P.S. (Please Stay)

By probablykyliejenner

535 51 28

The jubilant, loud laugh echoed through the cafe, permeating his soul and awakening memories that were long f... More



29 2 1
By probablykyliejenner

Harry's eyes fluttered open the next morning, feeling a body beside him stir. He took a moment to remember Olivia was finally sleeping beside him. A lazy smile crept onto his lips and he rolled over, wrapping his arms around Olivia and nuzzling against her shoulder.

"G'morning lovely," he murmured into her hair. He pressed a few soft kisses against her collarbone. Her skin was so soft; he could kiss her forever. "How did you sleep?"

Olivia smirked, covering Harry's hand with her own. "I forgot how loud you snore," she teased. He didn't, but it was still fun to tease him. She laughed and squeezed his hand reassuringly as Harry let out a wounded yelp. "Just kidding, you big baby," she told him, rolling onto her back.

"You think you're so funny, don't you?" asked Harry, shaking his head as he looked down at Olivia. He loved how her tousled morning hair tangled around her face. Her eyes, though still heavy with sleep, were bright and beautiful. God, did he love her.

"Mm-hmm..." Olivia giggled, running her fingers through Harry's hair and pulling him towards her. His lips were dry and slightly chapped from sleep, but every kiss with Harry was always delicious.

Harry braced his hand on the mattress as he leaned into Olivia's kiss. Their movements were slow, lips still languid with sleep, but it was perfect. Still, Harry felt cheeky and smirked against Olivia's lips. "Ugh, you've got terrible morning breath, love," he teased her. She didn't, but she wasn't the only one who could tease.

Olivia swatted Harry's arm. "Oh, fuck off," she laughed, pulling Harry into another kiss. Though they spent much of the previous night making out and making love, Olivia didn't think she could ever tire of kissing Harry. However, she couldn't help wondering what was on his mind. Olivia wasn't always the most perceptive person, but something was plaguing Harry and he was holding something back. She would give him time to tell her, but she hoped she didn't have to wait long.

"It's okay, I'll keep you around anyway," Harry determined, settling against Olivia's chest. He let out a quiet sigh. The night before had been perfect. Any nerves or trepidations either one of them had disappeared in an instant and it was like before for both. Harry hadn't wanted to ruin the evening with a conversation about Ben, but he came close a few times. Deep down, he knew Olivia hadn't been the one to end her engagement, but he didn't want to hear her say it. It made Harry feel like her second choice, and he didn't like it.

Olivia ran her hands up and down Harry's back, his silence screaming at her that something was going on in his mind. It would be easy for her to assume it was tour nerves, but there was more to Harry's quiet than just thoughts about work. It bothered Olivia that she didn't know what was going on in his mind.

"I don't want to get up," Harry mumbled, burying his head into Olivia's chest and blowing a raspberry against her cleavage. "Can you call in sick for me?" He loved his job, but he loved his girl more.

"Already done," Olivia told him with a nod. A few quiet beats passed before she continued. "What time do you have to get going?"

Harry shrugged. "I don't remember," he confessed. "Someone will call me though," he added. After he said the words, he snickered. "Lord, I sound like a proper spoiled brat, don't I?" He shook his head at himself. "I think I would have remembered if you hadn't come along and distracted me," he teased, squeezing the sides of Olivia's breasts.

"You are a brat," Olivia answered, swatting Harry's bottom. "Kind of a sexy one though," she added as an afterthought.

Harry propped himself up on his elbows and grinned at Olivia. "Oh yeah?" he asked, He wiggled his hips against her. "Sexy enough for a bit of a bad morning breath romp?" he wondered, the cheeky grin still across his face as he continued to gyrate against Olivia.

"Hey, your breath isn't exactly minty fresh either!" Olivia argued with a laugh. She raised her hips slowly, matching Harry's movements, her fingertips grazing Harry's skin.

Harry chuckled, pressing a kiss on Olivia's forehead. "Suppose that's why we're such a good match, yeah?" he asked. "Because we're both disgusting." He pressed a trail of kissed down Olivia's face before landing on her lips. "But you're still beautiful," he whispered against her lips.

"Suck up," Olivia teased, continuing to lift her hips against Harry. After so many years apart, they were both insatiable. And as neither one of them had bothered to put the hotel robes back on after their trysts the night before, it would have been effortless for Harry to slip in and have the bad morning breath romp. But before he even had a chance, his phone rang.

