The Ghastly Murders on Whitec...

By Anzeline1011

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A one shot story. More

The Ghastly Murders on Whitechapel Street

2.6K 67 22
By Anzeline1011

Theophilia admired how time had change for the streets of Wellington, London for the past centuries. She adored the way people spent their days during the era of Queen Victoria. She remembered how women would walk around the streets with gowns puffed up by petticoats. Nobles who held parties and invited guests for tea. She thought to herself, what would life be at a time like that? She knew she didn't fit in with today's time, but she still settled with such modern things anyways. 

"I feel as If I was born on the wrong time." she whispered to herself. 

As she began to space out, she sat by a nearby bench then, a stranger greeted her .

"And why would you say that?" A tall, sharply dressed man spouted at her.

The man looked like a prominent gentleman. He wore a frock overcoat down with his crisp suit and dress shoes. He held a lean cane by his side.

"You awfully seem out of your wits on such a fine day." The mysterious man flashed a wide smile towards Theophilia.

"And you are?" she raised her brows in question.

The unknown man bowed and raised his top hat, "Pardon me, for being rude my lady. I am Alastor Ides. Field Marshal of the 66th Cavalry of her Highness, Queen Alexandrina Victoria.

Theophilia noticed the badges pinned on his overcoat.Stunned by the formal greeting, she noticed the quiet streets of Wellington were getting noisy. As she turned her head, carriages reigned by horses filled the streets. Maidens walking around with parasols, and dapper men decked the sidewalk. She couldn't believe her eyes.

"-dy.... My Lady....are you alright, you seem to have a giggle mug all over your face."

"A giggle what?"

"Oh, you don't seem to be around from here" Alastor's faced turned blank."How'd you figure?" she retorted."Well you would have been knocked on the face with that question, and you dress...rather.... odd.""Hey, I'll have you kn-- Theophilia was cut off by the calls of a group of men from a distance. 

The seem to look disheveled. Their hair in disarray, the incomprehensible slurs coming from their mouths was enough to put Alastor in a state of panic.

"Hey Alastor, where are yah you gal sneaker?" one of them called.

"Those Half rats will never let me have some peace and quiet." 

Alastor pinched the bridge of his nose and took Theophlia by the arm. He dragged her into a secluded are where they wouldn't seen by those blokes. A few minutes in seclusion, Alastor decided to invite Theophlia into his humble home. 

"Wouldn't want those idiots lally-gagging at yah."

"Uhh yeah, whatever that means. Wait, where are we? And what year is it, that's not a socially acceptable amount of clothing in the 20th century."

"Well you're in Middlesex Street. It's the 2nd day of March in the year 1864", Alastor stated in a delighted manner.

Theophelia was shook. One moment she was walking the streets of Wellington. Next thing she knew, she was hiding in a corner of who-knows-where with a man who had a funny way of speaking. She reached into her bag and rummaged for her phone.

"How am I suppose to get home, there's no reception, my dogs going to die of hung--"

"Now, now quit your yappin' looks like you're going to be stuck with little old me for a while. Why don't we discuss this over with some tea?"

Alastor's expression shifted from annoyance to pure content. He hailed a carriage and escorted her in.

"How can I trust you?" Theophelia was too skeptical of trusting a stranger.

"Dear, if I wanted to hurt anybody.... I would have done so already." Alastor's voice turned menacing.

"If that's what you are thinking about." he shifted back to his normal tone.

"I'm here, because I want to help."

Alastor held out his hand for Theophelia, and she decided that it was for the best. Rather than roaming around the streets clueless as mouse, she took her chances.While waiting for the ride to Alastor's home. Theophilia was uncomfortable in her seat, overwhelmed by the reality she was facing.

"My lady, are you alright? You've been fumbling around with that doohickey of yours." Alastor asked, tone filled with concern.

"Theophelia, that's my name, stop calling me my lady."

"Theophelia.... that names sounds familiar." Alastor fell back into his seat. 

He averted his gaze towards the window upon hearing that name. He shrugged of the feeling and went on with conversing with her. 

"It suits a bit o' raspberry like you."

"So, Mr. Ides, where are we going?"

