on a log "Social connections are key in a game like this. I'm going under the radar and taking the million."

Four hangs on the rail of his helicopter. "They will try to outwit, outplay, and outlast each other to become the sole survivor."

Tree crosses his arms and gives a sly grin "My competition is nonexistent. Victory is guaranteed."

Taco rests her head in deep thought "There's been a lot going on in my life now, so I feel like I deserve the win."

He steps of the helicopter onto the island. They will duke it out in challenges while enduring the elements, and each other.

Liy sitting on a log "I could play the sympathy card, but I'm not. I will burn everyone at the stake if I have to."

Four stands dramatically. "39 days, 18 people, 1 survivor!"

*Intro plays*

The 18 contestants walk out of the helicopter one by one. Four smiles. "Welcome to Survivor: BFB!"

Everyone claps except Clock, Golf Ball, and Nickel, who don't have arms. "So now that you're all here, it's time to divide the 18 of you into 3 tribes of 6."

Four then unveils 3 mats. One blue, one red, one yellow. "If I call your name, come stand on the blue mat. Pillow, Blocky, Balloony, Flower, Needle, and Woody."

The 6 of them walk to their mat. "You will be known as the Diamant Tribe. Now, if I call your name, come stand on the red mat. Tree, Teardrop, Clock, Golf Ball, Donut, and Pencil."

The 6 of them walk to their mat. "You will be known as the Rubis Tribe. That means the rest of you, Snowball, Book, Taco, Eraser, Nickel, and Liy, come over to the yellow mat. You will be known as the Ouro Tribe. Now let me pass out your buffs."

After the Ouro Tribe walk over to their mat, Four passes the colored buffs to each tribe.

Book crossing her arms with an annoyed look "I'm disappointed to say the least that Taco and I are on the same tribe. She is seriously the most untrustworthy person on the planet. Disgusting. I want her gone."

"So here are maps to your camps. I'll see you tomorrow for your first immunity challenge. Good luck!"

With that, the 3 tribes go of to their new homes for the next 39 days.

Diamant Tribe

Day 1

The 6 members arrive at their camp and have a small celebration.

Pillow sitting on the beach "I think my team is very solid overall. Most of the hotheads are on the other 2 tribes, and we're getting along pretty well. I like our chances."

"We need to build the shelter guys," said Blocky, seeming to take on leadership. "I think that should be our first priority. Supplies should be in that box. Let's go team!"

Blocky standing by a tree "I wouldn't call myself a leader per say, but I do think it's a priority to have some sort of authority at camp."

The tribe opens their box of supplies and they start working on the shelter.

Woody standing by the shelter work site "I was terrified at the start of the game, but now I'm feeling pretty confident. I'm ready to dab on them haters."

Rubis Tribe

Day 1

The 6 members arrive at their camp and Clock starts kissing the ground as everyone laughs except for Pencil.

Clock sitting on a log "If there's one thing you can't lack in this game, it's character, but don't think I'm not taking this game seriously. I will flip on my alliances when it's not beneficial. I'm winning. No doubt."

"Ready to open the box guys?" asked Donut to his tribe. Himself, Tree, and Teardrop readied themselves, and opened the box of supplies.

Pencil standing by the shelter that Teardrop and Clock were building "I chose not to help build the shelter. Why bother? I'm making their life easier."

Golf Ball looks at Pencil slacking off before cuts to GB sitting on the beach "Pencil is just in general very lazy. Slacking off on day 1 isn't the best strategy. This should make it pretty easy to get a few people to team up with me to vote her out."

Ouro Tribe

Day 1

The 6 members arrive at camp and Snowball runs to the box of supplies. "Alright, you weaklings better not make me lose here!"

Liy gives a small chuckle. "Okay we won't," she said jokingly.

Snowball standing by a tree "I'm the big man on campus. I'm easily the most physical player on this tribe, so getting rid of me first opportunity would be a huge mistake."

"Taco, you go get wood to make a fire," SB commanded.

Before Taco could do anything, Book stopped her and stood up to Snowball. "Why does Taco get a job?!" she yelled. "How do you know she's not gonna abandon us?!"