"Fuck off!" Harry groaned loudly. "Don't they know I was about to show you some of my best moves?!"

Olivia sighed, pressing her hips against Harry's erection. "Too bad for this thing, eh?" she teased. It was too bad for her as well, but Harry always threw more of a dramatic fit than Olivia when it came to getting off.

Harry sighed. "Fuck off," he instructed, rolling off Olivia and grabbing his phone from the nightstand. "Too bad for this too," he added innocently, massaging his fingers against her clit and inciting an amorous sigh from Olivia. He smirked at her before answering the call. "Hello?"

"You're an asshole," Olivia grumbled. It wasn't as fun for her when the tables turned. She ran her fingers across Harry's bare back as he sat on the edge of the bed, speaking into the phone. She hoped she was making it difficult for him to concentrate on the conversation.

"... Oh really? Shit, no one told me... Okay, yeah. An hour?" He glanced at Olivia. "Can we make it two? Okay great, thanks. Bye." Harry dropped the phone onto the bed and twisted around, pinning Olivia under him. "You..." he growled, attempting to sound angry. Then he grinned and kissed the tip of Olivia's nose, "... are the prettiest thing I've ever seen in my life..."

Olivia laughed, shaking her head at Harry. "You're so cheesy," she told him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him closer to her. "Do you have to leave me soon?" she asked, unable to keep the whiny tone out of her words.

Harry chuckled. "You big baby," he joked, kissing her forehead. He sighed. "But I do," he answered. "There're a couple kids at the Children's Hospital who want to meet us. Like Make-A-Wish," he added for clarification. "I like doing these type of things, but they're tough too. Sick kids and all..."

Olivia nodded. "I get it," she answered. She was quiet for a moment. She didn't want to sound needy and ask Harry what she should do while he was busy – she was familiar with Vancouver and could find something to occupy her time. But she was not sure if she had to check out of the hotel, or go to the venue, or if Harry had a tour bus. She knew nothing about being on a concert tour and realised she hated the unknown.

Harry tickled under Olivia's chin. "Wish I could stay with you all day, love," he told her. "But after the show tonight, we'll head on down to Seattle and we'll have all day together tomorrow. We can do whatever you want..." he promised. "... but we have to do a bit of what I want, too," he added, wiggling his hips suggestively.

Olivia furrowed her brow, Harry's comment taking a moment to register. Then she burst out laughing, leaving Harry confused. "What?" he questioned. "It's not funny! You want it too!" he protested. "I can tell..." he added, letting his hand wander between Olivia's legs.

"That's not the funny part," Olivia answered, still giggling. "It's so stupid, and maybe somewhat ironic but... I don't have my passport here!" She laughed again, thinking back to when she and her sister packed up her old house. Jessica, being paranoid, told Olivia she should not travel with all of her identification, in case someone robbed her. Olivia told her she was ridiculous, but if it eased Jessica's mind, she could have Olivia's passport in her own vehicle. Little did she know she would actually need it.

Harry swatted Olivia's shoulder good-naturedly. "You dope!" he laughed, but he would be lying if he said he was not disappointed. They only had a few more dates in the US before breaking for a few weeks, so he wouldn't have to wait long to see Olivia. Still, after so many years without her, he didn't want to spend a single moment apart.

"Yeah," Olivia sighed. "But... it's only a few days. And I probably should make some sort of sense out of all my shit at my parents house..." She groaned at the thought of staying at her childhood home and suffering through legions of questions about her and Harry. She wondered how long she would have to stay with them. She and Harry had spent little time talking, but now Olivia realised they should have spent more time using their lips for something other than kissing.

"Okay, fine," Harry grumbled. "I'll suffer through these last few days without you. I'll be miserable and cranky and you'll have to make it up to me in a million ways once you get your bloody passport and meet me in LA."

"So is that the plan?" Olivia asked Harry. "I'll meet you in LA after? And then...?" She could hear her voice and wanted to slap the annoyed tone out of it. Harry wasn't the problem; not knowing the plans was the problem. Then she reminded herself that all she had to do was ask.

Harry frowned. Olivia's words had a tight tone to them and he was not sure why. Though he couldn't remember if they discussed his schedule and the European leg of his tour. "Then... a few weeks later, we head to Europe for... like six weeks, I think. You won't forget your passport that time, will you?" he added teasingly, hoping to get his girl to crack a smile.