"To Spitalfields, it's quite nearby. We'll get there in no time"

Spitalfields rang a bell for Theophelia, but she couldn't point out why it bothered her. A few minutes later, the carriage took a halt. Theophelia looked through the carriage's window and was awestruck. A  huge, classic two-story house appeared before her. At the front of it  had a beautiful gardened maze and trimmed topiaries of various animals.

Alastor escorted her out of the carriage and into his home. Theophelia marveled at the sight. The furniture looked elegant and kept. She seated on the plush sofa and felt the luxury of velvet cloth through her hand. As Ophelia gawked at the living room. Alastor made his way into the kitchen to prepare some tea for his guest. It stated to turn really quiet so she decided to call him.

"In the kitchen." he said in amusement. She followed the sound of his voice and stumbled in the kitchen. She sat on a nearby stool and watched him prepare their drink.

"Do you live here all alone?" Theophelia suddenly interjected.

"Yes, I do quite enjoy the solemn silence and the comforts of having this house all to myself." Alastor's gaze never turned away from pouring the tea into the kettle.

"It's a huge house for one person."

"Well, it pays to be a Field Marshall for her highness." He poured them both a warm cup of tea and placed a jar of sugar cubes in front of her.

She took a sip out of the tea and savored the taste. "Is this Chamomile?", she exclaimed.

"Why yes, only the finest cuppa out there."

Theophelia took another sip from her tea and thought of a way to get back to her time.

"Do you know anybody that we could consult about time traveling?" she asked shyly. Alastor put a hand on his chin. 

"I sure am no scientist but, I do know a chap. His name is Combt  de San German, a renowned philosopher and scientist. He was always a bag o' mystery" he was cut off by Theophelia standing from her stool gleaming with hope. "Maybe we could ask him, he might know how to take me back."

"Sadly, he's already grinning at the Daisy Roots." Alastor's tone suddenly dropped. 

"What do you mean by grinning at the roots?" Theophelia asked raising a brow. "Ah, silly me. He's dead" he said, as if it was the most normal thing in the world. Theophelia's eyes were starting to get glossy. 

"Settle down now, I'm sure we'll think of something."

Their attentions were turned by the sound of the doorbell at Alastor's front door. "Who could that be, I'm not expecting anyone for the day." He stood up and lifted a hand towards Theophelia, signaling her to stay where she is. Alastor walked towards his front porch and opened the door.

"He- ", the greeting was cut short as Alastor slammed the door into the intruders face. He opened the door again. "-llo" and slammed it yet again. He knew this guest wasn't leaving anytime soon and finally opened the door to welcome the guest."

"May I speak now."

Theophelia was wondering why Alastor kept shutting the door. She hid deeper in the kitchen so she wouldn't be found. "How long am I going to be stuck here, days, weeks, months, her eyes grew wide, forever? Chesnutt, my baby, who's going to feed my baby?"

She paced around the room and knocked a pile of papers to the ground. Picking up the pieces of fallen papers, she noticed they were news article about a scientist named Azmuth. She quickly grabbed the article. Footsteps were heard coming towards the kitchen, so she quickly stacked the papers in an even layer.

"Who was that? Wait never mind, how about this, she shows the article, Azmuth guy, he might help me, he seems to know something about time traveling."

"Well you're in luck, that was my old chap, Phillip Ainsworth, also known as Azmuth and I think he could be of assistance to you. You see, he's holding a little gathering and inviting one of the nobles. Phillip's also a scientist, if not probably the predecessors of Combt de San German. One thing I just don't stand in Phillip he can be quite balmy on the crumpet...ehmm.... I saying it right?" Alastor nervously stated.

"Hmm.... I'll take my chances, let's go!" Theophelia started gathering her things and was walking towards the front door, only to be stopped by Alastor's chuckles.

"You sure a bricky girl. You'd make a stuffed bird laugh with what your wearing. And don't get to giddy. The gathering is in 3 days' time. Plenty of time for us to go out and look for something appropriate to use." He finishes.

"Three days! Where would I live? My money's not enough to last me a day!" Theophelia started to panic.

"Why, with me of course, what kind of gentleman would let a lady sleep on the streets."

"Are you sure?, I don't want to bother you."

"Would you rather have me take you outside when it goes dark, out where criminals feed on the innocent" his tone turned dark.

"NO! I'll stay here."

"HAHAHAHAHAHA, wise choice. I could use the company as well, it can get really lonely in this house."

