Far Cry One Shots...Maybe

By ZombieSmittenKitten

63 2 3

Title says it all. I wrote my current Opum Magnus of one shots and I need to share my sins with the world. Ed... More

Jacob x Fem!OC!Dep-My sins are yours as well

63 2 3
By ZombieSmittenKitten

-Jacobs pov-
The sky was starting to turn orange and red as I walked through the woods. And good Lord,my nerves were beginning to break. It had been a full three days that I've been on the Deputy's ass after she escaped her cell. A grunt left me as I pushed some thorns out of the way with my boot. I'd almost lost her tracks,but the footprints of her hunting boots became more deeper and fresher. She was an interesting character,that's for sure. She had some lip to her and the ass-and support-to back it up. When she first came to Joseph's compound,I couldn't read her. Her face was straight and emotionless as she walked up with that stupid Marshall and Sheriff. She looked all four of us in the eyes. The only time that faltered was when she looked at me. Her eyes almost lit up,and that's what made most of us pause. Her eyes were two completely different colours. One was a rich,deep coffee brown. The other was a light,almost ethereal blue. When she cuffed Joseph,her eyes narrowed playfully at me. Come and catch me if you can,wolf boy. I smirked at her and replied,As you wish,she wolf. Now,almost 11 months into our Holy War,she's evaded all of our grasps. We get her and hold her for a few days. Then,she finds a way out. She has a strong mind,so Faith almost never pins her down for long. She pushes John's buttons until he leaves her to starve,then comes back with an empty room. But with me,she always does everything she can to piss me off,yet make me strangely proud. She completes her trials with swift precision,much like a trained marksman,and I have to admit,there's a small twinge of pride in me each time she completes the trial faster than the last. But then slips out of her cell and let loose all the Judges before she escapes. A snort left me. No,she's not a marksman. She's a military sniper,and she's a thorn in my side. My thumb began to rub against my rifles strap on my shoulder as i thought of ways to keep her locked in her cell,and not have her lock pick her way out. I shook the thoughts away. "No use in getting distracted now." I grunted to myself. An attentive bark answered me. I glanced down at the Judge I brought with me. This wolf was just like the Deputy,strong willed and stubborn as hell. She wasn't as big as the others,but she quickly worked her way up the pack hierarchy. I opted to give her a black Edens Gate Cross to her fur instead of the basic red one. "I know,girl. We'll find her soon." I looked forward again,watching the sunset. A smirk made its way to my face. "I'm coming for you,Pup."
-Stella's pov-
"This has been the worst day of my life." I moaned out. My feet were aching,my knees were about to give in,and i was teetering on starvations doorstep. "Boomer,remind me not to piss him off like that...I didn't know he'd take that offensively!" I cried out to my dog,Boomer. He looked up at me and gave a quiet bark. "All I said was,'Don't bend too far down,you might hurt your back'! I wasn't trying to be an ass,I was trying to be nice! I don't want him to hurt his pretty body." I mumbled the last part quietly. I rubbed the back of my neck then threw my hand up in surrender. Boomer nudged my free hand,gently licking my knuckles. A small smile made its way to my lips. "Thanks for listening,boy." I scratched the back of his ears as I walked on. I glanced around every once and a while to check if Jacob was closer than I wanted. I knew he was hot on my trail,but I didn't care. It became an almost Stockholm Syndrome like dance between us. He would catch me and I'd do what he asked,then i'd raise hell the leave. I could see it in his breath-stealing blue eyes,though. The small hesitation as he pulls out that god damned music box. A shiver ran down my spine at the thought of that simple but triggering blank box. The sounds of water broke my concentration. "A river?" I glanced around. The terrain changed from heavily forested to a still "woodsy",but less trees. It was a perfect blend of the Whitetail Mountains and Holland Valley. "Oooh,the Henbane! Perfect,I need a damn bath..." Boomer barked and jumped around after me as I ran to the body of water. Him and Cheeseburger love going swimming with me,where as Peaches prefers dry land. I looked around the area,already pulling off my messenger bag and weapons off. "Is this...?" I looked up at the bridge. A familiar bar with blue nylon behind it made a grin spread across my face. There,under the bridge,was the prepper stash I found within the bridges supports. I loved the challenged I had to face to get to it,I so I basically claimed it as my home. I asked the person who put the shit there,and they didn't mind,so some scaffolding under a support beam under a bridge became my home. "Hell yes,found my place!" I laughed out. With a new found surge of joy,i began stripping off the