Taco sitting on a log "This is what I was worried about when I heard Book and I were on the same tribe. She used to be different, but her resentment towards me isn't gonna be healthy for our tribe. I'm sure of it."

"Fine! If you wanna do it, do it!" Snowball roared back.

"Okay, I will!" Book fired back.

Eraser leaning against a tree "Snowball and Book getting at each other's throats on day 1 is not sending good signals for our chances in the game."

Rubis Tribe

Night 1

The tribe members start settling themselves in the shelter. "Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite," Tree said jokingly.

Tree standing by the shelter "I'm feeling very comfortable in my tribe right now. GB pulled me into an alliance with Clock and Teardrop, and I feel like we're gonna be running the game later on."

Diamant Tribe

Day 2

"Rise and shine peoples!" Flower shouted with a hint of sass.

Pillow chuckled as she got up, while Needle simply groaned. "Come on Needy!" Balloony chuckled.

Needle immediately ran up and slapped him. "Don't call me Needy!"

Blocky burst into laughter, while Woody stepped back in fear.

Woody standing by the shelter "Needle can get very aggressive sometimes, and our tribe could do without that. I'm not saying we're throwing the challenge, but Needy really needs to chill out before we're put in a position to vote her out."

Immunity Challenge

Day 2

The contestants come in with their tribes and flags, and Four is waiting there. "Welcome to your first challenge everyone!"

Everyone starts clapping. "Your first challenge will be a combination of a reward challenge and an immunity challenge. The 2 winning tribes will both win 50 waterproof matches, while the losing tribe will vote someone off the island tomorrow night."

Everyone gets themselves ready for the challenge. "For your first challenge, each tribe must hold onto a raft and move it along the ocean course while subsequently lighting each torch along the way. The first two tribes to light every torch, will win immunity and reward. The tribe in last goes to tribal council."

The survivors wait by their rafts waiting for the signal to go. "Survivors ready? Go!"

Once Four's laser fired, the survivors set off on the quest for fire. Clock, GB, and Nickel struggled to hang on the the raft due to being armless. Taco held on to the torch for Ouro, despite Book wanting to suggest otherwise. Pillow began lighting torches like birthday candles as the Diamant Tribe took the lead.

"Come on Taco!" Snowball commanded as they were gaining on Diamant.

"I'm working on it!" Taco said with cynicism.

"Taco doesn't deserve cheering!" Book screamed.

"Can we please stop arguing?!" Eraser said coldly.

Meanwhile, the Rubis Tribe began taking advantage of Ouro's fighting and passed them.

"Yes!" Donut said enthusiastically as they started gaining on Diamant.

At last, Diamant reached the beach and lit their final torch. "Diamant wins immunity and reward!" Four shouted.

Meanwhile, Ouro struggled to catch up with Rubis. "Come on guys!" said Nickel, who was panicking like crazy.

"You can't do much because you're armless!" Snowball fired back.

"Guys, Rubis is nearly there!" said Taco as the opposing tribe reached the beach and lit their final torch. "Rubis also wins immunity and reward!" Four shouted.

Ouro finally reached the beach, but it was too late. "Well Ouro, sucks to be you right now. Anyways, congrats to Diamant and Rubis for winning immunity and reward," said Four. "Here are your waterproof matches."

As Diamant and Rubis claimed their rewards, Ouro looked on in disappointment. "See you at tribal council tomorrow night!"

The tribes then head back to their camps.

Rubis Tribe

Night 2

"Congrats on 2nd place guys!" said Clock.

"Same," replied Golf Ball.

"Yeah, whatever," said Pencil, unamused.

Donut standing by the shelter "Pencil's attitude still isn't doing herself any favors. She's gone once we go to tribal.

Diamant Tribe

Day 3

"Wake up guys!" said Blocky.

The tribe yawned as they woke up to their 3rd day on the island.

Flower sitting on the beach "It feels great to win the 1st challenge. I honestly don't know how my tribe feels about me, but I feel good about my chances overall."

Pillow then pulled Flower over for a talk. "Flower," she said. "I'm forming an alliance of people I'm willing to take to the final 3, and you are one of my choices."

Flower was ecstatic. "Really?"

"Yep," said Pillow. "And as a bonus, I'm letting you choose the other person in our clique."

