Collide | August Alsina | on...

By theeinterlude__

67.6K 3.2K 1.9K

It's true that opposites attract but that doesn't mean it will be easy. More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
On hold..
Hello Again..


2K 125 102
By theeinterlude__


One month later

"Trevor stop it" I whined as he laid his body on top of mine kissing on my jaw then down to my neck.

A few weeks ago I ended up taking Trevor on that offer for him to take me out. I didn't hear the end of it from Amber and Antonio but at the end of the day it was my decision not theirs, and that's what I wanted to do.

The date had went by very smoothly he took me to a drive-in movie, then we went to a nice restaurant. Of course it wasn't like anything I'm used to but since he put so much thought into it, I couldn't help but appreciate it.

That being said when he asked me and I quote him on this "You trynna be with me?" I said yes. I informed Davonte the day of letting him know that we were now together just to avoid any drama. Of course he wasn't too happy about it but there was nothing he could do to change my mind I really like Trevor. He just warned me to be careful and I would.

It's currently Sunday night and I was over at his place just hanging out with him.

"Stop what? I ain't doing nun" He smirked moving his lips to my chest.

I smiled slyly pushing his head away "Yes you are, stop before you give me a hickey that's so trashy"

"It'll let niggas know you taken though'" He said sitting up.

"Mm whatever" I softly said grabbing my phone off the dresser checking my messages.

Vonte🙄💞: It's 11 pm on Sunday take yo ass home before I wring yo neck.

I scrunched my face up before replying.

Who says I'm not home?

Vonte🙄💞: I got yo location. Tell that nigga to drop you off before I come over there myself.

My location?? 😂 I did not give your crazy ass that so explain.

Vonte🙄💞: Mind your business and get to movin! I'm watching.

I smacked my lips tapping Trevor's shoulder since he was now focused on playing the game.

"Wassup?" He asked moving his earpiece to the side.

"Can you take me home?" I asked standing up and pulling my leggings further up my waist before slipping on my jacket.

"Ah you trynna dip on a nigga already?"

"I wouuuuuld stay but Davonte's acting crazy so I better go before he tells my aunt where I'm really at" I explained.

"Damn that nigga still aint fuckin' with me?" He huffed standing up and grabbing his keys.

I shrugged "He'll come around soon."

I followed him out of his room and out the door to his car. It only took a few minutes to get to my place, my phone dinged as we came to a stop.

I looked down and read the message.

Vonte🙄💞: Good girl :)

I fucking hate you stop stalking me weirdo 🤣

He didn't respond so I slipped my phone into my pocket and looked over at Trevor "I'll see you at school right?"

He scratched the side of his face "Shit maybe."

I frowned rolling my eyes a little bit, I said nothing but leaned over to get my purse from the floor.

"Don't start that man" He groaned.

"I'm not starting anything if you don't want an education than that's your problem" I spoke.

He clenched his jaw glaring at me "You kno' what I'm really not trynna argue right na' so just gon and get out"

"Get out? Real cute Trevor" I snapped placing my hand on the handle.

He grabbed my arm pulling me to him "Stop playin' with me bruh, why the fuck you always want to fight?"

I snatched my arm away crossing them against my chest "I don't, I just don't understand why you won't take the shit seriously there's more to life than drugs Trevor."

"You know why, ain't shit fa' me in the real world. I ratha' put  my focus on what I kno' I'm good at. Now I already told you I'm not finna argue so give me a kiss so I can go."

Giving up I did what he said leaning over to peck his lips, in response he grabbed my chin deepening the kiss letting his tongue explore my mouth before pulling away slowly "Night"

"Goodnight"  I got out the car walking up to the front door and he raced off. I shook my head knowing he was feeling some type of way, but he can't be mad at me for wanting him to have a brighter future. I accepted his ways of making an income but that doesn't mean I support it.

"Hi auntie" I spoke as soon as I got in, she was in the living room catching up on her shows.

"Hey miss, whea' you been all this time?" She questioned pausing the show.

I made my way to the kitchen grabbing a bottle of sweet tea from the pantry before going back over to her "I told you I was over at Amber and Ants house"

"Mhm, did Amber and Antonio give you what's on ya neck?" She asked slightly smirking.

I widened my eyes before placing my hand over my neck. "Um what?"

"Other side" She chuckled, I sighed embarrassed switching my hand placement "Come sit on the couch let's talk."

I slowly walked over there sitting by her "What's the punishment?"

"Thea's no punishment" She started "You're young and I'm aware dats what you kids do..a hickey is harmless but if you're doing otha can talk ta' me—maybe I'll see if I can get you on birth contr—"

I shook my head no quickly "I'm not doing anything like that..and I don't plan on it"


"Yes ma'am"

She took a deep breath before smiling "Thank who's the young man?"

I bit my lip "His name is Trevor we've been together for about a month now.."

"Has Davonte met this Trevor? I kno' my son.."