clothes Jacob gives me when he catches me which consists of a a simple denim button up with cargo pants and my boots,and my undergarments. I then dived into the water. The shock of cold water hit me as I floated there,waiting for the shock to subside. The water was Blissed out,the smell and sparkle of Faith's drug consumed my senses,slightly wigging up and distorting my reality. Despite that,I hummed out. Most people who know me call me a fish,that I can't stay away from water if I could help it. A peaceful smile made its way to my face as I began swimming around the water. It felt like I was back at my old home,where a deep and wide rivet of the Henbane River cut through my backyard. How I'd spend days swimming and fishing. A feeling of nostalgia flooded me as I broke the surface of the water. Boomer had jumped in the water with me and swam around me,barking like he was having a blast. "I know,it feels good,doesn't it,boy?" I cooed to my dog as I began washing myself off closer to the shore. I ran my fingernails through my scalp,trying to get the blood and dirt to loosen. When my black strands started detangling,I switched to scrubbing my body. I have to admit,Jacob at least let's me wash off after my tests. A small pleasantry I almost abuse. A small smile made it's way to my face. I don't know why,but I didn't outright hate Jacob. No,quiet the opposite in fact. No,Stella. I chided myself. We are NOT going down that road again. I sighed. But I truly didn't hate the Seeds,I just wish that everyone would live in peace. A scoff left me as I finally got myself as clean as i could. "That will never happen." Boomer got out and shook the water off of him. "Haha eww,boy! Now I'm gonna smell like you!" I laughed out as I sat down,letting the breeze dry me. Once I wasn't sopping wet,I slipped my clothes back on. I gathered my weapons and pulled out a special harness out of my bag. It's for Boomer and Peaches for when I grapple or climb-I don't normally climb much with Cheeseburger. It clips to the straps of my bag,and holds Boomer to my chest or back so I could still use my hands. I whistled,calling Boomer over. "You ready,buddy?" I asked him,letting him sniff the harness. He barked,letting me strap him up and onto me. I threw my grappling hook up and began climbing up to the scaffolding. Once I got to the opening,I swung forward and jumped into the room. "There," I said to Boomer,slightly out of breathe. "That wasn't so bad,was it?" He softly barked and waited for me to unhook him. Once I did,he walked up to the animal bed I put up here and curled up. "Good Boy." I cooed,rubbing his ears. A sigh left me as I put my gear in its respective places. After that,I shredded the sweaty clothes and walked over to my clothes footlocker. "Hmm...It's kinda warm this..." My gaze drifted to the horizon. Reds and oranges leaked from the horizon into the sky,a soft but warm light shining through the trees and the bridge supports. "Evening. A tee and shorts doesn't sound too uncomfy." With that thought in mind,I pulled out a large black tee shirt that fell past my ass and I pair of grey denim cut off shorts. I sat down on the edge of the rooms floor,and let my feet dangle above the river. My hands found my stash of smoke and cigarettes on their own. It was a familiar routine that helped ease my mind. Light the cigarette. Grind up my smoke. Pack it into my bowl. Wait to finish my cig before I smoke my bowl. Simple. Simple and that's how I like it. A small smile spread across my face. The small thought of Jacob flashed across my mind. He'd probably be either fuming,or deliberately calm. And would be tracking my every move,the sneering complements leaving him out of habit at my achievements. I was tempted to pull out my radio and tease him,tell him that I ran and he'd never be able to get to me. To try and get under his skin with childish behavior. It was right next to me and my hand started to reach for it. But I hesitated,and let my hand fall back to my side. "He's a smart man,Stell. He can figure out where I am on his own." I mused to myself,exhaling the cloud nicotine. The smoke floated into the air for a bit,then dissipated a few moments later. I spent the next moments just chilling. I radioed Mary May,Eli and Tracey that I escaped and checked up on my friends-and caretakers of my furry friends. After that i jumped through frequencies,seeing if anyone need help. A few minutes into me tra-la-laing through frequencies to hear a very agitated and very familiar voice. "Oh,Pup?" Jacob singsonged into his radio,his voice out of breath. The shit eating grin never left my face as I replied. "Yes? What can I help you with,chap?" I asked innocently. This cause laughter from his end. I could imagine him shaking his head,a tsk,tsk leaving his lips. "I can tell you're having fun with this." I laughed lightly and began kicking my feet over the edge. "So what if I am? Can a girl have some type of fun now a days?" I purred. At this point,I was just trying to get under his skin. For a moment,he was silent. I perked