It was starting to get dark outside, the two inhabitants of the Ides household were enjoying a hearty dinner prepared by Alastor himself. Served on the table were: flavorful soup roasted turkey with dressing alongside potatoes and rice. Some fresh dinner rolls with sweet cream butter, jams, jellies and sweet pickles.

"Wow! You made all of these?" Theophelia seated herself by the dinner table.

"I'm glad you like it. It's quite nice to cook a handful every once in a while."

The two conversed while eating. "Its such a huge house, don't you have a wife or somethin'? Theophelia questioned, her mouth stuffed with mashed potatoes.

Alastor eyes went wide. His collar suddenly hugged his neck tightly. He adjusted it and went back to his original demeanor. "I used to have someone around, sadly they are no longer around though." Theophelia was quite angry at herself for asking. She didn't want to make him uncomfortable, she was already grateful for his hospitality and didn't want to ruin it.

"Sorry." Theophelia felt herself grew smaller in her chair.

"It's alright, I'd rather not talk about right now."

"Don't feel down. How about you, do you have someone you live with in your time?" he asked amused

"I have Chesnutt, with me". Theophelia said reverting back with smile and a glimmer in her eye.

"What kind of name is Chesnutt?" Alastor tilted his head in question.

"He's the fluffiest and sweetest dog. He has the cutest of noses, and he- "she cut herself knowing she was losing her manners.

"A dog living with you? We usually have those tied up in a cage? Hmmmm, He sounds lovely." Alastor said smiling.

Theophelia's eyes were gleaming even more. They chatted and talked about the most mundane of things till Alastor noticed it was getting late. She helped him in tidying up the table. She also offered to wash the plates but, was halted by Alastor, he said that guests shouldn't be doing housework. He ushered her towards the loo and told her to wash up and get ready for the night.

"I don't have any clothes suited for you all I have is these over-sized pajamas of mine."

"That's alright, I do like loose clothes."

Alastor handed the clothes and told her where she would sleep. He pointed towards his guest room and told her not to wait up for him.

Theophelia finished and looked for the room Alastor provided. The room was wonderful. It had a king size bed with a huge canopy, a dresser with a mirror and a balcony opening towards the garden. She sat on the plush bed and felt it sink underneath her. She lied down and contemplated on how she would get home. Sleep eventually overcame her and she drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

~Next Day~

The smell of hot coffee and breakfast, awoke Theophelia. She realized that yesterday was no dream. She stood up and rolled the loose pajamas and followed the smell of bacon and eggs.

"Good Morning to you." Alastor greeted. 

She yawned and stretched. "Good Morning to you too! Are those waffles?"

"Some egg fritters, crumpets, and a pot of steaming hot coffee. Enjoy." Alastor placed the plates on the table.

Theophelia stifled a laugh. When she saw what Alastor was wearing. He had on a ridiculously bright pink apron lined with brightly colored ribbons. "You look funny."

"It takes one, to know one dear" He said in a smirk.

"Touché." She agreed and sat down. "So, are you doing anything today?" she asked.

"Well I do have the week off. How about we go out and look for something to wear." He said excitedly.

"I thought you said people would throw looks at what I was wearing?"

"Not with a long coat over" he stated.

The two finished their breakfast and got ready to go out into the streets of Spitalfields. They waited for a carriage and set off into Whitechapel City. Theophelia marveled yet again on how beautiful London was in the past. The sidewalks were filled with busy people. The carriage came to halt. They both got off and stopped by a store. 

They were greeted by the shops clerk." Welcome to Alphias, home of the finest clothes in London. Alastor, lovely to see you again?"

The owner was a middle- aged woman around her 30's. She wore an elegant long-sleeve jacket and a long skirt lined with ruffles. Alastor raised his top hat and greeted her. "Anna lovely to see you too, a dress that would suit her please." He pointed towards Theophelia.

"Ohh. Is she your lady friend?" Anna asked excitedly.

"Uhhhh.yes, she's a friend from.... work." Alastor smiled uneasily

"Oh, whatever you say. Come here darling, we'll take you measurements." Anna led Theophelia into a fitting room.

"How about you Alastor, do you need anything, shall I take your measurements too?" Anna questioned.

"No fuss, I'll have a look around, see anything I like."

