๐๐ˆ๐‚๐€๐’๐’๐Ž , โ”€โ”€ g. weasl...

By daintydaffodils

200K 5.6K 1.2K

๐๐ˆ๐‚๐€๐’๐’๐Žโ”€ โ›She painted her life as if it was the future. Set in the canvas of life, the deviations and... More

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2.4K 90 9
By daintydaffodils

i. mother molly !

LILI was confused and slightly disappointed to see that one of the few classes she had with all four of her closest friends, including George Weasley, her boyfriend, was disrupted by said boyfriend and his twin being ushered out the room by Professor McGonagall.

Aspen chuckled as she watched her friend's head travel to where their Transfiguration teacher was talking to the whole Weasley clan as well as the young Boy Who Lived, Liliana's face portraying betrayal to the Professor.

George laughed at the girl's puppy eyes before giving her a pouty face mouthing 'ill be back soon' as the professor guided them to the front entrance.


━━ONCE the class was over and both girls had suffered through Professor Bins' monotone teachings, they both headed in the way of the entrance in hopes of finding the Weasleys. Lee was held up in detention having a talking to with Bins.

Aspen and Lili jogged to the clock tower entrance, seeing the gaggle of redheads and a messy mop of raven hair, that of Harry Potter.

Coming up to the group, Lili had spotted Mr. and Mrs. Weasley as well as the eldest brother, William- or as he likes to be called, Bill Weasley.

Liliana had never met the two eldest Weasley brothers until this year, having seen Charlie for the first time back from the first task. Bill seemed like a nice enough man, tough and rough on the outside with his long flaming hair tied back by a rope tie and a tooth earring hanging from one ear, along with the large and slightly terrifying look of the scar drug along his handsome face.

Lili tried not to stare at Bill, knowing it to be in polite, and snuck around to the twins on the other side of Harry.

Coming up behind one of the twins she caught the eye of whom she thought to be Fredrick Weasley, jumping around the other and hoping on their back to end up scaring both Fred and Molly Weasley.

Fred swiveled under the weight of the teenage witch and glared at his brother's laughter, that of George and Bill as Ronald tried to cover his with a scoff and hid behind his fist.

Lili was laughing until she noticed the specific twin she had catapulted herself into hadn't happened to be her Boyfriend.

Fred raised an eyebrow at the girl behind him, letting her down as she playfully hit George.

"You bloody trickster!" She spoke out to him to which George just laughed out loud, grabbing her wait and pulling her into his chest, "oh hush I did nothing of the sort"

It was Bill and Molly's turn to raise their eyebrows at the couple, "George, Dear, is there something you would like to mention?" She looked expectantly at the girl in his arms,

Wide eyes met as Lili looked up from his chest to give the youngest Weasley twin a scared look, to which he returned as he slowly moved his hands on her waist to turn her around.

"Mum, this- this is uh," he looked down to the short metamorphmagus whose hair was turning a vibrant orange, curling from the bottom up, shying away from the Weasley. "Love, do you want to- uh"

Liliana Kate sent a glare his way before unraveling from him and going to Molly, dragging her boyfriend from his hand.

"Mum this is Lili- you already know that but- "

George was interrupted from a cringing Molly Weasley, "heavens George, spit it out this is torture!" Fred cracked up at his mother's scolding comment leaving his twin to sigh and speak up, "mum this is my girlfriend, Liliana."

Molly's face had shown pure excitement in the moment, pulling Kate into her arms and squishing her, "goodness Lili, he took forever didn't he!"


━━THAT day after the hustle and bustle of classes were over as well as the excitement of the two Weasley's coming down, George had taken Lili's hand with a quick, "im borrowing her" to Aspen and her housemates around and lead her out the great hall with some other students coming in and out.

"Georgie where are we going?" both were laughing as the winter air whipped through them as the ran through the halls, George guiding Lili by her hand, "somewhere"

The two stopped abruptly in front of a large tapestry, George smirking at the Hufflepuff's risen eyebrows, grabbing her hand once more he laughed at her giggles as he lifted the rug like artwork to show the girl a large circular opening into the wall, dark and dusty.



"What in Merlin's beard is this"

"A date."

Lili looked up at him, laughing at his response as she shook her head and then shrugged, pulling him with her down into the passageway. George crawled in front of her, then led her to a tunnel-like slide, picked the girl up by her waist in the cramped area, and lightly pushed the girl down the slide.


━━ONCE the Weasley was down at the bottom, he laughed obnoxiously at the girl who was sitting in the cold, back to him as she had her legs spread out in front of her just staring ahead, on the floor.

"Lili love, you need to get up to move."

Lili sighed sarcastically, "alright alright." George helped her up, giving her his hand and pulled her towards him, into his chest causing the metamorphmagus' hair to turn a dusty pink and curl up as her dimples showed from her small smile.

George smirked at her and he grabbed her hand once more, pulling her along.

"How did you manage to find that, back there" Lili gestured with her hand towards the passage they were shot out of.

"Freddie and I found it last year, about mid spring-"

"And you didn't- you didn't think to notify anyone about this- this passage that just so happens to bring you to a town,,, away from school!?"

"Mmm. . .nope" Lili just groaned as Geroge struggled to keep his laugh in as he led her to a small cafe around the corner of an old bookshop.

The cafe was alive with wooden accents, men, women, teens, people- were everywhere, dancing.

Soft sounds of fifties music explored around the building, couples and friends swaying and laughing to the music. George looked at his girlfriend who was staring at the large glass windows until she gave her boyfriend a bright look and grabbed his hand pulling him towards the entrance, not before pressing a quick kiss to his lips.


━━ENTERING into the small cafe and pub there were curious glances to the couple from adults guessing where they had come from, others guarded as they wondered who they were- it was a very tight-knit community, everyone knew each other.

The building was split, one side having a small bakery with cute little outdoor tables inside, with chalkboard writings, tea, and a lovely bakery case. The other side, having a large wooden bar, people sat on the bar stools, drinking their chosen liquids.

In the center, entwining the two sides was a large open dance floor.

Lili's eyes gleamed as she squealed and pulled George to the dance floor, him putting his hands on her waist and hers wrapping loosely around the back of his neck. The two swayed to the lovely sounds of on old almost scratchy vintage record sounds of Louis Armstrong's La vie en rose.

Lili placed her head onto George's chest as they swayed to the music with the other couples. Though it seemed as only the two were there, swaying with only the other in sight.

Hold me close and hold me fast

The magic spell you cast

This is la vie en rose.

Almost as if nothing bad could ever happen as long as they were by one another, only loving and good feelings between the lovers.

Though nothing stays perfect for long.

When you kiss me, Heaven sighs

And though I close my eyes

I see la vie en rose.


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