up at the sound of footsteps. As quietly as I could,I leaned over. The laughter almost left me before I could help it. There,standing at most 15 feet below me,was Jacob Seed himself. And he looked pissed. Then,almost like he was exhausted,he spoke again. "I give up." I rested my chin on my palm and pressed the calling button on my radio. "What? What do you mean?" He scoffed and ran a hand through his hair,ruffling up the red undercut. A small and selfish part of me was jealous that I couldn't be the one to do that. Maybe John is right. Lust must be my sin. "I mean,I can't find you. I'm..impressed actually. Nice job,Pup." At this i actually laughed out loud. I thought he'd hear where I was,but he remained standing next to the river. "Thank you,I take pride in one uping you,just once," I giggled. "And you're closer than you think you are." At this,Jacob began looking around,trying to catch a glimpse of me. "Quit playing games,Pup." He growled out. I rolled my eyes. I didn't take the aggression to heart,though. "You must be losing sleep over this. Just think 'up',and you'll see me." I explained light heartily. He then looked up at the top of the bridge. "I swear,if you're not up there-" Okay,this is cute but god damn this man is clueless. I sighed and pressed my radio on. "Quit looking on the bridge." He stopped and stood still. My leg began bouncing. I shouldn't be telling him where I am. But,back to the sin thing,I craved his company. "Okay. What now,Pup?" He grunted out. "Look under the bridge. Like,seriously,look straight up." He sighed and did as I asked. When he caught sight of me waving down at him,he pinched the bridge of his nose. "So,let me get this straight," He called up to me,pacing around. The giggles spilled out before I could stop them. "The famous Deputy of Hope County. Deputy Stella," The way my first name rolled off his tongue made me shiver and press my legs closer together. "Lives in the support beams of a bridge?" He asked,exasperated. I laughed and nodded. "Yes. Call me a troll and I'll kick you in the shin,old man." I called back playfully. He laughed back at this,placing his hands on his hips. "I don't know how you got up there,and I really don't want to. I'm more worried how I'm gonna get you back to the Veteran Center." He mumbled. I huffed and started digging around for my rope ladder I squirreled up here. "Quit moaning,you big baby." I secured the ladder and threw it down in front of him. It was a subtle hint. The hope of please join me in a wordless language. He looked up at me,and stared for a moment. He then nodded,dismissed his Judge,and began climbing up the ladder. A surge of adrenaline shot though my body. He's coming up? Oh my God,he's actually climbing up to join me! Maybe he will indulge me? I shooed the thoughts away and helped him up. He leaned against the wall opposite of me,one of his legs dangling off the edge. My hands wanted to jump out and grab his,but the stab wound on my palms told me not to do it again. I did sling my long,pale and tattooed legs across his lap,though. He looked at the limbs,and let them be. He even began to fiddle with my left foots anklets. I then I decided to test the waters,per say. "Isn't the view amazing?" I said gently. He hummed and made himself more comfortable. "Yeah. I have to admit," He spoke up,rubbing his neck. I wish I was the one to rub his pains away. I sighed to myself. "It feels nice. Not fighting or worrying about this stupid Holy War." I nodded and raised a shot glass that wasn't there. "I'll drink to that,man." He chuckled. Neither of us spoke,but the silence wasn't heavy with awkwardness. A musing thought crossed my mind,and it left my throat before I could stop it. "Hem Si Ioannes non video mihi nunc constare potest quomodo se eo adlatrare magnitudinem vellem mihi est peccatum." Jacob shifted and began looking over me. "So John got ahold of you?" My head shot up to look at him. My one blue and brown eyes met with his ocean blue orbs. "You know Latin?" I asked,incredulous. He smirked. "Scio plus quam tibi credas, Parva Pup." He drawled out. I huffed. "Meeh!" I tainted while sticking my tongue out at him. He made a motion that he was going to snatch the wet muscle,but made no moves. "So,Pup,what's your sin?" An electricity volt jumped down my spine. Like a shy child,I hesitantly replied,"Luxuria." I kept my gaze anywhere but where this deadly,sexy redhead is. The chuckle that left him was meant to make my face flair up,I swear. It was low,husky laugh. One that stirred heat in my lower abdomen,the cheeky fucker. "Oddly enough,I expected this. That,or Wrath." I smirked at that. "Is it cause I'm angry all the time?" I hummed playfully. Jacob snorted and looked out over the Henbane. "Where'd he put your tattoo?" He asked out of the blue. My face went bright red. "Why do I feel like John planned this?" I mumbled,embarrassed as i lifted up my shirt. Jacobs eyes ran across my stomach,before the-thankfully-blue inked letters jumped out from atop my pants line. Jacob chewed on his lip as he leaned