Anna took the proper measurements for Theophelia. They both chatted and talked about themselves. Theophelia carefully keeping the conversation light." Alright, it's all done. You'll have you dress by the day after." Theophelia quickly asked Anna how much the dress was. She almost fainted from the cost. She quickly sought out for Alastor.

"Alastor, I can't afford such a dress!" she exclaimed.

"Don't worry, its all on me." He assured.

"I can't let you spend all that money on someone you just met?!"

"Nonsense. It feels like I've known you for so long with what we did last night." He beamed.

Anna heard the two's quarrelling and started blushing from the words that came out of Alastor's mouth.

"Alrighty then, the two of you can discuss your little fiascoes at home, not in my shop. Alastor I thought you knew better." Anna pointed a finger at Alastor.

"No, miss your getting the wrong idea-"

"Ah Ah Ah, no need to point it out, just accept the gift. I can see Alastor trusts you enough to buy you a dress. Now run along and enjoy the day." Anna escorted the two out her shop. "I'll have it delivered in by the day after tomorrow."

"Thank you again. Anna" Alastor bid his farewell

"The look on you face, you seem poked up" he teased.

Theohelia sighed and started walking away from Alastor. "Why is he so difficult." She suddenly heard the clinging of a bell around the sidewalk.

"READ ALL ABOUT IT! READ ALL ABOUT IT! Murderer of Whitechapel street strikes again. READ ALL ABOUT IT!", shouted a boy swinging his bells in the air.

The boy was wearing tattered clothes that looks like it had seen better days. Beside him were piles of newspapers. She approached the boy and asked him how much where the newspapers.

"3 shillings m'lady", he said with a smile.

She noticed how the boy was struggling to sell them, he was tired, and his voice was parched. She bent down to his level and reached for her wallet and noticed she only had 10 pounds left. She grabbed the boy's hands and placed the 10-pound bill on his palm. "M'lady I don't have enough money to pay you back" the boy told her in dismay.

"Keep it, its yours. You earned it." Theophelia smiled back. Stunned by her actions, the boy hugged her in the process. She hugged him back and took a newspaper. They both waved good-bye towards each other.

As she read the article, she grew mortified by the picture of a mutilated man. A murderer was roaming the very streets she walked on. Her breath hitched, as she began to hyperventilate. Looking around she was suddenly scared of the people around her, she was undergoing a panic attack. She suddenly met the cold, brick-hard ground. The last thing she saw was a silhouette picking her from the ground.

Theophelia woke up in a cold sweat.

"I see you're awake". Theophelia turned to the sound of Alastor. He was seated near the bed holding what appears to be the newspaper she bought. "The devil, can't be drafttedly caught." He said in annoyance.

Theophelia stood up and went limp. Alastor caught her in a swift motion and put her back in to the bed. "A murderer, a murderer's running loose around Whitechapel!" Tears were streaming down her distressed face.

"Settle down, here have some water." he handed her a glass of water.

"Who ever he/she is, its no ordinary murderer, I've read the article. The bodies were so grotesque, I could hardly look." She began breathing unsteadily. Alastor noticed she was panicking again, he wiped of her tears and caressed her head." I'm sure the authorities are doin' their best sniffin' the dickens out of this monster." He assured. "Go back to sleep Theophelia."

"I don't think I can" she kept a blank stare.

"Well, then I guess I'll have to stay here then." he sat down and read the newspaper he set aside.

"You don't need to, I'll read a book or something." she laid down.

The room was crowded in silence. The turning of pages was the only sound Theophelia heard.

"What do you usually, do in social gatherings?" She asked out of nowhere.

"Well, you socialize, have a drink or two or ten" Alastor replied his eyes never leaving the papers.

"Other than that, have you been on any social gatherings yourself?"

"Tons, I've been through tons of those. Each duller than the other.

"What was the best gathering you attended?" Theophelia perked up and sat on the bed.

Intrigued by the question, Alastor set the newspaper he was reading on the bedside table." The queen's dinner party. It was grandeur. We waltzed till the evening and toasted to our victories." He said in glee.

"You must've had a blast." she yawned "I wish I knew how to waltz."

"Heavens! You do not know how to waltz?!" Alastor put a hand on his heart.

"Well, we're not exactly the type to dance on any occasions no more."

Alastor noticed she was slowly drifting to sleep. "Tomorrow, I shall teach you the proper manners during a gathering and how to waltz.