Olivia smirked. "Of course not," she promised. "Can you just do me a favour? Keep me in the loop about... well, everything? If there's a group chat, add me to it so I'm not in the dark." She let out a chuckle. "You know how much I like plans and organisation. It just bugs me not knowing what's happening tomorrow or next week, you know?"

"I do," Harry answered, kissing the top of Olivia's head. It didn't bother Harry – he didn't mind some handler or employee to tell him what his plans for the day were. It saved him from having to figure it out for himself. But he'd been in the industry for over a decade, an industry where your own life is not yours. It was new ground for Olivia, who was fiercely independent. He wondered how she would react when she found out he had hired help to take care of the mundane adult chores for him, like bill payments and grocery shopping, and didn't even access his own mobile banking.

"So... okay, there's about a week left of this leg. I don't remember the final date," Harry told Olivia, sounding apologetic. "Then I think about three weeks off before going to Europe and then... I'm not sure..." He trailed off, an idea forming. He shook his head and chuckled. "Wait... I'm such a fucking idiot..."

"No, you're not," Olivia answered automatically, though she found it a bit strange he wasn't sure of the dates of his break. She would have her breaks memorised before the first week of school was over.

Harry waved his hand dismissively. "No, I mean not about not knowing the dates," he answered. He paused, furrowing his brow thoughtfully. "Okay, well, I might be about that, but that's not what I meant." He shifted his position to face Olivia and took her hands in his. "Why the fuck would we go back to LA when I finally have time to spend with your family?"

Harry's statement took Olivia by surprise. She wasn't expecting him to suggest spending time with her family – she hadn't even been thinking about spending time with her family. The thought of Denise interrogating Harry was enough to cause nervous sweats, but Olivia knew it was time he met the rest of her family.

"I think that sounds perfect," Olivia answered, beaming as she gave Harry a kiss on his cheek. "I mean, fair warning, my mom is crazy, but..." She shrugged. "At least my dad is okay?"

Harry snickered. Olivia's mother couldn't be any worse than her sister, but he wasn't about to make that comment. Instead, he nodded. "I liked your dad," he replied, surprised that the memory of meeting her dad, just hours before breaking up with Olivia, didn't sting like it had before. Perhaps he was finally moving on from the pain of their past to the pleasure of their future. Of course, they could never truly move on if he was not completely honest with Olivia, but he couldn't bring that up, not now. Though, there was one other person who may not hesitate to bring up Harry's secrets.

He cleared his throat. "So... your one sister will be there because she lives there, right? What about Stephanie?" Please say no, please say no.

Olivia pursed her lips thoughtfully. "I don't think so," she determined. "The kids will still be in school in New York. Who knows, though," she said with a chuckle. "She might make a special trip home just to see you," she teased. She wouldn't. Stephanie loathed Harry, and while Olivia understood her sister was being protective, it was also over the top.

Harry reminded himself to not wince at Olivia's words. "Wouldn't that be lovely," he answered, hoping his voice sounded enthusiastic and not bitter.

Olivia laughed. She wouldn't tell Harry Stephanie's opinion on him. "Next time," she promised, hoping Stephanie would be a mature adult the next time she saw Harry. It would be nice for her sister and her boyfriend to get on, but Olivia suspected while Stephanie may be able to be cordial towards Harry, she would never like him.


A couple of hours later, Harry and Olivia found themselves in the parking lot across from the stadium, standing beside her car. Harry's schedule for his last day in Vancouver was jam-packed. He did not have a spare minute between visiting the hospital, interviews and soundcheck to spend with Olivia. She had insisted she was fine spending the day alone, just to stay near him for as long as possible, but Harry worried about Olivia driving the mountain pass at night and he all but forbade her from staying in the city for the second concert.

"This sucks," Olivia grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest and huffing out a loud sigh. She frowned at Harry as he hugged her, keeping her arms tight against her body. "It's all your fault!"

Harry laughed, pulling Olivia's arms apart and guiding them behind his back, forcing her into an embrace. "Yeah... I'm the worst," he agreed, resting his chin on the top of her head. "But I don't want you driving at night."