I nodded "He has, he doesn't approve but he's just being overprotective for now. I'm hoping he'll loosen up once he realizes Trevors serious about me"

"Okay well I'm fine with it just don't lie bout whea you going okay? Your parents trusted me ta look afta you and I don't need anything going wrong" She explained.

"I'm sorry..I will."

"Alright then.. I'm going to head to bed I have work in the morning, there's left overs in the fridge if your hungry"

She got up turning the tv off before heading into her room and I did the same making my way into mine. My relationship with my aunt was okay so far some days she was strict and some days she was chill. Which I guess is better than her being over bearing all the time.

The next day school went by rather quickly. I was now at work with Antonio, it was a slow night so we just chilled by the front counter indulging in some conversation.

"So how's the dick?" He asked slyly taking a sip of his water.

I coughed at his bluntless shaking my head "How many times do I have to tell you I haven't had sex with him."

"Even though he ain't shit, I find it pretty hard ta' believe you can tame yourself around allat chocolate" He shrugged "Just spill the beans."

I laughed adjusting my hat "I am not lying Antonio we haven't done anything like that.."

"So he hasn't like ate the cookie or nothin'?"

"Nope" I popped my lips "I mean he tried to a few days ago but I stopped him."

"Bitch why?" He frowned.


"Because..."He trailed off "Bitch you're a virgin?" His eyes widened.

I groaned rolling my eyes "Yes, is that such a bad thing?"

"No" He quickly said "I just forgot you not from here, all the little girls been lost they shit at 14"

I sighed "And I'm 18..about to be 19"

"Nothings wrong with it Summer, he aint pressuring you or nothing right?"

I held my finger up as a customer came to the register. I took her order while Antonio quickly made the drink, after the old lady paid and went on her way we continued our conversation.

"He doesn't pressure me but I can tell he's like..sexually frustrated I guess" I explained "Do you think I should do it?"

"No hell no, not unless you want to" He stressed "You'll feel like shit if your not actually ready, I don't want you regretting nothing."

"You're right" I nodded "I just want to make sure what we have is real before getting into all that with him."

"Okay period" He laughed "You can still let him taste the box though"

I smacked my lips untying my apron "Bye I'm going on my break"

"Bring me back some food!" He yelled as I made my way into the office to let Maeko know I was leaving.

"Hey girly what's up?" She smiled.

"Oh I was just letting you know I was about to go on break" I said "I should be back in thirty."

"Alright no problem just don't forget ta' clock out" She said.

She looked like she wanted to say something else to me but she kept her mouth closed. I was a bit curious so I went ahead and asked "Did you want to talk?"

"Oh no—actually..yeah I just wanted to ask you something" She said softly.

"Shoot." I said while swiping my work card to clock out.

She cleared her throat "I feel stupid asking you this but is Davonte seeing someone else? We just got back on good terms and then he started ignoring my calls all of a sudden"

My eyes widened "Um no, not that I know of..but then again he doesn't talk to me about stuff like that."

She frowned "Well okay."

I rubbed her back "Don't worry he's probably just busy with work stuff"

"You're right, thanks Summer go ahead and go" She smiled.


"Don't forget the egg rolls either nigga" Davonte said over the phone.

"I ain't no damn Uber eats, you gon eat what I get fool" I said before hanging up.

I was at his spot and we had just finished a smoking session. He ain't have shit in his crib to eat so I took it upon myself to grab some shit. I walked into the local Chinese restaurant standing in the line.

Once the girl in front of me finished making her order she turned around looking at her phone before walking straight into my chest dropping it.

"Damn" She snapped.

I reached down picking it up and that's when I saw her face, Summers old mean ass.

I smirked at her and she just snatched the phone out of my hand walking over to a table. I shrugged it off and made my order.

I chilled by the front until my order was ready, I grabbed my food and realized they just had Summer's chilling on the counter since she was so deep into her phone. I grabbed her bag as well walking over to her sitting it in front of her.

She looked up rolling her eyes "I could've got that."

"You welcome" I remarked staring down at her, I thought this little mean act she was putting on was funny. I could see straight through her, she looked like if you even raised your voice at her she'dcry. "And don't snatch nothin out my hand again."

"Whatever yung, you're interrupting my break" She mumbled.

"Why you gotta be such a bitch" I snarled "I'm trying ta' be nice to you and all since you my homies cousin but you dragging it'"

She looked at me like I lost my mind, and I guess I shouldn't have called her a bitch but damn she was acting like one.

"The fuck, don't call me a bitch!" She frowned.

"Sorry I meant why you gotta act like one" I said trying my hardest not to laugh. It was amusing watching her get all worked out.

"Go away befo—"

I leaned over getting closer to her face "Before what? You call your lil boyfriend?" I chuckled.

She bit her lip staring me with annoyance written all over face.

"Ain't nobody scared of dat nigga, you need to loosen up I'm just fucking with you anyway" I said "You enjoy ya meal love'"

I didn't give her a chance to respond before leaving the restaurant. I got in the car and sped back to this niggas crib before he complained about the food being cold.