Theophelia was fast asleep already. He tucked her nice and good and shut the lights.

~Next day~

She awoke from her slumber and was greeted by the soft sounds of orchestra music. She got out of bed and followed the sound. It came from a record player playing the Blue Danube Waltz.

"1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3" She saw a waltzing Alastor in the living room. "Good Morning! Dear. Eat your breakfast and I shall show you how to waltz. He ushered her towards the kitchen.

"Alastor, I know I can't pay you back, I'd like to say thank you for all you've done for me." She smiled as she took a seat next to the dining table." No need to worry. You'll come around. Now eat, eat, eat." He placed a bowl of soup in front of her and she ate her fill.

"Repeat after me" He showed her the proper foot work.

"Like this?" Theophelia followed awkwardly.

"That's it your getting there!"

"Hey, this is actually kinda fu-"Theophelia was betrayed by her own footsteps. Accepting the cold hard floor, she stopped by just an inch. Alastor swooped the back of her waist and held her in a dip.

"Focus." he said teasingly.

"Hehehe...yeah." She laughed nervously.

You seem to be enjoying yourself why don't we try a new routine. He placed her hand on his shoulder and positioned his hand on her waist. He gradually guided her, careful enough not to let her step on his shoe.

The two eventually came to a stop. Alastor urgently needed to leave for, he was called in for a meeting. Theophelia never remembered having that much fun. She was so high on dancing she almost forgot all her problems. She eventually assured Alastor she would be fine to be left alone at home. She would stroll the safe side of the streets in case she needed fresh air.

"I'll be home around 7 in the evening. Farewell." He went on his way and hailed a carriage.

As Theophelia wandered and admired the house for almost an hour or two. She eventually took the stroll down into Spitalfields. She thought a walk would do to pass the time while Alastor wasn't around. Preoccupied by the by-passers she bumped into someone.

"Sorry. I wasn't looking on where I was going." she bowed

"It's alright m'lady. I was just doing my rounds." The person she bumped into was a police officer. "I'm here to spread the word."

"Word? What word?" she questioned.

"Its about the murderer on Whitechapel street." Theophelia grew pale. "Wha-Wha- What about the murderer?"

"He's dubbed as the Whitechapel Ripper. He mercilessly mutilates his victims. His intentions are still unknown. Recent reports lead to him roaming around Spitalfields." Theophelia had enough of what the officer was saying. She dashes back into Alastor's house and locked every crevice lockable. She hid in the room Alastor accommodated her in. She hid herself underneath the blankets, as if it would shield her from her impending doom.

It was already past 7 and Alastor was still not home. Theophelia inspected the living room, blanket still on her shoulders. Then she heard clicking noises coming from the door. It could possibly be Alastor. She carefully approached the door and peeked through the peeping hole. She saw a black figure carrying what seems to be a weapon. She quickly backed away and checked if the back doors were bolted. The clicking noises from the front door stopped but, moved towards the back. She saw that she did locked the door and ran terrified into her room and locked the door. She knew she had to keep quiet, but her nervousness wasn't helping her. Her heart stopped, she forgot the balcony doors. The doors clicked open and she heard footsteps approaching her. Accepting her immediate death, a hand made its way on her shoulders. Meeting her killer, she screamed for her dear life. A hand also made its way into her mouth to shut her up.

"Why did you lock me out of my own house?" Alastor questioned her.

Theophelia felt relief rush over her. Alastor removed his hand from her mouth to let her explain.

"I was out and, and the police officer told me the murderer was spotted roaming around, around Spitalfields. I ran back here as fast as I could and panicked, you, you were still not home but, then the knobs clicked and, and I thought it was you, but it wasn't." She kept repeating a few words out of shock.

"It can't be helped, we have to take extra caution now. Tomorrow you'll company to get your dress, after that we'll head straight to Phillip's." He patted her head. "Come on, let's have dinner." They both ate their dinner in silence.

As the two were freshening up for sleep. Theopelia asked where had Alastor gone. "I was arranging some things on the court. There were some delays. I'm sorry I took long." He said. "I'm sorry I panicked." Theophelia said. Alastor laughed at her remark and the two bid their goodbye's

~The Gathering~

Theophelia woke, it was the day she would finally get her questions answered. "Will I get home, or will I stay here forever?" She laid on the bed for about 10 minutes, till she heard Alastor's calls.