forward to get a closer look. "Oh look,the letters are fancy," He said cooly. "He must've not wanted to ruin his work,or that'd be scars and cuts already." I hummed and let him gently touch slightly fresh tattoo. "Yup. He said it was his,quote,'Opus Magnum of tattoos'. I'm just glad he used blue ink and that he put effort into it." At this,Jacob laughed. "Yup,that sounds like John." I snorted as I pulled out my bowl and another cig. "Want one?" I offered,holding both my bowl and my pack to him. Jacob looked up from his thoughts,and grabbed a cig. "Ladies like you shouldn't be smoking," A loud,sarcastic 'Ha!' left me,blowing smoke in his face. His eyes were playful as he spoke up again. "Should I put you over my knee and show you what happens to rebellious women?" My eyes widened at the suggestive sentence,and an almost moan-like noise left my throat. He chuckled at me pawing at the legs below my shorts. I was currently resisting the urge to crawl between his legs and-No.'Tella,stop now. I quickly smashed my head against the wall a few times. It seemed to amuse Jacob. He sat there. Watching me chase out lewd,prevented thoughts. "Be careful,it's not your job to hurt yourself." He said after a few moments. I simply ignored him and kept bouncing my head on the wall. "Hey,Pup. Seriously,you're gonna-God dammit-!" In a flash of motion,Jacob was leaning over me,gently holding the back of my head away from the wall. The sudden stop of motion made me dizzy. My hands went to his arms for stability. "Stop that," He grunted out. "You're going to bruise up." I opened my eyes to fight back,but the look in his eyes made me freeze. They were gentle,gazing softly over me. Like he was making sure I wasn't too hurt. "Jacob?" I squeaked out quietly,not wanting to ruin what was happening. "Hmm?" He hummed out,his eyes staring into mine. I began to worry on my lower lip out of habit. "What are you doing?" I asked softly. Jacob laughed softly and released my neck. My hands shot out to put them back where they were before I could stop it. "Because I'm sick." He grumbled out. His hands had slowly made their ways to my cheeks-on my face,you pervert-and he began rubbing circles on my cheekbones. My brows screwed up. "What do you mean 'sick'?" I asked him,the confusion starting to settle in. He sighed and let one of his thumbs drag across my lower lip. "I'm sick of being your enemy." He leaned back,and this time I let his hands guide me to where he wanted me. My legs startled both sides of his lap once I settled to where he wanted me. I looked up at him,leaning into his touch like a star-crossed lover. "What do you mean by that?" Jacob pulled his lips to the side in thought,still gazing almost lovingly into my eyes. Eventually,he sighed and shook his head. "I..." He opened his mouth to continue,but closed it. I have to say,i pity this man sometimes. It was like he knew what he wanted to say,but he doesn't know how to say it. I looked up at him and nuzzled his hand. My inner sin was swimming in his attention,but my heart and mind knew this could never last forever. It shouldn't even be happening right now. "Jacob~" I cooed to him. His hand froze it's motion. Oh no,did I mess it up? I opened my eyes hesitantly. When I looked at him,his eyes were closed. And the one thing that threw me off? He had the cutest,toothy grin on his face. It make him look younger,how the chemical burn scars scrunched up under his joyous grin. "Yes,Stella?" He sighed. I chuckled and,throwing caution to the wind,I leaned down and rested my head on his shoulder. "You know you don't have to force yourself to explain your thoughts to me," I took his free hand and laced our fingers together. He didn't pull away. In fact,he squeezed my hand. "I know,Pup. But.." He trailed off. A mischievous thought crossed my mind. I lifted my head up and gently spoke in his ear. "But what? Do we need to confess our sins,Sinner?" I purred into his ear. He chuckled huskily and the hand on my cheek slipped down to the small of my back. My heart soared when he pulled me closer. "So what if I do? You're just a lustful vixen," His hand and tone dipped threatening low,his fingertips barely brushing my ass. "How can you help an old sinner like me?" Another faint groan left me and my legs closed on instinct. He chuckled at my reaction. "Well,well. You got me," I practically moaned. I had to keep my free hand from sliding down to the button on his jeans. He leaned his head closer to mine,the scars and his beard lightly scratching at my cheek. "But if Lust is your problem,I could help you~" Another adrenaline volt surged through me when he groaned and press his thigh closer to in between my legs. "It is," He growled out,his free hand pulling my hair away from my neck. My stomach twisted up in knots when he inched closer and closer to my neck. "There's this woman who I wouldn't want." His leg shifted and rubbed against my nether region. A loud,unexpected moan left my lips. My hips gyrated farther into his leg without my realizing. "Tell me about her,Sinner." I