Olivia sighed again. "I've driven at night plenty," she pointed out. She frowned. "I just don't want to say goodbye yet..." Despite her attitude, Olivia appreciated Harry's concern, but it didn't mean she liked leaving him so soon.

"Aww, honey..." Harry cooed, squeezing Olivia against him in a tight hug. She was breaking his heart. "I don't want to say goodbye yet either, but it's just for a week. Come on... we can do a week, right? Didn't you tell me earlier it was just a few days? Take your own advice, brat," he teased, swatting Olivia's bottom.

"Yeah, yeah...," Olivia grumbled. She pulled back and looked up at Harry. "I know I shouldn't be such a brat but I just got you back and I..."

Harry cut her off, silencing Olivia's words with a kiss. "I know," he murmured against her lips. "A week seems like a long time, but it won't be long before I'm canoodling you in your childhood bedroom while your parents sleep upstairs," he teased.

Olivia scoffed. "You think I'm going to let you get all frisky on me in my parents house?" she asked him, knowing she would. She was insatiable and almost certain she would be able to be quiet. If not, she didn't care. It would just be payback for all the times Olivia heard her parents.

Harry kissed Olivia again. "Mm-hmm..." he whispered against her lips. "Because you're a horn dog." He ran his hands up and down her back, pushing her chest into his and feeling her breasts press against him. He was sporting a semi, and he was certain Olivia could feel it through his jeans. "Hmm... maybe I am too," he joked, pushing a slight thrust into Olivia's hips.

"Mate!" a voice called from the waiting SUV. "Sorry, but we have to get going!"

Harry and Olivia let out sighs in unison. He gripped her tighter, not wanting to let Olivia go, even if it was only for a week. They both had tried to reassure the other that it was a short separation, but it didn't mean they each weren't sad to be leaving the other.

"C'mon, put that away," Harry said as he pulled back from Olivia, tugging on her pouting lower lip. "Just a week, sweetheart. Then we'll be together so much, you'll want to kill me after two days."

With her face still displaying an exaggerated pout, Olivia snickered. "You're probably right..." she agreed. She stretched up towards Harry, their lips finding one another and settling together comfortably. They stood in the parking lot, silently kissing and tightly embracing, not wanting to leave each other. Finally, the security guard from the SUV shouted out again.

"Harry, buddy, I'm sorry but you're on a tight schedule! We've gotta go!"

He was right, Harry knew. He cupped Olivia's face and pressed a kiss against her forehead. "I love you," he told her, reaching behind Olivia and opening the driver side door. "Please drive safe, and don't stop at any road side loos, okay?" The thought of Olivia alone on the highway, stopping at exposed truck stops was worrisome for him.

"I promise," Olivia assured Harry. She would break her promise if she really had to pee, but she wouldn't tell Harry. He didn't need to spend his day worrying about her travels. But she knew he would, anyway. "And I love you." She pulled Harry into another kiss, frowning against his lips as he pushed her into the driver's seat. "Jerk," she snickered. But she knew he had to go.

"Once of us has to be," Harry teased. He stepped back as Olivia pulled the door shut and waited as she opened the window. He leaned in the open window and found her lips again. Even though it was for only a few days, bidding her farewell was proving to be one of the most difficult things he had to do.

He reached in the car and squeezed Olivia's hand. "Text me as soon as you get to your parents house, okay?" he told Olivia. "Don't be your sassy, you-think-you're-funny self and wait hours to text me, just for shits and giggles. Text me before you even get out of the car."

Olivia laughed, shaking her head. "Oh, you're so sweet to be such a worrywart," she teased, pressing a kiss against his knuckles. "But I promise I will," she added, letting out a laugh at his expression. "Harry! I've driven this road a hundred times! I've driven it in the middle of winter! I'll be fine!"

Harry sighed. "Okay," he answered, drawing the word out to several syllables. He ducked his head into the car, giving Olivia one more kiss before he stepped away from the car. "Okay, get out of here," he teased, tapping the roof of the car.

Olivia shifted the car into reverse and blew a kiss out the window. "I love you!" she called out the window. "And you have a nice bum!" she added as an afterthought, waving out the window before pulling out of the parking lot.

Harry watched her drive away, keeping his eyes on Olivia's car until he couldn't anymore. As she disappeared, he let out a sigh and stalked towards the waiting SUV. It's just a week, he reminded himself. Just a week.  

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