"Eat up it's a big day today." Alastor told her in delight.

Theophelia noticed that there were more served foods than typical. She sat were she was usually seated.

"Some baked potatoes drizzled in butter, eggs seasoned with parsley, freshly brewed coffee and some toast."

Theophelia's appetite wasn't stirring, as she thought of the events last night.

"These all look amazing. I'm just not up in the mood for it." She slouched back into her chair.

"At least eat something. Wouldn't want you to faint again." Alastor said tone filled with concern.

"How about you fill you plate for just a bit and I'll slice you a piece of chocolate cake." He swayed.

"Thanks, but no, I'm just really knocked up" she denied his offer.

"Huh, and I though nobody said no to cake. You must be that knocked up. Here, eat what you can and have some rest. I'll come to your room and tell you to prepare when we leave."

Theophelia ate what her stomach would accept and headed into her room. Her thoughts were getting the best of her as she laid on the bed. She forcibly shut her eyes to rest.

A few hours later, Alastor knocked on her door and told her it was time to go. She groggily walked towards the loo and did her best to look presentable. After that they left the house and went into town to get ready for the party. They stopped back at the shop they went in a few days ago.

"Good day you two, ah miss, follow me and I'll lead you to your dressing room." Anna, the shopkeeper said. "Alastor your suit is pressed at the room over there."

"Thank You Anna. Cheque's on the counter."

The two head into their respected changing rooms. A few minutes later, Alastor came out first. He changed into a dinner suit with a long frock coat and bow tie. He smoothed out his hair in front of the mirror and waited for Theophelia to finish.

It took a few more minutes for Theophelia to appear. As the curtains were drawn back, she stepped out of the changing room. She wore a long blue satin gown. The petticoat made her dress puff out and the corset made her waist a lot narrower. Her hair was in an updo, courtesy of Anna. To finish her look, she had a black laced shawl.

"You look splendid!" Alastor exclaimed. Theophelia blushed at the comment. "It's kind of hard to move with all these layers but, I think I can manage." She said while adjusting to her heeled shoes.

"Alrighty then, I can see how much you adore each other. Ehem. I mean the way you present yourselves." Anna stepped to the side. Alastor sent her a knowing look and wink. "Thank you, again Anna."

"We'll get on our way now." He bid her goodbye. As did Theophelia. She took Anna's hand in hers and said her praises and thanks.

They both took a carriage heading to St. James' Palace. The ride was a bit long since it was at the ends of Whitechapel. Alastor raised his arm to better escort Theophelia, she took his arm and held onto him. Theophelia was enthralled by the halls of the palace. It was huge, it had a banquet table at the far end. The ceilings shone as glass chandeliers reflected the lights.

"Looks like we're on time." Alastor handed the invitations towards the one of the table men and made their way to the hall.

Alastor suddenly bowed in front of Theophelia. She was confused by his sudden actions. Till she observed her surroundings and understood his intentions. She curtsied and took the hand Alastor offered. "Do you remember what I've taught you." He asked. "Clear as day." She said.

As the music started all the guests, including Alastor and Theophelia started waltzing. It felt like time had stopped for Theophelia.

They danced throughout the night and she had a blast. The music was dying out and all the inhabitants curtsied and bowed. They started crowding in the center of the hall to witness the speaker of tonight's event.

Philipp Ainsworth finished his short speech and disappeared. The people around Theophelia started socializing leavening her all alone. She turned around to look for Alastor, he too was engaged in a conversation with his fellow elites. Avoiding to further burden Alastor with her objective she set out to look for Philipp. She searched every place in the hall. She even mustered the courage to ask complete stranger of his whereabouts. As she explored the palace, she came face to face to a door leading outside the palace. She opened the door and looked around for Philipp but, he was now here to be seen. She suddenly saw a silhouette pacing around the side of a skip. Evading to be noticed she hid herself, leaving only a portion of her face to be noticed.

Horrified of what she has just witness, she clasped her hands around her mouth to stop the noise from coming out. Two bodies were seen in the skip, one lying in a pool of his own blood. One clutching a knife and possessing a familiar face.

Theophelia ran back into the palace she shook the door handles to hard and made a ruckus. "Looks like I was spotted." said the man clutching the knife. Theophelia didn't notice that there was another frame hidden beneath the shadows. "I'll take care of it." The mysterious figure said.