"Bout fuckin' time niggas is starvin'" He mumbled grabbing the bags from me as I walked in the door.

"Fuck up' cause I ain't have to get you shit." I said getting my food and heading to the kitchen.

We sat at the table eating our food talking about normal nigga shit when his phone rang, I looked up and seen Maekos face appear. He quickly declined it flipping his phone over "Anyways—"

"Uh uh run that shit back' why you dodgin the misses?"

He hesitated to respond but spoke "I don't kno' man I love that girl but I'm not ready for what she needs from me"

I shook my head "So why you keep playin with her man? You get mad wheneva you see ha' with a nigga but you don't want to be with her so.."

"It's complicated" He said eating his food.

"Nigga no it ain't, the more you do this the more you breakin her heart" I said "And she cool people so I might have to fuck you up for that" I joked.

"I hea you man. I just need time to think about it but she's blowin me up, enough about me though what's up with Denise?"

"Maaaaannn" I dragged "I been tried ta' cut shawty off but she keep poppin' up at my spot."

He laughed "How she kno' ya address."

I sucked my teeth "She had sent my location ta her through my phone, I deleted that shit as soon as I realized."

"She on dat crazy shit" He chuckled.

"Exactly, but I ain't denying the pussy so it's whateva " I shrugged.

I spent the next few hours at his crib just choppin it up with him before deciding to go home. Tomorrow was all work so I needed all the rest I could get. As soon as I got home I took a shower and changed into a pair of sweatshorts and a white t. I cut all the lights off except the lamp on my night stand and smoked a fat blunt drifting off to sleep in no time.

Rubbing my eyes I groaned as my phone kept going off. I got up looking at my phone and it was only 11, so I had only been sleep for an hour but it was Davonte so I answered.

"What man" I sighed.

"A-aug" He stuttered, it sounded like something or some type of liquid was in his mouth when he spoke.

"Yeah good" I asked sitting up.

"They..T-they got me" He said before slightly laughing "They g-got my ass man"

I stood all the way up pressing the phone to my ear "Nigga what is you talm bout? You straight right!"

"They shot me man' like some pussies'" He coughed loudly and started to gasp.

"Whea' you at nigga I'm on my way!" I ran around the room slipping on a pair of shoes and grabbed my keys, I made sure I had my gun on me before running out the house.

"D-Don't botha man' my times up" He coughed again "Tell Maeko dat I love her, let my m-mama know dat I'm sorry' and just watch ova my cousin man" He sniffed "She ain't cut out for this shit' she runnin around with dat nigga and it's—"

He stopped talking witch scared me shitless, by now I was in the car racing the streets. I had no idea where he was but I was hoping it was somewhere near his place. Deep down I knew Davonte wasn't going to make it but I refused to believe it.

A few blocks away from his apartment I saw a figure laying on the sidewalk. I pressed on the breaks before hopping out of the whip and sprinting towards on him.

"Bro!" I crouched down onto the ground and placed his head onto my lap.

He tried to speak but he couldn't, all that could be heard was his short gasps. Blood was pouring from his mouth and he had tears in his eyes. I tried to find where the bullet was so I could stop the bleeding but I couldn't find it.

"Fuck!" I screamed.

"It's coo' Yung" He forced out letting the tears fall.

I shook my head refusing to cry, this wasn't happening it couldn't be.

"On god imma find the niggas who did this nigga, I swear on my life" I snapped.

He nodded and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. I sighed as the warmth from his body left completely. I laid his head back on the ground and grabbed his phone from the ground. I saw that Summer had called him at least thirty times meaning he was probably on his way to pick her up.

I called the police from his phone telling them that there was shots fired on 3rd street before putting the phone back in my pocket and racing to the car. Blood covered my hands and my shirt but I knew I had to pick up Summer.

I made it to Starbucks and she was outside obviously upset. I honked my horn deciding not to get out the car looking like this. She looked up making a confused face before getting in the car.

"Where the hell is Davonte? And why—why is there blood everywhere?" She asked with her eyes scanning over my shirt and bloodied hands.

I ran my hands over my face taking a deep breath "Look..someone shot him—he gone."

She stared at me blankly batting her eyelashes before scoffing "Stop fucking around that's not funny."

"I'm fucking serious man!" I yelled "He called me up but I ain't—I tried but...I really fucking tried to make it ta' him in time but he..he didn't make it."

She instantly started to cry once she realized I was serious "No! No that didn't happen!"

"Summer I..I'm sorry"

"It didn't happen he's fine!"She started to sob covering her face with the palms of her hands. I didn't know what to do so I wrapped my arms around her calming her down as best as I could.

"Imma find who did it I promise okay? I promise."

Imma find these niggas if it's the last thing I do.



Sorry y'all :/

But let's do 10 comments for the next chapter :) 💞

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