hissed out in ecstasy. Jacobs hands made their way to my ass. He squeezed the fat as his breathing became labored. "She's a wicked woman. She's trying to destroy everything my family worked for," He gritted our through our dry humping session. This high of bliss and joy had my head swimming. I've been waiting for so long for this,and now that it's happening,I don't want it to end. "But why would you lust over this woman?" I asked lustfully. Jacob leaned and whispered in my ear. "Because I've been dreaming of you since I was 17." One of his hands left my ass and went for the button on my jeans. I didn't want to interrupt him,so I just groaned out at his actions. "I've had dreams of a strong,almost scary woman. She-" He was interrupted by me grinding down onto his member. The way his eyes screwed up in pleasure will forever be my favorite memory. "She would have long black hair. And the e-eyes of a witch. A-and Joseph warned me about you." I hummed and gently nibbled at his neck. "I wonder why?" I hummed cutely. Jacob gave me a sexy laugh and pulled me down onto his lap,with a force I could never match. "I said the same thing. John told me I shouldn't listen to you. That you'd just destroy me." My heart fell a little bit when he said that. He seemed to pick up on that,so he pulls my face towards his. And my god,I could just orgasm right now from the look on this mans face. His bottom lip was red and slightly swollen from him biting it,his eyes half lidded with lust. No,not just lust. "But I didn't listen to them. Cause if you're strong enough to make it this far?" He snorted and pulled me closer. Our lips were just a breath apart. He gently whispered,"I'll let you destroy whatever you want,as long as you return my love for you." That. That right there made my heart beat. Not with pre-sex butterflies. But with this warm feeling of love in my chest. "I've always loved you." I whispered back. With that,he smashed our lips together. People often joke that it feels like fireworks are going off when you kiss the person who you truly love. And I always laughed. Unless I get kissed at Disney world or some shit,Is what i used to say. Now,at this very,very real moment? I see what they mean. His lips were how I imagined them. Soft,split in a few places,and completely irresistible. His tongue slid across my bottom lip and I opened up for him. After breathing became a necessity-which was pretty long considering we are both trained snipers-we pulled away. We look at each other with shy,but loving gazes. He shook his head and pressed his forehead against mine. "It feels so weird." I chuckled and threw my arms around his neck. "What? Love? Well," I tugged his coat off. He looked up in question,which quickly turned into a seductive grin. "If you're gonna be with me,you'll have to get used to it." He laughed and pushed me onto the floor. "Oh? I think I can get used to it."

It had been about a night since Jacob Seed and the Deputy went missing. Some of the deputies friends set off in the different regions to find her. Let's focus on the Henbane. "Sharky,where the hell is the bridge?" Jerome sighed out,checking the ground again and again for tracks. Sharky scratched the back of his head. "I don't know,uhm. In'nit this way?" He asked,pointing to the left. "Nah,it's this way." Mary May replied,pushing both Jerome and Sharky our of her way. Pastor Jerome shook his head and followed both of them. Now,let's pan to the other side of the Henbane. Joseph Seed walked along with his sister and brother,Faith and John. "Shouldn't Jacob be near here,Joseph?" John asked impatiently. Faith giggled and skipped along while Joseph remained silent. After a few minutes of wandering,both parties made it to the Bridge of Tears. When the groups walked around,they saw an odd sight. "There's Boomer!" Sharky called to Mary May and Jerome. Ironically,right as John pointed out on of Jacobs judges. Mary May gasped and pulled out her shotgun. "Mary? What is-Oh,good Lord." Jerome sighed. "Joseph?" John asked angrily. Joseph just hummed in question. "What are they doing here?" He and Faith asked. "We're trying to find the Dep!" Sharky hissed at John. Faith began flittering around the group as tensions rised. A few moments into the arguing,Faith leaned over Joseph's shoulder,like a curious child. "Why are they fighting?" She asked. Joseph,once again,stayed quiet. Saved for clearing his throat. Everyone quit arguing and looked over at him. All he did was point up. Everyone followed where he was pointing. Mary May squinted,then mock vomited and looked away. "Oh God! Really Stella?! You fucked Jacob?!" Jerome just sighed and shook his head as he stood next to Joseph. "I knew this was gonna happen." Joseph said with a mildly embarrassed tone. Faith laughed and Sharky shouted up a "Get you some Seed,Stell!" to her. And John. Poor John just stood there. With a severely disgusted yet smug look. "I'm tattooing you next,Jacob."
Uhm. Yeah. If anyone's gonna read this,don't judge me.

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