Flower didn't hesitate. "Blocky!"

Pillow paused, but conceited. "Sure. You go talk to him. We need the numbers."

Pillow sitting on the beach "I know it's early in the game, but I've seen Flower's reputation in BFB and it's not a good one. I feel like I could win against her at the final 3."

Ouro Tribe

Day 3

Snowball sitting on a log "My tribe is seriously the worst. I thought I could carry my tribe, but I guess I was wrong. Book pulled me aside and is asking me to vote Taco tonight. I honestly could vote anyone, but this seems like a pretty cut and dry plan."

"So we're voting Taco tonight?" SB asked Book.

"That's the plan," Book said sadistically.

Book standing by the shelter "Taco is just the worst. I want her head on a platter. I want her gone."

Meanwhile, Taco and Liy were talking about tribal. "So are you voting with me?" Taco asked.

"Definitely," Liy replied.

Liy sitting on a log "I like Taco a whole lot. We've actually found a lot in common, and Book's behavior has really gotten bad. Cutting her off tonight would definitely bring the tribe closer together."

Taco rounding up Eraser and Nickel before cuts to her sitting by a tree "Book's been pushing me around for too long. It's payback time. All I need are 4 votes against Book. I'm pretty sure Eraser and Nickel would be willing to vote Book with me. Revenge is sweet."

Tribal Council

Night 3

The Ouro Tribe walked into the tribal council area to meet Four. There were 6 logs and the area was illuminated by torches. "Come on in," said Four. "Everyone grab a torch, dip it in the fire, and put it back where you found it. Once your flame is snuffed out, so are your chances of winning."

Everyone did as they were told and they all sat down. "So Ouro," Four started. "I've heard there's been a lot of bad blood going around camp."

"Definitely," said Snowball.

"Book, you've been talked about a lot around camp," Four continued. "Do you think it's good talk or bad talk?"

"Um," Book started. "I think it's pretty half and half."

"Taco," Four went on. "Tensions between you and Book have caused a rift in your tribe. Do you think one of you is getting the boot?"

"Probably," said Taco.

"Alright," Four finished. "Time to vote. Eraser you're up first."

Eraser walked up to a small room where there were pieces of paper and a marker. He wrote down a name, but it wasn't shown.

Snowball then went up and voted quickly.

Book was next. She quickly wrote in cursive. [Taco] "Bye bye abandoner."

Taco was next. She quickly wrote down in all caps [BOOK] "You've made my life a nightmare. Now it's my turn."

Nickel followed, then Liy. Four spoke once Liy came back. "I'll go tally the votes."

Four returned with the box of votes. "Once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person voted out will be asked to leave the tribal council area immediately. I'll read the votes."

Four pulled out the first vote.


"Next vote."


"That's one vote Taco, one vote Book."

Book scowls at Taco.

Four opens the next vote.


"That's one vote SB, one vote Book, one vote Taco."

Snowball growls.

Four picked up the next vote.


"That's two votes Taco, one vote Book, one vote SB."

Taco frowns.

Four opens the next vote and chuckles.


Liy chuckled.

"That's two votes Book, two votes Taco, one vote SB, one vote left."

Four opens the final vote.

"The first person voted out of Survivor: BFB is..."

Four flips the vote.


"Book, I'll need you to bring me your torch."

Book sighed as she moped over to grab her torch and headed over to Four.

"Book, the tribe has spoken," Four said as he snuffed her torch. "Time to go."

Book glared at Taco as she walked down the pathway.

"Despite the Book versus Taco rivalry coming to an end, that doesn't mean the conflict has ended. Grab your torches and head back to camp. You now have fire. I'll see you at the next challenge."

Book sitting on a bench at the end of the pathway "Am I proud of how I played the game? No. I thought I was much calmer than that, but I let a grudge ruin my attitude and my game. I wish the best of luck to everyone except Taco."

AN: I hope you enjoyed the first episode! If you have anything to say, please leave a comment. See you next time!

Next time on Survivor: BFB:

Snowball at camp "Alright, which one of you weaklings voted for me?!?!"

Also, a new twist completely changes the game.

Tree sitting on a log "Well that could screw up my entire game plan."

Continuer la Lecture

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