Running as if her life depended on it, which it really did, she searched for Alastor. She came into the hall and felt a hand touch her shoulder. "Where have you been? I've been looking for you all night." He said.

"Philipp" she said in between sobs "Philipp's the Whitechapel Ripper. We have to get out of here." Alastor calmed her down by hugging her close. Theophelia was weary of her surroundings, she was gonna pass out again. The only thing she felt was a sharp pain in her side and blacked out.

Theophelia sluggishly opened her eyes, she felt like her legs and arms were bound to something. She quickly adjusted her sight and noticed she was tied to a chair, a white cloth preventing her from speaking.

"Looks like someone's awake". Theophelia averted her attention towards the voice. She sat wide eyed.

"I was going to finish you then and there but, where's the fun in that."

"Why are you doing this?" Theophelia cried in her thoughts.

"You saw someone in that skip. I couldn't let you run around with what you just saw." He said, as if he had read her thoughts.

Alastor leaned back into his chair. "And you know why I did that? Well listen carefully."

"20 years ago, I was at Death's doorstep. I knew I had nothing to live for anymore. Then she came, my lovely Ophelia, so pure and sweet. She was kind and giving to others, she helped a damned soul like me. So, I did everything to court her. Her parents didn't approve of me but, she knew what she was getting into. We eloped and settled in the slums of Whitechapel. We were expecting and I knew I had to get a proper job to support the three of us. A war broke out and needed men to fight. I was desperate for a job, if I enlisted, my own child wouldn't know who I am, but if I didn't our child would die. I told her I would find a job and would enlist, she told me it was a great idea but, she also knew I may not come back alive. In the end, I knew I had to come up with a decision."

Alastor clasped his hands together and placed his elbows on his knees. His eyes grew dark in the process.

"I bid the two of them my goodbye's and vowed I would return in one piece. I came home in an empty house. I couldn't find her anywhere. And that's when I knew those vile heathens took her away from me. I sought revenge and climbed through the ranks. Once I knew that I was at the top. I'd get rid of every single one of them. Anybody standing in my way faced my wrath!" 

He shouted towards Theophelia. She flinched in the process as tears streamed down her face. He regained his normal composure. Standing up, he bent down to meet Theophelia face to face.

"Such a shame, you would've taken her place. You both look splendidly alike. Alas, I cannot let you see the light of day with what you know."

She fell towards the side and felt blood pour around, her eyes were slowly drained of life. Her body nothing but an empty shell on the floor.


Jolting from the hospital bed, Theophilia breathed heavily. She noticed she was in a white room with an I.V attached to the back of her hand. A nurse came in and saw that she was already awake. "Miss, please do not strain yourself." The nurse walked towards her. "What year is it?" Theophelia asked as she held her head. "It's the 19th of August 2020." replied the nurse

The nurse thought it was an absurd question but, decided not to judge. "Miss, you were lying on a bench, passed out, and not breathing. Your husband quickly rushed you here. If it weren't for him, there would have been complications."

"Husband? I'm not married" Theophelia thought.

"He's right outside. We usually don't let relatives in the room while the patient's out cold. I'll go get him."

The nurse exited her room. Theophelia was wondering who this relative was. She didn't have any family members living in London. And a husband, she barely had a significant other. She absorbed her surroundings, taking in the fact that it was all a nightmare. She was in the future, none of those things happened.

The door clicked open, the visitor came in with his back facing her. She saw him carrying a bouquet of flowers.

"I'm sorry but I- "she stopped midsentence when her 'said' husband turned around.

"How are you feeling, love?" standing in front of her was none other than Alastor. Instead of wearing an old 18th century suit and overcoat, he wore dark jeans and white long-sleeved shirt.

Theophelia was stunned, she thought she would never see him again. Calling for help, she tried to shout at the top of her lungs. She failed to do so as Alastor swiftly pounced on her bed, cupping her mouth, and holding her in place between his legs.

"Shhhhh. I thought the nurse told you not to strain yourself." he smiled wickedly. Theophelia violently thrashed under his weight to break free. Her voice was muffled leaving her helpless. Alastor leaned in," Don't worry love, I'll take good care of you but, for now, it's lights out for you." Darkness enveloped her vision.

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